Sustarad cream instructions for use

Sustarad - joint health and active life

A line of natural organic joint products helps you quickly and safely get rid of the main problems of the lower extremities and return your former ease to your gait.
They are made on the basis of plant extracts, deer antlers, mushroom concentrates and other active ingredients that have a complex effect on bone, muscle tissue, blood vessels, and skin. Sustarad can be taken in different forms - as capsules, ointment, cream or concentrate. The choice of a suitable complex should be made individually, depending on the problem or disease, as well as the convenience of administration for a particular person.

All products have different compositions, so if you are intolerant to any component, you can choose another complex drug. Since the composition does not contain additional fragrances, preservatives or other synthetic impurities, the risk of allergies is minimal.


The ointment includes the following biologically active components:

  • antler hood;
  • vegetable and mushroom juices;
  • plant and mushroom extracts;
  • vegetable and essential oils;
  • panthenol;
  • mumiyo;
  • tar;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • niacin (nicotinic acid).

The complex composition allows the drug to have a complex effect on inflamed, damaged areas of the body with increased pain. The action is not limited solely to the skin, which allows the cream to be used to alleviate the condition of inflamed joints due to arthritis, osteochondrosis, age-related wear, damage and injury. The product can relieve swelling and pain. An extract from deer antlers plays a special role. This is a unique Altai component that has a powerful restorative, anti-inflammatory and stimulating effect.

Natural composition of the Sustarad line of drugs

Sustarad products are made from the following extracts of natural origin:

  • Burdock root. Has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Burdock extract accelerates metabolic processes, strengthens joints, and promotes their rapid recovery;
  • Willow bark. Stops inflammatory processes, relieves fever, relieves pain. Helps relieve symptoms of the disease in rheumatic inflammation, pain in the joints, cervical and lumbar spine;
  • Beaver musk. An effective antibacterial and analgesic agent. Relieves spasms, relieves pain, soothes, heals wounds;
  • Melissa herb. It is used as an antispasmodic, regulates the functioning of the digestive tract, improves the condition of flatulence, insomnia, migraines;
  • Ginkgo biloba (leaves). Immunomodulatory, antibacterial agent. Reduces blood clotting, thereby preventing blockage of veins and blood clots;
  • Altai deer antlers. Eliminate the inflammatory process, stimulate metabolism, support the immune system, regenerate affected tissues, stimulate liver function and activate hematopoietic processes. Deer antlers contain a lot of natural collagen, which promotes rapid restoration of connective tissues, stimulates the growth of bones and muscles;
  • Noble laurel. Bay leaves contain a large amount of phytoncides, which have quite strong anti-inflammatory properties. This component helps fight pain, swelling, eliminates salts in joints, increases the mobility of the limbs;
  • Sabelnik. Relieves inflammation in joints, increases their mobility, removes salts, relieves pain;
  • Kenyan pepper oil extract. Anesthetizes, restores;
  • Clover. Treats arthritis, rheumatism, relieves associated pain. Lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, which makes it used as a preventative against atherosclerosis. An effective remedy for the treatment of cystitis and other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Black cumin oil. Activates bone marrow production, treats inflammation in joints. Has a local irritating, warming effect;
  • Reishi mushrooms. These mushrooms have an anti-inflammatory effect. They also help improve immunity, overcome the effects of stress, such as increased fatigue, hormonal imbalance, vascular damage;
  • Artemia concentrate. Stimulates regeneration at the cellular level, heals, restores tissue;
  • Chaga mushroom. Helps get rid of many symptoms of arthritis: pain, swelling, poor joint mobility;
  • Peppermint. Restores the structure of the cartilage of the knee, hip, and has analgesic properties. Calms the nervous system, normalizes sleep, psycho-emotional state;
  • Juniper oil. Has a fast-acting anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, treats chronic joint diseases;
  • Frankincense oil. Relieves the condition of polyarthritis, when small joints are very painful. Increases activity, normalizes blood circulation throughout the body;
  • Black cumin. Prevents varicose veins, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and prevents thrombus formation. Treats inflammatory processes in joints, restores skin in case of purulent eczema, psoriasis, acne;
  • Mumiyo. Maintains joint mobility, normalizes blood pressure, heals wounds, strengthens the immune system, tones, relieves intoxication, improves kidney function;
  • Stone oil. Activates the body's production of collagen, regenerates bone and cartilage tissue. Shilajit normalizes the water-salt balance, thereby preventing the deposition of salts in the joints;
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Antimicrobial agent, relieves rheumatism and joint pain;
  • Indian onion. It has a strong analgesic and disinfecting effect. The active components of the plant stimulate blood flow at the site of exposure and relieve inflammation at the site of insect bites, warts, herpes blisters, etc. When using Indian onion internally, headaches go away;
  • White mustard. It has a warming effect, thanks to which it warms up the sore spot, promotes the flow of blood and beneficial components to the damaged organ. It is a valuable source of calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other elements necessary for healthy joints;
  • Hyaluronic acid. A necessary component for the formation of joints and maintaining their mobility, stimulates regeneration processes;
  • Fenugreek. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic agent.

Cream Sustarad - comprehensive protection for your joints

Sustarad cream is a complex natural product designed to relieve pain and inflammatory processes in joints, muscles, and cartilage.
The drug improves blood circulation, nutrition and tissue repair. It shows high effectiveness for osteochondrosis, arthritis, joint inflammation, muscle spasms, and peripheral circulation disorders. The main component of Sustarad is an extract of Altai deer antlers. Penetrating deep into the affected area, antler cells effectively restore cartilage tissue and intra-articular fluids, relieve inflammation, improve motor activity, and eliminate friction and pain. In addition to antlers, Sustarad contains extracts, milky juices and oils of a wide range of medicinal plants.

The harmonious and rich composition of the drug provides a comprehensive effect on the affected areas. The highly effective cream normalizes and improves blood circulation, metabolism, tissue nutrition, and restoration of affected areas. The components of the drug have antifungal, anti-infective, regenerating, analgesic, and wound-healing properties.

Pharmacological effect on the body

  • Wound healing, regenerating . Shilajit, beaver musk and many plant extracts saturate the tissues at the site of exposure with beneficial substances, promoting the healing of wounds, ulcers, blisters, and other skin damage. The active components affect not only the upper layers of the skin, but also muscle and bone tissue, due to which torn tendons heal faster and fractures heal;
  • Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial . Sustarad products effectively disinfect the surface of the dermis, have a detrimental effect on various strains of bacteria, thereby providing a therapeutic effect in various types of inflammatory processes, including arthrosis, rheumatism;
  • Painkillers . Mint, beaver musk, sea buckthorn, juniper oils and other active components of Sustarad relieve pain, effectively relieve spasms, and help a person feel much better;
  • Restorative . A product based on natural extracts restores tone, activity, and mobility of joints. Sustarad restores well after suffering purulent lesions, frostbite, burns;
  • Moisturizing . The composition effectively moisturizes the skin, normalizes its water balance, and prevents peeling of the dermis, the appearance of roughness and cracks.

Beneficial features

Sustarad cream is characterized by the following beneficial properties:

  • anti-inflammatory; the components of the cream penetrate into the tissues and inhibit inflammatory processes;
  • painkillers; the cream is able to relieve pain in joints, muscles, bones, cartilage, spine, etc.; by softening friction between joints, the cream reduces pain; acts directly on the source of pain;
  • regenerating and restorative; the drug restores cartilage and synovial fluid, accelerates the healing of joints;
  • wound healing; promotes accelerated healing of wounds and scars;
  • anti-infective; eliminates infections, cleanses tissues;
  • relieves symptoms of cartilage aging;
  • slows down the destruction and wear of joints, promotes the restoration of their tissues;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • saturates tissues with useful bioactive substances and vitamins.

Indications for use

Products based on natural plant extracts Sustarad will help get rid of the following health problems:

  • joint, rheumatic pain;
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • consequences after suffering sprains, bruises, injuries, sprains;
  • muscle pain, night spasms of the lower extremities;
  • inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the joints;
  • circulatory disorders, deterioration of limb mobility, numbness of the phalanges of the fingers of the lower and upper extremities;
  • spinal osteochondrosis;
  • severe pain in the back and sacrum;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • bone fractures (Sustarad helps speed up the healing process and shorten the recovery period after injuries);
  • scars, postoperative scars;
  • spondylitis;
  • gout;
  • cellulite, age-related skin changes;
  • heel spurs;
  • acne, acne;
  • alopecia (baldness);
  • hematomas, bruises;
  • varicose veins, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis of superficial veins;
  • numbness of the limbs.

Mode of application

The native Sustarad complex is used depending on the form of the specific product:

Cream or ointment

Apply in a circular motion directly to the affected area. During an exacerbation, if there is severe pain, the affected area should be covered with a warm soft cloth for an hour (make a compress). It is enough to repeat the procedure 2 times. in a day. The minimum preventive and therapeutic course is 1 week.

Native concentrate Sustarad

Taken orally, 1 tsp. 3 r. per day. half an hour before meals. Course - 30 days.

Sustarad Kartemia

Used orally 2 times. a day half an hour before meals: take a colorless capsule in the morning, a colored capsule in the evening. Course - 30 days.


The minimum course of use of the product is 10 days. If necessary, treatment can be continued without time restrictions until the desired result is achieved. The frequency of use of the cream is 2 times a day - morning and evening.

The cream has a dense, fairly oily and plastic consistency, is easily and quickly absorbed, and has a pronounced herbal aroma. It is colored in golden mustard shades due to the presence of natural plant extracts, mumiyo and essential oils. Artificial additives, fragrances and preservatives are not used.

For application, you need to take a small amount of cream and apply it to the area of ​​the body that requires therapeutic effects. The product should be gently and delicately rubbed into the affected area of ​​the skin or joint, using circular massage movements. The cream is absorbed quite quickly, despite its rich and varied composition with a large number of oils and extracts.

After application, a feeling of coolness appears, which subsequently turns into pleasant warmth. If necessary, the effectiveness of the effect can be increased by covering the treated area with film and insulating it with a towel or woolen scarf, but this is not a mandatory action, the cream will already have the expected result.

Sustarad buy online with delivery

Sustarad complex products are sold in the specialized online store “Russian Roots”. The store's goods are delivered throughout Moscow, the nearest Moscow region by courier, and throughout the regions of Russia - by mail and available delivery services.

Also, these natural products are available at an affordable price in the capital’s herbal pharmacies “Russian Roots”, where you can buy them at any convenient time.

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