Doctor Evdokimenko’s technique: cervical osteochondrosis is curable!

Gymnastics for the neck is an excellent solution for complex therapy of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Such exercises are very useful for those who suffer from chronic pain syndrome observed in the neck and shoulders. With their help, you can easily relieve spasm from the muscles of the collar area.

They will also bring invaluable benefits to those who spend most of their time at the computer and suffer from constant aches in the neck and shoulders. Many good methods have been developed to eliminate problems in the cervical spine, but Dr. Evdokimenko has developed an effective, simple and most effective one.

Who is the doctor and why can he be trusted?

This is a famous rheumatologist who began his activities in 84 of the 20th century. He first worked as a paramedic and later became a doctor, consultant and teacher. At the beginning of the 2000s, he supplemented his activities by writing books. Dozens of works were devoted to diseases of the spine and all its parts.

He pointed out the root causes of joint pain and suggested effective methods for solving and treating them. The doctor constantly collaborates with specialists in various fields of medicine, accepts patients for personal consultations, and publishes articles in medical journals.

Rules and features

Dr. Evdokimenko is a famous rheumatologist who began his practice in the mid-80s of the last century. He initially began his medical practice as a paramedic, and a little later became a doctor, entering the Moscow Medical Institute, a consultant and teacher. He spent most of his medical career at the Moscow Arthrosis Center as a rheumatologist.

For many years he has helped his patients suffering from severe joint ailments:

  • gouty arthritis;
  • hernias localized between the vertebrae;
  • osteoarthritis.

Doctor Evdokimov did not end his career there, but decided to tell the younger generation about his work and practice, starting to teach at the Peoples' Friendship University.

In the early 2000s, he began writing books on medical topics. In his books, Evdokimenko describes diseases that affect the spinal column, describes the main causes of joint pain and gives recommendations on the most effective methods to help resolve various problems affecting the spine and joints.

Evdokimenko’s gymnastics for the neck is a whole combination of special exercises that are aimed at solving several health problems for the patient at once. Evdokimenko also believes that a greater effect can be achieved if you combine exercises and gels with a slight warming effect.

The essence of Evdokimenko’s gymnastics for the treatment of joints:

  • in order for the patient to get rid of the disease, the patient does not need to spend money on exercise equipment and various sports equipment, it is enough to simply allocate a little time and strictly follow all the recommendations;
  • healing exercises are easy to perform and do not require special training from a person; it is enough to simply do exercises once a day;
  • the basic rule that should be followed when starting the technique is no sudden movements;
  • regularity and smoothness are the key to obtaining real results;
  • you can adjust the load by increasing the number of repetitions and reps;
  • the choice of course depends on the form and complexity of the disease, its age, as well as other diseases.

To achieve maximum results, you should definitely take into account several rules:

  • Gymnastic exercises should be performed daily, devoting an average of 15-20 minutes to it;
  • results will be noticeable only after 1-2 months, and lasting success can only be achieved after six months of daily training;
  • It is better to alternate gymnastic complexes to improve overall health;
  • When performing exercises, you should be careful, no sudden movements that cause pain and discomfort.

Moderate pain in the neck area when performing exercises is normal, but you should not overdo it, so as not to overdo it and provoke complications.

Daily exercise helps to reduce weight, which ultimately has a positive effect on the knee and hip joints, because the load on them is less.

If you strictly follow all the rules described in Evdokimenko’s method, you can achieve a complete cure and get a lot of positive aspects:

  • reduce pain;
  • restore lost motor function;
  • the production of synovial fluid increases significantly;
  • muscles are strengthened;
  • posture is straightened;
  • normalizes blood circulation and improves metabolism;
  • normalizes the emotional background;
  • allows you to achieve stable remission or complete recovery;
  • increases the elasticity of joints;
  • the blood vessels of the brain are strengthened;
  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • the patient receives a boost of energy;
  • mood improves;
  • gradual complete cessation of taking medications.

Specialist technique

The technique combines a combination of gymnastic exercises created to solve a complex of patient health problems. He also believes that only exercise and light warming gels and emulsions can help with shoch. The only thing is that the developed complex will show the first results not after a month, but after six months of regular practice.

Only daily, painstaking work, and not a miracle pill, will help restore the cervical spine to its former flexibility and elasticity.

Of course, pharmacological drugs can relieve symptoms, discomfort and blocks in the cervical spine. But by relying solely on medications, the disease will return. At the same time, a thoughtful set of exercises in combination with a warming gel can cure the disease forever.

The doctor constantly proves his theory not only by personal example , the positive effect of gymnastics has been confirmed by international experts and thousands of grateful patients around the world. But the main thing is that his technique is indicated for people who are already tired of using pharmacological drugs, and want not only to stop the progression of the disease, but also to be cured of it forever.

Moreover, the doctor’s statodynamic complex is indicated not only to combat the problems of shoch, but also to activate blood flow, which is a preventive remedy for all diseases. Increased blood flow supplies muscles and tissues with nutrients and oxygen.

Indications for use

Pavel Valerievich Evdokimenko developed his own method for those who have problems with the cervical spine.

He recommends doing a set of exercises:

  • as a prophylaxis or for therapeutic purposes for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;

  • to strengthen the neck muscles;
  • to gradually increase the mobility of the vertebrae in the spine;
  • to relieve spasms and pain in the collar area;
  • to restore impaired posture;
  • osteoporosis;
  • stoop;
  • arthrosis of the joints;
  • tendon inflammation;
  • damage to the meniscus;
  • pain in joints and back.

Contraindications to gymnastics for the neck

  • fresh injuries in the cervical vertebrae, muscle tissue sprains.
  • instability of the cervical vertebrae;
  • spondylolisthesis – displacement according to the Schoch ladder of vertebrae;
  • fracture or dangerous deformation;
  • increased thermometer readings (even up to 38 degrees);
  • for viral and respiratory illnesses;
  • min. three months later, surgical intervention in the throat, neck or spine as a whole.

Attention! If at the stage of performing any exercise a person feels a sharp or dull pain, it means that it is contraindicated for him or the person is performing it incorrectly. In this case, it is better to postpone gymnastics “for later” after consultation with a specialist.

Symptoms of spondyloarthrosis

Pain is the main sign of damage to the articular processes of the vertebrae. In the early stages, it is periodic, wave-like in nature and worries mainly when moving. At rest, pain decreases or disappears completely. The pain syndrome is felt only in the damaged area and does not tend to spread. It does not radiate to the arms and legs, as with osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias. There is no numbness or sensory disturbances. Spondyloarthrosis of the 2nd degree is accompanied by stiffness and limited mobility in the morning. It lasts about half an hour and gradually passes. If left untreated, symptoms become extremely severe. A pronounced stoop appears due to displacement of the vertebrae, pain and motor discomfort intensify.

Complications include compression of the nerve roots, which is manifested by sharp, burning pain that radiates - radiates - to different parts of the back and limbs. A consequence of the chronicity of the process may also be spinal canal stenosis.

Gymnastic exercises: rules for performing exercises for the neck

You need to devote time to a set of exercises every day, for six months. The complex is carried out exclusively in the absence of contraindications, as mentioned above.

When performing, it is important to be careful and prevent piercing and cutting sensations.

Minor tolerable pain that is caused by stretching of the neck muscles is quite acceptable. More precisely, it is even difficult to prevent it. The main rule is not to “overdo it.” It is important to stretch your neck carefully, without rushing!

Even with proper execution, the gymnastic effect does not occur with lightning speed. On the first day there is a regression of the disease, the pain sometimes increases significantly, but after a few weeks you can feel the symptoms of improvement.

The most common mistakes made by patients

  • Powerful rotations of the head neck - the cervical vertebra is knocked out, which can lead to pinching, dizziness and even a stroke.
  • Throw your head back.
  • Performing exercises not in accordance with the established scheme.
  • The exercises are performed sharply, jerkily.

Exercise therapy complex

  • Turn the head in different directions with light fixation at the boundary point.
  • Turn the head in different directions only with the chin lowered to the shoulder. The head in the established position must be fixed at the boundary point.
  • Tilts of the head to the shoulder. The head slowly lowers and fixes at the boundary point. When performing this exercise, the body must remain motionless.
  • The first three exercises belong to the preparatory category; they warm up the muscles and prepare them for the next approaches.
  • The hands are placed behind the back of the head and the head is tilted towards the chest. Hands lightly press the head (count to 7), then pause (count to 7). Number of repetitions – 4-5.
  • The right hand is placed on the right side of the head and slightly helps move it to the side. The hand presses lightly on the head (count to 7), then pause (count to 7). Number of repetitions – 4-5.
  • The left hand is placed on the left side of the head and slightly helps to move it to the side. The hand presses lightly on the head (count to 7), then pause (count to 7). Number of repetitions – 4-5.

Watch the video for exercises for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis:

Self-massage stage:

  • Apply a little warming cream to your fingertips, the doctor recommends Ballet cream, and rub your neck up and down with your fingers. The massage lasts from 1-3 minutes.
  • Stroking movements from top to bottom.

This massage will be beneficial and activate blood flow.

Main complex

Evdokimenko’s gymnastics is not just a set of exercises for the neck, but exercises that cover all parts of the musculoskeletal system.

You can use the technique for ailments:

  • affecting the spinal column;
  • shoulder girdle;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • coxarthrosis;
  • gonarthrosis;
  • arthrosis and arthritis affecting small joints;
  • systemic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis;
  • obesity;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Evdokimenko, when creating his methodology, even thought about those who spend most of their time in the office, and created office gymnastics. It cannot be considered a complete program, but with its help you can easily alleviate the symptoms of the disease, relieve spasm and pain.

Neck exercises

The main goal of gymnastics from Evdokimenko is to gradually improve the mobility of the vertebrae in the neck, as well as relieve spasm of tight neck muscles. It is for this reason that all movements should be performed as smoothly as possible.

TiltsIt is necessary to start gymnastics with slow head tilts. Stand up straight or you can take a sitting position on a chair, with a straight spine. Slowly tilt your head towards your chest, and then smoothly return to the starting position. There is no need to throw your head back. Repeat at least 7 times.

Head turnsSmoothly turn your head to the left, stop for a couple of seconds, then look forward in front of you again, returning your head to its original position. Then make a right turn. Repeat turns 7 times in each direction.
Turn with head downSmoothly turn your head to the left, and at the end of the movement slightly tilt your head towards your shoulder. Repeat on the other side. Repeat turns 6-7 times.
Head tilts to the sidesSlowly tilt your head to the left and linger a little at the bottom point, then smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise only with bends to the right. The body must remain motionless during this exercise. Repeat bending in each direction 7 times.

Tilts of the head with hands behind itPlace your palms on the back of your head and tilt your head slightly towards your chest. Afterwards, you need to slightly strain your neck muscles, while holding your head with your hands. Hold for 5-7 seconds, then relax the muscles, rest for a few seconds and repeat again. Repeats about 5-7.
Bend to the side, hand on templeTilt your head to the left and put your hand on your temple. Slightly strain the muscles in the neck area, trying to straighten your head, while your hand should not allow your head to straighten, but without pain or discomfort. Hold your head for about 7 seconds. Repeat up to 5 times. Perform the same manipulations only by tilting to the right.

After completing the first three exercises, a slight tension should be felt in the muscles of the collar zone, but in no case pain.

Gymnastics for hypertensive patients

Simple and easy breathing exercises will help reduce the symptoms of hypertension and reduce pressure during a hypertensive crisis. Breathing exercises are an excellent alternative for those for whom physical activity is contraindicated.

You can lower the numbers on the tonometer like this:

  1. Stand up, legs straight, hands on your belt. Take a deep, slow breath through your nose. While inhaling, you should try to straighten your chest and bring your shoulder blades together. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Release air from the lungs slowly through the nose, trying to draw in the stomach and then relax its muscles.
  2. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Do everything as slowly as possible, otherwise you may experience dizziness.
  3. Taking a deep breath through your mouth, throw your head back. As you exhale, lower your head to your chest. Exhale through your nose.

When performing breathing exercises, be sure to monitor the readings on the tonometer. If your blood pressure suddenly rises and your health worsens, you should immediately stop doing the exercises. Perhaps the actions are incorrect and you need to consult a specialist.

To treat hypertension, Dr. Evdokimenko developed another gymnastics - slow exhalation.

It is done like this:

  1. It is necessary to take a lying position and the surface should be hard to prevent the vertebral column and chest from sagging. Also, you should not squeeze your lungs, otherwise the exercise will be performed incorrectly and will not bring results, but on the contrary will aggravate the condition. It is better to lay a blanket on the floor and lie down on it.
  2. Slowly begin to inhale air, using only the abdominal muscles. Inhalation is performed slowly, but as deep as possible. The patient should feel that his stomach is completely filled with air, and there is simply no room left.
  3. When there is no room left, you need to make an effort and take another breath, but at the same time the chest muscles must work. Inhalation should be maximum.
  4. When the peritoneum and chest are completely filled with air, you can exhale, initially freeing the peritoneum area, and only then the lungs. The main goal of this exercise is to exhale much slower than inhale.

Perform several approaches, the interval between each is 1 minute.

High pressure complex

For people suffering from high blood pressure, Dr. Evdokimenko has developed special breathing exercises.

It may initially seem strange that this complex will have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, but in the end the results will be stunning. But the whole point is that the technique is based on fighting the disease itself, and not its symptoms.

It was to eliminate the causes of the disease that Evdokimov developed 3 effective exercises, consisting of inhalation and exhalation, as well as cardio training, which allows you to train the muscles of the heart and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Only strict adherence to all the doctor’s recommendations on motor and respiratory techniques will bring success in the treatment of diseases that provoke high readings on the tonometer.

To improve blood flow in the brain and prevent increased blood pressure, you should perform the following exercise daily:

  1. Sit on a chair and relax. Shoulders and back should be straightened so that posture is not impaired.
  2. Tilt your head slightly forward and place your chin against your chest to fix it and prevent it from moving. The head should be straight.

  3. Slowly perform circular movements, heading to the right, and then to the left. Each circular movement is performed at least 20 times.
  4. After completing the first approach, you need to close your eyes and relax, take 10 sharp breaths in and out, and rest for a few minutes.
  5. After resting, you need to repeat the head turns again.

Abdominal breathing also helps in treating high blood pressure.

Performs the exercise this way:

  1. Take a lying or sitting position on a chair. It cannot be performed in a vertical position, that’s all, because the muscles localized in the peritoneal area will not be able to fully work.
  2. When a comfortable position has been chosen, you need to place your hands on your stomach and fill your stomach with air as slowly as possible.
  3. When the peritoneal cavity is filled with oxygen, you need to take another breath. It will seem that there is no room left for oxygen, but you need to make an effort and make another attempt to breathe through your chest.
  4. Hold the air for 7 seconds, and then gradually begin to exhale it, starting from the stomach, and then from the lungs.
  5. When all the air is out, hold your breath again.

After such gymnastics, you need to give the body a rest for 2 minutes. Then repeat the gymnastics for about 5 approaches.

Exercises for the shoulder joint

If the patient is diagnosed with arthrosis or periarthrosis of the soft tissues in the shoulder joint, then Dr. Evdokimenko recommends performing simple but effective exercises, including the following exercises:

  1. Circular movements. The patient assumes a sitting position. Stretch your arms to the sides and place them on your waist. Slowly and leisurely make circular movements of the shoulder joint. The duration of the exercise is 2-3 minutes. Then rest for 1 minute. and repeat again.

  2. Once again in a sitting position, place your left hand on your right shoulder, with your elbow pointing straight down. With your free hand, grasp the opposite elbow and perform slow pulling movements. Perform the exercise for 4 minutes. 5 approaches for each hand.

Opinions of specialists and patients

The doctor’s technique is based on a combination of classical medicinal techniques and mechanical treatment: manual therapy, kinesitherapy and therapeutic exercises. Reviews from patients only confirm the effectiveness of simple and effective exercises.

The effectiveness of Dr. Evdokimenko’s technique has been confirmed by numerous studies of international and domestic standards. In addition, numerous positive reviews confirm the effectiveness of gymnastics.

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