Severe itching and redness on the legs around the ankle or ankle

Diseases of internal organs and skin have a number of characteristic symptoms and manifestations. Sometimes the clinic can directly indicate a particular disease, and sometimes the same symptom indicates different pathological processes in the body. For example, if the ankles of your feet itch, this may be a sign of both harmless dermatitis, a reaction to external irritants, and serious systemic diseases of the internal organs. Let's figure out in what cases one or another deviation can be suspected.

Possible causes of itching in the skin of the legs below the knee can be divided into two large groups:

  • External (environmental influences).
  • Internal (pathologies of organs and body systems).

Let's figure out what both groups include.


To get rid of discomfort, you need to identify the reasons why your legs itch around the ankle or above the knee. If the patient delays going to the doctor, the itching may intensify, scratches, scratches and inflammation may appear on the skin. Through small wounds, infection easily penetrates into the blood, and this can further aggravate the patient’s condition. Why do feet start to itch? The reasons for this unpleasant symptom can be either completely harmless or quite dangerous for the health of the patient’s entire body.

Rash on the leg

Doctors identify several main factors that provoke itching in the legs, namely:

  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Pathologies of internal organs;
  • Injuries or damage to the skin of the lower extremities.

It is common for pregnant women to have very itchy feet. This is due to the fact that fluid accumulates in the lower extremities, they swell, and itching appears. In children, the cause of such discomfort is most often a negative allergic reaction of the body to certain foods.


The choice of treatment methods depends on the identified disease. After making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes medication and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Drug treatment

Anti-inflammatory and desensitizing agents, hepatoprotectors (Livodex, etc.) are often prescribed for itching in the ankles.

The choice of medications should be made exclusively by a doctor, based on data obtained as a result of a visual examination of the patient, medical history, and the results of diagnostic studies.

If the itching is caused by a food allergy, the patient needs to adhere to a dietary diet.

Physiotherapy and psychotherapy

Based on the established diagnosis, as well as in the absence of contraindications, the patient is prescribed:

  1. laser and reflexology;
  2. balneotherapy – treatment by taking baths with mineral water;
  3. exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the diseased area;
  4. electrophoresis - administration of drugs using electric current.

If the anomaly is caused by an unstable mental state, the person requires qualified psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance.


Traditional healers for itching ankles advise using the following recipes:

  • Tincture of marigolds. 1 tbsp. l. crushed flowers are poured with 100 ml of vodka or alcohol and kept in a dark, cool place for fourteen days. Soak a cloth in the resulting mixture and wrap it around the sore ankles twice a day.
  • Potato. The raw vegetable is ground into a pulp, spread on the affected area, a bandage is applied on top, and kept for at least five hours daily.
  • Chamomile. Brew 2-3 tablespoons of crushed flowers with one glass of boiling water and let it brew. When the liquid has cooled, soak gauze in it and apply a compress to the damaged area.

Alternative treatments should be used with extreme caution and only after consultation with your doctor. Self-medication can aggravate the situation and worsen the patient's condition.

Dermatological diseases

Your legs and feet are very itchy, and you don’t know why this is happening - the cause of the development of such a symptom is most often an allergic reaction, mechanical irritation or endocrine pathology.


The most common dermatological causes of itching of the lower extremities include:

  • Skin fungus;
  • Dermatosis;
  • Mechanical damage;
  • Insect bites;
  • Frostbite and burns;
  • Allergy to household chemicals.

To find out exactly why your feet itch, you should definitely consult a dermatologist and, if necessary, take additional blood tests.


Inflammation of the epidermis is called dermatitis. This pathology can occur in acute or chronic form. Itchy feet are the main symptom of dermatitis. However, doctors identify several additional signs of the development of pathology, namely:

  • Fluid bubbles or vesicles appear on the skin;
  • The epidermis turns red and becomes very inflamed;
  • With necrotizing dermatitis, the skin gradually begins to die, deep wounds and ulcers form.

The cause of dermatitis is usually infectious pathogens or allergens. Before starting treatment, it is imperative to identify the etiological factor. Depending on the type of pathology, the doctor prescribes the patient to take antifungal, anti-inflammatory or immunomodulatory drugs. To get rid of dermatitis as quickly as possible, the patient must adhere to proper nutrition with adjustments. His diet should not contain highly allergenic foods. It is also recommended to give up alcohol, smoking, spicy, fried and fatty foods.

Mechanical external stimuli

Cream for the treatment of irritation
Clothing made from fabrics that are not very pleasant to the body, synthetic or coarse fibers, can cause irritation and itching. The skin begins to turn red, begins to crack due to dryness, and microcracks appear, which can become infected.

Tight jeans, nylon (tights or stockings, knee socks, socks) can provoke irritation and dryness of the skin of the ankles. Moreover, too tight clothes and shoes interfere with blood flow and cause compression of nerve endings, which can affect the condition of the skin and soft tissues of the lower leg.

Tight shoes, especially in winter and autumn in women, can provoke a symptom in which you want to constantly scratch your lower leg.

In winter, all skin symptoms can be aggravated due to dry indoor air caused by heating devices.

Excessive sunbathing or simply being outside frequently on a hot day can cause dryness and burning, leading to itching and redness.

Varicose veins

With varicose veins, the diameter of the affected vein significantly expands in the patient. The valves located inside the vessel begin to work incorrectly, and the outflow of venous blood is disrupted. Congestion is accompanied by severe itching in the legs, redness and swelling. These symptoms cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. To get rid of high and severe itching in the lower extremities, you must first concentrate on treating varicose veins, and additional unpleasant symptoms will disappear on their own.

Varicose veins

As varicose veins progress, the skin over the vessels of the legs becomes thinner. This leads to the appearance of small wounds and trophic ulcers on the body, which do not heal for a long time. To prevent such complications, you need to start treating itchy feet at the earliest stages. The most common method of therapy is the use of medicinal ointments and gels, which can reduce swelling, inflammation and itching. Additionally, patients with varicose veins should adhere to the following recommendations.

  • Walk daily. Minor physical activity on the lower extremities will help speed up blood circulation and get rid of unpleasant symptoms.
  • Do not use alkaline soap for personal hygiene as it may increase itching.
  • After bathing, be sure to treat the itchy area of ​​your leg with a mixture of boric acid and lemon juice.

Varicose veins are a dangerous disease that can have serious complications that negatively affect the patient’s health. Treatment of such a pathology should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Additionally, it is recommended to wear special compression garments.


Itching in the ankle area, caused by pathological conditions of the body, is accompanied by a number of other alarming symptoms. Thus, lichen and fungus are characterized by the appearance of watery blisters on the skin; with erysipelas, hyperthermia of the skin, general weakness, headache, and aching joints appear.

Itching also occurs with swelling of the lower extremities. In addition to this, the patient may be concerned about obesity and excess weight, and improper metabolism.

With a pathological condition of the vessels of the legs, burning sensations, constant fatigue, and painful manifestations in the extremities when palpating the veins appear.


The body of some people can react extremely negatively to allergenic substances contained in food or household chemicals. Allergies are usually accompanied by itching and rash on the skin of the lower extremities. The most common allergens found in everyday life include:

  • Pet hair and saliva;
  • Food – chocolate, citrus fruits, red vegetables and fruits.
  • Clothing and shoes made of synthetic materials.
  • Dishwashing detergent, washing powder, fabric softener and other household chemical products.
  • Personal hygiene products – cream, soap, shower gel.
  • Medicines, especially antibiotics and hormonal contraceptives.

To quickly relieve itchy feet, you need to identify the allergen and eliminate it.
Immediately after the body stops contacting the irritant, you will feel relief. You can also relieve unpleasant symptoms with the help of antihistamines - Cetrin, Loratadine. If your feet continue to itch, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo a full allergy examination. Share:

Pathological conditions of internal organs and systems

Vascular diseases provoke itching in the ankle area.
Many diseases cause this seemingly unrelated symptom. Such diseases include:

  • Pathologies of veins and arteries, for example, varicose veins of the lower extremities.
  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys and gall bladder.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Pathological processes affecting the nervous system.

This is not the entire list of pathologies; let’s look at the most typical ones.

Changes in vein condition

Thinning of the vein walls, formation of seals, varicose veins - all this contributes to changes in skin sensitivity. Most often, veins become inflamed in the legs, this is a consequence of increased stress on this part of the body. The legs may swell at the end of the day, then swelling occurs regardless of the time of day or the load on the legs.

Pathological conditions of the veins are characterized by the following manifestations:

  • swelling;
  • burning sensation, itching;
  • feeling of tiredness in the legs;
  • painful sensations on palpation.

Due to swelling and other manifestations, there is a frequent desire to scratch the skin of the legs just in the ankle area behind the knee, where the veins most often become inflamed.


Itchy skin is a typical symptom of diabetes.
A characteristic symptom here is extreme thirst due to loss of water. The disease can be recognized by the results of laboratory blood tests for sugar.

There are two forms of diabetes: type 1 and type 2.

This disease, among other things, affects the condition of the vessels of the lower extremities. Edema and atherosclerosis can provoke itching. Moreover, there is a malfunction of the endocrine system, which also provokes itching on the skin, the appearance of small blisters and ulcers that are easily scratched.

This condition does not stop until blood sugar is reduced.

Diseases of internal organs

Hepatitis, jaundice, and cirrhosis of the liver cause changes in the regulation of nerve fibers, which leads to itching of the skin. Here it is important to pay attention to the accompanying clinic. It is difficult for an ordinary person to recognize the disease based on a combination of signs. If a disturbing itching appears on the skin of the lower extremities, it makes sense to consult a therapist.

Only the doctor selects the medications and dosage regimen. These can be various hepatoprotectors (“Livodex”), as well as other medications necessary for the treatment of a specific condition.

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