Knee bandages for sports and after injuries. What are there

Osteosynthesis of the knee joint is the name of the treatment in which bone fragments are compared and fixed to ensure their subsequent fusion. This surgical treatment is performed using different techniques. One of them is knee osteosynthesis . Treatment may be external or internal. Internal techniques include:

  • transosseous;
  • bone;
  • intraosseous.

Fixation of fragments can occur using fasteners, the list of which includes: screws, knitting needles, wire. In some cases, a reconstruction plate is placed. After comparison, the fragments are pressed tightly against each other using these fasteners. Patients undergo a rehabilitation course after surgery to achieve the return of limb mobility, muscle tone, and elasticity of ligaments and tendons. The recovery period can be up to six months.

Advantages of osteosynthesis on the knee joint

A fracture affecting the knee joint always promises complex and lengthy treatment. Such injuries require the use of osteosynthesis and careful development of the strategy and type of intervention to avoid the installation of multiple metal devices to fix the bones. A good option in this case is to install a knee plate . Quick treatment will help quickly return motor functions after the intervention and restore the biomechanical parameters of the affected joint to the maximum extent possible.

Surgeons often treat such injuries by tightening them with wires or using thin, durable needles. With this method, the fragments are securely fixed, the metal structure begins to work with the bones of the skeleton, significantly enhancing the effect of the operation. The metal fixators installed by the surgeon compress the fragments, and the healing process accelerates.

Most often, osteosynthesis surgery is prescribed for fractures of the patella to fix sharp bone fragments. A complex fracture with displaced fragments is the main indication for surgical intervention. In some cases, after surgery it is necessary to keep the limb immobilized for a period of up to 6 weeks.

Knee bandages for sports and after injuries. What are there

Belikova Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna - doctor, higher medical education

Coaches advise athletes to wear bandages or knee pads during training. They save joints and soft tissues from damage. In addition, they perform many functions. There are different types of protective devices depending on the material of manufacture and function.

What dangers await you during sports training?

Sports training can be intense. There is a lot of stress on the body. But the joints of the lower extremities are under greater stress. They bear the load from the whole body, it increases depending on the chosen exercise and the duration of the workout.

There is a possibility of the following types of damage to the knees and soft tissues inside them:

• bone fracture; • sprain, rupture of ligaments; • damage to the intra-articular bursa; • dislocation; • disturbance of blood circulation in the vessels; • gradual formation of arthritis, arthrosis; • bruise, swelling of the knee joint; • muscle strain.

To avoid illness, it is recommended to consult a doctor or trainer to choose the right type of knee pads for sports.

What is a sports knee brace for?

In sports, a knee brace is a must. It is impossible to get by with a simple elastic bandage. For each type of sports activity, there are different models of adaptation. A person needs a knee brace to reduce the load on the joint and soft tissues. Thanks to this, the risk of developing an inflammatory process is eliminated or reduced.

If you use knee pads made of woolen fabrics, there is an additional warming effect. With its help, local blood supply improves. Thanks to strong pressure, joint mobility is restored and pain is eliminated if there was a previous injury.

Functions of knee braces

The mandatory need for a bandage is to fix the ligamentous apparatus and joint. With the help of the device, all tissues are tightly compressed.

There are the following functions for which a knee brace is used during sports:

• fixation of the knee joint to prevent compression of blood vessels and reduce the load on the leg; • warming effect, normalizing blood circulation (suitable for the prevention and treatment of injuries); • prevention of damage to bones and soft tissues; • elimination of painful sensations; • prevention of swelling; • eliminating the risk of increased muscle load and overstrain; • increased motor activity of the joint. The functions of knee pads vary depending on the type. The most common models are not suitable for every sport. Therefore, you cannot do without consulting a specialist.

What types of knee pads are there for sports?

There are different classifications of knee protection devices.
Open bandage
. Contains hard ribs on the sides to eliminate pain. The sensation appears if a person exercises for a long time.


Closed bandage
. Eliminates pain during the early formation of arthritis and arthrosis.

3. Tutor

. Intended for patients after surgery. With its help, tissues are restored faster, as the blood supply is normalized.

4. Orthosis.

The device fixes the tendons, therefore reducing pain inside the kneecap if it was previously damaged.

5. Articulated bandage

. Used for arthritis, extreme arthrosis. It can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Depending on the additional functions, there are separate categories of knee braces. 1. Woolen. Increases blood flow to the knee due to a local increase in temperature. It has a warming and thermal insulation effect. 2. Compression. Fixes and compresses the knee joint to a medium degree of rigidity. Designed to reduce swelling and eliminate inflammation. 3. Magnetoelastic. Magnets are concentrated inside, which create fields around the knee that normalize blood flow and eliminate inflammation. 4. Kinesio tape. This is a tape designed to prevent injury during physical work. It is often used during dancing. 5. Articulated. On the sides there are mechanisms based on hinges. When a person moves, the device takes part of the load on itself, reducing it for the joint. The model is used after operations, during rehabilitation from injury. 6. Tourmaline. Tourmaline, which has a healing effect, is used in the manufacturing process. The model is used for chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Knee pad

– an indispensable attribute of every athlete. It is used to prevent damage, inflammation, and the development of chronic joint diseases. But if a pathological process occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor to choose a treatment model.

The need to perform osteosynthesis of the knee joint

The main indicators for performing an operation to install a plate for knee osteosynthesis are:

  • the presence of longitudinal and transverse damage to the patella;
  • fact of open fractures;
  • manifestation of separation of the lower or upper pole;
  • diagnosis of comminuted fracture;
  • the presence of a multi-fragment fracture with displacement of fragments.

The peculiarity of patellar fractures is the elevation of part of the proximal fragments upward. This effect is obtained due to the influence of a strong quadriceps muscle. The distal fragments are supported by their own patellar ligaments. The formation of a large distance between the fragments, in this case, makes treatment using the standard method (plaster application) impossible. This is the main reason for the recommendation to perform surgery as early as possible in order to avoid their large distance from each other.

How to choose and buy a joint fixator

Meniscus injuries are a fairly serious disease, which directly affects the health of the legs in the future. Be sure to consult your doctor and ask about the need to use an orthosis.

The Allorto online store has many years of experience in the Russian market, during which time we have established cooperation with leading suppliers and manufacturers of medical goods. Just place an order for a knee brace for a meniscal injury on the website or call our operators. Managers will help you choose a size based on knee circumference, and also tell you about the advantages of our delivery. Payment is accepted using one of the convenient methods.


Performing operations of this type is a fairly common practice in medicine, but the inserted plate for a knee fracture may have contraindications. Their list includes:

  • large area of ​​affected tissue;
  • the presence of torn, crushed, infected surfaces;
  • manifestation of acute infection;
  • exacerbation of a chronic pathological condition;
  • local inflammatory process with suppuration;
  • state of shock;
  • severe combined injuries;
  • great blood loss.

With a large number of torn tissues, cleaning, treatment and healing of wounds is performed. The operation is prescribed after the patient’s condition improves.

Why are knee pads needed?

The range of indications for wearing knee pads is very wide. At the same time, one or another type of fixative is more suitable for each group of pathologies. The most typical situations in which a knee brace will be effective are:

  • Arthrosis of the knee joint.
  • Sports pain syndromes: “jumper’s knee”, “runner’s knee”, crow’s foot syndrome and others.
  • Synovitis and bursitis of the knee joint.
  • Instability and tears of knee ligaments.
  • Increased physical stress on the knees: athletes, people involved in physical labor.

In many cases, a good, properly fitted knee brace will reduce the need for medications and promote faster recovery. Certain knee braces have been shown to increase knee stability through both mechanical action and muscle activation. In recent years, the frequency of use of knee braces has only increased due to the emergence of new materials and models of bandages.

How is the operation performed?

Although a knee fracture should be treated with osteosynthesis, there are several different techniques for performing it. The choice of method is influenced by the clinical picture of the injury and the patient’s condition. When using screws to fix fragments, the patient is given general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia. An arched tissue incision is made in the area of ​​the patella, the skin and underlying tissue are separated. All this turns to the side, revealing the damaged patella. Open osteosynthesis is performed using compression screws. Screws are used that have a partial threading area so that the threading does not cross the fracture zone. Fixation begins in the area of ​​greatest damage.

The use of the Weber osteosynthesis technique requires the use of a 2 mm Ø drill. It drills holes 2.5 cm apart, creating 2 parallel channels. After the first channel is ready, a spoke is inserted into it to make the channels parallel. The collected fragments are held in the correct position, ensuring that the resulting surface is as smooth as possible. The drill is inserted into the central piece of bone to drill parallel channels in the outer fragments. Knitting needles with curved edges are inserted into the channels.

The tips of the knitting needles are captured with wire loops, which are tightened in the process. The protruding sections of the knitting needles are cut off, and the incision is sutured.

Benefits of knee orthoses

  • Meniscus injuries are usually associated with inflammation and pain. Using bandages helps reduce the impact of these factors on your well-being.
  • The product partially limits the mobility of the joint, reducing the range of possible positions of the articular structures, which creates favorable conditions for the restoration of cartilage.
  • The retainer is easy to use: it can be removed and put on without assistance at any time.
  • Knee orthoses for meniscal injuries are made from high-tech materials that avoid chafing, diaper rash, and allergic spots.
  • The product does not require special care and can be stored for a long time without loss of quality. Simply wash it in warm soapy water and dry it in a dark, dry place.
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