Evdokimenko’s gymnastics for the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joints

According to Dr. Evdokimenko, treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint with the help of physical therapy is possible. You may not believe it, but fact is a stubborn thing. Thousands of Pavel Valerievich’s patients got rid of the disease thanks to his technique. But any type of therapy must be approached sensibly, the possibilities must be assessed, and the load must be distributed correctly. Evdokimenko’s healing gymnastics for arthrosis of the hip joints is no exception. Before starting training, you need to get acquainted with the author’s recommendations, contraindications for training and get an individual complex from your doctor.

Information about the doctor

Dr. Pavel Evdokimenko has been practicing medicine for more than 20 years. His specialty is rheumatology and psychophysiology. During his work, the doctor was engaged in teaching activities and developed complex therapeutic techniques for the following diseases:

  • poor posture;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • inflammation of the hip joint;
  • diseases of the cervical and thoracic spine;
  • osteoporosis;
  • problems with the meniscus;
  • arthrosis of the joints.

Pavel Valerievich has an academic degree - Academician of the AMTS of Russia. He can be seen on television in medical programs, where he appears as an expert on medical issues. Dealing with the problems of treating joint diseases, Dr. Evdokimenko developed a unique technique that is popular among patients.

Evdokimenko about diet

“And of course, a few words need to be said about the diet for arthrosis. Patients often ask me, “Is there any special diet that can cure this disease?”

I can say for sure that diets cannot cure the disease, but there are foods whose consumption should be reduced.

First of all, this concerns salt.

It should be consumed as little as possible, because it is an irritant to the joint and retains excess fluid in it.

And, perhaps, the most important thing is that you need to eat less of all semi-finished products, such as sausages, sausages, and it’s better to give them up altogether.

That is, do not consume foods that contain preservatives.

It is known that preservatives are a kind of irritant to the joints.

If you cannot completely give up sausages, then instead of buying these products in stores, it is better to make this dish yourself at home.

Bake a piece of meat in the oven with spices, eat it with horseradish, mustard...it’s healthier and tastier.

A few words about tomatoes. For some reason, they are often accused of allegedly contributing to the development of knee joint disease. Actually this is not true! If the tomatoes are grown in your own garden, and not some chemical ones bought in stores, you eat them calmly and with pleasure!”

In conclusion, good news from the doctor - “in most cases, arthrosis of the knee joints can either be cured if you have stage 1, or stopped and even reversed if you have stages 2 and 3.”

Author: · Published 11/20/2019 · Updated 03/19/2020

The book “Arthritis” was written in 2003, expanded and republished in 2011.

In the book “Arthritis,” Dr. Evdokimenko talks about inflammatory diseases of joints and tendons - about arthritis and periarthritis (inflammation of the tendons). You will learn what arthritis is and how it differs from arthrosis. Get the most complete information about all arthritis, their causes, possible complications and treatment methods.

After reading this book, you will be able to monitor the progress of your treatment and, together with your doctor, make meaningful decisions about certain treatment measures.

The essence of the healing technique

Academician's healing gymnastics are easy to perform. You don’t need special equipment or conditions for the classes; you can perform the complex at home in a comfortable environment. The doctor has developed exercise therapy for all muscle groups and tendons. The main requirement is the smoothness of the exercises, the pace is slow.

Gymnastics for the hip joint has various degrees of load, regulated by the number of repetitions. Performing static exercises involves increasing the time of fixation of the body. The course of healing gymnastics for arthrosis of the hip joints by Pavel Evdokimenko depends on:

  • age of the patient;
  • health conditions;
  • accompanying pathologies.

Training helps strengthen muscles, normalize blood circulation, “pump” blood vessels, and restore cartilage and tendons. The academician’s technique requires an integrated approach: exercise therapy, manual therapy, cryotherapy, joint traction, and medication are used.

Who is gymnastics recommended for?

Gymnastics by Pavel Evdokimenko is indicated for those patients who have stiffness and deterioration in the mobility of the joints of the hip bones. Classes are necessary in case of severe destruction in order to prevent prosthetic surgery. Physical therapy gives results for stage 1-2 arthrosis.

Regular and properly selected loads allow you to achieve the following results:

  • eliminate pain in the hip joint;
  • improve mobility;
  • strengthen the muscles of the musculoskeletal system to reduce the load on the joint;
  • improve blood circulation in tissues;
  • stop the destruction of the hip joint;
  • prevent the need for surgical treatment.

90% of patients who use exercise therapy to treat joints according to Dr. Evdokimenko’s method note an improvement in their well-being after a month of regular exercise. 80% of patients claim that training has made them more mobile and resilient. More than 90% of people who do not neglect gymnastics avoid surgery.

Evdokimenko about intra-articular injections

“The most important topic is intra-articular injections. There are two main groups of injections for injection into the knee joint: hyaluronic acid preparations and glucocorticosteroid hormones, which have an anti-inflammatory effect.

What medications should be given and when?

If the knee is swollen and inflamed, it means that a lot of fluid has accumulated in it and there is no need to introduce additional lubricant in the form of hyaluronic acid!

In this case, it is necessary to introduce anti-inflammatory glucocorticosteroid hormones Kenalog, Diprospan, Hydrocortisone and relieve inflammation.

When should you use lubricants for your knee joints? Only when there is little natural lubrication left in the knee, but it is not swollen or inflamed, when there is pain from dry friction in the knees.

Precisely, in this case, hyaluronic acid preparations are needed and most effective! The choice of these funds on the market is huge, you can choose for any wallet, but they are not cheap. These are Ostenil, Sinokrom, Giastan and many others.

For grades 2 and 3 of the disease, it is usually necessary to make 3-4 injections into each knee joint. We give the injection and see the result. After 2 weeks we give the second injection and after another 2 weeks the third. I usually recommend doing the fourth only 3-4 weeks after the third.

At stage 1, it is enough to give 2-3 injections. Now there are drugs on sale that go under the “+” brand; these substances can be administered once every six months.”

Patient mistakes

According to the doctor, treatment of arthrosis without the use of sports activities is ineffective. Patients who neglect physical activity, even when following other recommendations (taking medications, physical procedures), note a deterioration in their condition. Mistakes made by patients in the treatment of joint pathologies:

  • at the slightest relief after drug therapy, exercise therapy is ignored due to its “frivolity” or “futility”;
  • Trying to speed up the healing process, a person does gymnastics “to the max.” At the initial stage of training, the number of repetitions and the time of static pauses is minimal. Their number should be increased gradually. Doing 100 squats at once will be just as harmful to the joint as doing nothing;
  • Correct execution of the complex is possible only under the supervision of an instructor or physiotherapist.

A joint is a complex mechanism. The development of arthrosis destroys its surface. A thoughtless approach to training aggravates the condition of the joint, and the destruction progresses. It is important not just to practice, but also to perform gymnastics under the supervision of a specialist.

How to exercise correctly

Many patients believe that if excessive physical activity accelerates destruction, then it is worth paying attention to gymnastics. This is an erroneous judgment. For gymnastics to be beneficial, you must follow the rules:

  1. For training, choose those exercises that strengthen ligaments and muscles, giving preference to static loads.
  2. Dynamic loads should be smooth, without jerking.
  3. If your physical fitness is poor, you need to start treatment with simple, gentle exercises.
  4. The goal of Pavel Evdokimenko’s healing gymnastics for arthrosis of the hip joints is to strengthen the muscles and not load the joint.
  5. Perform stretching exercises slowly, smoothly, with minimal pressure on the affected area.
  6. Treatment of the hip joint with exercise therapy, in addition to working on the affected area, includes strengthening the back muscles and abs.
  7. Systematic training to get results.
  8. Pain during training has two explanations: either the loads are not suitable for the person, or he performs the exercise incorrectly.
  9. A daily set of exercise therapy classes includes 2-4 stretching exercises, 5-6 strengthening exercises. They can be changed, but the number of repetitions should be maximum. The same load should be given to each limb.

Gymnastics classes only seem simple and easy. To get results you need great willpower, endurance and patience. The first achievements in exercise therapy appear after a month of regular training.

Signs of illness from Dr. Evdokimenko

“The characteristic signs of arthrosis are the gradual development of the disease over several years, when at first a person experiences mild discomfort, then the condition worsens, and pain occurs in the knees when walking.

Pain when walking is a characteristic sign of the disease, especially when walking up stairs, and the pain goes away with rest!

If you have such symptoms, then most likely it is arthrosis.

Of course, this diagnosis must be confirmed with an x-ray.

And also take blood tests to make sure that you don’t have any inflammatory processes in your knee joints, that uric acid is normal, that is, to rule out gout.

If all these indicators are normal - there is no elevated C-reactive protein, ESR and normal rheumatoid uric acid factor, then we diagnose gonarthrosis and begin treatment.”


Evdokimenko’s gymnastics is an original technique, but has a number of contraindications. It cannot be used without permission to combat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The doctor must select a set of exercises, their sequence, and the number of repetitions. The following are prohibited activities:

  • acute diseases;
  • the presence of an inguinal or abdominal hernia;
  • people after surgical treatment;
  • hypertensive conditions;
  • increased body temperature;
  • severe forms of cardiovascular diseases;
  • menstruation in women.

Stretching exercises can be performed by almost anyone, but they also have a number of restrictions:

  • increased body temperature;
  • the presence of a hernia;
  • menstruation in women.

No. 1. Is it necessary to follow a diet with arthrosis?

If the disease proceeds as usual, without complications, a diet for arthrosis is necessary. Its main task is the fight against excess weight and a general healing effect on the body. Proper nutrition can slow the progression of the disease.

In short, reduce your consumption of cereals, rice, potatoes, butter and sour cream, completely give up alcohol, carbonated water, refined and canned foods, and nuts. Instead, diversify your diet with fresh green vegetables and lettuce, drink vegetable juices, add vegetable oil, milk, yogurt, and seasonal fruits.

The main principle of a diet for arthrosis is moderation.

Healing gymnastics Evdokimenko

It is impossible to list all the exercise therapy exercises developed by the academician. Firstly, there are a lot of them, and secondly, their variations depend on the doctor’s recommendations. We will list only the main ones.

Classes are based on static exercises with a small addition of dynamic ones. People who move little and have not paid attention to physical activity for a long time need to start training gradually. An important requirement for dynamic loads is a slow pace of their implementation. Degenerative-dystrophic pathologies are incompatible with fast movements, sudden swings and large amplitudes. Slow execution is less tiring for the patient, allows you to extend the training time, increase the number of repetitions, which strengthens atrophied muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Complex exercise therapy for coxarthrosis

  1. The person lies down with his stomach down, straightens his legs. Arms extended forward. The patient lifts his limbs up one by one. Lifting height – 15-20 degrees. The raised limb is fixed at the maximum point for 5-10 seconds. The correct pace for performing the exercise is moderate. Returning to the starting position, the patient relaxes the muscles and rests.
  2. The patient lies on his back. Hands extended along the body. He bends one leg at a right angle, fixes it for 30-40 seconds, then smoothly lowers it. Repeats the exercise 10-15 times. The same goes for the second limb.
  3. The person lies stomach down, arms extended along the body. At the same time, lifts both limbs off the floor and lifts them up 15-20 degrees. Without bending your knees, spreads both legs to the sides, fixes them for 5-10 seconds, and lowers them. Repeat up to 20 times.
  4. Lying with his stomach up, a person bends one limb and straightens the other. Feet are tense. The patient changes their position alternately 20 times.

Lifting the limbs from a lying position is performed using the force of the hips and buttocks, the pelvis is pressed to the floor. It cannot be deployed following the raised leg. All movements of the complex are smooth; sharp or high lifts should be avoided.

  1. The man lies down on his side. Slowly raises the limb to an angle of 45 degrees. At the maximum point, hold it for 10-20 seconds and lower it. The number of repetitions is 20 times. The patient turns over to the other side and repeats the exercise for the second leg.
  2. Starting position – lying on your back. The patient lifts his limbs off the floor and lifts them at 45 degrees. Slowly brings them together and apart to a shoulder-width distance. The number of repetitions is 10-15 times.
  3. The man sits down with his back straight. Bends forward with springy movements. The legs do not bend at the knees. The number of repetitions is 10 times.
  4. Sitting on the floor, the patient straightens his limbs. Alternately raises the limbs up to the maximum possible height. Fixes for 20-30 seconds, slowly lowers. You need to repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
  5. The man sits with his back to the wall. Straight legs spread wide apart. The patient bends his body towards one foot, turns it to the floor, and performs 20 bends towards it. You need to bend down until you feel pain in the hip joint. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
  6. The patient lies on his side. The upper leg is bent at the knee, the lower leg swings under the leg 10 times. Repeat everything for the other limb.

After class, massage your thighs. Exercise therapy in the treatment of coxarthrosis should not cause pain. Both limbs should be given the same load.

By observing the requirements for exercise therapy prescribed by the doctor and correctly performing the complex, the patient alleviates the course of the disease, gradually restores the mobility of the joints, and prevents the development of complications of arthrosis. Dr. Evdokimenko insists on regular training for his patients. He claims that the patient’s consent to engage in healing exercises ensures the success of the treatment of the disease.

Additional events

Dr. Evdokimenko says that arthrosis is directly related to a person’s lifestyle and how he perceives it. It often affects not only those people whose work involves physical labor, but also those who are constantly under stress and get little rest. Dissatisfaction and irritation lead to the body producing hormones that contribute to the destruction of cartilage tissue.

  • Nine best exercises for the treatment of gonarthrosis - arthrosis of the knee joints

The doctor recommends that at the first problems with joints you reconsider your attitude towards life. In some cases, it is necessary to seek the help of a psychotherapist. If the emotional aspect is not taken into account, the treatment will not have results.

Another important factor contributing to the successful outcome of therapy is diet. But it must be observed taking into account a number of requirements:

  • you need to choose the right diet, it is best to keep a special diary;
  • It is recommended to reconsider your eating habits, limit the consumption of salt and fatty foods;
  • portions should be smaller;
  • unhealthy foods need to be replaced with healthy alternatives;
  • During the day you need to organize light healthy snacks.

Diet and proper drinking regimen are also important because excess weight is a big enemy of joints. During the day you need to drink up to 2 liters of pure water without gas.

Patients with gonarthrosis should limit themselves in physical activity - do not run, do not jump, do not squat, do not carry or lift anything heavy. If your muscles are weak, you should walk slowly; when walking up the stairs, you need to lean on the railing. It is forbidden to stand for a long time, squat or sit on a chair when it is impossible to change the position of your legs for a long time. When using a cane, the following rules must be observed:

  • the length of the cane should be optimal so that it is comfortable to hold in your hand without bending over;
  • it must be equipped with a shock-absorbing tip;
  • You need to hold the cane in the hand that is on the opposite side of the sore leg;
  • when the patient steps with the affected leg, the body weight is transferred to the support.

Doctor Evdokimenko does not say that joints can be cured only through gymnastics, but he emphasizes the importance of this therapy as part of the complex treatment of arthrosis of various origins. He does not call for abandoning medications and other classical treatments. But in his opinion, special exercises can relieve pain and other discomfort, and also eliminate the need for surgical intervention.

Evdokimenko Pavel Valerievich , rheumatologist, chiropractor, psychophysiologist, Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation. Author of many books, articles and healing methods.

He worked for many years at the Moscow City Arthrosis Center (MGAC).

He believes that the cause of all diseases is stress and negative emotions.

In a state of negativity, blood vessels narrow, which limits the supply of oxygen and nutrients to our organs.

  • Therapeutic gymnastics by Evdokimenko for hip joints: video exercises

And the released stress hormone destroys the cartilage tissue of the knee joint.

Currently, Evdokimenko works in the Moscow clinic “Health is the basis of everything.”

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