Basic ways to bandage the wrist with an elastic bandage

A bruise is a closed-type soft tissue injury caused by mechanical trauma . Its presence can be determined by the characteristic acute pain, bruising and swelling. To exclude a fracture and rupture of ligaments, as well as to avoid possible complications, you must go to the hospital within the first 24 hours.

Photo 1. Acute pain is a reason to seek medical help. : Flickr (Lydia Lim).

Mechanism of injury and causes of leg injury

As a result of mechanical effects on soft tissues, the vessels are damaged, causing internal hemorrhage, visually identified as swelling and cyanosis of the skin.

As a result of the impact, muscles and joints experience increased strain and stress, and nerve endings signal damage with pain of varying intensity. The main reasons for getting a bruise:

  • Mechanical shock in everyday life, at work, on the sports field and in a fight;
  • Fall from any height;
  • Road traffic accidents and other accidents;
  • Tucking the leg.

It is important! Even a slight bruise may indicate not only a rupture of capillaries, but also be a symptom of a closed fracture or crack in the bone.

Does an elastic bandage help with lymphedema and varicose veins?

— With varicose veins, intravascular blood pressure stretches the venous walls, and the valves of the veins, under the influence of gravity, begin to allow some of the blood back into the superficial veins. Superficial veins stretch and appear under the skin, and blood begins to stagnate in them. The pressure inside the vessels increases, and the liquid part of the blood is forced into the muscles and subcutaneous tissue. Because of this, varicose edema forms .

Correctly applied elastic bandage "Intex" creates distributed pressure on the legs, stimulating the outflow of blood from the legs towards the heart. At the same time, elastic bandages support the vascular walls and valves of the veins, preventing them from stretching. Since blood stops accumulating in the superficial veins, stop forming and swelling stops occurring.

— With lymphatic edema, the patency of the lymphatic vessels is disrupted, and the lymph begins to stagnate in the muscles and subcutaneous tissue, forming extensive edema. Over time, the immune system begins to react to the foreign lymph protein, damaging the muscles and subcutaneous tissue. Connective tissue forms at the site of damage, so the swelling thickens and becomes permanent.

The elastic bandage "Intex" stimulates the outflow of lymph through the vessels that maintain patency, and improves blood supply to the legs. As a result, metabolism in the legs improves, and new lymphatic vessels are formed in the muscles and subcutaneous tissue, carrying lymph from the soft tissues before the immune response to the lymphatic protein begins. This helps to avoid persistent, difficult-to-remove swelling.

Classification and types of bruise

There are different types and degrees of bruises based on the location of the damage and the severity of the injury .

By localization

Depending on which part of the leg was hit, bruises of the soft tissues of the hip, knee, ankle joint or fingers are distinguished. Each of them, despite the general symptoms, has its own characteristics.

The thigh rarely swells when soft tissue is bruised, although bruises on the thigh are not uncommon. Swelling mainly affects the distal segments of the legs: lower leg and foot. Liquid accumulates in the vascular and intercellular space.

The most common injury is knee bruise , in which there is a risk of damage to the ligament and the development of complications.

Bruised fingers often lead to deformation of the nail plate, which takes a very long time to recover.

A shin bruise is the most painful, due to the fact that the tibia is equipped with a large number of vessels that are damaged at the time of injury. This leads to the formation of a subperiosteal hematoma, pronounced edema, and if the wound becomes infected, there is a risk of developing an inflammatory process in the bone tissue - periostitis.

By severity

Bruises are classified according to severity into:

  • Light (grade 1). Minor soft tissue damage is observed;
  • Average (2nd degree). Accompanied by severe pain, the development of hematoma and slight swelling. Possible muscle rupture;
  • Moderate to severe (grade 3). Typical tendon ruptures or sprains, as well as joint damage;
  • Severe (grade 4). A distinctive feature is impaired functionality in a certain area of ​​the leg. Serious complications, including disability, are possible.

Symptoms and signs of bruise

Bruises are accompanied by:

  • Formation of bruising;
  • Minor or intense pain, depending on the location. The most painful injuries are to the fingers and knees;
  • Swelling, which over time can take the form of edema;
  • Impaired functionality of joints;
  • Difficulties in movement.

Note! The size of the hematoma is affected not only by the force of the blow, but also by the condition of the vessels and the fragility of the capillaries.

Differences from fracture

The symptoms of closed fractures and severe bruises are similar, so they are easy to confuse. The difference is that with a bruise there is no disruption of the bone structure . Only the skin, muscle tissue and periosteum are susceptible to injury.

It is important! As edema develops, there may be limited mobility in the injured area of ​​the leg. This does not indicate a fracture, but often indicates damage to the joints.

You can distinguish a fracture from a bruise using axial load syndrome . It is necessary to invite the victim to lean on the sore leg or tap on the heel. Sharp pain indicates a possible fracture.

First aid

Immediately after an injury occurs, it is important to assess the extent of the damage. If the ankle, foot or knee are injured, the victim must be seated so that the leg is on a hill . This must be done to limit the flow of blood into the limb. This way, you can reduce the formation of excessive bruising.

On the first day, it is necessary to apply cold to the bruised area to avoid the formation of a hematoma and reduce pain. If subcutaneous hemorrhage does occur, then in the following days it will be necessary to apply heat to the tissue to resolve the blood clots.

If you bruise your ankle or foot, bandage your leg with an elastic bandage in the shape of a figure eight. The main thing is not to overdo it. Tight bandaging can interfere with blood circulation.

What is it, benefits

The main material for making an elastic bandage for the hand is cotton. The effect of stretching the fabric is achieved due to the presence of threads made of polyester, lycra, and rubber.

Product advantages:

  • Possibility of bandaging the joint several times;
  • Resistance to deformation;
  • Ability to independently use a bandage and perform subsequent dressings;
  • Possibility of complex treatment using compresses, applications, various medicinal compositions.

The duration of wearing is prescribed by the doctor; for classical sprains, the bandage is recommended to be worn during the day; it should be removed at night. Periodically, the fabric must be washed without the use of synthetic chemicals; drying should be done on a flat surface away from heat.

Bandages for fixing the wrists can always be found in the pharmacy, they are sold at an affordable price. When purchasing, you can choose several options for different purposes; the dressing should be stored in a first aid kit, especially in a traveling one.

The shelf life is unlimited, the elastic bandage on the hand can easily fit into a woman’s bag or travel suitcase. One of the types of elastic bandage for wrist pain is an immobilizing bandage, which is applied for arm fractures instead of a plaster cast.

Treatment of a leg bruise

The specialist prescribes treatment based on the complexity of the injury. Minor bruises can be treated at home by applying ice on the first day and applying warm compresses on subsequent days.

If there are wounds (scratches and abrasions), painkillers and protective plasters .

A more serious leg bruise requires the use of physiotherapeutic methods (UHF and electrophoresis) and the use of medications to resolve the bruise and prevent the formation of ossification.


Surgical treatment is possible only for complex bruises that lead to damage to joints and nerves.

Indications for surgery are:

  • Suppuration of the hematoma;
  • Ligament rupture or separation from the attachment site;
  • Intra-articular hemorrhage;
  • Damage to nerve endings.

During surgery, the surgeon stitches ligaments or nerve endings , removes blood clots from the joint cavity, opens festering bruises, and also performs other manipulations as necessary.

Drug treatment

The doctor may prescribe warming ointments to the victim:

  • Finalgon;
  • Capsicam;
  • Traumeel;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Voltaren;
  • Lyoton gel;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Heparin ointment.

It is important! The products are applied with careful circular movements, barely touching the skin. Rough rubbing can cause a blood clot to form.

Folk remedies and recipes

An alcohol warming compress is the best way to speed up the healing process of injured tissue after a bruise .

Gauze is soaked generously in vodka or alcohol tincture and applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day, covered with plastic wrap and a warm piece of cloth (towel, blanket, scarf).

How to relieve swelling

In case of severe swelling, it is necessary to apply elastic bandages . The leg should be bandaged 2-3 times a day, after applying a absorbable gel (Lioton, Heparin ointment, Hepatrombin, Vental or Troxevasin).

If extensive edema forms, the doctor may prescribe phlebotonics (Troxevasin, Detralex, Aescusan, or Normoven). A cabbage leaf applied to the bruised area helps a lot

Basic dressing methods

There are several ways to apply elastic fabric when stretched:

  1. Circular - the retainer is applied in such a way that each turn is applied 2 times at the same level, after reaching the damaged area, the retainer is used, the duration of wearing is 3-10 days, it should be removed to apply medications, change the bandage, and treat the wound.
  2. Spiral - also applied in a circular manner, in a beveled direction, the next layer overlaps the previous one by 2/3. Bandaging can be done from top to bottom or vice versa, the thickness depends on the tightness of the fit. Every two turns, the elastic bandage must be bent in the vertical direction; the duration of wearing is 1-1.5 weeks.
  3. Cross-shaped - the name corresponds to the shape and course of bandaging; in the process, elastic fabric is wound in the shape of the number 8. The first turns start from the top, from the area above the wrist, gradually descending to the back of the hand. After this, the dressing is performed obliquely to the joint, the manipulations are repeated until the hand is completely fixed. At the final stage, the specially bifurcated parts of the fabric must be connected (bandaged), the duration of wearing is 5-15 days. Removal of the elastic bandage is allowed if the limbs feel numb.

Rehabilitation period

The recovery period depends on the degree of damage to internal tissues, the physiological characteristics of the body, as well as compliance with bed rest and doctor’s recommendations.

Minor bruises do not require rehabilitation and go away on their own in a few days.

After receiving more serious injuries, the patient will need a long time to restore full functionality of the leg. In especially severe cases, the patient is bedridden, and during the period of rest the muscles atrophy and require special development.

To speed up the recovery process, you will need the help of a qualified specialist who will assess the condition of the muscles, joints and ligaments, after which he will prepare a set of exercise therapy , massage and physiotherapeutic procedures, including UHF and electrophoresis.

Photo 2. Massage helps improve blood circulation and accelerate injury healing. : Flickr (Adnilza Oliveira).

How to properly wrap your hands with boxing wraps. The method of professional boxers.

Learn how to wrap properly to increase impact force and prevent injury. The method used by boxers at Freddie Roach's Wildcard Boxing gym.

Why bandage your hands at all?

Hands are the most important weapon of a boxer. They are made up of many small bones and tendons that are easily damaged. Boxing wraps gather and hold your wrist, fingers, and knuckles together.

Many people incorrectly think that this is just additional protection for the knuckles. This is not true, there are boxing gloves to protect your fist. The bandages tighten the hand in this way so that the shock that occurs upon impact causes as little damage as possible.

If your hands are incorrectly bandaged, or there are no boxing bandages at all, then there is a high risk of breaking the small bones of the wrist. Even if they do not break, various inflammations are possible that will not allow you to do normal homework, type on a computer, or hold a pen. In general, believe me, these are very painful and, most importantly, long-healing injuries. Save your arms for life after boxing)

How to bandage your hands

You will need a pair of boxing wraps. I like the 4.5 meter length, but you can use a shorter length.

So, let's begin!

1. Place the loop around your thumb and start wrapping it OVER your hand. From now on, always stay in the direction AWAY from your thumb.

DO NOT do this!

2. Three times around the wrist

This provides support for the hand. If you have short bands or large hands, you can do two turns.

Then three times around the palm

Just wrap your palm. No need to climb on your knuckles

Finally, return to the base of your thumb.

Three X's through the fingers.

Now you need to draw an X on your palm with a boxing wrap that goes between your fingers. This part of the wrap will allow the knuckles to be gathered into a fist while protecting them from damage.

Start with your little finger and ring finger.

Now from the inside towards the big

Then work your way down to the base of your fist. From the inside of the wrist, bring it under the thumb. The boxing bandage formed a kind of X.

Then up again. Between the ring and middle fingers

The second X is formed.

Back to the top. Let's take care of the hollow between the middle and index fingers.

We complete the third X using our technology. All fingers are bandaged correctly!

We were under the thumb.

Wrapping the thumb

Wrap it around your wrist once

We find ourselves from the outer edge of the palm

Strengthening the thumb

We pass the bandage from the outside and go down the palm.

We shake our palm. This will allow us to attach the thumb to the entire fist structure, minimizing the possibility of injury. Notice that the bandaging direction has changed to "toward the thumb."

Three times around the knuckles

We wrap the bandage over the knuckles.

8. Is there any bandage left?

If you still have bandage left, you can make an additional “X”


You can hit the knuckles a couple of times.

We finish at the wrist.

Helpful Tips for Wrapping Boxing Bandages

· You must be comfortable. The hand is relaxed, but when it clenches into a fist, the bandages tighten. If after 30 minutes you feel pain or your fingers have turned white, then most likely the bandages have been “tightened.”

· Bandage your wrist tightly or loosely. It all depends on your preferences. Personally, I like my wrist to be well wrapped. However, many people like the mobility to deliver quality hooks and uppercuts.

Be sure to protect your hands! And you can always buy boxing bandages from us! In the boxing goods store

Possible complications and consequences of injury

Many people mistakenly believe that a bruise is not a serious injury, so they do not go to the hospital for professional help, hoping that over time the tissue will heal on its own. Delayed contact with specialists and inadequate treatment can lead to serious complications:

  • Accumulation of coagulated blood inside the joints with the formation of hemarthrosis in the knee area;
  • Impaired joint functionality;
  • The formation of blood clots due to improper care (rough rubbing, unprofessional massage, or leaving the leg at rest for a long time).

It is important! Injury to large joints can lead to the development of arthrosis in old age.

Mesh elastic bandage - how to use?


A mesh elastic bandage is a medical product used to secure bandages. This type of fixation has long proven itself both in outpatient practice and in hospital . Mesh knitwear is made from high-quality hypoallergenic raw materials using modern equipment.

What are the advantages of mesh elastic bandage?

The elastic mesh bandage has a tubular shape. To fix a specific body segment, you can choose the optimal size of mesh bandage . An elastic tubular bandage , just like a regular gauze bandage , is used to secure various types of dressings. The gauze bandage is used once, it quickly becomes dirty and weakens. Applying a bandage gauze bandage requires a significant amount of time, restricts movement with a large volume, and in some cases it is quite painful to remove such a bandage .

An elastic bandage is free of all these disadvantages: it can be used more than once; securely fixes the bandage ; does not roll down and does not weaken the fixation; movements in the joints are not difficult; there is no local compression, the bandage is evenly distributed over the area of ​​fixation and does not cut into the edges; Due to the stretchability of the mesh bandage, changing the bandage is quick and painless.

The elasticity of the elastic bandage is ensured by latex threads, and polyester fibers allow it to retain its shape and improve performance characteristics.

What can a mesh elastic bandage be used for?

First of all, for fixing bandages for abrasions, bruises, wounds of various origins (trauma and surgery ). Suitable for dry and wet (medicated) dressings. For fixing compresses used as a local physiotherapeutic procedure.

Thanks to the mesh elastic structure, the bandage takes the shape of the application segment and does not interfere with air exchange of the skin, which is especially important in the treatment of trophic disorders (for example, dressing for a trophic ulcer ).

Dimensions and purposes of the mesh bandage

  • No. 1 – applied to the fingers and toes.
  • No. 2-5 - have medium sizes. With their help, bandages on the joints of adults and children.
  • No. 6-7 - large tubular bandages. They are used to secure bandages on the torso (chest, abdomen , back ) and hip joints of an adult.

If the bandage turns out to be longer, then the excess part can be cut off without loss of fixation. For ease of use, the mesh bandage can be modeled. For example, to fix the bandage in the area of ​​the wrist joint, it is enough to cut a small hole the width of a thumb. to secure the headband on your head. To do this, step back 2 cm from the edge of the bandage and make an incision the width of the bandage . If necessary, fixation with a bandage can be done in 2 layers.

Bandages are produced in individual packages, individually, and in hospital packages of 3 and 25 meters.

In situations where not only retention of the bandage , but also a supporting, stabilizing effect, compression hosiery is prescribed. For example, an elastic bandage for fractures fixes the injured area and reduces unpleasant symptoms (pain, swelling ).

Published in Surgery Premium Clinic

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