Sports and warming ointments: what they are and how to use them

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Warming ointments are used for local treatment, most often for the purpose of pain relief for various diseases of the joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons and other parts of the musculoskeletal system. Such drugs are good at relieving swelling during inflammation, reducing the intensity of pain, and activating blood circulation in the affected area.

They can also be used for mechanical damage, for example, bruises, but are prescribed, as a rule, when the injury is already healing. Also, some “experts” recommend using warming ointments and creams to combat cellulite and reduce fat deposits in problem areas, but such methods are not scientifically proven.

When are warming ointments needed?

Warming ointments help increase tissue temperature and blood flow. They are suitable for:

  • local anesthesia;
  • reducing swelling and inflammation;
  • regeneration after injury;
  • pain relief;
  • increasing blood circulation and warming up muscles.

Thanks to their properties, warming ointments can be used for:

  • warming up the muscles, increasing their elasticity and eliminating the feeling of stiffness;
  • injury prevention;
  • injury recovery and rehabilitation;
  • relief of chronic inflammation in joints and ligaments.

Often, runners use warming ointments after the arrival of cold weather to avoid injuries due to unheated muscles. One careless movement without “warming up” can cause a sprain.

Warming ointments help prepare the athlete's tissues for the stress they will experience during the race and minimize the risk of injury. In this case, you should start with a light warm-up, and only then apply the product.

It is worth noting that the use of ointment does not replace a full warm-up before running. Easy and effective exercises are collected in the article 5-minute warm-up before running.

Operating principle

The components of ointments do not penetrate deeply into the skin, the active substances trigger a number of processes on its surface that help relieve swelling, inflammation, etc. Blood flows more actively to the area where the balm or cream is applied, which is why everyone feels the familiar warmth. Due to increased blood circulation, metabolic processes improve, penetration of necessary substances and oxygen into cells increases.

In addition, the active substances of warming external agents act on pain receptors, blocking the passage of a nerve impulse. With this, an analgesic effect is achieved, soft tissues relax, and discomfort goes away.

It is believed that due to increased blood circulation, these ointments are also effective in combating excess fat and the appearance of the so-called “orange peel”. However, the processes that occur during the development of cellulite affect deeper layers of tissue into which the components of ointments and creams do not penetrate. At the same time, activation of blood circulation can indeed have some effect if you combine their use with the necessary physical activity.

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What's included

Since the task of these ointments is to warm up the muscles, they often contain hot substances: snake and bee venom, mustard and pepper extracts. These substances warm the tissues and help prepare the muscles for running.

At the same time, ointments are based on substances of plant and animal origin, since synthetic substances, for the most part, heat only the skin and do not penetrate the muscles.

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Warming ointments contain the following excipients: eucalyptus, mustard, fir oils, petroleum jelly, paraffin, glycerin, ibuprofen, diclofenac. They act as painkillers and antiseptics and reduce inflammation.


As a rule, warming drugs are used in the presence of the following conditions and diseases. These include:

  • closed soft tissue injury;
  • sprains;
  • myalgia (pain in the muscles, which causes hypertonicity of myocytes, i.e. muscle cells in a state of tension or rest)
  • pain in the joint;
  • neuralgia (pathology that manifests itself in damage to certain parts of the peripheral nerves);
  • radiculitis (damage to the spinal cord roots, causing motor, autonomic and pain disorders).
  • vasodilation;
  • pain relief;
  • rheumatism (systemic inflammatory disease of connective tissue with a predominant localization of the pathological process in the membranes of the heart).

What to look for when choosing

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the presence of allergies to certain substances and the sensitivity threshold.

If you use warming ointments for prevention and warming up before jogging, do not purchase products based on non-steroidal substances. They will slow down the growth of muscle fibers and reduce the results of training. Medicines containing diclofenac should also be used only during the treatment period.

If you have excessive sweating, it is better to choose weaker drugs, since sweat enhances the effect of the burning substance, and the skin may begin to “burn”.


All warming creams for athletes before training are divided into two categories:

  • pepper based;
  • based on various poisons.

Both types are effective, but they still need to be selected individually.

The fact is that not all patients tolerate capsaicin (a component found in hot pepper), to which some athletes develop an allergy on the skin.

In this situation, it is better not to apply a warming ointment for athletes before training, but to switch to other options with a similar active component. Next, the most effective drugs will be discussed.

How to use

Before use, the warming ointment must be tested for allergic reactions. Apply a small amount to the area of ​​the popliteal fossa, wrist or elbow. If severe itching and redness do not appear after 15-20 minutes, the product can be used.

Before training, apply from two to five mg or 1-5 cm of the product: the ointment is distributed over the surface of the skin and a light massage is performed, which allows you to activate the work of the substances.

If you are injured, the affected area is first cooled and only after a few hours a warming ointment is applied. In this case, the product is not rubbed into the skin - you just need to apply it and leave until absorbed.

The ointment should be removed with cream or vegetable oil - attempts to wash off the ointment with water will lead to increased burning.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance to components, open wounds.

What restrictions do medications have?

In an “interesting situation,” it is prohibited to apply warming creams, especially if the medication contains poisons. In addition, such medications are contraindicated in children under twelve years of age and women during lactation. The list of restrictions also includes the following conditions:

  • Individual allergic reactions.
  • Skin disorders.
  • Exacerbation of musculoskeletal diseases.
  • Chronic hepatitis (inflammation, which is characterized by fibrotic and necrotic changes in liver tissue and cells without disruption of the structure of the lobules and signs of portal hypertension).
  • Tuberculosis (a contagious infectious disease, the main source of which is pathogens).
  • Diabetes mellitus (a chronic metabolic disorder, which is based on a lack of production of its own insulin and an increase in glucose levels).

What not to do

Whatever warming ointment you choose, you need to handle it carefully so as not to harm yourself. So, ointment cannot:

  • rub in without checking for sensitivity and allergic reactions;
  • rinse with water;
  • use in hot weather;
  • apply to wounds and abrasions;
  • use on areas with delicate skin (neck, abdomen, inner thighs);
  • and also touch the mucous membranes with your hands after using the ointment.

After use, you should immediately wash your hands thoroughly - or even apply the ointment while wearing special gloves.


A medicine for external use with local irritant and analgesic effects. The active ingredients of the ointment have a prolonged warming effect, which helps:

  • Eliminate tension and fatigue at the site of application.
  • Improve tissue nutrition and blood circulation.

The tincture of capsicum, which is included in the structure of the drug, has a distracting and analgesic effect by increasing the temperature of the skin at the site of application. "Efkamon" is an effective warming cream before training.

Other plant substances, such as camphor, as well as menthol, mustard, clove and eucalyptus oils, inhibit inflammation and have a positive effect due to a distracting and relaxing effect.

Examples of warming ointments

The most common warming ointments among athletes are:

  1. Nicoflex. It warms up gently, there is no burning or unpleasant odor.
  2. Capsicam. It does not have an unpleasant odor, heats up quite strongly, and sometimes burns.
  3. Finalgon. The nature of action and properties are similar to Capsicam.
  4. Apizartron. Has a very unpleasant smell.
  5. Viprosal. Doesn't burn, but has a specific smell.

The best products with a warming effect

In the ranking of warming ointments used by athletes, the first positions are occupied by the following drugs:


A combined product with a local irritant and analgesic effect, contains capsaicin, as well as compounds that reduce inflammation and swelling of tissues, does not burn, does not cause discomfort.


Contains dimethyl sulfoxide, camphor and gum turpentine, has an anesthetic, vasodilating, irritating effect.


It contains two active substances: nonivamide (an analogue of capsaicin, obtained artificially) and nicoboxil (enhances the effect of nonivamide), the product has a vasodilating effect, stimulates skin receptors, thereby maintaining a long-lasting feeling of warmth.

Ben gay

Anti-inflammatory gel, contains methyl salicylate and menthol, relieves muscle pain well, helps overcome fatigue after intense training.


A medicinal ointment based on bee venom also contains methyl salicylate, relieves inflammation, reduces the intensity of pain, but has a sharp, memorable and rather unpleasant odor.


The product contains several active components at once (viper venom, camphor, turpentine, salicylic acid), has a local irritating effect, provides good pain relief, dilates blood vessels, which improves nutrition of the affected tissues.

Other means

Also considered good warming ointments are:

  • Bystrumgel, Fastum gel, Valusal, Ketonal, Ketoprofen Vramed - all drugs contain ketoprofen, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Prescribed for joint and back pain, inflammation and swelling of soft tissues.
  • Voltaren Emulgel, Diclovit, Diclofenac - all products contain the main active ingredient diclofenac. It also belongs to the class of NSAIDs and has pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.
  • Menovazin - belongs to the group of local anesthetics in combinations. There are three main active ingredients: benzocaine, procaine racementol.
  • Troxevasin, Troxerutin Vramed - the main substance of these ointments is troxerutin. Belongs to the pharmacological group of angioprotectors and microcirculation correctors (i.e., drugs that increase blood flow in small vessels and capillaries, reduce their fragility and fragility, improve blood fluidity).;
  • Espol – contains extract of capsicum fruits. Belongs to the group of locally irritating agents of plant origin.
  • Efkamon balm with a warming effect - contains many components, including menthol, camphor, methyl salicylate, eucalyptus, mustard and clove oils, tincture of capsicum, synthetic thymol, hydrochloride, etc. It has a local irritating effect.
  • Sophia cream – contains bee venom.
  • Venoruton-gel is an angioprotective agent that contains rutoside.
  • Dolobene, Traumeel S - contains three main components: sodium heparin, dexpanthenol and dimethyl sulfoxide. They have anti-inflammatory, decongestant and local analgesic effects.

The most effective homeopathic remedies:

  • cream balm Zhivokost;
  • Traumeel S;
  • Zeel T (Target T);
  • Sabelnik balm;
  • gel-balm Comfrey.

Cooling ointments for muscles

Unlike warming ointments, cooling ointments, on the contrary, create a cooling effect. In fact, they do not reduce body temperature, but only “deceive” the corresponding receptors, soothe pain, eliminate swelling and bruises.

Typically, cooling ointments are used after intense physical activity to relieve muscle tension. In addition, they can be used immediately after an injury, unlike warming ointments.

The composition of cooling ointments includes: analgesics, anticoagulants, menthol, essential oils. Due to these substances, the cooling effect is achieved.

When using cooling ointment after an injury, do not rub it in. You need to apply the product to the skin and wait until it is absorbed. Preparations in gel form are better suited, as they are absorbed faster and cool better.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance to the components.

Homeopathic ointments and gels

We can talk about homeopathy for a long time, but we will say briefly - do not use them! These are useless dummies that will do neither good nor bad. We will write a separate article about homeopathy and tell you why this is so.

Here is a list of homeopathic ointments and gels:

  • Traumeel S
  • Phong Thap Thu
  • Pintop
  • Wangprom
  • Namman Muay
  • Quick Fit
  • T-Relief
  • Richtofit-sport

The list is far from complete. Just when you see “homeopathic medicine” on the package, refuse to buy and spend the money to benefit your health.

Examples of cooling ointments

  1. Bengay. Effectively helps relax muscles, quickly penetrates to the site of inflammation.
  2. Repaired. It is well absorbed due to the release form (gel).
  3. Deep relief. Quickly dulls acute pain and relieves inflammation.
  4. Bystrumgel. Doesn't work very quickly. Effective for mild pain.
  5. Sports gel-balm restoring “42”. Relieves fatigue, swelling, and with regular use strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

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This is one of the most famous sports warming ointments before training. The medicine contains several active ingredients:

  • 8-methyl-6-nonenoic acid vanillamide;
  • ethyl nicotinate;
  • ethylene glycol salicylate;
  • lavender oil.

Together they have analgesic and absorbable effects, and also increase the temperature of the skin, resulting in a feeling of warmth.

The drug can be used for prophylactic purposes to prevent injuries before or after training, as well as after bruises or sprains. The ointment can also be used for polyarthritis, as well as arthrosis and neuralgia.

Apply a small layer of the external product to previously cleansed skin in the painful area of ​​the body. It is not recommended to use on damaged areas of the skin.

Dosage regimen:

  • Joint diseases: 1 time per day for the first three days, then 2 times at equal intervals.
  • Warming up muscles in athletes: 3-5 centimeters of squeezed out ointment must be rubbed well into the epidermis during a massage.


The medicine is intended for external use only. The active substances have a warming and analgesic effect. Getting under the skin, the active component irritates the nerve endings, due to which blood flow to the site of application of the medication improves.

Patients who used this drug for medicinal purposes noted that already ten minutes after applying the ointment, pain was eliminated.

It is strictly contraindicated to use Viprosal orally or apply the ointment to mucous membranes. After each application of the medicine, you should wash your hands well.

The drug is not recommended for the treatment of women who are preparing to become mothers. Active substances enter the blood, which means they can penetrate the placenta to the fetus.

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The medication has a long-lasting effect - up to twelve hours. "Capsicam" contains a whole series of components that are designed to improve blood flow and warm up muscles. It can also be used for sports massage.

The drug has a pronounced irritant effect on the skin, due to which blood flow to the site of application of the ointment increases, providing a warming and analgesic effect.

After using the drug, the active substances are instantly absorbed into the blood and after a few minutes provoke a feeling of slight burning and warmth in this area.

Due to the warming effect, pain and muscle tension are reduced. The maximum result from applying Capsicam is observed after forty minutes and lasts for five hours.

The irritating effect of the ointment on small areas of the skin improves human health with myalgia, injuries, as well as bruises and inflammatory processes in the joints.

Anti-chafing ointment OXD

Its usefulness does not need to be explained to anyone who has at least once run a distance of more than ten kilometers, persistently pedaled uphill on a bicycle, or trained intensively in tight-fitting equipment with micropores. The occurrence of mild or even severe painful abrasions in these cases is inevitable. It turns out they can be prevented! One way is to cover the rubbing areas with a band-aid each time, but you must admit, this is not very comfortable. OXD has a special Vaseline-based ointment that can be applied to sensitive, rubbing areas of the body. What is convenient, compared to patches, is that the ointment can, if necessary, be applied to a larger area of ​​skin.

The use of this ointment is especially important for women who wear tops during competitions and training. The ointment can also be used to treat seams on clothes. Sports Vaseline ointment is not absorbed by the skin, does not dry out and does not change properties over time, leaves behind a protective film, so it lasts for a long time.

Active ingredients: petroleum jelly, liquid paraffin.

Ointment OXD 2020-21 based on Vaseline for protection against abrasions 100ml


Types and composition

Warming ointments used for back muscles can be of natural or synthetic origin. Their difference lies in the amount of active ingredients. Synthetic drugs usually have from 1 to 3 main components and several additional ones. Natural remedies can consist of a large number of active substances, sometimes the number reaches 20. The concentration of each is low, however, their effectiveness is achieved by enhancing the action of each other.

The drug is selected individually, taking into account the individual tolerance of the components

Possible active ingredients:

  • nimesulide, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, piroxicam (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • dimexide or dimethyl sulfoxide (anti-inflammatory drugs for external use);
  • camphor, turpentine (terpenoids, drugs with analgesic and local anesthetic effects);
  • bee venom, snake venom (local irritants);
  • capsaicin (naturally occurring irritants);
  • plant extracts.

NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - are considered the most effective, since they can not only warm the site of application of the drug, but also relieve the patient from pain as quickly as possible. It is this group that is prescribed in acute periods of illness. The use of NSAIDs can eliminate swelling, restore muscle mobility, and relieve discomfort in the lumbar region and other areas of the back.

The use of homeopathic remedies also shows good effectiveness. Their active ingredients reduce the severity of pain, restore metabolic processes, strengthen intervertebral discs, and slow down degenerative and destructive processes in the spine. The difference between homeopathic substances is the need for long-term use.

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