Nutrition for the prevention and treatment of pancreatitis

Monastic ointment "Chaga" with hemp oil - a unique remedy for joints

Monastic ointment with chaga extract and hemp oil is a natural medicine that includes biologically active natural components.
One of them is chaga, or colloquially “birch mushroom”. This is a semi-parasitic formation, found in the form of nodules on the trunks of birches and some other trees. Due to its lifestyle, chaga has developed a complex adaptation mechanism that helps it obtain all the nutrients from the host plant. At the same time, birch mushroom is perfectly protected from pests and infectious diseases. It contains substances that neutralize pathogenic flora and stop the inflammatory process .

Chaga also contains components that activate blood and lymph flow. They increase the speed of metabolic processes, improve tissue nutrition, and stimulate regeneration processes. The beneficial properties of chaga were known to the ancient Romans. It was used to prepare remedies for the treatment of abdominal pain, skin infections, and tumors.

The ointment from Bizoryuk-Health Factory also contains auxiliary natural ingredients: oil extracts of medicinal herbs, honey and beeswax, usma and hemp oils. They supply the body with important microelements needed by joints, skin, and bones. Chaga ointment extracts effectively relieve pain, disinfect the skin, and improve cellular metabolism.

Chaga creams and ointments are a convenient way to strengthen blood vessels and get rid of joint pain

Chaga (black or birch mushroom, tinder fungus) parasitizes on various trees: alder, rowan, maple, but the most useful is the birch growth.
This parasite is somewhat reminiscent of a shapeless piece of coal; it appears in the cracks and crevices of a tree, gradually extracting all the useful substances from it. The mowed tinder fungus is collected mainly in late autumn or winter, at which time it is most bioactive. Chaga has been used in Japanese and Chinese medicine since ancient times; Eastern healers believed that it had the ability to prolong life. Today, many medicinal products with the addition of birch fungus are produced, including ointments and creams, which have powerful antitumor, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Indications for use

Chaga ointment provides effective help for a number of problems:

  • Acute and chronic joint pain;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Arthritis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Pain in different parts of the spine;
  • Shooting pain in the lower back (pinched nerve roots);
  • Gout;
  • Dermatological pathologies: lichen, eczema, dermatitis;
  • Skin burns at the recovery stage;
  • Varicose veins, spider veins;
  • Stretch marks (striae) on the skin;
  • ARVI, infectious and inflammatory lung diseases.

Use the product only externally!

Beneficial features

Phytomazh has a number of therapeutic properties:

  • Antiseptic : inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic viruses, fungi, bacteria;
  • Anti-inflammatory : eliminates the source of inflammation, preventing it from spreading to neighboring tissues;
  • Hemostatic: strengthens skin barriers, resists capillary rupture;
  • Antispasmodic: relieves acute pain, warms up, improves tissue nutrition;
  • Astringents: stimulates cellular regeneration, accelerating the skin healing process;
  • Antitumor: normalizes metabolism, prevents the formation of pathological cellular formations;
  • Immunomodulatory: increases the activity of local immunity, improves blood composition (reduces glucose levels), stimulates the production of antibodies to dangerous viral infections.

Chaga and hemp ointment is effective in treating many skin pathologies, diseases of the musculoskeletal and respiratory systems. It is also used to prevent the occurrence of dangerous tumors. During the period of rampant ARVI - to stop the inflammatory process in the lungs/bronchial tubes, destroy the causative agents of dangerous chronic diseases, accelerate the coughing up of sputum.

Who should have creams, balms and ointments with chaga in their medicine cabinet?

The main indications for the use of ointments and creams with birch mushroom are the following:

  • Prevention of diseases of the joints and spine in the presence of risk factors (frequent hypothermia, chronic inflammatory diseases, sedentary lifestyle, heavy physical work, etc.);
  • Treatment of symptoms due to age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system;
  • If there is sensitivity of the joints to weather changes;
  • During complex treatment of diseases of the spine and joints;
  • To reduce the risk of exacerbation of joint diseases during the cold season.

Chaga ointment for joints and spine

Chaga prevents the destruction of cartilage tissue, restores joint (synovial) fluid, and relieves muscle spasms, which are the main cause of pain. By improving blood circulation and metabolism in diseased joints, salt deposits and toxins are more effectively removed from them.

Chaga cream for face and neck

A line of creams with chaga for the face and neck is designed to protect the skin from dehydration, nourish cells with useful substances, and protect against adverse external factors. Such products provide high-quality care for mature, aging skin, maintain its elasticity, tone, and improve its appearance. In addition, chaga is an effective antioxidant that blocks the activity of free radicals, thereby prolonging the youth of the skin.

The use of chaga in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases

Healing ointments containing the natural adaptogen black fungus have a good effect in treating diseases of the respiratory system. Due to the presence of a large number of flavonoids, the product helps get rid of viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms.

Often, such external agents are not used independently, but as part of complex therapy.

Creams and ointments with chaga are indispensable for psoriasis, eczema, wounds, cuts

Chaga products can be used both for the prevention and treatment of various skin diseases. They increase the immune properties of the skin, eliminate inflammatory processes, improve microcirculation in nearby tissues, heal, and restore. They significantly improve the patient’s condition, activate the body’s defenses, and tone up.

For gout, rheumatism

Chaga in the form of ointments and massage creams helps relieve gout, as it eliminates blood stagnation in the affected area. Due to the presence of a large number of bioactive substances in the composition of this parasitic fungus, the process of starting tissue self-healing occurs, salt deposits are eliminated, and pain is dulled.

Most often, chaga creams are used in combination with targeted therapeutic drugs to treat gout. During an exacerbation, the cream or ointment is applied with light movements to the affected areas and left until completely absorbed. If the pain is tolerable, it is recommended to additionally massage the affected joint and do light exercises when distributing the composition.

For varicose veins

Chaga restores normal blood circulation, eliminates blood clots, normalizes metabolic processes, smoothes blood vessels, strengthens their walls, and prevents thinning of the vascular network. Such remedies help relieve pain from varicose veins and prevent the appearance of spider veins.

Ointment with birch mushroom is applied to damaged areas of the body and rubbed in with massage movements. Next, wrap the limbs with a terry towel. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2 times a day.


The phytoformula of the product includes the following components:

  1. Chaga oil extract. Rich in steroid compounds, lingin, polysaccharides, purines, valuable amino acids, potassium, iron, magnesium and other important minerals. These substances activate metabolism at the cellular level and participate in many bioenergetic processes.
  2. Hemp oil. Rich in fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, stearic, etc.), phytosterols, amino acids, carotene. Strengthens vascular walls. Removes toxins and waste from the body. Improves hematopoietic functions, reduces the level of bad cholesterol. Resists the formation of plaques in blood vessels. Improves nutrition of cartilage, internal organs, and brain. Serves as an excellent prevention of senile neurodegenerative diseases.
  3. Usma oil. It is produced from the Woad plant. It has long been used in Chinese folk medicine to treat inflammatory and cold diseases. Usma oil is extremely effective in fighting pathogens. It shortens the recovery period for ARVI. Facilitates coughing, reduces temperature, relieves inflammation. Widely used for the treatment of chronic lung and joint diseases.
  4. Maclura extract. It is made from the plant Maclura orange, or Adam's root. Is a natural antibiotic. Active against a wide range of pathogens. It also relieves severe pain and resists the activity of free radicals.
  5. Calendula. It has choleretic and astringent properties. Accelerates wound healing. Cleanses the surface of the skin. Increases its firmness and elasticity.
  6. St. John's wort. Relieves spasms and pain. Accelerates the regeneration of damaged skin and mucous membranes. It also has a general tonic effect, has a positive effect on the immune system, gives strength, and accelerates recovery from ARVI.
  7. Chamomile. A well-known antiseptic of natural origin in Russia. Stimulates the healing of skin wounds and mucosal erosions. Stops inflammation. Widely used for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, chronic diseases of the lungs, joints and skin.
  8. Thyme. The plant is rich in essential oils, flavonoids, mineral salts, triterpene and tannin compounds. Effectively accelerates the healing of injuries and skin pathologies. Cleanses the epithelium from bacterial infection. Pain relief. Promotes coughing during ARVI. Strengthens vascular walls, which is why it is often used to treat varicose veins.
  9. Beeswax. It is an extremely useful product of the vital activity of bees. It is collected in ecologically clean regions of Russia. Contains a complex of antiseptic compounds, minerals, essential oils, vitamins. Has a protective and wound-healing effect. Forms a thin film on the skin that prevents pathogenic bacteria from penetrating into the wound. Protects the epidermis, prevents wound suppuration. Activates nutrition of joints. Warms. Accelerates the delivery of nutrients.
  10. Natural Caucasian honey. Rich in vitamins A, C, B1–B12, D, E, minerals, amino acids. Supplies cartilage and bone tissue with a lot of useful microelements. Provides complete nutrition to joints. Accelerates metabolic processes. Removes toxic substances. Helps restore synovial fluid.

Properties of creams and ointments based on chaga mushroom

Ointments and creams with chaga have the following beneficial effects on the human body:

  • Regenerative . Chaga promotes rapid and effective healing of abrasions, abrasions, cracks, burns, cuts, frostbite, restoration of damaged tissues;
  • Antipruritic . Chaga creams relieve itching and inflammation from insect bites and minor injuries;
  • anti-inflammatory. Chaga contains a fairly strong antiseptic betulin in large quantities, which protects joints and other organs from inflammation. Such products disinfect the surface, block the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, and prevent infections from growing over the surface of the skin;
  • Painkiller . Chaga is a good analgesic and relieves spasms, so external remedies based on it in some cases help to avoid taking synthetic antispasmodics and analgesics that are harmful to the body. The analgesic effect is especially noticeable for joint and muscle pain, discomfort in the spine and lower back;
  • Improves metabolism, metabolic processes, stimulates blood supply to tissues and joints . That is why ointments have proven themselves in the treatment of joint and other pathologies (radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, gout, etc.);
  • Decongestant . Chaga helps remove excess fluid from tissues, thereby helping to get rid of increased swelling and thereby relieve stress on internal organs;
  • Vascular strengthening . External creams increase the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthen their walls;
  • Antiviral . Chaga contains flavonoids, which have a detrimental effect on various strains of viruses.

Mode of application

The drug is intended for external use. Apply a thin layer to the area where pain or inflammation is localized: chest, joints, back, lower back. Grind until it has a warming effect. A slight increase in skin temperature promotes better penetration of bioactive substances into deeper layers.

It is good to combine the use of chaga ointment with massage. Apply 2 times a day. There is no need to rinse off the product after application. It absorbs well without leaving greasy stains.

To treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures, apply a little ointment without rubbing. Leave until completely absorbed.

Use daily for 3-4 weeks.

Effect on the body

The effect of ointments with chaga on the human body is due to the rich chemical composition of the fungus; almost the entire periodic table is concentrated in it. Chaga has a high penetrating ability, quickly entering the internal structures of tissues and starting to act from the inside.

No less useful is the use of creams with chaga for external tissues. After them, the skin becomes elastic, moisturized, and acquires a healthy color. Suppuration, minor wounds and abrasions heal quickly and stop hurting and itching.


It is not recommended to use in the presence of such pathologies and conditions:

  • Open skin injuries (knife wounds, etc.);
  • Purulent wounds, bedsores stage II–IV;
  • Allergic rash on the body;
  • Individual hypersensitivity to ointment ingredients;
  • Children under 14 years of age;
  • Pregnancy/lactation;
  • Allergy to bee products.

Before using this herbal medicine, it is recommended to consult your doctor and not exceed the dosage. When the first signs of allergy appear - itching, intense redness, swelling of the skin - stop using the drug! Seek help from an allergist.

Volume:28 ml.
Best before date:2 years, store in a cool, dark place. Keep out of reach of children!
Manufacturer:Bizoryuk-Health Factory

Buy Monastic ointment in the Russian Roots online store

The site presents a natural product from a direct Russian manufacturer. The product can also be purchased at herbal pharmacies in the city. By ordering online, the buyer is guaranteed to receive the lowest price and delivery to any region of the Russian Federation. Couriers deliver orders in Moscow and the surrounding Moscow region in a short time.

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