"Amelotex": what it helps with, instructions for use, where to buy

Amelotex is a modern drug against pain and inflammation of the musculoskeletal system. According to studies conducted at the St. Petersburg Medical Institute, 80% of patients after a 6-day course noted the high effectiveness of the medication, 20% noted a significant improvement. The cost of the medicine depends on the form of release and ranges from 120 to 600 rubles.

If you need to select substitutes for Amelotex, read the instructions for use, features and differences of the drugs. It is important to consult a doctor.

Indications for use of Amelotex

The medicine is available in several forms, convenient for use in a particular case:

  • intramuscular injections;
  • tablets of 7.5 and 15 mg;
  • suppositories with the same content of active substance;
  • gel for external use.

All forms are sold by prescription and doctor's prescription, except for the gel. Indications for use:

  1. rheumatoid arthritis;
  2. osteoarthritis;
  3. Bekhterev's disease;
  4. relief of pain in inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases.

Important! The medication does not affect the progression of the disease. It is used to relieve symptoms - pain, inflammation, swelling of the joint.

Amelotex tablets and ointment: indications and contraindications

The form of the drug, its dosage and other parameters are determined by the doctor. Reception is carried out in the presence of such diseases:

  • spondylitis of ankylosing type;
  • inflammation in the joints, pain syndrome;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • rheumatoid type arthritis.

As a rule, Amelotex is taken to relieve regularly occurring pain. In this case, treatment eliminates only the consequences of the disease, without affecting its causes.

In some cases, the use of the drug is contraindicated:

  • allergic reactions;
  • cerebrovascular type bleeding;
  • failure of cardiac function at the stage of decompensation;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (in case of taking tablets);
  • hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid;
  • recurrent polyposis;
  • renal failure and other kidney pathologies;
  • liver diseases;
  • ulcerative colitis of nonspecific type;
  • stage of recovery after coronary artery bypass surgery;
  • any stage of pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • children up to 14 years old inclusive.

The medicine should be taken with caution in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • heart failure;
  • diabetes;
  • IHD;
  • pathology of peripheral arteries.

Amelotex - instructions for use

The drug is prescribed by a doctor in the form of intramuscular injections for severe pain once a day for 5–6 days. Then it is possible to switch to tablet form or suppositories to prolong the effect.

For complex action or separately, Amelotex gel is recommended. Advantages: fast action and absorption, no marks on clothes and skin, pleasant smell. The medicine is applied to the painful area in the morning and evening and rubbed in for 2-3 minutes.

Tablets are used in dosages of 7.5 mg 1–2 times a day or 15 mg once a day. Suitable when it is impossible to use the injection form or to prolong the therapeutic effect.

Suppositories are used mainly at night.

The medicine has virtually no effect on the gastric mucosa. However, when used together with other NSAIDs, the risk of side effects increases. In this case, it is recommended to use proton pump inhibitors (Omeprazole, Esomeprazole or Pantoprazole), gastroprotectors (Venter) during the course of treatment with Amelotex.

Amelotex's analogs

The price of the medicine depends on the form of release. The most affordable variety is tablets, costing from 120 rubles. The cost of 5 ampoules of the medicine varies in regions and pharmacy organizations and ranges from 300 to 450 rubles. If you are intolerant to the components, have a history of contraindications, financial difficulties and other factors, check out Amelotex analogs and consult your doctor about the safety and effectiveness of the replacement.

List of analogues indicating release forms, cost and producing country

AnalogueRelease formsPrice, in rublesManufacturer country
Amelotexampoules, tablets, gel, suppositories120-600Macedonia or Russia
Mydocalminjections, tablets350-650Hungary or Russia
Arcoxiapills450-1600Spain or Netherlands
Arthrozaninjections, tablets200-650Russia
Ketoroltablets, injections, gel40-450India
Xefocampills, injections200-800Germany
Dolgitcream, gel100-270Germany
Teraflex chondrocreamcream250-650Russia
Diclofenacointment, gel, suppositories, tablets, ampoules18-250Russia, Slovenia, Israel
Fastum gelgel250-750Italy
Movalisampoules, tablets500-1100Spain
Meloxicamtablets, suppositories, ampoules50-550Russia


One of the options for replacing a drug is the use of synonyms. The composition contains meloxicam, the same release forms. Drugs differ in manufacturer, price, frequency of side effects, quality and study. Analogs of Amelotex with the same active ingredient:

  • Meloxicam (Russia, China, Belarus, Israel) – tablets, ampoules, suppositories;
  • Artrosan (Russia) – injections and tablets;
  • Bi-xicam (Russia) – tablet form;
  • Genitron (Ukraine) – tablet and injection form;
  • Mataren (Russia) – tablets and ointment with the Plus prefix and hot pepper;
  • Mesipol (Poland or Russia) – an analogue for injection;
  • Movagain Express (India) – oral dispersible tablets that do not require drinking water;
  • Movalis (Germany, Spain or Greece) - injection and tablet form of the analogue;
  • Movasin (Russia) – injections and tablets.

All these medications are not used to treat children under 12 years of age, pregnant or lactating women.

Analogues in tablets and powders

Substitutes in tablets can have an analgesic, muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory, and decongestant effect. They differ in release form, manufacturer and price.


The analogue of Mydocalm is a centrally acting muscle relaxant based on tolperisone. The drug is used for pain relief and relief of muscle spasms 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 10 days.


Nimesil oral powders are based on nimesulide. Used to treat joint diseases, relieve acute pain (dental, joint, muscle, algodismenorrhea), for bruises, sprains, dislocations twice a day for up to 15 days.

Synonyms of Nimesil with the same active substance:

  • Nise (India);
  • Naisulid (Russia);
  • Nemulex (Russia);
  • Nimesulide (Macedonia, Russia);
  • Nimika (India);
  • Nimulid (India) and others.

The mechanism of action of drugs based on nimesulide is the same as that of Amelotex - they affect COX-2 and have virtually no negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.


The modern analogue of Amelotex is available in tablets and does not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract or platelet function. Dispensed as prescribed by a doctor and used from 7 to 28 days once a day. The cost of Arcoxia is higher.


An analogue of Amelotex tablets is the domestic drug Ketoprofen. Used for arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It has analgesic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. The analogue inhibits platelet aggregation and, with prolonged use, irritates the gastric mucosa and leads to bleeding.

Synonyms of Ketoprofen: Ketonal, Artrosilene, Artrum, Bystrumkaps, Ketoprovel, OKI, Flamax, Flexen.


An Indian analogue that is cheaper than Amelotex is Ketorol tablets, available in regular and dispersible forms. Has a strong analgesic effect. It is used to relieve acute pain after tooth extraction, surgery, and cancer. The analogue is available with a doctor's prescription.

Synonyms of Ketorol: Ketanov, Ketorolac, Dolak, Ketofril.


Xefocam tablets contain lornoxicam, which has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The disadvantage of the analogue is a negative effect on the gastric mucosa, exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, the appearance of erosions, ulcers and bleeding.

Analogues in injections

The drugs are dispensed strictly as prescribed by the doctor; they differ in composition, indications, contraindications, therapeutic effect, manufacturer and price.

  • Mydocalm contains tolperisone and lidocaine and is intended for pain relief and relaxation of spasmodic striated muscles, injected twice a day for 5 days, stored in the refrigerator.
  • Preparations based on meloxicam - Movalis, Mesipol, Meloxicam, Artrosan and others have the same application features as Amelotex.
  • Milgamma is a vitamin preparation that additionally contains lidocaine. The B vitamins included in the composition affect the nature of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, lidocaine anesthetizes. For the best effect, the analogue must be stored correctly - in the refrigerator. The course is 5–10 days once a day, further administration of the tablet form is possible.
  • Voltaren is an analogue of Amelotex in ampoules based on diclofenac to relieve inflammation and relieve pain. It is used intramuscularly once a day for 3–5 days, then, if necessary, in tablets. The disadvantage of the drug is the effect on the stomach, increased blood pressure.
  • The analogue Dexalgin has a pronounced analgesic effect. It can be used in conjunction with Amelotex, but it is important to divide the time of injection: Amelotex - in the morning or afternoon, Dexalgin - at night.
  • An analogue of Amelotex Ketorol is used exclusively for the relief of severe pain. Negatively affects the stomach and liver. The strength of the therapeutic effect is comparable to opioid analgesics.

What can replace Amelotex injections depends on the patient’s condition, the severity of the pain syndrome and the source of inflammation, the presence of contraindications or exacerbation of diseases, age and financial capabilities. You won’t be able to do this on your own – all analogues are available with a doctor’s prescription.

Gel analogues

There are no substitutes for Amelotex gel with the same active substance. Analogs differ in composition, price, and additional properties.

The most common and effective drugs

  • The prescription analogue Mataren combines the properties of meloxicam and tincture of capsicum, anesthetizes, relieves inflammation and warms, increases joint mobility. At the site of application it causes redness of the skin and an increase in temperature. The medicine should not be applied to wounds, scratches, or damaged areas of the skin.
  • An analogue cheaper than Amelotex gel is the drug Dolgit . The active substance is ibuprofen, which relieves pain and reduces inflammation. Available in the form of gel and cream. The first form is recommended by the manufacturer for rapid action in acute forms of musculoskeletal diseases. The second form acts more slowly and is effective for chronic conditions.
  • Teraflex Hondrocream has a combined composition. Meloxicam fights inflammation and joint pain. Chondroitin is aimed at restoring cartilage tissue, reducing pain and inflammation.
  • Diclofenac is a cheap ointment, an analogue of Amelotex. The cost of the drug is up to 50 rubles. Disadvantage: less absorbent, less effective. A quick and long-lasting therapeutic effect is provided by a gel based on Diclofenac 5%.
  • Fastum gel is an Italian preparation for topical use based on ketoprofen. Additionally contains essential oils that irritate nerve endings. As a result, the patient notes a decrease in pain and inflammation, as a result of joint swelling, and improved mobility. Ketoprofen contains other drugs - Bystrum gel, Ketonal.

Analogues of Amelotex candles

The drugs differ in the active substance, duration of action, adverse reactions and contraindications. Please discuss your choice with your doctor:

  • Diclofenac and Voltaren;
  • Ketonal;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Diclovit;
  • Meloxicam;
  • Ketoprofen and others.

The advantage of suppositories is that they have no effect on the gastrointestinal tract and have a quick effect compared to tablets.

"Amelotex": description of the drug

"Amelotex" is a drug for preventing pain and inflammatory processes in joint tissues, and also as an antipyretic. Available in different forms:

  • solution for intramuscular injection (in ampoules);
  • pills;
  • ointment (gel).

"Amelotex" is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The active ingredient is meloxicam. It inhibits the activity of the enzyme cyclooxygenase-2, due to which inflammatory processes weaken.

The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription. Store it indoors at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees, in a dry and dark place. Access for children is prohibited. The general shelf life is 3 years from the date of production.

Amelotex or Movalis - which is better, doctors' reviews

Movalis is an original drug based on meloxicam. The advantage is the presence of clinical studies, a unique formula. As a result, instructions were compiled, the frequency of side effects and bioavailability were identified. Movalis is more effective than Amelotex in injections and tablets, since it is impossible to completely reproduce the drug.

However, Amelotex is a worthy replacement if treatment with the original is not possible due to financial difficulties. The difference in price between drugs is up to 3 times.

Amelotex or Diclofenac

Amelotex and Diclofenac are drugs for the relief of acute pain and inflammation. Available in tablets, ampoules and ointment or gel for topical use.

Amelotex is safer - it has fewer contraindications and side effects. Due to its special mechanism of action, it does not affect the gastrointestinal mucosa, therefore it is used for long-term therapy. The cost of the analogue is higher.

Diclofenac is a strong drug. Disadvantage: impact on the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in erosions, ulcers, bleeding, and worsening chronic diseases.

An alternative to the drug is Airtal. The Diclofenac derivative is available exclusively in tablets and powders and is safe.

Amelotex or Meloxicam - which is better, doctors' reviews

Amelotex and Meloxicam are synonyms with the same composition, properties, indications and contraindications. The price depends on the manufacturer and ranges from 50 to 550 rubles.

Meloxicam and Amelotex injections are used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. The frequency of side effects varies.

When your doctor prescribes Meloxicam, check the recommended manufacturer.

Amelotex or Arthrozan – which is better?

Amelotex and Artrosan are analogues of the active substance. Both drugs are based on meloxicam and affect COX-2. The drugs are similar in effectiveness. They have virtually no effect on the gastric mucosa and do not provoke bleeding.

Artrosan is available in injections and tablets; Amelotex has additional forms - gel and suppositories. The cost of medicines is the same.

It is not advisable to replace Amelotex yourself. The choice of an analogue depends on the indications, the patient’s medical history, the preferred form of release, financial capabilities and other factors. Many medications are prescription medications and are not suitable for self-medication.

Cases of overdose

It is important to understand that in case of overdose, quite serious consequences are possible:

  • liver failure;
  • kidney failure;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • asystole and others.

Therefore, the dosage regimen and frequency of administration prescribed by the doctor should be followed very carefully. In case of overdose, you need to take several tablets of activated carbon and do a gastric lavage. Further treatment depends on the symptoms. Hemodialysis in these cases is not particularly effective. If necessary, consult a doctor.

Answers on questions

  1. Is Amelotex an antibiotic or not?

    No, the drug belongs to NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Designed to relieve pain and inflammation in diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

  2. What is better - injections or Amelotex tablets?

    The injections act faster, the course is 5-6 days. The tablet form is used to prolong the therapeutic effect or in cases where injections are not possible. The course is longer – from 5–10 days.

  3. Is Amelotex compatible with alcohol?

    It is not advisable to drink alcohol during treatment. Failure to comply with the recommendations leads to side effects - deterioration of liver function, stomach pain, mucosal erosion, bleeding.

Side effects

Side effects are rare - no more than 1% of cases. The following manifestations are possible in different patients:

  • nausea;
  • dyspepsia;
  • diarrhea;
  • ulcer;
  • stomatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • perforation;
  • colitis;
  • rash;
  • hives;
  • decrease in hemoglobin concentration;
  • leukopenia;
  • bronchospasms;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • rarely - loss of orientation, confusion;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • increase in pressure;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • insufficient kidney function;
  • Quincke's edema and others.
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