Rehabilitation after hip replacement

Endoprosthesis replacement is the most popular surgical method of the musculoskeletal system. During the operation, the damaged joint is replaced with an alternative option - an endoprosthesis.

For a person to be able to restore full functions and mobility, one operation is not enough. A course of rehabilitation is definitely recommended. In many cases, you have to recover after surgery on your own.

This will cause pain, lameness and low range of flexion. When practicing on your own, you need to take into account that not all movements from exercise therapy are suitable for every person.

You can use a simple simulator, which can be an ordinary ladder. This type of walking does not promote stretching, but it will help strengthen the muscles.

To ensure safe rehabilitation at home, you need to consult a specialist. This could be an orthopedist or a rehabilitation specialist. It is worth noting the main goals of the rehabilitation period:

  1. Prevention of the development of pneumonia and bedsores that can occur if you do not move after surgery.
  2. Restoring the tone of the operated limb and muscle system.
  3. Normalization of joint function.
  4. Prevention of thrombosis formation.
  5. Restoring self-care and walking skills.

​Starting position: standing, leaning on a table, the back of a chair or on a handrail. Move your leg to the side as far as possible. Repeat 5-6 times. Then perform the exercise with your healthy leg. When performing the exercise, make sure that your back remains straight.

  • ​It is ideal if the load on the leg increases very gradually.​
  • ​In a standing position, raise your knee parallel to the ground. Hold your leg in this position for 5 seconds, then lower it. This exercise requires multiple sets.​
  • ​Much depends on the patient’s age, his general condition and physical development of muscles. Accordingly, the older the patient, and also the more physically weakened he is, the longer the rehabilitation process will take.​
  • ​The next day after endoprosthetics, you can begin to walk slowly, leaning on crutches. Almost all patients are advised to immediately try to walk on the operated leg, the so-called pain tolerance principle. By the fourth day you can already walk 100-150 meters several times a day.​

​Bending-extension of legs while lying on stomach​

​When climbing up the stairs, they begin to move from the non-operated limb:

  1. ​Slowly straining the thigh muscle, straighten the leg and hold it in this position for five six seconds. Then we lower it just as slowly
  2. ​For the first two to three weeks, exercise therapy is performed while lying in bed. But you literally need to get back on your feet on the second day
  3. The following measures are used to prevent thrombosis:
  4. No one can avoid pain after surgery. The anesthesia wears off and inevitable pain attacks begin, accompanied by swelling. It is difficult for an already exhausted patient to endure this, and they come to the rescue:
  5. Thus, just 45 minutes a day dedicated to your health will help you literally get back on your feet after hip replacement surgery. At the same time, you need to be very careful. A fall can be fatal for the patient and lead to further surgery. While compliance with safety rules guarantees the service of the prosthesis for a long 15 years.​

Principles of rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after hip replacement is considered successful if the following improvements are observed after completion of the course:

  • there is no pain when moving the hip joint;
  • the patient returns to normal life and does not need outside help;
  • the work of muscles and ligaments is normalized, articular joints move smoothly;
  • correct movement patterns and coordination in individual muscle groups are restored;
  • weak muscles are strengthened.

Rehabilitation consists of physiotherapy, exercise therapy, and drug treatment. With the right approach, you can achieve the following results:

  • blood circulation in the lower extremities improves;
  • muscle strength and range of motion in the damaged joint increases;
  • pain, swelling, signs of inflammation disappear;
  • the statics of the spine is normalized;
  • The body's protective functions are strengthened, which reduces the risk of complications.

Methods for effective rehabilitation after hip replacement are selected by the doctor. You should not self-medicate, as this can lead to negative consequences.

Terms of rehabilitation

The average duration of the rehabilitation period is 3 months. If the pain persists, you can continue to walk using a cane. You can start active training after 8-12 months.

But even after complete recovery, you must follow some rules throughout your life:

  • do not bend the joint more than 90 degrees;
  • regularly perform moderate physical activity;
  • do not quit training after full recovery;
  • visit a doctor regularly;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Healthy food;
  • Do not take any medications or herbs without consulting your doctor.

Where is it better to undergo recovery - at home or in a clinic?

After hip replacement surgery, rehabilitation not only in the early phase, but also in the late phase, is also best done under the supervision of an orthopedist and a professional exercise therapy instructor. Why is this so important? In the later stages, you can overestimate your capabilities by starting to put more load on the operated joint than it is ready to accept at the moment, which is fraught with dislocation of the endoprosthesis, loosening and other troubles. Usually this happens in the long term, while at home, when, against the background of a significant improvement in the condition, a person decides that he can already go beyond the limitations. In fact, the final strong bonding of the prosthesis with the bone and muscle structures has not yet taken place, and this occurs no earlier than after 3-4 months, and here is the result.

Why is specialist supervision needed? Because only he is able to convey to the patient the essence of the recovery process. Without outside instructions, even the most disciplined and informed patient is unable to provide rehabilitation.

It is advisable to remain as long as possible under the supervision of specialists who, taking into account the dynamics of recovery and the individual characteristics of the patient, will select the optimal permissible level of physical activity, make adjustments as necessary to increase or decrease them, and monitor the correct execution of each exercise. The rehabilitation instructor and the attending physician will ensure that rehabilitation after hip replacement proceeds without complications, providing the full range of mandatory preventive measures in a timely manner.

During the exercises, something will certainly pull, ache, or hurt, but only a physiotherapist who has had many such patients will be able to clearly explain the reasons and instill confidence.

Wherever the patient undergoes the postoperative plan of mandatory activities, he must strictly adhere to the individual rehabilitation program after hip replacement. It is compiled exclusively by a highly qualified specialist, in accordance with established endoprosthetics standards, for a specific medical case.

Drug treatment

Medicines are prescribed to relieve pain, signs of inflammation, accelerate regeneration and prevent the development of complications.

Main groups of drugs and their action:

  1. Broad-spectrum antibiotics prevent the development of secondary bacterial infections after surgery.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - eliminate pain and manifestations of the inflammatory process.
  3. Vitamin complexes with calcium, chondroitin, collagen accelerate the regeneration of muscles and bone structures.
  4. Anticoagulants - prevent the formation of blood clots.
  5. Cardioprotectors - reduce the risk of developing heart failure.
  6. Gastroprotectors - protect the walls of the stomach and duodenum from the aggressive effects of other drugs.
  7. Anticholinesterase drugs - eliminate intestinal atony.

After antibacterial therapy, a course of probiotics and dental antibiotics is prescribed to restore the balance of the intestinal microflora.

Comprehensive physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is an important component of successful rehabilitation after endoprosthetics. The goals are to improve microcirculation, activate metabolic processes, increase muscle tone, and eliminate spasms.

Kinesiotherapy is a type of physical therapy, movement treatment, prescribed at an early stage of rehabilitation. Classes are held on a special simulator for the hip joint. The complex is compiled taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, the presence of certain diseases in the patient.

To achieve results, you need to practice regularly under the strict guidance of an instructor. The patient masters all exercises gradually, the loads increase gradually taking into account the body’s adaptation. During gymnastics you need to breathe correctly, this helps to cope with pain and engage deep muscles.

Contraindications: malignant neoplasms, infectious pathologies, open and closed bleeding. Gymnastics cannot be performed with high blood pressure, tachycardia, diabetes, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

Hydrokinesitherapy - therapeutic exercises in the pool. Allows you to avoid excessive loads on the joint capsule and the appearance of unpleasant sensations. Improves the functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system and immune system.

Effective physiotherapy after endoprosthetics:

  1. Cryotherapy. Forms filled with hydrogel are applied to the prosthetic site. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Helps quickly get rid of pain and swelling.
  2. Electrical stimulation. Exposure of tissue to current of a certain frequency. Muscles contract, strengthen, and tone increases. The method activates metabolic processes and improves blood circulation in the surgical area.
  3. Magnetotherapy. The tissue is exposed to a high or low frequency magnetic field. The result is a decrease in pain, a decrease in signs of inflammation, a mild sedative effect, improved vascular elasticity, and accelerated tissue recovery.
  4. Watsu is a body-oriented technique. Combines body support, muscle traction, mobilization of cartilage tissue, joint healing, massage. Allows you to increase the range of motion of the hip joint to its natural amplitude. After the first session, mobility improves, spasms disappear, and pain decreases. Additionally, the protective and restorative functions of the body are activated, sleep improves, and emotional stress goes away.
  5. Orthotics. An orthosis is selected for the patient for fixation, correction of functions, and unloading of the limb during recovery after surgery.
  6. Laser therapy. The light beam improves the body's self-regulation. After the procedure, swelling and pain are reduced, and the immune system is activated.

Therapeutic massage is prescribed after relief of acute pain. Sessions are carried out to improve blood circulation, saturate tissues with nutrients and oxygen, and accelerate the regeneration process.

Precautionary measures

You already know how long rehabilitation takes after hip replacement of the musculoskeletal system, and that in the early stages the musculoskeletal frame of the body is too weak. Therefore, to avoid displacement of the functional components of the endoprosthesis (dislocation) or instability in the places of attachment of the artificial hip joint, strictly follow the instructions below.

  1. Do not exceed the amplitude of hip flexion more than 90 degrees, especially with its internal rotation and adduction.
  2. You cannot apply a full axial load to the prosthetic segment. This is dangerous due to loosening of the implant.
  3. Do not sit on chairs, sofas, or beds with low surfaces. The corresponding furniture must be high enough.
  4. Avoid vigorous and forced movements in the joint both during self-care and during rehabilitation physical therapy. Forget about the “leg over leg” position, this position is strictly prohibited for at least 4 months!
  5. During classes aimed at restoring the hip joint after total hip replacement surgery, be careful to ensure that your legs do not come close to each other or cross each other.
  6. Do not take any medications that have an analgesic effect immediately before exercise therapy or during exercise. They powerfully suppress pain sensitivity, which is why you lose control over your own sensations during physical activity, which can greatly harm the operated leg.
  7. Do not lie on the problematic side either during sleep or during normal rest. Rest on your unaffected side using a bolster or small pad between your two limbs. They will protect you from sudden unsuccessful movement, which can disrupt the congruence of the joint elements of the endoprosthesis. It is preferable to sleep on your back at first, and do not forget to place a demarcation pillow between your legs.

A cushion between the legs is a mandatory requirement for a month after surgery. Crossing your legs increases the risk of implant dislocation.

How long the early cycle rehabilitation will last after a hip replacement is decided only by the doctor on an individual basis. If all goals and objectives are achieved in full, well-being meets the deadlines, recovery is progressing according to plan, then the patient is transferred to the next stage - the longest and no less responsible.

At an angle of less than 90 degrees in the hip joint, this risk is also high.

Early period

It begins after surgery, lasts 3 weeks, and takes place in the hospital. Consists of two stages. Gentle - inflammation is observed in the area of ​​​​the surgical intervention for 1-7 days. On days 7-15, the wound heals, this is called the tonic stage.

The patient is transferred from the operating room to intensive care. Heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing are constantly monitored. Antibacterial therapy is started and anticoagulants are administered.

What happens during this period:

  • swelling decreases;
  • blood circulation in the area of ​​intervention is restored;
  • postoperative sutures heal;
  • the patient learns to sit and then get out of bed;
  • The task of the medical staff is to prevent the occurrence of bedsores, thrombosis, pleurisy, and pneumonia.

What the patient needs to know:

  • 2 hours after recovering from anesthesia, you must definitely go to the toilet; if you cannot do it yourself, the nurse will insert a catheter;
  • for the first 3-4 nights you should not sleep on your side or stomach;
  • You can start walking with crutches or a walker after 2-3 days, but only with an accompanying person;
  • you can turn over on your side in a day, on your stomach in a week, while you need to spread your legs slightly to the sides, you cannot perform the movements yourself, only with the help of a nurse;
  • you can sit down on the third day;
  • Do not bend over or use a spoon to change shoes;
  • stay in one position for no more than 20 minutes;
  • Do not make sudden movements of the hip joint;
  • for the hospital, choose shoes without backs;
  • the operated leg can be bent at an angle of no more than 90 degrees;
  • place a pillow between your knees, do not cross your legs;
  • to sit up in bed, you need to lean on your hands;
  • perform simple exercises to prevent congestion;
  • When walking, do not lean on the operated leg.

Gymnastics for the early period:

  1. Move, bend and straighten the toes on both feet.
  2. Press down on the bed with your heels.
  3. Perform swings, circular movements with your arms, raise and lower your shoulders.
  4. Tighten the muscles of your healthy leg.
  5. Rotate and slightly bend the ankle of the operated leg.
  6. Slide your foot along the bed, bend your leg, pull it towards you.
  7. Move your legs away from each other one by one.
  8. Alternately, straighten your legs a few centimeters above the surface of the bed.
  9. Additionally, perform breathing diaphragmatic exercises.

Perform the first 5 exercises 6 repetitions every 10 minutes. After 2-3 hours, add exercises from the second part of the complex, do 10 repetitions. Perform all movements slowly and smoothly, inhale while tensing the muscles.

When the doctor allows you to get up and walk, you need to do other exercises:

  1. With emphasis on the headboard, lift your legs one at a time, bent at the knee.
  2. With emphasis on one leg, take the other one to the side and lift it slightly. Then change the supporting leg.
  3. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, but the leg is taken back. You need to feel how the hip joint works.

You should not lie in bed for a long time after surgery. This will lead to muscle contractures and other negative consequences. Before exercise therapy and training, you should not take painkillers.

Sequence, timing and main features of the stages

Postoperative stagesIntervals by periodPostoperative nature Physical activity mode
Early phasefrom 1 to 7 days inclusiveacute reactive inflammatory reactionearly gentle
from 8 to 14 daysepithelialization, contraction, wound healinglight-tonic
Late stagefrom 15 days for 6 weeks beginning of remodeling: predominance of bone resorptionprimary restorative
from 7th to 10th week.dominance of hard tissue renewal processeslate recovery
from 11 weeks until 3-4 months have passed from the date of surgerycompletion of bone repair adapted to new conditionsadaptive

Orthopedic surgeons strongly advise that you spend 3 weeks after surgery undergoing a treatment and recovery phase in the orthopedic department of a surgical hospital, then for about the same amount of time in a specialized rehabilitation center. After this, to consolidate the results obtained, take a course of health improvement in a resort-sanatorium-type institution, specializing in the profile of therapeutic and preventive treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

Late period

At this stage, rehabilitation after hip replacement takes place in the physical therapy room. You need to visit him immediately after discharge from the hospital. The goal is to restore the functionality of the limb, improve posture and the ligamentous-muscular center.

Stages and their duration:

  1. Early. It begins 2 weeks after the intervention and ends 2 months after the operation. At this stage, fusion of bone structures and the prosthesis occurs.
  2. Late. Terms - 60-90 days. Internal bone structures begin to recover.

In addition to physical therapy, from day 22 it is necessary to take walks. Walk with emphasis on a cane 3-4 times a day for 3-10 minutes, gradually increase the duration to 20 minutes. You can give up crutches and walkers when there are no problems with balance or self-doubt. This will take 1-2 months, depending on the method of fixing the prosthesis. Walking with a cane is necessary until the lameness disappears completely.

Exercise therapy for the late period, you will need a ball, an elastic gymnastic tape.

Exercises with tape:

  1. Secure one end of the tape to the door, the other to the shin. The back is straight, holding onto the support, stretch your leg forward.
  2. The starting position is the same. But raise your straight leg up.
  3. Do not change the starting position. Move your leg to the side.

Do all exercises smoothly 10 times.

Basic exercise therapy complex:

  1. Place the ball between your knees and squeeze rhythmically.
  2. While lying on your stomach, reach your buttocks with your heels.
  3. Starting position - lying on your back, knees bent, feet resting on the floor. Raise your pelvis, hold at the top point for a count of 5. Slowly return to the starting position.
  4. Lying on your back, alternately bend your legs, do not lift your feet off the floor.
  5. Lie on your stomach, slowly raise your straight leg, tensing the muscles of your buttocks. At the top point, fix the position for a count of 5. Return to the starting position and perform the exercise with the second leg.
  6. While sitting on a bed or chair, perform the “bicycle” exercise.

Do each exercise 6-10 times. Perform 2-3 approaches per day.

Recovery after hip replacement

The period after the operation is divided into the following stages:

  1. The early period includes the first 15-20 days, which are carried out under medical supervision. During this time, it is important to follow your doctor's instructions and do light exercise.
  2. The late period lasts three months after surgical procedures. At the same time, muscle tone and joint mobility are restored. Walking time gradually increases in one approach. The physical education complex is replenished with complicated exercises.
  3. Long-term recovery period. After about 6 months, most patients make a full recovery. Therapeutic exercises should be performed every day.

It is worth noting the basic principles of the recovery period:

  • regularity of exercise;
  • A complex approach. In this case, different types of load are used;
  • sequence of exercises.

The rehabilitation complex is selected for each patient individually. It is recommended to use Bubnovsky gymnastics.

Suitable video clips can be seen in this article below.

Relatively recently, many patients suffering from arthrosis of the hip joint (coxarthrosis), or having suffered a fracture of the femoral neck, were doomed to complete disability due to the loss of the ability to move independently. Fortunately, the introduction of the latest technologies in medicine has allowed patients to avoid this fate and live their former full lives.

One of these technologies is total hip arthroplasty (THA), when the entire hip joint (head, femoral neck, cartilaginous surface of the acetabulum) is replaced with a synthetic prosthesis. But in order for the synthetic joint to work as well as the “native” one, it is important not only to carry out the operation at a high level. Competent postoperative recovery or rehabilitation after endoprosthetics is necessary. And this depends not only on the doctor, but also on the patient.


THA itself is a rather technically complex and traumatic operation. The skin and muscles are dissected, and the osteochondral tissue of the worn joint is removed. Then the leg of the prosthesis is fixed in the femoral canal. Severe surgical trauma is accompanied by pain and the release of biologically active substances from tissues into the blood.

It goes without saying that people go for endoprosthetics, to put it mildly, not because of a good life. Such an operation requires strict indications. Such indications include destruction of articular structures due to coxarthrosis or femoral neck fracture. With coxarthrosis, as a result of long-term motor disorders, atrophic changes in the muscles of the lower limb and back develop, and the functioning of the pelvic organs is disrupted. The load on the spine increases, which leads to the development of lumbosacral osteochondrosis and radiculitis.

We should not forget that the overwhelming number of patients operated on for THA are elderly and senile people. This means that their functions of the heart, breathing, and endocrine system are impaired to varying degrees. In some patients, the disorders are decompensated and worsen after surgery. In addition, the operation itself and postoperative bed rest lead to disruption of intestinal peristalsis (contractions) up to the development of atonic intestinal obstruction.

Thus, postoperative problems after hip replacement come down to the following:

  • The patient is concerned about postoperative pain
  • Existing muscle atrophy worsens
  • Cardiopulmonary failure worsens
  • Intestinal function is disrupted
  • There is a high risk of cerebral strokes due to surges in blood pressure
  • Blood clotting disorders can lead to thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities and to an extremely serious condition - pulmonary embolism
  • A postoperative wound can serve as an entry point for infection.

Measures to restore motor functions and prevent postoperative complications are comprehensive. It goes without saying that the main emphasis is on physical therapy (PT), which is designed to ensure optimal functioning of the newly acquired joint and the entire lower limb. In addition to exercise therapy, other therapeutic measures are carried out using medications of various groups, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures.

And the first such event is postoperative pain relief, during which non-narcotic (Renalgan, Dexalgin) and narcotic (Morphine, Promedol) drugs are combined. To prevent severe pulmonary heart failure, patients are prescribed cardiac medications (Mildronate, Riboxin, ATP). Inhalation (inhalation) of oxygen is indicated for such patients. Oxygen in a humidified form is supplied through special breathing equipment.

Another important point is the prevention of thrombotic complications, which often develop in elderly patients after operations. At the same time, parietal blood clots form in the veins of the lower extremities, which, breaking off, are carried by the blood flow into the pulmonary artery and clog it. Blockage of the main trunk of the pulmonary artery can cause instant death.

To prevent this from happening, in such patients, in the first few days after surgery, their legs are bandaged with an elastic bandage and anti-clotting agents (Fraxiparine, Clexane) are injected subcutaneously. To eliminate postoperative intestinal atony, injections of Proserin and Ubretid are prescribed. Antibiotics (Ceftriaxone, Metrogyl) must be prescribed.

Principles of exercise therapy

There is a misconception that exercise therapy after hip replacement can be carried out only in the late postoperative period, and in the first days strict rest is needed. This erroneous tactic can lead to contractures (persistent limitations in range of motion) and thrombotic complications. Therefore, some of the simplest loads are carried out already on the first day after the operation, upon recovery from anesthesia. In the implementation of exercise therapy, the principle of phasing must be observed, when the exercises themselves are done in several phases.

At the first stage of rehabilitation after surgery on the hip joint, a complex is carried out:

  1. Simple physical exercises aimed at developing the muscles and ligaments of the foot and ankle.
    Take turns moving the feet up, then down. The movement must be done in several approaches of 10 times. Raise your feet
  2. Strengthening the muscles of the thigh region. Pull your leg towards your stomach at a slow pace for several moments. The first time you do the exercise, you need to start with a healthy limb, then move on to the sick one. The number of repetitions is the same as in the previous exercise.
  3. Stimulation of the muscles of the gluteal region. Tighten your buttocks as much as possible and hold in the position for 10 seconds. Then relax and tighten your buttocks again. Do 10 repetitions in total.
  4. Bend the limb at the knee, pull the heel towards the gluteal region. Keep the limb in position, counting to 10, then return to the primary position. Start exercises with a healthy leg. Repeat the exercise up to 15 times.
  5. Place a cushion folded from a towel or a small pillow under the knee area. Raise the limb, half-bent at the joints, keeping the knee and feet straight. Hold the limb for a count of 10.
  6. Hip abduction. To perform the movement, you will need to lie on your back, spread your hips as wide as possible, return to the starting position and relax. Repeat the movement several times.
  7. The starting position is sitting on an armchair or chair. Straighten the operated limb and hold it in the accepted position for several moments. Number of repetitions 10 times.

Chair exercise

A set of therapeutic gymnastics exercises, necessary at the new stage of the rehabilitation process after endoprosthetics surgery, helps to stretch and train the muscles, hip ligaments, and hip joint.

Rehabilitation complexes aimed at increasing the physical strength of the muscles of the thigh and foot build muscle mass, speeding up treatment.

A set of gymnastic exercises increases the range of motion in the joint, maximizing the overall range of motion. Most patients who have undergone surgery to replace the femoral head receive treatment after prosthetics, often suffering as a result of developing bursitis. The term refers to the inflammatory process in the synovial bursae around the joints.

Performing the specified exercise therapy complex will protect the muscles from injury after physical exertion and will prevent pain in the hip and foot.

Functional recovery period

The longest stage lasts 3 months. During this time, subject to all rules, the femur acquires a normal anatomical shape and structure. It is better to stay in a sanatorium at this stage of recovery. Sanatorium treatment includes restorative physical education, therapeutic baths, mud applications, and exercises in the pool.

Treatment with mud and healing waters helps:

  • strengthen bones, improve muscle endurance;
  • get rid of scar formations;
  • improve the mobility of all joints, blood circulation;
  • eliminate swelling of soft tissues, pain;
  • normalize the functioning of the nervous and immune systems, sleep, and mood.

At this stage, exercise equipment can be added to exercise therapy. On an exercise bike, lower the pedals so that your leg is completely straightened when moving. Pedal backwards or forwards for 15 minutes, 2 times a day. Gradually increase the time to half an hour, and the number of workouts to 3-4 per week. Walking backwards on a treadmill. Start at a speed of 1-2 km/h. Be sure to fully straighten your legs.

Is it possible to carry out rehabilitation at home?

Rehabilitation after hip replacement at home is possible. But provided that there is a specialist in the family who has the necessary knowledge.

Benefits of home rehabilitation:

  • you can study at a convenient time;
  • classes in a familiar, comfortable environment;
  • You can combine rehabilitation with work from home.

To avoid falls, you need to conveniently lay out all the necessary things so that you do not have to reach, secure or remove carpets. The house should have good lighting. Install special handrails in the bathtub. Despite all the advantages, rehabilitation should be carried out by specialists.

What rules must be followed in the postoperative period?

In order for a person’s motor function to be restored as quickly as possible, the following rules should be followed:

  • using handrails, you can sit down and stand up already on the second day after surgery;
  • physical activity should increase gradually;
  • on the 5th day, you can try to climb several steps of the stairs, taking the first step with your healthy leg (vice versa when descending);
  • You cannot make sudden movements;
  • do not cross your legs;
  • you cannot carry objects heavier than 5 kg;
  • you cannot bend over and pick up objects from the floor without the help of special devices;
  • you need to keep your weight within certain limits;
  • do not overload the operated leg - you should change its position every half hour;
  • you can drive at least 2 months after home rehabilitation;
  • when traveling in a car in the passenger seat, you should stretch your legs as far as possible;
  • You can sleep on your back or side with a cushion between your knees;
  • the diet should be balanced;
  • Sexual relations can be resumed 2 months after the operation.

Nutrition rules

Within 6 weeks after the operation, the process of fusion of the head of the prosthesis with the pelvic bone occurs. The success of this process largely depends on proper nutrition. If the diet is not followed, the risk of dislocation of the head of the prosthesis, constipation, and enterocolitis increases.

Why is a diet prescribed after surgery?

  1. To normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. After application of anesthesia, temporary intestinal atony develops. You can only eat semi-liquid, pureed foods. These can be soups in vegetable broth with chopped dietary meat, slimy porridges. It is forbidden to consume any fast carbohydrates, fatty, fried, spicy foods.
  2. To compensate for blood loss. To restore the volume of circulating blood immediately after the end of anesthesia, you must regularly drink water in small sips. During the week you need to drink more, limit the daily amount of salt. To restore hemoglobin, consume foods high in iron, ascorbic acid, and vitamin B
  3. Strengthen the body's protective functions. Consume more fermented milk products to improve intestinal microflora.
  4. Accelerate the process of bone tissue restoration. The menu should include protein products.

Proper nutrition must be maintained even after rehabilitation is completed. This will help avoid excess weight gain and increased stress on the joint. Therefore, the basis of the diet is proteins, slow carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Diet during rehabilitation:

  1. Proteins are necessary for the body to build its own proteins, collagen fibers of bone tissue. Sources of healthy animal protein include dietary meat and fatty fish. You definitely need to eat jelly and jellied meat - these dishes contain gelatin, which is a protein in its pure form. Plant sources of protein include soy, peas, beans, lentils, buckwheat and oatmeal.
  2. Complex carbohydrates. After endoprosthetics, you must give up sweets, pastries, white bread, and pasta. The menu includes foods with healthy carbohydrates - vegetables, grains, which contain few calories, but are rich in fiber and vitamins.
  3. Unsaturated fatty acids. After endoprosthetics, it is useful to consume foods with Omega-3 acids, which are found in fatty fish, crab meat, shrimp and red caviar. Unsaturated acids reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process, cleanse blood vessels of harmful cholesterol, prevent the development of obesity, and accelerate wound healing.
  4. Bran as a source of fiber and vitamins. There is also a lot of fiber in flax seeds, dried mushrooms, and dried fruits.
  5. Calcium and vitamin D are essential to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and lysis. After endoprosthetics, it is necessary to consume 1-1.2 thousand mg of calcium per day. Sources: cheese, fish, sesame, almonds, herbs, garlic, hazelnuts. Calcitriol is required for normal calcium absorption. Vitamin D is found in cod liver, mushrooms, and egg yolk.
  6. Iron-rich foods. Chicken, shrimp, tuna, beets, pumpkin, nuts, buckwheat porridge.

Possible complications

In the absence of proper rehabilitation after hip replacement, negative consequences develop:

  • decreased tone of injured muscles;
  • formation of scars at incision sites;
  • dislocation of the head of the prosthesis, inflammation of the nerve endings, fracture of the bone structures near the prosthesis.

Complications can also occur after surgery:

  • bleeding in the area of ​​suturing;
  • displacement, rejection, destruction of the prosthesis;
  • wound infection;
  • limb asymmetry;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • After the intervention, the pain does not go away for a long time.

Endoprosthetics are prescribed for hip fractures, coxarthrosis, osteonecrosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Previously, these pathologies made a person disabled. But now, with proper treatment and compliance with rehabilitation rules, it is possible to completely restore the function and mobility of the joints.

Common mistakes when doing gymnastics

When working out at home, many people make mistakes when performing training complexes. Sometimes it is impossible to detect and exclude them, because a person does not see himself from the outside, and there is no instructor or doctor next to him. Therefore, if you want to work on yourself conscientiously, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  • When receiving specialist recommendations, carefully study them and constantly keep an eye on them if something doesn’t work out at first;
  • do not change the prescribed volume of exercise, do not skip classes or reduce their intensity;
  • at each lesson, try to feel slight fatigue in your muscles;
  • Consult a doctor immediately if the pain intensifies, swelling or any difficulty in movement appears;
  • Do not, under any circumstances, throw away your crutches, walker or cane on your own without the permission of the treating specialist;
  • for three months after surgery, sit only on high chairs, use special toilet seat covers;
  • even after completing a full course of rehabilitation and many years after the intervention, do not allow excessive flexion of the hip joint and deep squats;
  • carry weights with an even distribution of the load on both hands, but no more than 15 kg;
  • after complete recovery, do not reduce physical activity, always do exercise therapy;
  • Avoid jumping even from a small height, try to avoid any excessive load on the operated hip joint.

By following these recommendations, you will be able to fully recover after installation of the prosthesis and minimize the risk of any problems with it for the rest of your life.

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