Cheboksary: ​​knee and hip replacement clinics, prices, quotas, rehabilitation

Joint replacement or, scientifically, arthroplasty is a high-tech orthopedic operation that is becoming more accessible and widespread every year. By replacing a hip or knee joint damaged due to some disease or injury, patients are completely restored to lost musculoskeletal function in their legs. In Cheboksary, joint replacement is performed in one of the largest federal centers; this type of operation is not yet performed in other hospitals in Cheboksary.

Indications and contraindications for arthroscopy

Indications for arthroscopic surgery:

  • meniscal damage;
  • damage to the cruciate ligaments;
  • inflammation of the synovial membrane;
  • displacement of the patella;
  • articular cartilage defects;
  • loose bodies in the knee joint

Like all operations, arthroscopy has its contraindications:

  • inflammatory processes and purulent wounds;
  • ankylosis;
  • general serious condition of the patient.

Hip replacement: indications and contraindications

Indications for surgery are any pathologies associated with partial or complete destruction of the joint and the patient’s loss of the ability to move independently or fully. This list includes joint injuries, hip fracture, severe osteoarthritis, and the consequences of purulent arthritis (inflammatory contractures).

However, it should be remembered that for some patients the intervention is inappropriate or even contraindicated. Firstly, there is no point in replacing the natural parts of the hip joint with an implant if the patient cannot move independently for a reason not related to joint damage. In this case, surgery is possible, but not advisable, since the intervention is classified as difficult and expensive, and it will not restore the patient’s ability to move. Make an appointment with your doctor to determine contraindications.

In addition, there is a list of absolute contraindications to surgery:

  • severe cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, liver failure;
  • intense purulent process in the joint itself or adjacent tissues (intervention is possible only after the acute purulent inflammation has been cured);
  • osteoporosis and other pathologies associated with excessive bone fragility, decreased bone strength;
  • femoral osteomyelitis;
  • anomalies in the development of the femur associated with the absence of a medullary canal in the latter, and some other features of the bones, resulting in the technical impossibility of prosthetics;
  • acute thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism of the vessels of the lower extremities.

Some contraindications are relative, including endocrine pathologies, severe obesity, and cancer. Of course, each case should be considered individually, taking into account the patient’s condition, weighing all the pros and cons. Whether or not disability will occur after hip replacement depends on how carefully the arguments for surgery are assessed.

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Rehabilitation period

The postoperative period proceeds quickly due to the fact that the operation is minimally invasive. The patient recovers on average within 2 weeks (depending on the pathology) and returns to normal life.

By the way, after arthroscopic surgery, the connective tissue of the joint is not damaged, and scars on the skin after healing are practically invisible. That is, the patient should not worry that there will be unpleasant consequences in terms of aesthetics. This is undoubtedly an advantage of arthroscopy.

The essence of the operation to replace the hip joint

itself on the hip joint is carried out to remove the destroyed femoral head and prepare the acetabular element. Only after this are the components of the endoprosthesis installed, according to the anatomical areas of the patient. It is important that the implant repeats the geometric shape of the traditional hip joint.

In a situation where only one part of the hip joint (femoral head) needs to be operated on, the specialist changes only the damaged (distal) area of ​​the hip to the patient. Moreover, the acetabulum remains intact. If the disease spreads to both surfaces, then a reliable total implant is installed.

After a hip replacement, the patient is in the intensive care unit. This is necessary for close monitoring of the body and its condition in the postoperative period. The patient will also receive medical care here. After a few hours, the patient is transferred to a regular ward. Already on the first day after surgery, a rehabilitation program begins.

Arthroscopy in Cheboksary

Arthroscopy in Cheboksary is performed in our clinic by an experienced and professional team of traumatologists and orthopedists, together with an anesthesiologist. For this purpose, the most modern equipment and medicines are used.

We have everything to make the patient feel comfortable: cozy rooms, constant supervision by doctors and nurses, attention and assistance from staff. If necessary, after surgery, the patient is given crutches for the duration of rehabilitation.

If you need arthroscopy, call and make an appointment with our orthopedic traumatologists by phone. Self-registration is available in the MEDIC mobile application or on the website in your Personal Account.

Knee arthroplasty

In cases where the knee is severely damaged by arthritis or injury, a person may find it difficult to perform even simple activities such as climbing stairs or walking. Patients may also feel pain when sitting or lying still and not putting weight on the joint.

Before undergoing endoprosthetics in Moscow, doctors recommend non-surgical treatment, such as medications and the use of walking supports. But when these methods no longer help, knee replacement surgery should be considered. Knee replacement is the safest and most effective procedure for restoring normal activity, relieving pain and correcting leg deformities.

The first such operation was carried out in 1968. Naturally, since then, continuous improvements in surgical materials and techniques have greatly increased the effectiveness of the procedure. Total knee replacement is one of the most successful procedures in all medical practice, regardless of country.

Reasons for the procedure

The most common condition that leads to the need for knee replacement surgery is osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is characterized by the destruction of articular cartilage. Damage to cartilage and bones limits movement and can cause pain. The knee may even swell because the joint is not stable.

Other forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis and arthritis resulting from knee injury, can also lead to knee degeneration. Additionally, fractures, torn cartilage, and/or torn ligaments can cause permanent damage to the knee joint.

If medical treatment is unsatisfactory, knee replacement surgery may be an effective treatment

Features of the procedure

Knee replacement requires a hospital stay. Procedures may vary depending on the specific patient's condition and the practice of his doctor.

Knee replacement surgery is most often performed while the patient is asleep under general anesthesia. Typically, knee replacement surgery is performed as follows:

  • If there is excessive hair at the surgical site, it may be removed.
  • During surgery, the anesthesiologist constantly monitors your pulse, blood pressure, breathing, and blood oxygen levels.
  • The skin over the surgical site is cleansed with an antiseptic solution.
  • An incision is made in the knee area.
  • The damaged surfaces of the knee joint are removed and the surface of the knee joint is restored using a prosthesis. The knee prosthesis consists of metal and plastic. The most common type of artificial knee replacement is a cemented knee replacement. Uncemented prostheses are no longer used. The cemented prosthesis is attached to the bone with surgical cement. An uncemented denture is attached to bone with a porous surface on which bone grows to attach to the denture. Sometimes, a combination of the 2 types is used to replace the knee.
  • The prosthesis typically consists of 3 components: a tibial component (to reconstruct the upper leg or lower leg); the femoral component (for the outer surface of the end of the femur; and the patella (for the outer surface of the lower part of the kneecap that rubs against the femur).
  • The incision is closed with sutures or surgical staples.
  • A drain may be placed at the incision site to remove fluid.
  • The incision site is covered with a sterile bandage.

After the operation is completed, the patient will need to undergo rehabilitation in the hospital, and eventually continue it at home.

Risks of the procedure

As with any surgical procedure, complications may occur. Some possible complications may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Bleeding,
  • Infection,
  • Blood clots in the legs or lungs,
  • Loosening or wear of the prosthesis,
  • Kink,
  • Continued pain or stiffness.

The replacement knee joint may become loose, misaligned, or not function as intended. The connection may need to be replaced again in the future.

Nerves or blood vessels in the surgical area may be damaged, resulting in weakness or numbness. Joint pain may remain the same even after surgery.

There may be other risks depending on your specific health condition. Be sure to discuss any concerns with your doctor before preparing for the procedure.

Replacing a natural joint with an artificial one is the only treatment option

Endoprosthetics is often the only way to relieve a person from disability. An endoprosthesis is a high-tech design made of a metal alloy or durable polymer that takes root well in the human body. The installation of endoprostheses is performed only by professionals with extensive practical experience. For a two-hour procedure, you will need to use up to 80 instruments. Recovery - first under the supervision of a doctor, and then at home. For the first few days you will have to walk on crutches or with a walker.

Gonarthrosis of the knee joint: from complete absence to 3rd degree.

Knee replacement has positive and negative aspects:

pros Minuses
Mobility and basic functions of the knee are almost completely restored The pain continues to bother me
Pain is reduced Possibility of complications after the procedure
Improves the patient's quality of life
A person becomes efficient

Patient reviews

Shakhnina T.N., Kazan

12/03/2021 15:35 After an ankle injury to my left leg, I went to many medical institutions for two years, hoping to receive professional medical help. But there was no improvement. Physiotherapy, compresses, pain-relieving injections, blockades... The leg gradually became deformed. I was advised to contact your Orthopedic Center. On the verge of despair, I signed up for a consultation with uncertainty. The reception was conducted by Sergey Nikolaevich Rybakov. For the first time, the doctor to whom I turned for help paid me as much attention as I did not receive when contacting me in my city. I'm sorry, this is the absolute truth. When I burst into tears, the doctor calmed me down and gave me hope and confidence that everything would be fine with my leg and that the Center would help me. Thanks a lot!!! I was hospitalized in traumatology and orthopedic department No. 1. My doctor is Pavel Vladimirovich Fedotov. At first I was surprised that he was so young, but he had already been recommended as an excellent specialist in his profession (according to patients who had undergone surgery with him more than once). He is a man of few words, but attentive to the point of subtlety, correct, and pleasant to talk to. Everything is clear from the first words - recommendations, advice. I am very glad that he operated on me. He constantly came into the room and asked how he was feeling. This, of course, is in the order of things, but I had the feeling that it was as if a dear, close person was worried and caring about me especially. It's so nice and unusual. Thanks a lot! Having contacted your Center, I changed my opinion about our medicine. I saw that there are real professional doctors (you just need to know where to find them - now I know). I will tell all my friends my story and recommend your Center. Now I would like to thank the chief physician of the Center for Orthopedics and Traumatology N.S. Nikolaev. for such organization of the work of your clinic. Starting from the lobby, they greet, explain, clarify. Everything is clear and understandable. The atmosphere in the lobby is cozy, everything is in harmony. When we were hospitalized, everything was also excellent - bright rooms, equipped with everything necessary: ​​comfortable specialized beds with a remote control (this was the first time I saw this), everything was sterile, comfortable bedside tables, ideal cleanliness in the sanitary room. It’s just that everything is so thought out that I’m full of surprise and delight. And about the medical staff there are simply no words of surprise and gratitude. The nurses and orderlies are so attentive and polite that it is simply unrealistic to see and feel it with your own eyes. It seems that each of the girls is going through a very serious competition in their profession. I would like to write the first and last name of each one, but there are a lot of them, and every single one of them is wonderful. They treat patients as if they were their own family. Miracle!!! I would like to thank the food workers. Everything is just super!!! Delicious, just like home!!! Such variety in dishes, thoughtfulness in diet. Top class!!! Dear doctors, nurses, orderlies and all employees of the Center, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Good health to you and your loved ones!!! I wish you all the good and wonderful things in this life!!! Low bow to you!!! Sorry for such a long review, but it couldn't be shorter.

PRP therapy

This technique is used by leading orthopedists in France, Italy, Israel and other countries. And all because PRP therapy is simple and very effective. It allows the body to recover using its own strength.

PRP translates to “platelet-rich plasma.” Platelets ensure tissue renewal and stimulate the division of stem cells, which accelerates the regenerative (restorative) process of affected tissues.

Platelet-rich plasma is injected into the affected area. To do this, blood is taken from the patient, placed in a special tube and sent to a centrifuge. There the blood is divided into several layers. Thanks to a special tube, exactly the layer where the plasma with the maximum platelet content is concentrated (PRP layer) is extracted.

To improve the accuracy of plasma water, an ultrasound machine is sometimes used.

PRP therapy is absolutely safe, has no contraindications and eliminates the risk of allergic reactions.

Do not confuse PRP therapy with plasma lifting.


(literally “fastening with tapes”) - tape will help fix a joint, muscle, ligament or tendon in the desired position. Thereby creating peace in the area where it is fixed.

By lifting the fascia due to the fixed skin, lymphatic drainage of the damaged area increases, blood supply improves, which has a positive effect on the recovery of the damaged area. And when moving, there is an alternating tension and weakening of the skin, etc. The tape is elastic, creating the effect of a light massage. This massage activates muscle metabolism, which allows you to create the best conditions for healing, avoiding complete immobilization.

This method is widely used by sports doctors.

It is very important that the tape is applied by a trained specialist (traumatologist or chiropractor). Because Each case of injury or pathology is individual (the characteristics of the problem and the nature of the injury must be taken into account). And applying a patch is impossible without knowledge of anatomy: the location of muscles, ligaments, places of their attachment, physiological mobility of the limb.

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