Bioplastic collagen material and its application in cosmetology

The main frame element of joints and cartilage tissue1

is collagen type II - a complex molecule that is a triple helix. When joints deteriorate due to age-related changes, injuries and other factors, collagen molecules in cartilage are damaged. The body begins to perceive its own damaged type II collagen as “foreign” and begins to attack both damaged molecules and normal collagen molecules, which ultimately leads to joint destruction and significant discomfort. Therefore, it is extremely important to take measures to stop this process.

Types of collagen

A special type of protein, collagen, plays an important role in the body: it helps the skin remain elastic, joints healthy and generally slows down the aging process. In addition, this protein affects endurance, quality of sleep and digestion.

In the human body, the proportion of collagen ranges from 25 to 45%. Most of this protein, consisting of amino acids, is found in cartilage, skin, nails and hair. It is produced by fibroblasts, special connective tissue cells.

Collagen protein comes in different types, there are 28 of them. The most important for the body are the following:

  1. Collagen involved in the formation of bone, joint, cartilage tissue, skin and hair.
  2. Collagen, which promotes the formation of ligaments, muscles, joints, intervertebral joints.
  3. Collagen that forms the lining of internal organs in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Collagen found in the epidermal layer and the eye lens.

Almost all tissues contain not one, but several types of protein. With age, collagen synthesis in the body decreases. This also happens in young people who systematically engage in sports with heavy loads. A lack of a particular protein can lead to serious illnesses, so losses must be replenished by taking collagen in dosage form.

Collagen is widely used in the beauty industry (anti-aging procedures); it is included in some medications, as well as sports nutrition powders.

Cosmetologists inject bioplastic collagen material into patients whose bodies do not produce enough protein. Also, collagen, which is used for cosmetic or health purposes, can be in the form of serum, tablets, or included in cocktails along with other beneficial substances.

What foods contain collagen?

Collagen is found exclusively in ligaments, cartilage and bones. But in this form it is practically not absorbed by the body. Therefore, many athletes prefer to consume collagen from industrial supplements. However, if you strive to get everything you need only from natural products, for the synthesis of collagen by your body you will need:

  1. Amino acids: glycine, lysine, proline.
  2. Vitamins: C,D,A,E.
  3. Minerals: zinc, phosphorus, iron, copper.

And if vitamins and minerals are easy to obtain from many foods, then the necessary amino acids are found in sufficient quantities only in foods of animal origin.

ProductsGlycine, mg per 100 g of productLysine, mg per 100 g of product
Peanut1005 mg1105 mg
Mutton1102 mg1104 mg
Beef tenderloin1105 mg1103 mg
Pink salmon1000 mg1102 mg
Peas1065 mg1101 mg
Turkey fillet1104 mg1 mg
Chicken meat1103 mg109 mg
Almond<0.01 mg107 mg
Milk0109 mg1055 mg
Salmon1101 mg1065 mg
Cheese01055 mg1038 mg
Cottage cheese0107 mg1005 mg
Beans01038 mg<0.01 mg
Hazelnut<0.01 mg<0.01 mg

© jana_janina — Foods with collagen

Main Sources of Collagen

The most affordable way to replenish collagen protein reserves is to eat foods that contain it: lean meat, broth, chicken cartilage, jellied meat and aspic, jelly-like desserts. There is no collagen in plants.

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Collagen can also be a dietary supplement in the form of tablets, capsules or powder. As a rule, it is a hydrolyzed protein that is obtained from natural protein through fermentation and other chemical reactions. Such supplements contain the optimal amount of collagen for health.

Dietary supplements with this protein can be purchased in pharmacies, sports nutrition stores or on specialized websites.

The benefits of drugs with collagen will only be if they are taken according to the rules:

  • Before using supplements, you should consult your doctor to identify possible contraindications;
  • You only need to consume collagen peptide, that is, processed protein with low molecular weight;
  • Do not exceed the permissible dosage of the drug - 6 tablets (capsules) per day, divided into three doses;
  • During the course of taking dietary supplements containing collagen, a diet is required (fatty, salty, flour products should be kept to a minimum in the diet, alcohol should be completely excluded).

How to use

You need to take marine or animal collagen with meals, morning and evening in a volume of 1-2 scoops. The drug is diluted in water or other liquid - a small amount of juice, liquid yogurt, broth. The course of treatment is 2-3 months, then after several months it can be repeated. The treatment regimen should be agreed upon with your doctor, especially if you are undergoing complex treatment for arthrosis, for example, a course of injections of synovial fluid prosthesis.

Collagen goes well with other methods of treating arthrosis

Collagen is found in many foods, such as red vegetables and fruits, olives and black olives. It is found in red beans, soybeans, carrots and white cabbage. However, practice shows that it is very difficult to obtain the full amount of this building substance from the diet.

The Japanese often include collagen in one form or another in their diet. They consume it in the form of foods and in the form of medications or supplements. This is probably why representatives of this eastern nationality look youthful at any age and live long. Maybe we should adopt this experience and take a step towards improving our quality of life?

The benefits of collagen for the body

It is difficult to overestimate the role of collagen in the body, since this protein performs many useful functions:

  • It has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, helping to maintain the necessary level of moisture and elasticity. Thanks to the protein synthesis that occurs in fibroblasts, wrinkles are smoothed out, and some (small) wrinkles disappear without a trace. For women who want youthful skin and tightened facial contours, after 35 years, a course of collagen supplements is recommended.
  • Makes cellulite less noticeable. An orange peel appears due to the fact that the skin loses its elasticity, and fat deposits increase and, due to decreased tissue tone, are pushed out of the deeper layers closer to the surface. Collagen helps restore elasticity and get rid of looseness in the body.
  • In combination with vitamins and minerals, it maintains healthy and beautiful hair. If they become dry and brittle, it can be assumed that they lack collagen. Taking this protein orally as part of complex preparations, as well as using it in the form of therapeutic masks, can strengthen the hair follicles and give shine, silkiness and smoothness to the hair.
  • Helps strengthen nails, accelerate their growth, and even out the surface. Thanks to collagen, nail plates, which are based on protein, stop peeling.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Collagen relieves irritation of the mucous membrane, improves digestion, and reanimates damaged cells. Able to break down other types of proteins into simple ones, as a result of which they are more easily absorbed by the body.
  • Makes joints, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and bone tissue stronger. Since collagen protein forms the basis of connective tissues, its deficiency can lead to the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, and osteoporosis. Taking collagen prevents wear and tear of joint elements.
  • Helps build muscles and help maintain their tone. Collagen is included in special sports nutrition as a source of additional energy, accelerating the growth of muscle mass, and increasing the body's endurance.
  • Helps fight excess weight. Thanks to the proper use of dietary supplements containing collagen peptide, metabolism improves, the fat layer decreases, which promotes weight loss.

Causes and mechanism of joint damage

In Russia, the number of people suffering from joint problems over the age of 60 is 97%2.

According to research, various joint lesions occur in every fourth resident of the Russian Federation. According to WHO statistics, joint problems are the third most common worldwide. Such problems often begin in older people, but can develop regardless of age and gender. Young people with a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work are at risk of developing joint problems.

Each joint is a separate mechanism included in the overall system. The bones at the joints are connected by a thin layer of elastic cartilage tissue. It makes the surface in these areas smooth and sliding, allows them to move easily and prevents friction. Cartilage and bone are inextricably linked by the joint. This state must always be maintained, but for a number of reasons violations occur. When your own collagen is destroyed, elasticity is lost, cartilage wears out, and cracking joints appear.

All systems suffer from the destruction of collagen, as a result of which the following conditions can be observed:

  • decreased flexibility;
  • loss of rotation and stiffness;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • increase in joint volume;
  • inability to perform usual functions.

Joint damage is associated with various reasons, one of which is an attack by the immune system on its own type II collagen, which is the main skeleton element of joints and cartilage tissue. This leads to pathological changes in the cells of the synovial membrane. The regeneration function decreases, chondrocytes cannot replace matrix components - collagen, glycoproteins and other proteins. In parallel with the destruction of bone and cartilaginous structures, soft tissues - ligaments and muscles - are damaged. The joint loses its functions. Discomfort and aches appear - first during movement, then at rest.

Other signals also indicate negative changes in the joints3:

  • creaking, crunching and clicking when moving;
  • muscle tissue atrophy;
  • swelling and redness;
  • changes in size and visible deformation at the joints of bones;
  • difficulty in rotation.

As the disorders progress, the load is redistributed to other areas of the musculoskeletal system. Due to this, the pathological process becomes systemic.

Contraindications to taking collagen

It is not surprising that bioplastic collagen material is widely used in cosmetology. Collagen protein is not considered a substance that causes harm to the body. However, sometimes supplements in which it is included cause allergic reactions (usually due to auxiliary ingredients). Also, due to the use of dietary supplements with collagen, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract and skin rash are possible.

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A course of taking medications with collagen protein may be accompanied by bloating, heartburn and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Particular care should be taken when consuming collagen obtained from fish and shellfish, as in this case the risk of allergies increases.

Choosing the release form

If you think that it is enough to decide on the type and type to understand which collagen to choose, you are mistaken - you also need to pay attention to the shape. The release form affects the speed and quality of collagen absorption by our body. Here is the rating (the best are on top):

  1. liquid form - it is absorbed very quickly, it is pleasant to drink (the taste is improved by various additives), there is no need to prepare it, but drinking collagen is more expensive than any other. If your budget allows, choose liquid.
  2. in powder form is the best choice. It is absorbed quickly, the cost is affordable, and in most cases it is supplemented with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C (substances that improve absorption). Among the disadvantages of powdered collagen, many highlight a certain taste and smell. I personally don’t feel or hear it (I think it’s also about the brand, but more on that later). I know that if you dilute the powder in orange or other natural juice, everything is ok.
  3. compressed powder (they are also called uncoated tablets ) - the body needs time to dissolve the tablet.
  4. capsules with powder inside are an ideal choice for those who cannot tolerate even the slightest taste and aroma of collagen. But this one takes longer to digest - the stomach needs half an hour to completely dissolve the capsule itself. Some also note that they feel the taste “from within” all day long. Here, too, I think it’s a matter of a specific brand.
  5. Chewable collagen - in terms of digestibility, it is not bad - somewhere between drinking and capsules, but the dose of the beneficial substance in any chewable collagen is low.
  6. coated tablets - in this case, the stomach must cope with both the coating and the contents.

Causes of Collagen Loss

If we compare how collagen is produced in the body at a young age (29 years) and an old age (80 years), then the rate of decrease in the synthesis of this important protein over the years will be 75%. Moreover, in adulthood it is also destroyed at the same rate. The lack of collagen becomes especially noticeable in women during menopause. The amount of this substance in the skin decreases by an average of 30% five years after menopause. This is a powerful blow to the body, which can be mitigated by taking hormone replacement medications.

In addition, under the influence of certain factors (ultraviolet rays, the formation of free radicals), not only the quantity, but also the quality of collagen produced in the skin changes, it becomes less plastic and structured.

But it's not that bad. Every day the body repairs collagen fibers itself. When the cells responsible for protein synthesis receive a signal about the breakdown of the substance, the process of neocollagenesis, that is, the production of collagen, is launched in them.

True, there is one condition: the synthesis of new durable fiber is impossible without vitamin C. By the way, smokers experience a chronic lack of this vitamin. That's why their skin doesn't look its best.

Additionally, the risk of collagen loss is much greater in patients with high blood sugar. Excessive production of free radicals due to failures in the systems that perform the antioxidant function leads to the fact that collagen fibers are destroyed and stick together with sugars. This is called glycation - this process is irreversible, so there can be no talk of any further natural renewal of collagen protein. People susceptible to such processes suffer from the fact that any damage to their body heals very poorly, and their skin ages early.

In patients with diabetes who smoke and abuse easily digestible carbohydrates, glycation of collagen also occurs in blood vessels, which negatively affects health.

This is why a cosmetologist who intends to use bioplastic collagen material in beauty procedures needs to pay special attention to patients at risk:

  • with insulin resistance;
  • those who eat a lot of sweets;
  • vegans and vegetarians;
  • heavy smokers;
  • women during menopause who are not receiving hormone replacement therapy.

What is the secret of Japanese longevity?

Japan traditionally breaks records for life expectancy. The Japanese are active and energetic at any age, and many of the older generation even participate in marathons. Of course, they adhere to different principles to achieve this result:

  • eat right;
  • avoid stress - live in a state of emotional stability;
  • live in favorable environmental conditions;
  • strive to get enough sunlight;
  • arrange your life as comfortably as possible.

Many Europeans seem to live in the same conditions, but do not have ideal health at all. Scientists have come to the conclusion that collagen, a substance that slows down aging at the cellular level, helps the Japanese maintain a high standard of living and live long.

The Japanese fight aging at the cellular level

Application of collagen material in injections

Collagen injections are minimally invasive and low-traumatic procedures. The material is injected with an extremely thin needle, the injection of which is perceived as an insect bite. If the patient's skin is very sensitive, the cosmetologist pre-treats it with an anesthetic.

Before performing manipulations with bioplastic collagen material, the specialist gets acquainted with the patient’s medical history, identifies contraindications, and conducts all the studies necessary to clarify the diagnoses.

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The skin at the site of exposure is treated with an antiseptic. The injection technique may vary depending on the purpose of the procedure. First, the cosmetologist makes marks on the client’s face to guide him, and then quickly injects new collagen under the skin.

Rehabilitation after the procedure does not require much time. It is recommended to protect your skin from the sun for about a week, refrain from swimming in ponds and visiting the sauna. During the recovery period, slight swelling on the face may appear, but puncture marks are usually invisible.

Top 10 Best Collagen Supplements from iherb

There are many brands that produce products with collagen - and there is no shortage in our pharmacies. But personally, I, as well as all my friends, prefer collagen from iherb. Perhaps someone will say that this is advertising. But I can’t recommend anything else - for many years this has remained the best offer both in terms of quality and price. Reviews from real people are proof of this.

I will share with you the best drugs that are available on Iherb. After the top 10 there will be a review of my favorite.

1.Neocell, Super Collagen + C, supplement with collagen and vitamin C - working bovine collagen types 1 and 3, enhanced with vitamin C. Release form - tablets. And there are 6 of them in one serving! The cost per serving is 54 cents.

2. Paradise Herbs, Collagen Extreme with BioCell-Collagen - type 2 collagen, in capsules (2 capsules per serving, cost of 1 serving - 40 cents ). Fortified with anti-inflammatory OptiMSM, vitamin C and chondroitin. This product, as we can see from the type of collagen, is aimed specifically at improving joint health.

3. Solumeve, Collagen peptides + vitamin C and hyaluronic acid - collagen types 1 and 3, but from fish. Not only is it enhanced with vitamin C, it also contains hyaluronic acid. The release form is a powder that needs to be dissolved in water. Very convenient - packaged in portioned bags. The cost of one serving is 90 cents .

4. Health Direct, Amino Sculpt Collagen, collagen flavors (cherry, mango and chocolate raspberry available) are premium drinkable collagen. The servings in it range from 30 to 60, depending on the dosage you need. Accordingly, the price of a serving will be from 1.08 USD. up to 2.17 USD

5. appliednutrition, Liquid collagen, skin revitalization, tropical strawberry and kiwi, 10 tubes of 10 ml each - another liquid collagen (types 1 and 3). Despite the fact that the price of a serving is cheaper than the previous one - 1.12 USD. — I would still choose this one. Not only does a serving contain 4 g of collagen, but it also contains biotin and other beneficial components that have a positive effect on skin and hair.

6. Zint, Grass-Fed Beef Collagen, Hydrolyzed Collagen Types I and III - collagen powder without additives. Dilute in water, drink on an empty stomach. It’s interesting because the manufacturer recommends a serving of 11 g of collagen. I would start with half a serving, then the cost drops from 56 cents to 28 cents . Very inexpensive for a quality product that already has more than 300 reviews, almost all of which are positive, which is rare.

7. Doctor's Best, Collagen Types 1 and 3 with Vitamin C - this is a bestseller in the iHerb store, it has more than a thousand reviews, almost all of them are positive. Collagen here is type 1 and 3, that is, you will notice improvements on your skin the fastest. Available in tablets, fortified with vitamin C. The manufacturer's recommended single dose is 3 tablets, but then you will get 9 g of collagen, keep this in mind, remember the universal doses that I wrote about above. Perhaps this is the most inexpensive quality option - 21 centers per serving !

8. Now Foods, BioCell hydrolyzed type II collagen - type 2 collagen (that is, it should primarily work to restore joints), vyrusk - capsules, dose - 2 pieces, cost per day - 36 cents . It seems to be not expensive, and type 2 collagen (which is not common), and the reviews are good. But I don't really like "vegetarian capsules". I understand that the manufacturer has in mind exactly the composition of the capsules, but many buyers are not so meticulous in reading it. The collagen itself here is chicken, that is, this is definitely not a vegetarian story.

9. Schiff, Move Free Ultra - type 2 collagen, release form - small tablets, dose - 1 pc. The cost per day is 86 cents . Collagen Ultra works specifically on the joint. It's not the cheapest, but it's quite effective. The composition is enhanced with hyaluronic acid.

10. Life Extension, ArthroMax Advanced formula, NT2 Collagen and ApresFlex - another good collagen for joints (type 2), also supplemented with a unique formula for joints AprèsFlex® and glucosamine. The norm per day is 2 capsules, its cost is 86 cents .

Bioplastic collagen material "Collost"

Bioplastic collagen material “Collost” is a sterile composition in which the fibrous structure is fully preserved. It ensures restoration of damaged tissues.

The drug is made from bovine skin based on type I collagen, is available in the form of a gel of different concentrations (7% and 15%), which is administered by injection and activates the synthesis of its own collagen in the dermis.

The beauty procedure using “Collost” is recommended for patients starting from the age of 30.

A gel with an active ingredient concentration of 7% is used for:

  • smoothing out fine wrinkles in the eye and lip area;
  • smoothing scars formed as a result of acne, chicken pox, etc.;
  • restoration of dermal turgor in the process of treating cellulite and eliminating local fat deposits;
  • restoring skin firmness and elasticity after surgery.

A gel with an active ingredient concentration of 15% is used for:

  • effects on horizontal wrinkles on the forehead;
  • smoothing wrinkles in the bridge of the nose;
  • elimination of deep nasolabial folds;
  • correction of the shape and volume of cheekbones and lips;
  • changes in the shape of the chin.

“Collost” is considered an effective means of combating visible age-related changes on the face. The gel promotes the renewal of the body’s own collagen fibers – they are formed in the area where the drug is administered. As a result, the original properties of the skin are restored and the appearance improves:

  • there are fewer wrinkles, they are no longer as deep as they were before;
  • the skin regains its tone;
  • The oval of the face is tightened.

For what diseases are chondroprotectors used?

Glucosamine and chondroitin preparations help protect joints from “starvation” and chemically aggressive substances that accumulate in them as a result of inflammation. For this reason, they are recommended for adjuvant therapy of osteochondropathy - diseases that cause necrosis of spongy bone tissue (bone heads). Chondroprotective drugs are used for the treatment and prevention of:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoarthritis (including rheumatoid and gouty arthritis);
  • spondylosis (spondyloarthrosis);
  • osteoporosis;
  • tendonitis (dystrophic disease of the tendons);
  • bursitis (inflammation of the joint capsule)

Chondroprotectors will become indispensable assistants in the fight against joint diseases

Drugs in this group are recommended for congenital and acquired pathologies of bone tissue (for example, bone deformation), hernias and protrusions. Chondroitin sulfate has proven itself as an auxiliary substance in the treatment of keratitis (inflammation of the eye cornea). Chondroprotectors for arthrosis are prescribed at stages 1-2 of the disease.

Contraindications for Collosta

Bioplastic collagen material cannot be administered if:

  • a positive test result for the drug;
  • having problems with blood clotting;
  • history of autoimmune diseases;
  • severe somatic diseases;
  • oncological diagnoses;
  • exacerbation of dermatoses;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars;
  • previously introduced permanent gel in the area of ​​proposed injections;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Important Notes:

  1. A test sample before the first procedure of introducing the Collost gel is required.
  2. Patients who follow a vegetarian diet sometimes have allergic reactions to the protein component of the bioplastic collagen material.
  3. Light makeup is acceptable after the procedure no earlier than 6 hours later.
  4. Until the swelling subsides, papules and redness disappear, you should protect the skin from strong heat exposure (do not sunbathe in the open sun or in a solarium) and do not overcool.

The best collagen on iHerb - review and my review

When I was planning this article, I thought that I would simply declare this collagen as top 1, but in the process of writing I realized that I cannot devote only a couple of sentences to it. He really is the best. We're talking about California Gold Nutrition, CollagenUP, marine collagen, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C, unscented. This product is good for everything - from the release form (powder) and price (40 cents per serving) . Its effectiveness is confirmed by more than 6 thousand reviews! I am also in this huge army of fans.

The basis of the product is fish (marine) collagen, which is surprising at such a price . Typically, the low cost of collagen “indicates” that it is bovine collagen, that is, the cheapest. But California Gold Nutrition, by some miracle, was able to establish the production of inexpensive fish food. In addition, they strengthened it with all the necessary components in the required quantities - vitamin C and hyaluronic acid. It has an equally good effect on the skin, joints, and hair . The effect is visible within a couple of weeks.

California Gold Nutrition, CollagenUP packages come in 2 types - 206 grams (price without discounts - $16) and 464 grams (price - $34). These packages will last for 40 and 90 days, respectively . The other day I ordered a small jar (it came with a good discount, which is not uncommon for IHerb), I’m sharing photos of the unpacking. This is what a sealed jar looks like - plastic, laconic design, protective top durable film.

When you remove the top film and unscrew the lid, you will see another protection - a membrane. It’s not easy to remove, I’ll warn you right away.

Inside is a crumbly whitish-cream powder. There is also a measuring spoon.

Collagen powder dissolves perfectly even in cold water. I personally don’t feel the smell, nor the taste, although I’ve heard that many people feel it (juice helps in this case). I never felt nausea, heartburn, or any other side effects. The only thing is that I drink more water during this period. But I always drink a lot of it, and here it contains hyaluronic acid, that is, increasing the amount of fluid you drink is recommended even by the manufacturer.

I drink it in the morning, immediately after waking up, an hour before breakfast. After 2-3 weeks I begin to notice improvements - the skin becomes more elastic, smooth, crow’s feet go away, and the condition of the skin on the neck clearly improves. The joints are also “happy.” Yes, of course, I’m not turning into an 18-year-old fairy, but I’m already almost 40. In general, I highly recommend this collagen, especially if you come across a promotion - take it and don’t hesitate!

Other sources of vitamins and nutrients

If a person is unable to include enough of certain vitamins and nutrients in their food, then supplements may be taken to correct the deficiency. But changing your diet or taking nutritional supplements or vitamin complexes must be agreed with your doctor. A healthy diet requires a wide range of nutrients and vitamins and provides the opportunity to achieve and maintain a normal body weight and provides sufficient energy and vitality to perform daily physical activities. In addition to eating a balanced diet, there are several other aspects of self-care that can help you maintain and maintain a healthy diet in the long term.

Drink plenty of water

It is vital to drink plenty of water and is part of a healthy diet for the whole body, which consists of approximately 60% - 70% water. Drinking water allows nutrients to reach vital organs, eliminate waste products, and helps protect joints and organs.

Water is also important for the spine and back. For example, intervertebral discs are composed primarily of water (at birth, the discs contain about eighty percent water, but as we age, the water content of the discs decreases). Therefore, sufficient regular hydration of the body with water also plays a role in keeping the intervertebral discs healthy. As a general rule, drinking at least 8 large glasses of water every day is recommended as part of a healthy diet. It's also important to drink water every day, not just when you're thirsty.

Drinking enough water also helps in maintaining an optimal weight or achieving weight loss when needed.

Exercise regularly

Getting enough exercise is important for many reasons. When it comes to your back, exercise provides double the benefits, helping you recover faster and preventing pain from recurring. Movement through carefully selected exercises stimulates the flow of nutrients into the spinal structures, which helps the regeneration process. For example, physical activity causes the intervertebral discs to swell with water and then squeeze out water, a process that is necessary to facilitate the exchange of nutrients between the discs and other structures of the spine.

If there is little physical activity and light exercises are not performed, then the intervertebral discs are deprived of the nutrients necessary for full functioning. Targeted selection of an exercise program must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist (physical therapy doctor) - and this is an important part of almost any method of treating back pain. Most exercise programs include a combination of stretching, muscle strengthening, and low-intensity aerobic exercise. For people who do not have back problems, exercise is also important to reduce the risk of developing back problems in the future.

Avoid smoking

There are certain substances that are harmful to the body, and it is necessary to minimize the risk of exposure to these substances in the body. Smoking, in particular, is harmful in many ways. There is now good evidence that smoking damages the vascular structures of the discs and joints of the spine, leading to lower back pain. There are even studies that have shown a clear cause-and-effect relationship between smoking and the development of spondylosis and lower back pain.

In addition, nicotine disrupts the process of bone tissue consolidation after spinal fusion surgery by inhibiting bone tissue regeneration. Therefore, if an operation such as spinal fusion is planned, the patient must quit smoking so that regeneration is sufficient.

Avoid excessive alcohol consumption

Alcohol acts as a sedative, but can cause feelings of depression in chronic pain. In addition, chronic pain and depression are interrelated and can reinforce each other.

Alcohol has little nutritional value and only adds extra calories, which can contribute to weight gain and obesity.

Calcium is essential for strong bones

Calcium is necessary to maintain the body's required bone mass and bone density, which significantly affects supporting structures. In addition, the body constantly uses calcium for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, muscles and nerves. Calcium is also lost as a result of normal processes in the body, such as hair growth, nail growth, sweating, and skin growth. If a person's diet does not contain enough calcium to replace natural losses, the body will pull calcium from the bones, which weakens them and makes them more susceptible to fractures. Surprisingly, experts estimate that 70% of people do not get enough calcium from food.

Calcium helps prevent osteoporosis

Calcium is very important for children and adolescents, since the growth of the body requires a large amount of nutrients, including calcium, which is vital for the formation and growth of bone tissue. It has been noted that in the long term, lack of sufficient calcium in the diet during childhood significantly increases the risk of developing osteoporosis with age.

Osteoporosis can lead to cracks in the bone tissue of the vertebrae, which in turn can lead to chronic pain and possibly spinal deformity. The risk of developing osteoporosis is higher for older women.

The process of maintaining bone density includes the following steps:

  • Getting enough calcium in your diet by eating enough calcium-rich foods.
  • Consumption of foods that allow maximum absorption of calcium from the intestines

The recommended amounts of calcium for adults are as follows:

  • For people over 50 (and postmenopausal women): 1500 mg calcium per day with 400-800 IU vitamin D.
  • For people 25-50 years old (and women of reproductive age): 1000 mg calcium per day with 400 IU vitamin D.

But it must be taken into account that consuming more than 2000 mg of calcium per day can be harmful to the kidneys and lead to the formation of kidney stones. This does not happen when calcium is consumed in recommended doses. If a person already has kidney disease, they should consult a doctor before taking supplemental calcium.

Dietary sources of calcium:

  • Dairy products (such as yogurt, cheese and especially milk)
  • Dark green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, broccoli and kale)
  • Beans and peas (such as tofu, peanuts, peas, black beans)
  • Certain types of fish (eg salmon, sardines)
  • Some other foods that contain calcium (eg, oranges, molasses, almonds).
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