Deltoid pain (deltoid tendinosis)

The deltoid muscle is a superficial muscle of the shoulder girdle that is located between the shoulder blade and collarbone and extends down to the middle of the humerus. Persistent pain in the deltoid muscle is a common occurrence that occurs for various reasons:

  • deltoid muscle injury;
  • inflammation of the deltoid muscle (myositis);
  • myofascial pain syndrome;
  • pinched axillary nerve;
  • spasm of the deltoid muscle;
  • period of exacerbation of arthrosis;
  • inflammation of the deltoid tendon.

Deltoid muscle rupture

Deltoid muscle strain occurs in both athletes and people with low levels of activity. A muscle strain is manifested by pain, the intensity of which depends on the severity of the injury. The pain syndrome is localized directly in the injured area. If the anterior part of the deltoid muscle is damaged, the pain spreads to the entire deltoid. If the posterior part is damaged, pain is not felt in the anterior region of the muscle. Very often, a rupture of the deltoid muscle is accompanied by damage to the acromioclavicular joint.

Damage to the deltoid muscle can be partial or complete. In the first case, only part of the muscle fibers are damaged (conservative treatment). In the second case, there is a complete violation of the anatomical integrity of the muscle (surgical intervention is required).


First of all, it is necessary to exclude possible somatic problems that may manifest as pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and shoulder. Detection of trigger points is fundamental to the diagnosis of infraspinatus syndrome.

Trigger points need to be identified and are not just muscle knots that cause pain. They cause serious motor dysfunction and lead to severe pain. In order to develop this muscle and restore tone, it is necessary to get rid of these nodes. It is impossible to restore muscle tone if there is a trigger point.

Myositis of the deltoid muscle

Myositis of the deltoid muscle is characterized by pain, severe muscle weakness and a significant limitation in range of motion. At the first signs, you should immediately seek medical help, since self-medication can lead to the development of the disease in other muscles.

Causes of myositis of the deltoid muscle:

  • severe hypothermia;
  • sore throat, flu, rheumatism;
  • excessive strain on muscles;
  • shoulder girdle injury;
  • prolonged convulsions, epileptic seizure;
  • uncomfortable posture while sleeping or working at the computer;
  • general intoxication of the body;
  • inflammation of nearby muscles.


At the First Medical Clinic, in the treatment of degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the deltoid tendons, an integrated approach is implemented using modern non-surgical methods.

therapeutic blockades are effective - introducing solutions of anesthetic drugs into the areas of greatest pain.

To eliminate degenerative-dystrophic changes in tissues, a course of local injection therapy - a “cocktail” of drugs is injected into the area of ​​the affected muscle.

Hyaluronic acid injections help reduce pain and activate tissue regeneration processes .

One of the most effective methods of treating tendinosis is autoplasma therapy . Platelet-rich plasma, obtained from the patient’s blood using a special technique, is injected into the tendon area. At the site of pathology, platelets release growth factors that suppress destruction processes and restore damaged areas.

, shock wave therapy is indicated . Exposure to high-energy acoustic waves destroys calcium deposits, softens compacted areas, stimulates blood circulation in tissues and has an analgesic effect.

The required amount of therapeutic assistance can only be determined by a specialist after diagnostic procedures. If you experience pain in the deltoid muscle (tendinosis of the deltoid tendon), we recommend that you contact the First Medical Clinic in a timely manner.

You can make an appointment for a consultation and appointment by phone

Conservative treatment of pain in the deltoid muscle

Treatment of pain in the deltoid muscle directly depends on the diagnosis. Pain is not a pathology; it always serves as a symptom of a specific disease. If there is an inflammatory process, the doctor will prescribe oral use of Ibuprofen, external use of Menovazin, Finalgon or Diclofenac and Dimexide solution for compresses. In case of severe inflammation and the ineffectiveness of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, a glucocorticosteroid injection (Diprospan) is prescribed.

After the inflammation is relieved, physiotherapy is prescribed. As a rule, the course consists of 10 procedures, the purpose of which is to activate local metabolism, relax muscles, and relieve swelling. Massage and taking vitamin B (Blagomax, Compligam B, Neurobion) promote a speedy recovery. If you have tendinitis or a sprained deltoid muscle, the victim may be advised to rest and use cold compresses.


The disease begins with progressive pain in the deltoid muscle. Relying on the sore arm, active and/or sudden movements provoke increased pain. In the initial stages of deltoid tendonosis, the pain syndrome is mild, but in the later stages it is constantly present.

In addition to pain in the deltoid muscle, there is a gradual decrease in the range of passive and active movements in the shoulder joint.

As tendinosis of the deltoid tendon develops, deposition of calcifications (calcium salts) may occur in the tissues, which is manifested by a crunching sound when moving and palpating.

Surgical treatment of pain in the deltoid muscle

Advanced pathology is an indication for surgical intervention. As a rule, at this stage the disease is not amenable to drug treatment. If the cause of pain in the deltoid muscle is injury, the nature of the intervention depends on its complexity and type. After surgery, the shoulder joint is immobilized for some time.

After the operation, a course of rehabilitation is mandatory.


Pain in the deltoid muscle can be a consequence of:

  • injuries (sprains, partial or complete rupture);
  • inflammation of muscle tissue (myositis);
  • enthesopathies (pathological changes at the point of attachment of the muscle to the bone);
  • neurological problems (irritation of the spinal root, pinched nerve, etc.);
  • myofascial pain syndrome (formation of trigger points in the muscles - painful, compacted areas);
  • tendon damage (tendinosis), etc.

Tendinosis of the deltoid tendon is a fairly rare pathology. More often it is secondary in nature, developing against the background of damage to nearby structures, in particular damage, inflammation, tendinosis of the rotator cuff muscles. The disease occurs mainly in athletes, people engaged in heavy and monotonous physical labor, and the elderly.

Tendinosis of the deltoid tendon can occur due to:

  • chronic microtraumatization of tissues due to repeated physical overload;
  • age-related degenerative-dystrophic changes;
  • keeping the body in an incorrect position for a long time, which leads to impaired blood circulation and, accordingly, tissue nutrition, contributing to destructive processes in the tendon fibers;
  • congenital structural anomalies, etc.

Rehabilitation after deltoid muscle injury

During the rehabilitation period, massage of the deltoid muscle is prescribed. With its help, it is possible to relax a spasmed muscle, release a pinched nerve and activate tissue regeneration. Exercise therapy is an obligatory part of rehabilitation. The exercises are aimed at increasing elasticity and gradually strengthening the muscle.

Causes of muscle pain

The front surface of the delta, together with the pectoral muscle, is responsible for moving the arm forward and rotating it, the middle surface controls the abduction of the arm to the side, and the back surface, together with the back muscles, helps the arm turn around. Loading accompanied by moving the limbs in any direction can cause muscle fibers to stretch. Any person can get injured - both an athlete and someone leading a sedentary lifestyle. The main causes of pain are the following:

  • injury to the axillary nerve;
  • myosfascial pain syndrome;
  • spasm of muscle fibers;
  • consequences of arthrosis or osteochondrosis;
  • inflammation of the tendon.

Inflammation of the deltoid muscle can be caused by mechanical damage.
All reasons that can cause constant pain are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Damage to muscle ligaments caused by an inflammatory, degenerative or traumatic process.
  2. Damage to the shoulder joint capsule of a non-inflammatory nature.
  3. Injury to the shoulder tendons responsible for rotating the shoulder.

What treatment is needed for pain in the deltoid muscle of the shoulder?

First of all, it is important to eliminate all circumstances that cause soreness of the deltoid muscle. The shoulder needs to be given rest. At this stage, non-steroidal drugs will help cope with pain and relieve inflammation: Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Paracetamol. Additionally, pain relief is used using a compress with Dimexide solution or injections with corticosteroids.

Physiotherapy is considered an indispensable method of treatment after relieving inflammation. It is carried out 2-3 times a week. It activates periarticular tissues and helps improve metabolic processes. Massage, B vitamins, and a complex of microelements have an additional therapeutic effect.

When sprained, you may need additional equipment: a splint, a bandage, or a brace. For simple injuries, rest and adjusted physical activity will help relieve pain in the deltoid muscle. There will be no need for long treatment, the recovery process will take no more than a week. In more complex cases, a therapeutic course of medications will be required; surgery is a last resort.

How does pain manifest itself?

It is impossible not to notice shoulder pain; when it appears, the usual mobility in the shoulder disappears. It is difficult to perform usual actions: tie shoelaces, put on clothes, or carry something. Pain is divided into acute and aching, according to the mechanism of pain sensations it is divided as follows:

  • The pain is concentrated in the upper part of the shoulder. First it starts from the neck and gradually spreads to the entire arm. The unpleasant sensation intensifies when moving the limb. The person may experience burning, tingling and numbness. The main culprit for such symptoms is an intervertebral hernia.
  • Stiffness of the muscle tissue of the upper shoulder girdle. Difficulties arise when moving your arm to the side, lifting it up, and it is also impossible to put it behind your back. In the most extreme situations, it is difficult for a person to bring a spoon to his mouth while eating. The pathology develops unnoticed and gradually.
  • Overstrain of a group of muscles located around the shoulder joint. Occurs as a result of prolonged non-standard movement of the upper limbs (painting the ceiling). Acute pain appears the next day, mobility is limited.
  • Reactive inflammatory process of the tendons of the shoulder girdle. Severe pain is caused by calcium deposits in the muscles. Limb mobility is reduced, both passive and active. Pain sensations spread to the neck and forearm area.
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