Hand orthosis for a metacarpal fracture: how to choose?

Indications and contraindications

A product such as an orthosis and its fastening to the area of ​​the human wrist joint is used at a time when contraindications in the form of purulent inflammation, tumors at the site of use of the orthosis, as well as diseases for which hyperthermia is prohibited are not identified.

In case of injury to the wrist joint, it is possible to use light and medium rigidity orthoses with varying degrees of fixation for:

  • joint bruises;
  • injured ligaments;
  • progression of arthrosis;
  • during recovery after fixing joints with a plaster bandage, after surgical interventions.

Bandages secure and relieve stress on the wrist joints. They are used in certain cases:

  • as a therapy for osteochondropathy;
  • for recovery after ligament injuries and bruises of the wrist joint;
  • prevention with increased loads on the injured part of the body;
  • after surgery on a broken joint.

Rigid types of orthoses can be used for the following medical indications:

  • injuries of the wrist ligaments;
  • postoperative recovery period;
  • wrist instability and rheumatism;
  • inflammation in the joint and soft tissues;
  • peripheral nerve neuropathy;
  • excessive loads.

Possible complications

Despite the fact that a scarf bandage is a simple and universal remedy, it is very important to apply it correctly. Otherwise, complications may arise:

  • displacement of damaged bone fragments;
  • compression of nerve endings and blood vessels;
  • numbness of the hand;
  • damage to soft tissues from bone fragments;
  • infection of an open wound.

Therefore, special attention should be paid to the tying process itself. To prevent displacement of fragments or damage to soft tissues, the arm must be bent at the elbow before applying the bandage. This way the limb takes its usual position, and the bandage will securely fix it. Of course, it is better that the first time this manipulation is performed directly by a doctor.

If the victim faints, it is necessary to bring him to consciousness, and only then apply a bandage.

This will help avoid unwanted pressure on blood vessels and nerves. When applying the bandage and after the procedure, it is also necessary to check the victim’s pulse. The frequency of the blows will help identify unwanted pressure on the blood vessels.

Types of hand orthoses

All orthoses are classified by area of ​​use and form 3 groups:

  • The first category consists of orthoses designed for the spine. It includes: corsets, splint collars, reclinators and bandages.
  • The second group consists of orthoses used for injuries to the joints of the upper limbs, such as elbow pads, shoulder braces, and wrist orthoses.
  • The third category includes leg orthoses with the function of fixing the joints of the lower extremity belt: knee pads, ankle pads, orthoses for the pelvic area, orthopedic insoles, shoes.

According to production options, orthoses are divided into:

  • Finished - products produced in a factory. The specific type of such prosthesis is prescribed to the patient by the doctor.
  • Individual. Such an orthosis is created for each patient. The anatomical features of the structure of the damaged organ and the type of pathology are taken into account.

The human wrist is often injured because it is the most mobile area of ​​the hand. Common wrist injuries include sprains and sprains. The doctor determines an orthosis for the wrist joint in order to ensure that the joint is secured in a semi-rigid or light form. Visually, such a retainer is similar to a glove, which firmly secures the wrist in a certain position and prevents it from moving.

Such an orthopedic device restrains movement and, in case of urgent need, completely immobilizes it, which reduces the sensations of pain and discomfort and facilitates the rapid recovery of the damaged joint after serious damage.

Orthoses can also be divided according to their level of rigidity:

  • Rigid wrist joint orthoses are used during rehabilitation after fractures. Rigid clamps completely secure the wrist.
  • Semi-rigid orthoses are used during rehabilitation after minor injuries.
  • Soft ones are used as preventive measures against the occurrence of possible wrist injuries.

Rules to follow when constructing a bandage for a broken arm

An immobility bandage for a broken arm is considered the most common method used to treat a variety of injuries. Its main task is to ensure the limbs are in the correct physiological position. Therefore, its application must be carried out by a specialist.

When providing first aid, a bandage for an arm for a fracture can be done independently; the limb is fixed or a splint is applied. But after first aid is provided, the victim must be taken to a doctor as quickly as possible. Timely, qualified medical assistance will help prevent complications.

If you need support for a broken arm or for arthrosis, minor injuries, or during rehabilitation, bandages are a great help.

When applying an arm brace after a fracture, you must follow some rules:

How to choose an orthosis?

An orthosis for a wrist joint injury should be purchased on the direction of a doctor. Depending on what kind of injury was received, the doctor will give recommendations on the need to use a fixator of one or another rigidity.

Soft types of braces are recommended during sports activities or during certain types of work characterized by increased load on the joint. For complete fixation, rigid types of fixators are used on the wrist joint. They can resemble a fingerless glove with a metal splint and a strong clamp that guarantees the necessary degree of fixation of the wrist joint.

Orthopedic devices are produced in sizes: from S to XL. Such clamps are universal and suitable for use in the case of absolute fixation for both left and right hands. The correct choice of the desired size is checked by trying the clamp on your hand.

Doctors always pay attention to the importance of a comfortably secured retainer. The period of operation of the retainer is also regulated by a specialist. It is not recommended to reduce or increase the period indicated by the doctor without prior approval from the doctor. Spontaneous changes in the design of the device are unacceptable.

In childhood, splints are used after injury. Both children's and adult braces are used as a treatment in cases of specific diseases and injuries to the wrist joint. In cases of urgent need, it can be used for preventive purposes.

Available materials for constructing a sling

It is not always possible to access qualified medical assistance on time. For example, if by an unfortunate accident you were injured while hiking and you still need to get to the doctor, it is better to temporarily immobilize your arm using improvised means. You can use the following options:

  1. Clothes with long sleeves. Tie a shirt or sweater with the sleeves behind your head, and insert your hand into the resulting loop. This will help transfer the weight of the injured limb to the neck or back. The length of the sling can be adjusted.
  2. Belt. Make a loop of the required size, secure it with a buckle, put your hand through it and put the belt around your neck so that the metal elements do not put pressure on the skin.
  3. Tie. Using a simple knot, make a loop out of the tie and hang the injured limb around your neck. You need to adjust the loop so that your hand is at an angle of 90 degrees.
  4. An improvised bandage can be made from adhesive tape, wound in several layers.

How to wear it correctly: recommendations for wearing and caring for the orthosis

Most types of fixatives have positive reviews from patients and doctors. The clamps cope with the task properly if all the instructions of the specialist are followed correctly.

Orthoses with a semi-rigid degree of fixation on the hand in traumatology are used in the treatment of minor ligament injuries, subluxations, minor bruises and for prevention purposes. They help eliminate the cause of inflammation and reduce pain, reduce the load on the injured joint. They are often recommended for patients who spend a lot of time working with a computer.

In cases of more serious injuries, a particularly rigid clamp is used on the injured hand joint. Reviews from doctors about various modifications of this type of orthosis indicate their effectiveness in treating such abnormalities. Such clamps are universal and comfortable for long-term wear. They are made from elastic materials.

Wrist joint fixators also have many other positive features. Orthoses have a special compression effect and are often used in cases that require the removal of swelling at the site of injury to the wrist joint. Thanks to light compression, the orthosis helps remove excess fluid that has stagnated in the tissues. Fixing this area of ​​the arm also helps relieve pain.

What determines the speed of wound healing?

This process is influenced simultaneously by several factors:

  • Extent of tissue damage. The rate of regeneration of skin, muscles and connective tissues is inversely proportional to the amount of damage. The larger the wound, the longer it will take to scar and the more often dressings will need to be performed.
  • Presence of chronic diseases. Some illnesses, dysfunctions and pathologies interfere with the healing process. If they occur, it is advisable to first do procedures that will reduce their destructive influence
  • Patient's age. It should be understood that in young people metabolic processes are more intense, which allows wounds to scar much faster

Properly selected medications and regular dressings, which are performed in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health and SanPin, can significantly speed up the healing process of a wound of any etiology. As long as the basic requirements are met, it does not matter whether they are performed in a hospital or at home.

Results of using the orthosis

PROP The Prometer unloads and also secures the joint in a certain position and, with the help of an orthosis, reduces pain. The injured area remains stationary; compression and warming effects lead to increased blood circulation and lymphatic flow.

In cases of displacement, the fixator is used in complex therapy and is able to eliminate the resulting deformation. The effectiveness of the fixator depends on the correctness of its choice, which should be carried out together with the doctor after diagnosis and examination of the victim. It is the doctor who regulates the level of fixation of the orthosis and the period of its wearing.

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What types of bandages are there to support a fractured arm?

The most difficult is considered to be a sling for a broken arm. It must be created by a doctor. If fixation is performed by a non-professional, bone fragments often become displaced. In this case, blood vessels and nerves can be damaged, there is a danger of muscle rupture, often these circumstances lead to incorrect fusion of bones. Bandages for fractures to immobilize are performed only based on X-ray results.

A scarf for a broken arm is used as first aid to fix a limb. You can purchase it at a pharmacy or make it yourself. Also, a scarf to support an arm during a fracture can be made from any available means - a piece of fabric, a headplate, or even a shirt. Basic requirements - the fabric must have a triangular shape, the sides of the piece must be at least 80 cm, and the base must be a meter long.

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