Resorts and sanatoriums specializing in treatment and rehabilitation after endoprosthetics

Competent rehabilitation after operations and injuries of the musculoskeletal system and brain is the most important stage for full recovery. After discharge from the hospital, it is not always possible to receive comprehensive and comprehensive care. Often, after severe injuries, people are forced to remain in a lying position for some time or move using a wheelchair.

Where can you go for treatment, how can you help a loved one not lose faith in their abilities? All these questions can be answered in sanatoriums with an accessible environment, rehabilitation centers where there are professional doctors and psychologists. The resort climate will also help restore strength and health: as comfortable as possible, and most importantly, effectively. The chief doctor of, Irina Evseeva, has compiled a selection of the best sanatoriums where you can undergo rehabilitation after injuries and operations.

Sanatorium "Sakropol" 4*, Saki

The sanatorium has a new modern water and mud bath, where natural treatment factors of the Saki resort are used. Among them are brine and mud from Lake Saki, which has no analogues in the world and is effective for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Also, as part of the treatment, guests are prescribed massages, hardware physiotherapy, acupuncture, and exercise therapy. The sanatorium is excellent for rehabilitation after endoprosthetics. The sanatorium has beautiful rooms, a swimming pool, entertainment, and the sandy beach can be reached by transfer.


: consequences of operations and injuries to the bones of the limbs and trunk, traumatic arthropathy, rehabilitation after endoprosthetics

The principles underlying our rehabilitation department

  1. Leadership. A close-knit team of like-minded people committed to the goals of rehabilitation medicine and aimed at high success of rehabilitation.
  2. Quality of services and patient-centered approach. Patients receive full access to rehabilitation services in a timely manner and for the required duration, taking into account their medical condition. Rehabilitation is patient-centered, taking into account individual goals, needs and expectations.
  3. Multidisciplinary team. Our patients are treated by a multidisciplinary team that provides rehabilitation together within an interdisciplinary structure. Orthopedic traumatologists, sports medicine physicians, and rehabilitation specialists work together to provide a comprehensive approach.
  4. Evidence-based medicine. Our specialists constantly improve their professional qualifications and use modern clinical data and techniques in their practice to provide the best conservative treatment.
  5. Appropriate conditions for providing medical care. Rehabilitation services are provided in the most appropriate conditions, based on the characteristics and objectives of rehabilitation, classes are held in individual rooms or in a function room.
  6. Clinical process and performance tracking. We rely on clear standardized criteria to monitor the completion of the rehabilitation course and assess the functional state.

Our department uses a modern scientific approach and the use of evidence-based medicine in the patient’s recovery process. At the Sports Clinic, international training seminars are regularly held to continuously improve the skills of specialists. The head of the rehabilitation department is European physical therapist Yan Nguyen .

A highly qualified multidisciplinary team will provide you with high quality treatment and effective recovery.

Center for Medical Rehabilitation "Blagopuchie", Moscow Region

One of the leading sanatoriums for rehabilitation in the country, where they will help you learn to walk again, gain confidence in yourself, regain everyday skills, and restore thinking, memory and speech. An accessible environment is created throughout the entire center, and guests are provided with 24-hour medical supervision. According to the center, about 95% of patients achieve positive results after therapy. Treatment in this sanatorium in the Moscow region for rehabilitation includes massages, joint development using the Artromot apparatus, mechanotherapy, hardware physiotherapy, exercise therapy, kinesiotherapy, biofeedback therapy, and heat therapy. The sanatorium is ideal for rehabilitation after hip and knee replacement.


: rehabilitation after endoprosthetics, fractures and injuries, supportive rehabilitation

Photo of the branch

Players of FC Crystal, a multiple champion of Russia in beach soccer, are undergoing rehabilitation at the Sports Clinic under the guidance of specialist Andrei Kudryashov.

Sports Clinic rehabilitation specialist Yulia Starikova conducts a myostimulation session in combination with active mobilization of joints.

Exercises on Redcord slings under the guidance of Marina Vladimirovna Kremleva.

Cheerleaders of the Kronverk Leopards student sports club, winners of the All-Russian level cheer sports championship during kinesio taping at the SportClinic.

Sanatorium "Lesnaya Polyana", Pyatigorsk

The sanatorium has a unique rehabilitation department for people with consequences of diseases and injuries of the spinal cord and spine, where restorative treatment is carried out. A special feature is complex therapy lasting up to 42 days. It includes massages, mechanotherapy, psychotherapy, physiotherapy, biofeedback therapy and other procedures. They also use unique Pyatigorsk radon mineral waters and healing mud from Lake Tambukan.

Suitable for guests with limited mobility, including as a sanatorium for rehabilitation after spinal surgery. There is special equipment for immersion in the pool and bath, adapted treatment rooms, and a barrier-free environment has been created. Strollers are also provided if necessary.


: consequences of spinal cord and spine injuries, traumatic brain injuries, recovery after removal of benign tumors of the brain and spinal cord

Restoration of the knee joint after endoprosthetics

The main goal of rehabilitation is the patient’s adaptation to the joint; the doctor teaches the patient to move and walk, taking into account all the features of the endoprosthesis. Special attention is also paid to the prevention of possible diseases.

Rehabilitation must be comprehensive: it is important that a team of doctors (rehabilitologist, exercise therapy specialist, physiotherapist, psychologist, etc.) work with the patient, constantly monitoring rehabilitation progress and, if necessary, adjusting the recovery program. Rehabilitation methods should complement each other and not replace each other.

Another important principle of rehabilitation is early start. Within a few hours after the operation, you can begin performing passive or simple active exercises, massage, and physiotherapy. But the patient must be prepared that recovery will take a long time.

Sanatorium "Podmoskovye" UDP RF, Moscow region

At the Podmoskovye sanatorium, a specialized program has been developed for rehabilitation after operations and spinal injuries. It includes massages, acupuncture, detensor therapy, spinal traction, as well as therapeutic baths, including radon and mineral water. In this sanatorium, many high-tech procedures are used for rehabilitation in the Moscow region, including laser, magnetic, ultrasound, shock wave, transcranial and biofeedback therapy. Taken together, this provides high efficiency and the opportunity to undergo full medical rehabilitation within 14–21 days.


: rehabilitation after operations and spinal injuries

Clinical treatment and rehabilitation, Barnaul

The center specializes in medical rehabilitation of guests with dysfunctions of the peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal system. For example, here you can undergo rehabilitation after hip replacement at the sanatorium. They offer multidisciplinary proprietary programs that are aimed at restoring mobility, relieving pain, preventing thrombosis and returning to normal life. The treatment includes massages, mechanotherapy on the Artromot simulator, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, visiting the pool, and drug therapy. In addition, this is a great opportunity to enjoy the stunning scenery of the Altai region.


: consequences of operations and injuries, recovery after arthroscopic operations and joint replacement, sports injuries

Safe fitness

FITNESS is a type of physical activity that is aimed at maintaining overall physical fitness, achieved through a balanced diet, rest, moderate physical activity and an active lifestyle. In a broader sense, it is the general physical fitness of the human body.


  1. 1. Maintaining health, i.e. the performance of all body systems (CVS, respiratory, etc.), muscles and musculoskeletal function. Function effectively and optimally under a variety of loads and extreme situations. Not only at a certain time, but throughout life.
  2. 2. Development of the cardiovascular system (CVS), Muscle strength, Endurance, Flexibility and Improvement of body composition (structure).
  3. 3. Improving the biomechanics of movement and motor patterns.
  4. 4. Retraining the nervous system so that the body becomes functional and new movement patterns are organically integrated into everyday life

The key to success is to find optimal health within your lifestyle, being able to resist hypokinetic diseases. Those. conditions that result from a sedentary lifestyle, such as obesity and obesity-related complications such as diabetes. Medical professionals, physical therapists and occupational therapists agree that the ideal approach to health is a holistic one. One that allows a person to make decisions and take initiative regarding their own health. Our clinic trainers are part of a multidisciplinary Team that helps you maintain optimal health within your lifestyle, and be able to prevent diseases or prevent them from progressing.

Types of training:

  • power training,
  • functional training,
  • Pilates using the Polestar system,
  • strength and conditioning training in sports,
  • posture correction.

Our mission is health through movement and smart/safe fitness.

Active Life without pain and pills at any age.

Feel the joy in movement, regardless of age.

Do the things you love, and always be energetic and active.

Only when your body moves effectively will you be able to engage in any activity, any sport, receiving benefits and pleasure, without injury or pain!

Sanatorium "Akter", Sochi

The “Akter” sanatorium provides the “Movement - Life” program and a sanatorium-resort program with treatment at the “Matsesta” balneological resort. The unique Matsesta hydrogen sulfide waters have a pronounced therapeutic effect, are effective for problems with the musculoskeletal system, and for rehabilitation after a fracture in a sanatorium. The sanatorium offers hardware physiotherapy procedures, naftalan therapy, therapeutic baths and showers, massages, and underwater spinal traction.

Recovery in this sanatorium for rehabilitation after fractures in Sochi will give you the most pleasant emotions thanks to the excellent climate, picturesque landscapes and relaxed resort atmosphere. The sanatorium is distinguished by a high level of service and modern rooms, as well as the presence of a seawater swimming pool and its own beach.


: consequences of joint and bone fractures

Long-term recovery period

The goal of the final stage of rehabilitation is the complete restoration of movements and preparation for a full life. At a later stage, you are allowed to visit the gym. You can engage in a sport with moderate loads: Nordic walking, swimming, cycling. Rehabilitation at the final stage includes the following daily exercises: “scissors”, “bicycle”, walking on bent legs with the help of support.

Do not lift heavy objects or subject the joint to high physical stress. It is prohibited to play football, basketball or volleyball. If the doctor's recommendations are followed, performance returns 1.5-3 months after surgery.

Clinical sanatorium "Pyatigorsky Narzan", Pyatigorsk

Rehabilitation in a sanatorium after operations and injuries will help you recover much faster. The “Healthy Spine” program is supervised by a neurologist-reflexologist who will select individual treatment for each guest. Here they use the natural resources of the region - Tambukan mud and radon mineral water. In addition, underwater spinal traction, massages, physiotherapy, and exercise therapy are available. The expected effects of treatment are improved blood supply to blood vessels, increased range of motion, improved psycho-emotional state, and relief from stiffness and pain.


: the need for rehabilitation after injuries and operations, convulsions, muscle-tonic and pain syndromes, neurological pathologies, decreased mental and physical activity

A set of measures to restore the knee after surgery

  • Exercise therapy with an instructor
    : he controls the technique of performing exercises and increases the load when necessary;
  • drug therapy
    : medications help relieve pain, stop inflammatory processes, etc.;
  • physiotherapy
    : the most popular methods include electrophoresis, UHF, magnetic therapy, etc.;
  • classes with a psychologist and psychotherapist
    : the psychologist helps to believe in the success of therapy and not give up treatment, the doctor also works with those who were unable to recover for one reason or another;
  • proper nutrition
    : if necessary, the doctor prepares a diet.

When choosing treatment methods, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, his medical history, age, general condition and other factors on which the quality and period of rehabilitation depend.

Center for Medical Rehabilitation "Big Salts", Yaroslavl Region

The center specializes in the rehabilitation of adults and children with diseases of the peripheral nervous and musculoskeletal systems, including after injuries and operations. The sanatorium is suitable for rehabilitation after injuries of the hip joint, for rehabilitation after injuries of the knee joint in the sanatorium, including fractures and operations. Among the methods of rehabilitation after injuries of the musculoskeletal system in the sanatorium are massages, baths, electrophototherapy, manual, traction, acupuncture, detensor and ugul therapy. The duration of the program is from 13 days.


: consequences of injuries (including the spine), rehabilitation after orthopedic operations, surgical treatment of the hip and knee joints

What is contraindicated during the rehabilitation period

Self-medication or lack of proper rehabilitation can lead to serious consequences. Excessively intense loads on the joint are fraught with complications, as well as a violation of the basic principles of recovery: complexity, individual approach, consistency and continuity.

Only a doctor can select a recovery program based on the patient’s individual data, his health characteristics and other parameters.

Each rehabilitation method has its own contraindications. The most serious include diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, malignant tumors, blood clotting disorders, end-stage renal failure, acute infectious diseases, chronic pathologies in the acute stage, etc. All contraindications are clarified by the doctor before prescribing a course of procedures.

Sanatorium and resort complex "DiLUCH", Anapa

The medical base of the DiLUCH sanatorium is one of the most powerful in the resort. There is a clinic, “9 floors of health” treatment and diagnostic center, 65 doctors, 115 paramedical workers, balneological and mud departments. Work is carried out in 36 areas, including medical rehabilitation, neurology, surgery and traumatology. The sanatorium is suitable for rehabilitation after injuries and operations, including the sanatorium for rehabilitation after a spinal fracture.

The rehabilitation program at the sanatorium “Treatment of diseases of the organs of support and movement” is designed for 14 or 21 days, “Neurorehabilitation” - for 18 or 21 days. According to indications, treatment includes massages, peloid therapy, therapeutic baths and showers, physiotherapy, shock wave therapy, kinesiotherapy, ergotherapy, biofeedback therapy, acupuncture, cognitive rehabilitation. Well, the healthy climate and beautiful Black Sea landscapes will give you additional positive emotions.


: muscle strain, slowly healing fractures, rehabilitation after fractures in a sanatorium, traumatic brain injuries, conditions after a spinal fracture

Central Clinical Hospital for Rehabilitation of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia

The medical institution has been operating since 1968, and is currently recognized as one of the best in the rehabilitation of people with orthopedic and other problems. It has proven itself well in the recovery of patients after knee replacement. Every year, an average of 9 thousand patients receive treatment and rehabilitation here. The Central Clinical Hospital for Rehabilitation Treatment of the FMBA employs friendly staff and strong doctors. The medical institution has absolutely no shortage of rehabilitation and diagnostic equipment or professional personnel. It constantly introduces new technological trends with proven effectiveness.

Entrance to the institution.

Medical care can be received both inpatient and outpatient. The hospital operates under compulsory medical insurance, voluntary medical insurance and on a paid basis. Paid provision of services is practically no different from preferential provision, at least, that’s what the patients themselves say. On the territory of the Central Clinical Hospital there is Wi-Fi, food is well organized, and it is pleasant to walk and relax in the courtyard. The hospital is located in the Moscow region, where there is a favorable ecological atmosphere and clean air.


You can find the TsKBVL FMBA of Russia at the address: Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region, village (village) Goluboe.


Initial consultation with a specialist in physical rehabilitation – 12,001,400 rubles, subsequent follow-up appointments – 900-1000 rubles each. Electromyostimulation of the lower extremities on the "AkorD" device - 1200 rubles, electrophoresis with medicine - 350 rubles, ultrasound therapy - 400 rubles, magnetic/mud/ozokerite or laser treatment - 300-500 rubles, lymphatic drainage on "BTL" » – 700 rubles. Shock wave therapy – from 1650 rubles. Acupuncture – 450 rubles, hirudotherapy (6 leeches) – 1400-1500 rubles. Therapeutic bath with radon composition - 900 rubles, mineral bath (iodine + bromine, dry carbon dioxide, with sea salt or turpentine) - 400 rubles.

General manual massage – 1700 rubles, local – from 800 rubles. Group lesson of therapeutic exercises (30 min.) – 250 rubles, personally with a trainer – 650 rubles, on special simulators (half an hour) – from 300 rubles. Exercise therapy in the pool - 400-650 rubles, occupational therapy (1 lesson) - 660 rubles. Prices for joint diagnostics: radiography of the joint (2 projections) – 1400 rubles, MRI of the joint – 4000 rubles. Accommodation in a single room (without care, but with meals) – from 2000 rubles.

We have listed prices for most of the services most common after knee replacement. But the medical institution also has other unique recovery methods, the prices for which can be found on the official website. Let us note that the minimum set of physical procedures, designed for 10 days of paid rehabilitation (for non-inpatient patients) after installation of a knee endoprosthesis, will cost at least 15 thousand rubles.


The Clinical Hospital for Rehabilitation Treatment is known for its rich variety of rehabilitation technologies of foreign and domestic production. Training for muscle recovery and honing walking skills on an automated Lokomat simulator with biofeedback function has been introduced into clinical practice. In the gym, patients are also prescribed classes on a passive-active stimulator from MOTOmed, in combination with them, to enhance the therapeutic effect, electrical stimulation of muscles is simultaneously performed using the AcorD device.

"BOS" system.

Among the technological innovations that perfectly contribute to the restoration of large joints and the elimination of musculoskeletal dysfunction in any severity of the initial condition, one cannot fail to mention training on the Primus RS system, stabilometric complexes of various types, and the Exarta kinesiotherapy complex. Body balance, coordination, and support stability are improved on the BALANCE-trainer standing simulators, mechanical stimulators of plantar support zones of the “Kovrit” type. We have already introduced the main list of physiotherapy services in the “Prices” section.

MOTOmed simulator.

Possibility of home visits

The ability to visit home is limited to a therapist, chiropractor, and nurses to administer injections and IVs. On-site customer service is provided for a fee. Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region can call medical staff of relevant specializations.

Knee replacement in the Czech Republic: guarantees, prices, rehabilitation, reviews and statistics.

Find out more

Sanatorium "Lake Karachi", Novosibirsk region

“Lake Karachi” is a unique resort, founded back in 1880, which provides an excellent opportunity for residents of Siberia to recover from musculoskeletal injuries close to home. Five natural factors help in treatment: therapeutic sulfide-silt mud and brine of Lake Karachi, location in an ecologically clean area, iodine-bromine and medicinal table mineral waters. In addition, manual and reflexology, massages, exercise therapy, psychotherapy, and physiotherapy are used in therapy.


: post-traumatic conditions, contractures due to injuries, consequences of traumatic brain injuries


Having completed the full course of therapy, the early postoperative period ends after 10 days. At this time, the goal of rehabilitation is to prevent the development of negative consequences and deterioration of the patient’s condition.

Further rehabilitation continues for 2-3 months. During this time, the patient notes improvements, expressed in a decrease in pain, restoration of mobility, and rapid tissue regeneration. It is worth noting the psychological factor. Our specialists always encourage you, putting you in a positive mood, because the success of the operation depends on the patient’s wishes.

Sanatorium "Krasnaya Talka", Gelendzhik

The sanatorium has a medical rehabilitation department based on the effects of mechanotherapy. Here you will find a whole range of exercise machines, classes on which will help strengthen muscles and relieve tension, improve blood circulation, reduce swelling, restore mobility, function of joints and muscles. Among them are the MOTO orthorent model, Fisiotek LT-G, BTL-CPMOTION and Fisiotek LT atromotes, Bike Reha bicycle ergometer, Sigma balance platform, Spirit Medical Systems Group treadmill, NuStep cross-trainer. Also, as part of the “Movement Restoration” program, you can receive therapeutic showers, sea and dry carbon dioxide baths, massages, mud therapy, and hardware physiotherapy.


: recovery after injuries and surgeries

Resort complex "Nadezhda SPA & Sea Paradise" 5*, Gelendzhik

One of the most comfortable complexes in Gelendzhik, where you can undergo rehabilitation after injuries. Depending on the complexity of the situation, the duration of the program can be from 7 to 21 days. A special feature of the course is its emphasis on physical activity: it includes Nordic walking, health path, exercise therapy, yoga, cardio exercises, the Kettler multi-strength complex, sports games, and a visit to the pool. According to indications, Air NoBius spinal traction is possible.

And at the hotel you will find a wonderful holiday on the Black Sea coast. It has its own beach, a complex of outdoor swimming pools, a spa center, delicious food, and spacious rooms. It’s convenient that rehabilitation can be combined with a vacation for the whole family, as there are excellent conditions for children, including a mini-club and water slides.


: consequences of joint and bone injuries

Sanatorium "Dunes", Sestroretsk

In Sestroretsk, the Dunes rehabilitation sanatorium is located in a beautiful place: on the shores of the Gulf of Finland and surrounded by a pine forest. Recovery after injuries and orthopedic operations, including rehabilitation after joint replacement in the sanatorium, is one of the main areas of the health resort’s work. They offer unique techniques here. These are classes using the GYROTONIC complex and NEURAC neuromuscular activation on the REDCORD suspension system, manual, physical, mechanical and biofeedback therapy.


: rehabilitation after traumatological and orthopedic operations, consequences of sports, automobile and other injuries of the musculoskeletal system

​​Sanatorium named after N.N. Burdenko, Saki

This is a specialized spinal sanatorium for rehabilitation after spinal injuries with a rich history: over 43 years of work, more than one hundred thousand people with problems of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system have undergone rehabilitation and treatment here. Rehabilitation of disabled people in the sanatorium will be comfortable: it is fully adapted for people with limited mobility. Guests are offered treatments using Saki mud and brine, therapeutic baths and showers, hardware physiotherapy, exercise therapy, therapeutic massage, and locomotor therapy. The treatment is effective: more than 95% of people are discharged with an improvement in the main diagnosis.


: consequences of diseases and injuries of the spine, spinal cord, musculoskeletal system, central and peripheral nervous system, as well as surgical intervention on the spine

Sanatorium "Staritsa" 4*, Ryazan

An excellent option for those who want to undergo rehabilitation in an ecologically clean area near Moscow: the sanatorium is located 200 km from the capital and 20 km from Ryazan. The recovery program after operations and injuries includes shock wave therapy, radon therapy, interstitial electrical stimulation, cryotherapy, visiting the pool, and physical activity. In addition, guests have access to post-program support for six months with consultations from specialists.


: conditions after fractures, dislocations, bruises, ruptures and sprains of ligaments and muscles, postoperative rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after operations and injuries in a sanatorium is the best option for a quick, effective and comfortable recovery. Get a free consultation with the head physician of, Irina Evseeva, to choose the sanatorium that is suitable for your case. Write to the chat on the website or call 8 800 511 04 66.

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