Ankle orthosis: types, degrees of fixation, how to choose

An ankle orthosis is used to treat and prevent injuries to the ankle joint. In some cases, an ankle brace may be used instead of an ankle cast to provide a secure fit and prevent muscle atrophy. Orthopedic ankle orthoses help normalize foot position and gait. There are many types of orthoses and options for their use (for example, an ankle orthosis is often used after an ankle fracture). To obtain truly effective ankle treatment, the orthosis must be selected correctly, based on the type of disease and the size of the leg.

Traumatologists and orthopedists at the Yusupov Hospital will help you choose an ankle orthosis. Doctors have extensive experience in treating various pathologies of the ankle joint and create a treatment plan that will be most effective for a given patient.

When is an ankle orthosis needed?

Orthoses are used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. A specialized orthosis has been developed for each joint, which differs in its composition and functions. There are a huge number of types of ankle orthoses:

  • dynamic orthosis for enhanced stabilization of the ankle joint;
  • unloading ankle orthosis;
  • ankle-foot orthosis, immobilizing, articulated, adjustable, etc.

The main functions of an ankle orthosis include:

  • joint fixation;
  • reducing the load on the joint;
  • restriction of movements.

An ankle orthosis allows you to reduce pain and fix the joint in an anatomically correct position to prevent the development of a pathological process and restore damaged tissues. An ankle orthosis may also be used for an ankle fracture. It perfectly replaces a plaster cast and is much more convenient to use.

An ankle brace is recommended for use by athletes and people with habitual joint dislocation. During excessive physical activity (sports, heavy lifting, long walking), the orthosis protects the joint from excess stress, which prevents damage.

An ankle orthosis is prescribed by a doctor. It should not be used without specialist advice. At the Yusupov Hospital, you can get advice from a qualified traumatologist or orthopedist about the need to use an orthosis. The doctor will assess the condition of the ankle and make recommendations for the most effective and safe restoration of lost functions.

Soft ankle-foot orthosis

The soft ankle cut is a product made of elastic fabric, which in action resembles an elastic bandage. The soft orthosis is easy to use, and unlike a bandage, it is easy to put on and take off without fear of squeezing blood vessels. A soft orthosis is prescribed for minor bruises, dislocations, at the initial stage of an inflammatory or destructive-degenerative process, and at the last stages of rehabilitation after injury or surgery. The price for a soft ankle orthosis is from 1100 rubles.

For chronic joint instability, a soft ankle orthosis with silicone inserts is quite effective. The price of the product will be slightly higher than a regular soft orthosis and starts from 3,000 rubles. A soft ankle-foot orthosis with silicone inserts is also used for mild injuries and illnesses, and to prevent the development and progression of pathologies. An ankle orthosis with silicone inserts provides additional local compression and has a massage effect.

Ankle orthosis, semi-rigid, medium fixation

A semi-rigid ankle orthosis is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of ankle pathologies. An ankle orthosis with a medium degree of fixation has fixing elements and stiffening ribs that ensure reliable fastening of the ankle in the required position. The damaged areas of the ankle are relieved of excess stress and the healing process begins. The elastic fabric of the orthosis provides additional compression and ensures normalization of blood circulation in the affected area.

This type of orthoses is widely represented on the orthopedic products market. It can be found in such widespread distribution networks as Ladomed (semi-rigid ankle orthosis with medium fixation) or Orteka (semi-rigid ankle orthosis). The price of an orthosis for an ankle joint of medium rigidity varies from 2000 rubles. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital will help you decide on the choice of orthosis and recommend the most optimal one.

How to choose and buy an orthopedic product

Before purchasing any orthopedic product, you should consult a doctor who can accurately assess the specifics of your situation and make the correct diagnosis. It is important to follow the order and timing of using the prescribed medication.

When choosing an orthopedic ankle orthosis, it is important to determine the type and size of the product, since the effectiveness of the treatment will depend on this. If the doctor did not give precise instructions on choosing an orthosis, contact our rehabilitation specialist by phone posted on this website.

Our specialists will take into account all the features of your case, advise on the best product options and accept orders over the phone. Delivery is carried out throughout the Russian Federation, and payment is accepted in all convenient ways.

Ankle foot orthosis, semi-rigid, strong fixation

A strong ankle orthosis is necessary to reliably limit ankle movement. An ankle orthosis with strong fixation ribs is used for:

  • ankle fractures;
  • ligament ruptures;
  • severe bruise of the ankle joint;
  • joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.);
  • after prosthetics;
  • after operation.

In the Ladomed network, ankle foot orthoses with a strong degree of fixation are presented by many different manufacturers: Otto Bock ankle orthoses, Push ankle orthoses, Orlette ankle orthosis and others.


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Ankle bursitis is an inflammatory lesion of the synovial bursae located at the site of attachment of ligaments and tendons to the heel bone. The bursa protects cartilage from wear and tear and serves as a protective barrier against infection. The pathology leads to excruciating pain, including loss of ability to work. To prevent an unpleasant outcome, treatment should be carried out correctly and in a timely manner.

Ankle orthosis with lacing and stabilizing insert

A type of semi-rigid orthopedic product is a lace-up ankle orthosis. The orthosis is equipped with special lacing, which ensures anatomically correct fixation of the leg. A semi-rigid ankle orthosis with lace allows you to hold the leg in a position in which the injured area will be effectively restored. The lace-up ankle brace also has special inserts that mold to the shape of your foot for safe movement. This type of orthosis is used in the following cases:

  • ankle injury;
  • foot paresis;
  • joint diseases;
  • pain syndrome;
  • post-traumatic syndrome;
  • excessive physical activity.

Rigid ankle orthosis

A rigid ankle orthosis is designed to immobilize the leg after serious injury, fractures, or operations. A rigid orthosis is effective for restoring a joint as a result of the progression of degenerative processes in the tissues of the joint. It has a durable design that immobilizes the joint at the required level. Depending on the pathology, a rigid orthosis can be used to completely immobilize the leg until tissue integrity is restored. Over time, the clamps are loosened to normalize ankle mobility. Rigid fixation is provided by belts, Velcro (or lacing), special inserts and stiffening ribs. This type of product is produced by popular companies Otto Bock (ankle orthoses with rigid fixation), Orlette, etc.

A type of orthopedic product is a rigid derotational ankle orthosis. This is a specialized orthosis that is used in the following situations:

  • DPC;
  • after a stroke;
  • after spinal cord injuries;
  • after orthopedic surgery;
  • at risk of developing foot deformity.

Some pharmacy chains and health care stores offer rigid derotational ankle orthoses for sale: Samson Pharma, Ladomed, Orteka, etc. The price for a rigid derotational ankle orthosis ranges from 4,000 rubles. When using this type of orthosis, you should strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor. At the Yusupov Hospital in the rehabilitation center, patients can receive advice on methods of recovery from diseases of the nervous system and brain, as well as undergo a course of treatment.

What are the forecasts?

Despite the latest operating technologies, the prognosis is not very encouraging. In 90% of cases, the prosthesis lasts no more than 8 years. Repeated operations are performed infrequently - only in 6-8% of cases. This means that after this time the patient will again experience pain and remember limited mobility.

There are also complications after endoprosthetics. The wound over the new prosthesis does not heal quickly, the lower leg swells, suppuration, the formation of blood clots and thrombosis are not uncommon. Sometimes the prosthesis spontaneously loses its fixation, sags and wears out unexpectedly quickly. Therefore, experienced doctors recommend that patients think carefully before deciding to undergo surgery. In many cases, you can get rid of pain and restore joint mobility with the help of a synovial fluid prosthesis, without surgery.

Adjustable ankle brace

An ankle orthosis with degree setting and a motion controller is classified as semi-rigid and rigid products. It unloads and stabilizes the joint. The point of changing the angle set on the ankle orthosis is that this ensures a gradual restoration of the extensor ability of the joint. The angle of the foot to the leg can be changed in 10-degree increments, while the lateral areas of the ankle remain stabilized. This orthosis is highly effective for injuries of the Achilles tendon, providing immobilization of the joint during plantar flexion. Soft inserts in the heel serve as shock absorbers and help reduce the load on the joint when walking.

Ortek adjustable ankle orthoses are quite popular. How to adjust the ankle orthosis is indicated by the attending physician, depending on the nature of the damage.

Is it possible to play sports with a prosthetic ankle?

After endoprosthetics, the patient is given a number of restrictive recommendations. The most important thing is to avoid lifting weights over 20 kg. It is advisable to wear special shoes that will provide stability when walking, especially at first. During the recovery period, physiotherapeutic procedures and lymphatic drainage may be prescribed.

At the end of the recovery period, as a rule, the following is allowed:

  • ski;
  • swim;
  • ride a bike;
  • jog;
  • go trekking;
  • to play golf.

After endoprosthetics, you will have to forget about football, tennis or high-speed slalom

Ankle orthosis for drop foot

To treat flaccid paralysis or floppy foot syndrome, which occurs as a result of pathologies in the central nervous system, special orthoses are used. They consist of two parts connected by an elastic cord: one part secures the foot, the other – the lower leg. The orthosis allows you to elevate the foot and ensure flexion of the ankle. For foot drop, adjustable dynamic braces can be used to gradually change the angle between the foot and lower leg, gradually restoring musculoskeletal functions.

A type of orthopedic product for drop foot is the “Tick” ankle joint orthosis. It has a rigid base that goes from the foot to the shin and secures the leg with straps. This type of orthosis is used in the rehabilitation period after a stroke.

A correctly selected orthosis and its proper operation allow one to achieve good results in the treatment and restoration of the functions of the ankle joint. At the Yusupov Hospital you can undergo a full course of ankle rehabilitation after various injuries and diseases. Effective techniques used by rehabilitation specialists at the Yusupov Hospital contribute to the rapid normalization of foot function and the prevention of relapse of pathology.

You can make an appointment with traumatologists, orthopedists, rehabilitation specialists and other specialists, find out information about the work of the rehabilitation center and other questions of interest by calling the Yusupov Hospital.

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