Treatment of a growth on a finger joint in Moscow

Types of hygroma

There are different types of hand hygromas:
Mucous cysts - hygromas occur against the background of deforming arthrosis of the joints. Most often they form at the distal interphalangeal joint - in this case, hygroma occurs in the area of ​​the nail phalanx, at the base of the nail. Hygroma on the finger develops when osteophytes, present in deforming arthrosis, begin to irritate the skin, underlying tissues and capsular ligamentous apparatus. Because of this, a hygroma occurs - a formation that is hollow inside, in a transparent capsule, with transparent, jelly-like contents.

When a hygroma appears on the nail phalanx, it begins to put pressure on the growth zone of the nail and deform it.

Treatment of hand hygroma

Treatment boils down to excision of the cyst. Due to the fact that with mucosal cysts the skin over the lump on the hand becomes weak, the formation is excised along with the changed skin. After the operation, plastic surgery is performed - both with free skin grafts and with complex skin reconstructions.

A tendon ganglion is a cyst that is formed from the tendon sheaths and the walls of the tendon sheaths. Such hygroma of the hand can cause not only pain, but also limitation of motor functions.

Treatment of a tendon ganglion involves removing the formation - this does not pose any technical difficulty. After operations there are practically no relapses or side effects.

Synovial cysts in the area of ​​the wrist joint (hand hygroma) are the most common type of hygroma.

Hygroma of the wrist joint

Most often, wrist hygroma occurs on the dorsum of the joint and looks like an ordinary lump on the hand - round and tumor-like. Hygroma is inactive, painless, dense, elastic consistency, with unchanged skin. According to statistics, almost 70% of hygromas are formed on the back of the wrist.

If the hygroma occurs on the dorsum of the hand, then it is clearly visible when the joint is flexed.

Much less commonly, wrist hygroma develops on the palmar surface of the wrist joint, in the area of ​​the radial artery (in the place where the pulse is usually checked). This arrangement makes the surgical procedure very difficult.

Treatment of hygroma on the wrist

Treatment of such a hygroma is very difficult, since you have to very carefully isolate the cyst in the area of ​​the radial artery, trying not to damage it. Carelessness during surgery can result in serious injury to the artery, which can disrupt the blood supply to the hand. Hygroma on the wrist requires the most professional and careful treatment, so only an experienced surgeon can perform a correct and effective operation.


The cause of eczema is the body’s reaction to a variety of factors: chemical, infectious, medicinal, physical.
This reaction can be genetically determined (up to 60% if both parents have eczema) and consists of a complex of inadequate reactions of the body’s immune, nervous and endocrine systems to antigens. Why hands? Our hands come into contact with a huge number of different substances and environments: microbes and fungi, various detergents and cleaners, antiseptics (even in soap), temperature effects, prolonged exposure to water, professional contact with various aggressive chemicals. It is not surprising that at some point the body can malfunction and react violently to a seemingly ordinary stimulus.

The structure of the wrist joint

The wrist joint is very complex in its structure and this is largely due to its versatility. In order for us to make various movements of the wrist, various types of bones are “assembled” in the joint (radius, ulna, metacarpal bones, carpal bones, cartilaginous articular disc), connected by ligaments designed to ensure the strength of the joint. It is the ligaments that allow the wrist and hand to move, rotate and rotate in all directions. All these elements, merging in one place, form the capsule of the wrist joint, in the cavity of which there is synovial fluid.

Hygroma, “growing” in the wrist joint, gradually increases in volume, “pushes apart” the surrounding tissues and ligaments and, ultimately, protrudes from the back or palmar side of the wrist, resembling a moving ball in appearance.

Causes of hygroma of the wrist joint

Hygroma forms when a “weak spot” appears in the capsule, which occurs when it becomes thinner due to damage or changes in it.

The main reasons that can lead to this condition:

  • Joint injury;
  • Consequences of surgery;
  • Persistent minor injuries to the hand (and joint) that occur as a result of repetitive activities, such as playing tennis;
  • Inadequate physical activity on the arms and especially the hand.

Hand calluses


Calluses on the palms of the hands and fingers are quite common. Most often they appear on the inside, but due to certain reasons or stress they can also form on the back of the hand (for example, in boxers, karatekas).

Types of calluses

Depending on the degree and duration of physical impact, calluses come in several types:

  • dropsy, or wet calluses . Appear as a result of intense friction or mechanical impact (especially on skin that is not accustomed to physical activity). In places of damage, blisters appear filled with a clear yellowish liquid;
  • dry calluses occur as a result of prolonged but not severe exposure. Dry calluses form gradually, the skin on them is very rough and dry, getting rid of them is much more difficult than dropsy;
  • Calluses on the hands often hurt because they have a root that goes into the deep layers of the skin . Such calluses must be removed from the roots, otherwise they will appear again.

Why can calluses appear?

As a result of strong physical impacts, the skin on the palms and fingers is injured. The body exhibits a protective function, intensively restores a thicker and rougher layer of skin in the damaged area. This is why calluses in the affected areas. The reasons for the appearance can be very different, but mainly the following can be distinguished:

  1. mechanical impact. calluses most often appear in athletes, agricultural workers, gardeners, and heavy physical labor workers;
  2. loads associated with certain professional characteristics. calluses appear on the fingers due to the friction of instruments, pens, brushes on the surface of the skin (pianists, painters, carpenters, joiners, students, secretaries-typists, etc.);
  3. lack of vitamins A and E in the body.

The causes of blisters or dry growths on the palms and fingers can be random, independent of physical activity. But in any case, this problem should not be ignored.

The most effective methods for treating calluses on the hands

Calluses on the hands often hurt and cause a lot of inconvenience and trouble. Treatment methods depend on the type of formation, but first of all it is necessary to limit the loads and factors that provoke the appearance of calluses .

Drug treatment

To remove formations - dry and core calluses - preparations containing salicylic or lactic acid are used in the form of solutions, ointments and patches. Before applying the preparations, to achieve a greater effect, it is recommended to soften the skin of the hands with warm baths. The drugs are applied directly to the affected area, avoiding contact with a healthy surface.

If a callus on your hand or finger hurts, the first thing to do is consult a doctor . It is possible that the skin is damaged too deeply and inflammation or purulent infection may occur of the callus

Preventive measures

To avoid the appearance of calluses on your hands, you need to wash your hands with warm water, take softening baths, regularly apply moisturizing and nourishing creams, and treat problem areas with pumice. It is better to use protective gloves when working with various tools. Consuming vitamins A and E will help maintain healthy skin and relieve dryness and flaking.

Published in Surgery Premium Clinic

Hygroma of the finger

The appearance of a finger hygroma is a tumor-like formation (similar to a lump) localized on the finger, in the area of ​​one of the joints (in some cases, multiple). Often the formation reaches 2-3 centimeters in a few days.

Often, hygroma of the finger looks like an ordinary wart, and only a doctor can accurately determine the pathology during examination.

A hygroma on a finger (a photo of which can be found on the Internet) can spontaneously open and, at first glance, disappear from the finger. But, as a rule, after some time the tumor appears again, since the capsule of the formation itself does not disappear anywhere, but continues to produce fluid and be filled with it. In addition, this can provoke the appearance of one more or even several hygromas on the finger (photo).

Of course, hygroma is not life-threatening, but painful and unpleasant sensations can affect the quality of life for the worse.

Clinical picture of dyshidrosis

Dyshidrosis is considered a chronic skin disease. Exacerbation occurs in spring and autumn. Pathology usually appears unexpectedly, but with enviable regularity. Dyshidrosis is characterized by single or group small subcutaneous rashes ranging in size from 1 to 4 mm. Over time, they can increase to the size of a pea and merge into one large blister. The blisters have a dense shell and are filled with serous fluid. It is believed that they are a consequence of blockage of the sweat gland ducts.

Dyshidrosis is also called dyshidrotic eczema. The pathology is popularly known as dropsy.

The rashes are localized mainly on the palms and soles, less often on the fingers and the back of the limbs. They are often accompanied by increased sweating. Usually the patient discovers a new vesicle by accident: only after scratching the itchy spot does he feel a lump on the surface of the skin. The clinical picture is complemented by severe itching, redness, swelling and a slight burning sensation.

Dyshidrosis is not contagious, but it looks unsightly and causes discomfort to the patient. It can be diagnosed in a person at any age, including children. More common in women. The disease is independent in nature and acts as one of the symptoms of some dermatoses, such as mycoses and toxicoderma.

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