How to do an X-ray of the spine: preparation, what it shows, interpretation of the result

The spine is the load-bearing element of the human skeleton, and therefore the most important. He is susceptible to a number of diseases, the early detection of which allows one to avoid serious complications that negatively affect a person’s quality of life. X-rays of the spine play an important role in the diagnostic process. This is a highly informative diagnostic technique, which is also called “spondylography”. It allows doctors to obtain information about the condition of the patient’s spine, the injuries suffered and their consequences. Thanks to it, it is also possible to assess the condition of the spinal canal and identify almost all of its pathologies.

The technique is relatively inexpensive and accessible to a wide range of patients. Modern radiographic equipment allows you to obtain high-quality digital images, and the images are ready in just a few minutes. You can take an X-ray of the spine at the diagnostic center of the multidisciplinary clinic CELT. We have been providing services in this area for decades and have modern equipment, which, under the control of experienced diagnosticians, allows us to work real miracles in terms of diagnosing diseases at an early stage of their development.

X-ray of the cervical spine - 2,000 rubles.

15 - 20 minutes

(duration of procedure)

Indications for x-ray of the spine

Pathological conditions for which spinal radiography is prescribed can be divided into certain groups. All of them are presented in our table below:

GroupsCertain diseases, features of radiography
Congenital anomalies of the spinal column Many pathological conditions in this group require surgery, in preparation for which a routine radiographic examination is required. The diseases are presented as follows:
  • Spina bifida;
  • Congenital curvature.
Acquired curvaturesIncorrect posture can cause spinal column deformities. Correcting them requires securing the vertebrae in the correct position. Before planning the operation, film and digital x-rays are performed.
Degenerative-dystrophic changesDystrophic disorders in articular cartilage, such as osteochondrosis, cause a number of abnormal changes in the spinal column. To diagnose them, a regular X-ray or MRI is used. The latter makes it possible to identify intervertebral hernias.
SpondylitisThis pathological condition is characterized by primary destruction of the vertebral bodies with further deformation of the entire column. It occurs as a result of inflammatory processes provoked by pathogenic microorganisms. Diagnosis requires routine radiographic examination.
Systemic osteoporosisThe pathology is characterized by a decrease in bone density and is chronic. It can lead to loss of mobility and disability. Diagnosis requires a type of radiography called densitometry, which allows you to determine bone density.
Traumatic conditions of the spinal column and brain.Such conditions develop as a result of falls and traffic accidents and pose a threat to the health and life of the patient. A regular x-ray allows you to determine the location, nature and severity of the fracture, while a contrast x-ray allows you to identify damage to the nervous system.

What does an x-ray show?

X-ray examination allows us to detect a large number of diseases quite quickly. These include:

  • injuries (including fractures, bone cracks, etc.);
  • osteoporosis;


  • osteochondrosis;
  • inflammatory processes of bones;
  • tumors;
  • tuberculosis of the spinal column;
  • curvatures, including scoliosis;
  • any genetic abnormalities.

Chest x-ray

X-rays are performed only if there are certain complaints and indications. Nobody sends anyone for such research just like that.

Contraindications to X-ray of the spine

Modern X-ray techniques have minimal contraindications, which are due to the adverse effects of X-ray radiation on the patient’s body. Despite the fact that the dose received in the process is insignificant and does not cause harm to a healthy body, under certain conditions of the patient it can aggravate the situation. As for the procedure in which contrast is used, the situation is somewhat different. Here there are not only contraindications that are relevant for conventional radiography, but also those associated with the use of a contrast agent.

Groups of contraindicationsReasons and specific cases
Contraindications to the standard procedure
  • Patients are in serious condition;
  • Women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Patients under 15 years of age;
  • Non-transportable patients;
  • High level of radiation received within the last 12 months.
Contraindications to the procedure with contrast
  • Individual intolerance to contrast;
  • Pathological conditions of the thyroid gland;
  • Kidney and liver failure;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Blood clotting disorders;
  • Severe diabetes mellitus.

Clinical manifestations that require spinal radiography

X-ray of the spineClinical manifestations for which it is performed
X-ray of the cervical spine
  • Frequent headaches;
  • Dizziness that develops with sudden movements of the head.
X-ray of the chest
  • Painful symptoms in the chest area;
  • Recent sternum injuries.
X-ray of the lumbar spine
  • Deformities of the spinal column, accompanied by numbness of the legs;
  • Traumatic conditions of the lower back.
X-ray of the sacral spine and coccyx
  • Painful symptoms in the area of ​​the sacrum and coccyx;
  • Injuries to the above areas;
  • Neoplasms of a malignant nature.


No serious preparation is required on the part of the patient for radiography. You just need to come to the x-ray room at the appointed time and follow the doctor’s instructions. Only with radiography of the lumbosacral region may a cleansing enema be required. Also, before examining these parts, it is necessary to reduce the level of gas formation in the intestines through a special diet - 2 days before the examination, it is important to exclude baked goods, fatty foods, milk, cheeses, legumes, raw fruits and vegetables from the diet. You can additionally drink activated carbon.

Before taking an x-ray, you need to prepare

The evening before the X-ray examination, you can eat no later than 7-8 hours. Next, the intestines are cleansed through enemas or taking laxatives. Cleansing is carried out several hours before the examination.

How is an X-ray of the spine performed?

The technique of the procedure is determined by what kind of installation the clinic has and the image of which part of the spine needs to be obtained. Depending on this, the patient can remain in a standing or lying position. He may be asked to stand upright, bend over, or turn sideways in order to obtain a high-quality image of a particular part of the spinal column.

Before the procedure, the patient must remove any metal objects from the body and notify the doctor if there are grafts or implants in the body. The picture is taken for a few seconds, during which the patient must remain motionless. Taking the image takes only a few minutes, after which it is presented to the patient.

3. How to prepare and how is the research carried out?

How to prepare for a spine x-ray?

Tell your doctor if you may or may be pregnant. X-rays are a type of radiation, so your doctor may advise against taking an X-ray unless it is absolutely necessary. You may need to remove all jewelry and other iron objects just before the x-ray.

How is a spine x-ray performed?

X-rays of the spine are taken and interpreted by special doctors (radiologists), although many other doctors can also do this.

During the procedure, you will need to remove any clothing that might interfere with the X-rays and lie on your back. If you have had a neck injury and are wearing a collar, your doctor may examine you to make sure the collar can be removed. Typically 3 to 5 x-rays are taken, and you will need to try to remain calm to avoid blurring the pictures.

An X-ray of the spine takes about 15 minutes.

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Advantages of spinal radiography at the CELT clinic

Have you been referred for an x-ray of the spine and want to be sure that the images will be of the highest quality? Contact CELT. We have modern X-ray machines made in Germany and Japan, which allow us to carry out the procedure in accordance with international standards.

Our radiologists have over 15 years of experience, which means that they have mastered the methods of obtaining high-quality images and know how to identify any pathology at the initial stage of their development. You can make an appointment with us at any time convenient for you, online or by phone: +7.

Radiography – what kind of method?

X-ray examination is a fairly common diagnostic method based on the passage of X-rays emitted by special equipment through the body. A study using radiation makes it possible to obtain a black-and-white image in which the elements of the examined area will be clearly visible. Depending on the type of tissue and its density, darker or lighter elements will be visible in the X-ray image. Bone tissue appears white in the image, while softer muscle and ligament tissue appears dark, grayish or black.

Nature of X-rays

On a note! X-rays were discovered by physicist V.K. X-ray and were named after him.

By studying the image, the doctor can see certain tissue changes, if any. Sometimes even minor disorders can be detected, which makes it possible to diagnose any disease at an early stage of development. The doctor will also see where the changes are localized and, in accordance with this, prescribe the appropriate treatment tactics.

X-ray of the spine

Advantages of X-ray examination:

  • simplicity and low cost of implementation - radiographic equipment is available in any clinic. In a municipal medical institution, you can take a photo free of charge according to your policy;
  • high speed of obtaining results - the image can be collected in a few minutes;
  • modern equipment makes it possible to obtain an image in digital format instead of a photograph on film;
  • Most studies do not require any prior preparation.

X-ray shows osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Disadvantages of this diagnostic method:

  • the negative impact of radiation on the body, so X-rays are often not allowed;
  • the presence of a number of contraindications;
  • inability to assess the condition of soft tissues;
  • insufficient information content compared to a number of other methods.

Digital X-ray

Only the doctor interprets the images. He is the one who is able to notice even minor manifestations of the disease. But in some cases, an ordinary person can see the problem in the picture and understand what is wrong with his body. In the case of an X-ray of the spine, even the patient himself is able to discern scoliosis and fractures.

If you want to learn in more detail how they do it and what an x-ray of the lumbosacral spine shows, as well as learn about the contraindications and consequences, you can read an article about it on our portal.

Prices for lumbosacral corset

How many times can an x-ray be taken?

If we are talking about analog devices, then experts recommend a break between irradiations of 3 weeks and take one photo per visit.

. However, it happens that it is necessary to increase the number of studies, then they are carried out every couple of days, reducing the negative impact as much as possible. Several x-rays on an analog device in one day can have a bad effect on your health.

The invention of digital equipment has made it possible to greatly reduce risks and allow for more frequent x-ray examinations. There is no longer any need to make compromises between harm and health benefits; doctors prescribe as many procedures as necessary to effectively monitor the progress of treatment.

How is the load reduced during x-rays?

All information about the radiation examinations performed, their number and radiation dose is entered into the medical record. If a critical dose accumulates over the course of a year, then prescribing another x-ray is highly undesirable.

To control the workload, the radiographer must have maximum information, so it is important to report all previous examinations and possible contraindications.

To protect the body, three main methods of protection are used:

  1. Protection by distance. The X-ray tube is placed in a special protective casing. It does not allow X-rays to pass through, which are directed at the patient through a special “window”. In addition, at the exit of the rays from the tube, an X-ray machine diaphragm is installed, with the help of which the irradiation field is increased or decreased.
  2. Time protection. The patient should be irradiated for as little time as possible (short shutter speeds when taking pictures), but not to the detriment of diagnostics. In this sense, images provide less radiation exposure than transillumination.
  3. Shielding protection. Parts of the body that are not to be photographed are covered with sheets and aprons-skirts made of leaded rubber. Particular attention is paid to the protection of the genital organs and thyroid gland, as they are the most sensitive to x-ray radiation.
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