Poor posture in children: what exercises to do to strengthen the back muscles

Poor posture is not just an aesthetic problem. If it is not corrected in time, it can become a source of diseases of the spine and more. However, do not panic if you notice that the baby is not holding his back quite straight. Most often, timely measures help correct posture, but it is very important to understand the reasons that lead to its curvature.

Risk factors for spinal curvature in children

Development problems

Typically, poor posture occurs during periods of rapid growth: at 5-8, and especially at 11-12 years.

This is the time when bones and muscles increase in length, and the mechanisms for maintaining posture have not yet adapted to the changes that have occurred. Deviations are observed in the majority of children aged 7-8 years (56-82% of primary schoolchildren).

There are many factors that cause spinal curvature. For example, poor nutrition and illness often disrupt the proper growth and development of muscle, bone and cartilage tissue, which negatively affects the formation of posture. An important factor is congenital pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. For example, with bilateral congenital dislocation of the hip joints, an increase in lumbar curve may be observed.

An important role in the formation of deviations is played by the uneven development of certain muscle groups, especially against the background of general muscle weakness. For example, shoulders that are pulled forward are the result of predominant strength in the pectoral muscles and insufficient strength in the muscles that bring the shoulder blades together, and “dropping shoulders” are the result of insufficient work of the trapezius muscle of the back. An important role is played by overload of certain muscles with unilateral work, for example, incorrect position of the torso during games or activities.

All these reasons lead to an increase or decrease in the existing physiological curves of the spine. As a result, the position of the shoulders and shoulder blades changes, resulting in an asymmetrical position of the body. Incorrect posture gradually becomes habitual and can become fixed.

Incorrect posture

Sitting position. You should definitely pay attention to how the child sits at the table during classes: whether he puts one leg under him. Perhaps he is slouching or leaning to one side, leaning on the elbow of his bent arm.

Incorrect body position when sitting includes a seat in which the body is turned, tilted to the side or strongly bent forward. The reason for this situation may be that the chair is far away from the table or the table itself is too low. Or maybe the book the baby is looking at lies too far from him.

An asymmetrical position of the shoulder girdle can be formed as a result of the habit of sitting with the right shoulder raised high. Take a closer look: perhaps the table at which the child is studying is too high for him, and his left arm hangs down instead of lying on the tabletop (the same can happen if the table is round).

Standing position. The habit of standing with your leg set to the side and half-bent, like a crooked landing, develops an asymmetrical body position. This can aggravate lateral curvature of the spine caused by other reasons (for example, underdevelopment of the lumbosacral spine).

Physical inactivity...

Another important factor in the occurrence of postural disorders in children should be considered the notorious lifestyle. As sad as it may be, modern children have begun to move less. Starting from the age of 3, many children are sent to early development groups (primarily mental), then the process of acquiring knowledge increases, and during classes the child is forced to sit for a long time. In addition, children are introduced early to watching TV and video products; they can sit for hours playing computer games, and on the street, meeting with friends, instead of outdoor games, they enthusiastically discuss the features and codes of this or that electronic “shooter”. What can you do, if you want to be modern, follow the modern trends of life. However, a person must develop harmoniously, physical development should not lag behind. The weakness of the muscular corset in our children is primarily due to the lack of adequate physical activity, while with rapid growth, the strength of the abdominal and back muscles is simply necessary.

Symptoms of poor posture

Poor posture in children is not a disease in itself, however, it can create preconditions for diseases of both the musculoskeletal system and internal organs.

The main symptom of poor posture is the appearance of the child when he stands . When slouching, the head tilts forward, the shoulders lean forward, the shoulder blades protrude, and the buttocks are flattened.

To diagnose a curvature of a child’s back, it is enough to place him vertically

With kyphotic posture (round back), the head tilts forward, the shoulders drop, the chest sinks, the shoulder blades are “wing-shaped”, the legs are bent at the knees, there is flattening of the buttocks and weak muscle tone throughout the body.

Kypholodic posture disorder (round-concave back) involves tilting the head and upper shoulder girdle forward, protruding and drooping of the abdomen, a large angle of inclination of the pelvis, maximum extension or hyperextension of the legs at the knees.

With a flat back , the level of pelvic tilt decreases, the chest moves forward, the “wing-shaped” shoulder blades protrude, and the stomach sags. With a flat-concave back, the chest is narrow, the angle of the pelvis is increased, the stomach and buttocks protrude.

If the posture is asymmetrical, there is an arched deformation of the spine with the apex facing left or right, the head is tilted to the side, the shoulders, shoulder blades, and nipples are at different levels.

Poor posture in a child can contribute to changes in the functioning of the heart, lungs, and digestive system . For example, with a flat chest and a stooped back, the full excursion of the chest is limited, breathing becomes shallow, which leads to a decrease in metabolism and oxygen deficiency.

Children whose posture is impaired become lethargic and apathetic, their memory may deteriorate, and their susceptibility to acute respiratory infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, and predisposition to tuberculosis increases.

Due to excessive deflection of the lumbar region, the abdominal muscles become weak , the stomach and intestines drop, and constipation appears. Poor posture may also result in back pain, headaches, increased fatigue, and visual impairment. Over time, they can lead to the development of osteochondrosis, chest deformities, scoliosis, intervertebral hernia, and deforming osteoarthritis.

How to recognize spinal curvature in time

In order to notice the deviation in time, parents need to more often pay attention to the position of the baby’s shoulders and back.
His shoulders and shoulder blades should be at the same level. The correct position of the spine is also important - whether it is curved to the right or left, whether the subgluteal folds are located at the same level. These signs of lateral curvature can be seen by examining the child from the back while he is standing. When viewed from the front, it should be noted whether the collarbones and nipples are at the same level. By looking at the side, you can identify disorders such as stooping or sluggish posture. This can be done by eye or using a special test. The child stands with his back to the wall so that the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, and legs are in contact with the wall, and then takes a step forward, trying to maintain the correct body position. (This same test can be used as an exercise to develop good posture.)

If a curvature is detected, it is necessary to examine the baby's back, placing him on a flat, hard surface face down, arms along the body. If the curvature of the spinal column does not persist in the lying position, then we are only talking about a violation of posture, which can be corrected.

Muscle test . There are several simple tests to determine the state of the child’s muscular system. To do this, assess the baby’s ability to tense his back muscles for a long time. The child is placed face down on the couch so that the part of the body above the hips is suspended outside the couch, and the hands are on the belt (the child’s legs are held by an adult). Normally, children 5-6 years old can maintain a horizontal position of the body for 30-60 seconds, children 7-10 years old - 1 - 1.5 minutes, 12-16 years old - from 1.5 to 2.5 minutes. The development of the abdominal muscles is determined by the number of continuous repetitions of the transition from a lying position to a sitting position and back (while fixing the legs) at a slow pace, no more than 16 times per minute. The norm for preschoolers is 10-15 times, for children 7-11 years old - from 15 to 20 times, for children 16-18 years old - from 20-30 times.

If postural abnormalities and (or) weakness of the muscular system are detected, the child should be consulted by an orthopedic surgeon, traumatologist or physical therapist. The doctor examines the child, and if necessary, additional research methods are performed: radiography, electromyography, etc.

Recently, a new research method has emerged - topographic photometry, which allows not only to diagnose disorders of the musculoskeletal system, but also to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. The method is based on photographing the patient’s posture after the doctor marks the main landmarks on the child’s back with a marker.

Methods for developing correct posture in school-age children


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for school-aged children to pay attention to their posture, since they are under heavy pressure when sitting in class at school and doing homework.

During periods of active growth, the child especially needs to eat properly . The diet should contain enough foods enriched with calcium and other beneficial substances. The diet should include dairy products, meat, seafood, nuts, eggs, fruits and vegetables. In some cases, vitamin and mineral complexes containing calcium may be indicated.

It is during periods of active growth that postural disorders are most often observed. So-called growing pains are also possible, especially in the bones of the lower extremities.

Peak bone mass accumulates during adolescence, so nutritious nutrition is also important to prevent future osteoporosis.

Rules for working at the table

Below are some basic tips on how to work properly at your desk.

It is especially important to adhere to all the rules when sitting at a table and at a school desk . They boil down to the following:

  • All the child’s furniture must be appropriate for his height. As it grows, new tables and chairs need to be chosen.
  • When sitting at a school desk, your feet should be firmly on the floor. Your knees should be bent at right angles.
  • Your back should be level and fully supported by the back of the chair.
  • Elbows should be positioned on the table.
  • The child's chest should not rest on the edge of the table.
  • When working at a desk at home, you need to take breaks periodically, devoting them to simple exercises and physical activity.

Video: “Formation of posture in schoolchildren”

You can learn more about the formation of posture in the following articles:

  • You can find out how an electronic posture corrector works in the following article.
  • How a magnetic posture corrector works
  • You will find a list of yoga asanas for correcting posture on the page
  • What types of orthopedic chairs there are for developing correct posture can be found at this link

Posture Exercises

To develop correct posture, it is recommended to regularly perform simple exercises . They may be as follows:

  • In front of the mirror, the child is recommended to either violate or bend his posture, while developing his muscles.
  • Near the wall you need to lean against it with five points: heels and calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head. Then, in this position, various movements are made: squats, abductions to the sides of the arms and legs. With each movement you need to tense your muscles for 3-6 seconds.
  • Exercises with objects on the head (pads, books) are useful. You can walk, squat, walk on your knees and toes, spread your arms to the side, while constantly holding an object on your head. This allows you to perfectly develop the correct posture reflex, while tensing and relaxing different muscle groups.
  • Do balance exercises: walking on a log, standing on one leg.

These exercises can be done daily in the morning.

Exercises help develop the muscles of the neck and back, and develop correct body position.

Other methods

Also, parents should pay enough attention to the student's bed . It should be firm and even. The best option is an orthopedic mattress. Soft mattresses and feather beds are not allowed. The pillow should be fairly flat and under your head, not under your shoulders.

Also, for schoolchildren, the situation is aggravated by the fact that they need to carry weights in the form of a school backpack . Ideally, its weight should not exceed 10% of the child’s body weight, since at this age the spine is not designed to bear heavy loads. The satchel should have a flat and firm back, its width should not be greater than shoulder width. Heavy bags should not be carried on one shoulder.

Video: “Exercises to develop posture in children”

Forming posture

Since one of the main conditions for good posture is the correct development of the body, you need to try to create the most favorable conditions for growth. In particular, it is very important to observe a general hygienic regime: regularity in eating, sufficient exposure to air, the right combination of activities and rest, and the use of hardening agents.

It is necessary to strengthen the muscle corset from infancy, but at the same time, one should not rush the child’s physical development and force him to sit when he is not yet sitting independently, or force the baby to walk at 9 months, or even earlier. Early axial (vertical) load can cause the development of orthopedic diseases in the baby. Let your baby move more while lying down or crawling until he sits up or stands up on his own.

Of no less preventive importance is a group of measures that influence the overall physical development and functional state of the muscular system, since active retention of the body, upper and lower extremities in the correct position is possible only with the active participation of muscles. Special exercises are used for this.

Lack of physical activity prevents the development of the muscular corset, while with rapid growth, the strength of the abdominal and back muscles is necessary. Properly selected physical activity prevents postural disorders and also helps to overcome them.

Exercises are selected depending on the type of curvature of the spine: children who are predisposed to stooping are recommended to straighten the back with effort until the maximum straightened position; for children with shoulder joints brought forward, circular movements at the same time with both hands back, moving them back, bending the arms to the shoulders, to the back of the head are recommended . With “dangling” shoulder joints, it is useful to abduct the arms upward from the sides, raise the shoulders, stretch the arms upward with counteraction (the adult places his hands on the child’s shoulders). Balance exercises also help develop correct posture. For example, walking on a bench or log with your arms out to the sides.

When selecting exercises, the age of the child should be taken into account.

For children, it is recommended to select exercises of a playful nature. For example, children will be happy to perform an exercise to straighten and stretch the spine if you ask them to draw a column of mercury in a thermometer under the rays of the sun. When doing the “Lumberjack” exercise, children “chop wood” by rotating their upper body. The Frog Jump exercise helps correct lumbar lordosis.

Preschool children (from 4-5 years old) are able to understand and cope with more complex gymnastic tasks.

If the child is significantly weakened, it is advisable to combine daily exercise with physical therapy classes to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles in a clinic with a physical therapy doctor.

At the beginning and end of each lesson, children should practice correct posture. (For this, a test exercise that is performed against a wall is suitable.) You should interest them in the problem of posture, make them think about it throughout the day, check it not only during gymnastics, but also during exercises at the table, on a walk. A child attending kindergarten can be asked to monitor not only himself, but also the posture of his friends. Usually this turns into a kind of competition between children: who will catch whom more often in a position of incorrect posture. Such competition forces children to be alert and always maintain a normal back position - eventually this will become a habit.

The set of exercises we have presented can be considered rather preventive. It is primarily useful for practically healthy children, and not just for those who have been diagnosed with poor posture (for such young patients, depending on the defect, the doctor will select an individual set of special exercises). Treatment of pathology of the musculoskeletal system is always lengthy, complex, requiring significant effort not only from specialists, but also from the patient himself. Sometimes serious problems with posture and therapeutic measures make certain aspects of the child’s “social” life inaccessible to the child. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of postural disorders, i.e. systematically engage in adequate physical activity and regularly (annually) visit an orthopedic doctor with your child for preventive examinations. In addition, the overall development of the child can be improved with the help of sports sections, which can be attended from 4 to 5 years old. Swimming (preferably breaststroke, on the back) promotes the correct development of posture. In addition, volleyball, basketball, and cross-country skiing are useful. Try to maintain your child's interest in sports activities, and this will allow him to avoid many problems associated with posture.

Methods for developing correct posture in preschool children


At preschool age, all organs and systems are actively developing, including the musculoskeletal system. In order for a child’s posture to develop correctly, you need to take care of nutrition and physical activity.

A diet rich in all the necessary components is a very important point . The diet should have enough calcium, the sources of which are milk and dairy products, meat, cereals, as well as vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals.

Nutrition occupies a special place in the formation of posture in a child. Pay attention to which foods contain high amounts of calcium

A well-thought-out routine is also important. It is useful for a child to walk in the fresh air, especially in sunny weather . The sun is the best source of vitamin D, which has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system. Outdoor games, running, walking are useful.

Physical exercise

A great way to both improve your preschooler’s mood and strengthen his back muscles is swimming and bathing . In addition, it is important not to allow the preschooler to remain in the same position on the computer or TV for a long time. When playing at the table, it is also important to control the position of your back and limbs.

Another important point is proper rest . Proper sleep helps muscles relax, promotes relaxation of the whole body and accumulation of strength for active pastime while awake.

Children under 7 years of age have high physical activity. It is important to allow them to move as much as possible . In kindergarten, children's physical activity is supported in various ways. In the morning, the body is awakened by ten minutes of gymnastics, then physical education classes, walks, and various outdoor games. Parents should maintain approximately the same motor volume on weekends, holidays, and during vacations.

Various exercises are used to correctly develop posture in preschool children.:

  • An excellent preventive measure is walking : normal, on your heels, on your toes, on the inside and outside of the foot, with stepping over obstacles. You can diversify it using orthopedic massage mats, rope, ribbed board.
  • Crawling also helps prevent poor posture . The child should be taught to crawl not only on all fours and moving forward, but also in reverse, zigzag, lying on his back or stomach and pushing off with his feet or hands
  • It is useful to use the wall bars - climbing helps strengthen the muscular corset and at the same time promotes the development of clear coordination of movements.
  • Running , which kids love very much, is useful. You can run on your toes, with obstacles, with a snake, or combine different options.
  • To strengthen the skill of maintaining correct posture, you can do the following static exercise: you need to stand with your back to the wall, and at the same time touch it with the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks, heels and elbows. Fix your body, then move away, maintaining your posture, and return to check yourself.
  • Also useful are exercises in which the starting position is standing with correct posture against a wall , then you need to lift on your toes and lower, alternately bending your right and left leg at the knee. Fix the child's position against the wall by placing a sandbag on his head, he should walk around the room with it, come back and check whether the posture is preserved.
  • Children usually enjoy exercises with an orthopedic ball . They help work out different muscle groups. Support, constantly trying to elude the baby, will teach him to coordinate his efforts and maintain balance.
  • You can also use a simple rubber band . The child needs to take it in his hands and alternately pull it to the sides, and then take it in each hand separately. This helps strengthen and improve the endurance of the back and arm muscles.

Several effective exercises to strengthen the back in preschool children

An approximate set of exercises to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles

Exercises to prevent spinal curvature in children can be performed from 4-5 years of age until adolescence.

  1. Starting position: standing, hands on your belt. Spread your elbows, squeezing your shoulder blades together—inhale; return to IP - exhale.
  2. Starting position: standing, legs apart, hands to shoulders. Lean your body forward with your back straight - exhale; return etc. - inhale.
  3. Starting position: standing with a gymnastic stick in your hands. Raise the stick forward up - exhale; return to IP - inhale.
  4. Starting position - standing, stick in lowered hands. Sit down with your arms stretched forward; return to IP The back is straight.
  5. Starting position: standing, stick on shoulder blades. Lean forward with your arms stretched up (take out the stick); return to IP
  6. Starting position - lying on your back on an inclined plane, holding the bar of the gymnastic wall with your hands. Bend your legs, pull them towards your stomach - exhale; straighten - inhale.
  7. Starting position: lying on your back, arms along your body. Bicycle leg movements.
  8. Starting position: lying on your back, arms to the sides. Stretch your arms forward, lift your left leg and touch your arm, then your right leg. Accept i.p.
  9. Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms to the side. Raise your body, bending your thoracic spine (reach towards the ceiling); return to IP
  10. Starting position: lying on your stomach, hands on your belt. Raise your body up and raise your right leg - inhale, return to the i.p. - exhale. Repeat the exercise, raising your left leg straight.
  11. Starting position - lying on your stomach, arms bent at the elbow joints, holding a gymnastic stick on your shoulder blades. Raise your body by bending it through a gymnastic stick; return to IP Breathing is voluntary.

A set of exercises is performed daily in the morning or evening, depending on the child’s peak activity, but not earlier than an hour after a meal or 30-60 minutes before it. The pace is slow, you should start with 5 repetitions, increase to 10, the whole complex takes 30-40 minutes.

In order for the exercises to have a sufficiently accurate effect, they must be performed intensively, that is, above the children’s normal level of ability. First, easier exercises are given with a gradual transition to more difficult ones. Throughout the lesson, pauses are made several times to rest. It is recommended to rest in a lying position:

  • lying on your back, legs slightly pulled up to your stomach, hands behind your head;
  • lying on your stomach, your chin resting on your hands.

What exercises do for back posture

After 6 years, increased skeletal growth occurs, accompanied by a slight increase in muscle mass. But a fragile spinal column without muscular support is very vulnerable to the formation of atypical curves.

Physical activity will help ensure a powerful muscle corset. Even the simplest exercises to correct posture in children, performed at home, will give amazing results.

Exercises for violation of the cramp:

  1. Corrects nerve curves in the spinal column
  2. Tone the corset muscles
  3. Develop the habit of keeping your back straight
  4. Allows you to achieve functional symmetry
  5. Stimulates metabolic processes
  6. Stabilize the psycho-emotional background.

Contraindications for exercise

Before performing any exercises for the back, it is necessary to determine the source of pain, if any. Also, when performing tasks on the thoracic spine, you need to be attentive to possible painful sensations in the lumbar or neck area.

If you have any deformation of the spinal column, you should not:

  • perform static movements with strong impact on the back;
  • turn sharply, twist;
  • give an uneven load on the body;
  • bend the lumbar and chest area;
  • perform acrobatic techniques;
  • run, jump at speed.

Basic rules for performing exercises for straight posture

A set of posture exercises for children should be performed on a regular basis, about 3-4 times a week. The tasks need to be made more difficult. During the training you need to remember:

  • warm-up with which the workout begins;
  • cool-down - stretching with which it ends;
  • breathing technique, which consists of exhaling forcefully and not holding your breath;
  • smooth execution of tasks without jerks;
  • the well-being of the practitioner - there is no need to disturb him if he is in poor health or is very tired.

It is better to train in the morning, before meals.

Types of scoliosis in children

According to the type of origin, scoliosis in children can be congenital or acquired . The causes of congenital disease are not related to heredity. Rather, this is the result of improper gestation of the fetus and the mother’s nutrition, when she took an insufficient amount of foods containing substances and minerals necessary for the formation of the child’s musculoskeletal system.

Acquired scoliosis is a consequence of improper development of the baby. The task of parents is to prevent the appearance of this disease, because in most cases it is a consequence of their carelessness. If scoliosis is not congenital, it is the result of the body constantly being in an incorrect position during infancy.

As a child grows, it is necessary to engage in physical development and avoid uncontrolled stress on the spine. It is especially important to develop muscles if it is noticed that the muscular spinal corset is not developed and weak. Injuries can trigger the onset of scoliosis.

According to the type of manifestation of the disease, scoliosis can be left or right-sided with one, two or three arcs of deformation . It manifests itself in the neck, neck and chest, in the chest, thoracolumbar part, in the lower back, and also combines elements of several curvatures.

The importance of physical therapy for scoliosis

Therapeutic exercise is used for the prevention and treatment of the disease in the first and second stages of its development. In the later period, it becomes an additional, but not the main way to combat the disease. It includes a set of special movements aimed at strengthening the spinal muscles. The effectiveness of exercise therapy increases if it is carried out under the supervision of parents, since the trainer during the lesson cannot pay constant attention to all students.

Physical therapy is a classic remedy for overcoming illness. In most cases, it helps to stop its flow and return the spine to its correct position. Therefore, it is important to immediately begin treatment for childhood scoliosis as soon as its symptoms are identified.

Surgical intervention is an extreme and complex measure, which should be resorted to in cases dangerous to health. It is easier to prevent and cure a disease through exercise therapy than to complicate the problem.

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