Elbow sprain: treatment and prevention methods


Elbow sprains are a common problem for athletes: baseball players, tennis players, bodybuilders and others who place the main load on their arms. In addition, massage therapists, hairdressers, sculptors and painters also suffer injuries. According to statistics, up to 40% of athletes have experienced a sprain, and among specialists in other professions - up to 20%.

What is an elbow sprain?

In case of injury, only the ligaments, which are represented by bundles of connective tissue, are usually stretched. Closed damage to one, several or all bundles occurs.

Depending on the severity, sprains are divided into:

  • mild – the pain is mild, activity is possible without sharp pain in all directions, diagnostics reveals microscopic tears or sprains;
  • medium – partial rupture of the ligament, severe pain, local swelling and hyperthermia are observed (at the site of injury) and there is a limitation in the ability to move depending on the location of the injury;
  • severe - complete rupture of the ligament, movement in any direction is impossible due to severe pain.

The elbow joint connects the humerus, ulna and radius. Reliable stabilization is provided by four ligaments: quadrate, annular, ulnar collateral and radial collateral. Incorrect therapy and self-medication can lead to improper fusion of ligaments.

Not only athletes can experience elbow joint injuries. The injury is caused by unusual stress. For example:

  • sudden lifting of a large load;
  • falling on a straight arm;
  • sharp and strong turns of the hand;
  • long-term repeated manipulations with flexion/extension of the joint.

Before starting any challenging exercises, you should warm up. And for those who are just starting their journey in sports or fitness, you need to increase the load gradually. Whenever possible, special restraints should be used in work and sports where there is a risk of injury.

When should a dressing be done?

The bandage will quickly lose elasticity if the first turns of the material were not sufficiently secured; the turns were carried out with varying degrees of tension. This bandage needs to be completely replaced. A bandaged elbow pad that is bandaged too tightly requires replacement if there is pain, swelling, cyanosis, or lack of sensitivity in the limb. Such symptoms indicate compression of the nerve, compression of blood vessels.

Joints are movable joints of bones. In case of injury, reliable fixation is required. Dressings are done for the purpose of warming, immobilizing a limb, holding a compress, and sealing an open wound. Fixation of the elbow joint can affect a separate area in the crook of the arm, the forearm, the thumb, or the entire limb. For simple, medium-stretch bandages, natural elastic materials are used. In some cases, a multilayer bandage made of aeroprene, cotton fabric, or lycra is recommended.

Clinical picture

Classic symptoms of a sprained elbow:

  • pain from the moment of injury;
  • swelling of varying degrees;
  • redness of the skin over the damaged area;
  • local hyperthermia;
  • it is possible to increase the general temperature to 37.5 ° C;
  • weakness, dizziness, loss of strength.

In severe cases of the disease and complete rupture of the ligament, loss of consciousness, painful shock and inability to move the affected limb are observed.

What is the difference between a bandage and an orthosis?

Nothing. A bandage is a type of orthosis. It is made of dense elastic fabric. The basis of the product is polyurethane, spandex, nylon, which create compression on the joint capsule. The bandage has an elastic base, which can be made of cotton or other material. It ensures a comfortable skin condition during prolonged contact.

Its purpose:

  • stabilization of the joint due to compression;
  • warming and micromassage of the joint capsule is carried out;
  • swelling is relieved;
  • the tissues of the hand are held in a physiological position.

An orthosis is a product that contains inserts of stiffening ribs, plastic or metal inserts that allow a certain amplitude and trajectory of movement.

There is a division into light, medium and hard forms.

Rigid orthoses can completely immobilize the elbow. Some models are made of low-temperature plastic. Before installation, it is heated in water and the position is fixed, taking into account all anatomical features. After hardening in the correct form, it completely eliminates joint movement. They are a convenient alternative to plaster.

The orthosis is used for:

  • fractures of the forearm bones in the upper third;
  • dislocations;
  • after operations and rupture of tendons or ligaments;
  • inflammatory diseases of the joint capsule.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of: examination, anamnesis, instrumental diagnostics and tests.

First, the doctor performs a physical examination of the patient to make a preliminary diagnosis. He needs to assess the location of the injury, determine whether there is pain, swelling, hyperthermia, deformation and hematoma. And if symptoms are diagnosed, their severity is assessed. The traumatologist must clarify the circumstances and time of injury, there were similar cases in the past, whether therapy was taken, and if so, what kind.

Functional tests are also required to determine the mobility of the joint. The inability to move in any direction will indicate damage, and its excessive mobility will indicate a complete rupture.

Basic diagnostic methods:

  1. X-ray examination is informative only in case of a complete rupture.
  2. MRI will help assess the condition of soft tissues.
  3. Arthroscopy – by inserting an endoscope, the condition of the injury can be assessed and treatment can be carried out immediately.
  4. Ultrasound is the most effective option for assessing the condition of the ligamentous apparatus.

To clarify the details of the course of the pathology, the doctor may prescribe: a general blood and urine test, biochemical analysis and rheumatic tests.

Wearing and care

There are no restrictions on long-term use of the orthosis. 24-hour wearing is indicated throughout the entire treatment period. ORDEKT thermoplastic has shape memory. This means that if during operation there is a need to remove the orthosis (after swelling subsides or the fullness of the arm changes), it can easily be remodeled by reheating it in hot water. Attention! Application, removal, and correction of the orthosis should only be carried out by a doctor.



The basic principles of treatment are:

  • minimizing pain;
  • eliminating inflammation, swelling or hematoma;
  • assistance in proper fusion;
  • replenishment of lost range of motion;
  • prevention of complications.

Depending on the severity, the traumatologist may prescribe adherence to a certain lifestyle, drug therapy, immobilization and surgical treatment.

Immediately after an injury, rest is needed; it is better not to move the injured arm unnecessarily. A cool compress (locally, for 10-15 minutes) will help relieve swelling or hematoma. It is better to place the injured arm above the healthy one (to reduce blood flow). Exercise therapy classes are carried out at the direction of a specialist during the rehabilitation period.

NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) will help relieve inflammation. They are applied locally, in the form of a warming ointment or cream. The doctor may also prescribe oral administration of the drug after assessing the general condition. Analgesics in the form of ointments, injection ampoules or tablets are prescribed to relieve severe pain.

The joint is fixed with a plaster cast in case of severe damage. With medium, for better fixation, a bandage with metal ribs is used.

There are three options for operations for moderate and severe severity:

  1. Reconstruction of the collateral ligament - in case of frequent (chronic) trauma, it is replaced with a tendon to maintain strength and mobility.
  2. The introduction of a frame is the fixation of torn areas using metal structures for optimal tissue fusion.
  3. Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive method that allows you to most accurately compare the areas of rupture and eliminate long-term recovery in the postoperative period.

Only a doctor can tell you which method is best to choose. A correctly collected medical history, tests and diagnostic results will help him choose the optimal path to recovery. There are risk factors due to which even a microscopic tear needs to be operated on (for example, abnormalities in the development of the joint).

Soft elbow brace. Price in Moscow

Retainers that are equipped with metal spokes, plates, fasteners and hinges are considered true orthoses. They are made of rigid materials, which in turn provide maximum fixation to the joint that has been damaged. Such orthoses are used for:

  • rupture of ligaments and tendons;
  • severe injuries of the elbow joint;
  • in the recovery period after operations.

The group of medium-hard fasteners includes products that are made from combined materials. Their main part consists of spandex, and metal bones and knitting needles are sewn inside the product. This type of retainer has a supporting function and has an analgesic, warming and massage effect. It is used in the following cases:

  • with degenerative processes in joints;
  • in chronic inflammatory processes;
  • as a prophylactic during intense physical activity;
  • in cool and damp weather, as a warming agent;
  • for everyday use by persons at risk.

Soft-stiffness fixators are fixing bandages for the elbow. A bandage on the elbow joint protects a healthy joint during intense loads and is used as a preventative measure. Bandages are made from elastic and dense fabric, without using auxiliary rigid elements. Soft retainers are used as a preventive measure during sports or for minor bruises and injuries. Prices for elbow orthoses in Moscow vary from 800 rubles to 4,000 rubles. You can buy an elbow orthosis in Moscow after consulting a doctor. You can make an appointment with a specialist 24 hours a day by calling the Yusupov Hospital.

Why choose an elbow brace made of low-temperature plastic

Advantages of ORDEKT products over traditional orthoses and plaster casts:

  • Ease and speed of modeling, correction, removal.
  • Provides a tight fit without additional padding in places of natural curves.
  • Durable, lightweight design, retains its shape for a long time, does not stretch or crack.
  • Suitable for adults and children. You can select the required size by checking the size chart.
  • Hypoallergenic thermoplastic and perforation provide wearing comfort and prevent irritation, bedsores, and abrasions.
  • Allows the patient to perform hygienic water procedures, swim in the pool, the sea.
  • It is easy to care for, invisible under clothes, has a small thickness, and looks neat.
  • When removing the orthosis, the hair is not affected, and the patient does not experience any discomfort.
  • Affordable price.

You can learn more about orthoses and view the range of all types of orthopedic products made from low-temperature plastic on our website. To get specialist advice, call 8 800 500 8333 or write a message online in the feedback form.

The article was checked by Strakhov Maxim Alekseevich - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Traumatology-Orthopedics and Military Field Surgery of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Associate Professor of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (Moscow).

Application of plastic plaster

You can apply a plastic cast to an adult’s or child’s arm, leg, ankle, and other parts of the body at home. For this you will need:

  • Polymer bandage . Can be of different hardness and type. The doctor must select the specific type and width of the product.
  • Plaster lining . Can be stocking or rolled cotton wool. The first is used for injuries to the limbs. The second is in cases where a stocking lining cannot be used. A combination of them is allowed.
  • Latex gloves . When applied, the impregnation of the dressing should not come into contact with the skin.
  • Warm water . Temperature is about 20-25 degrees Celsius.

To fix synthetic plaster, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Put on gloves and remove the liner from the packaging. The hosiery must be put on the limb, cutting off the excess. The bandage pad should simply be wrapped around the injured area.

  2. Take a bowl of warm water and dip the polymer bandage into it. The roll of bandage must be squeezed 2-3 times without removing it from the water so that it absorbs moisture.

  3. Remove the medical polymer plaster from the water and apply it with smooth spiral movements to the arm, leg, collarbone or any other damaged part of the body. Each previous turn must be overlapped by about half the width of the next one.

After 3-5 minutes the plaster will be fixed. During this time, the material can be modeled. Under normal conditions, all-polymer materials will harden in 20-25 minutes.

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