How to properly massage a broken ankle after removing the cast

Massage under plaster

To massage the ankle joint, small gaps are left under the cast while it is being applied. Holes can also be made inside.

As a rule, such a massage effect involves applying pressure with sticks to soft tissue areas. Due to this, it is possible to significantly improve blood circulation and lymph flow. Sometimes during the massage they gently tap the plaster with a small hammer.

The procedure can be performed under a cast

Performing massage for a broken leg

Massage of the lower leg after a fracture is carried out daily, starting from the second week of rehabilitation. It begins with a light mechanical vibration, which can be carried out longitudinally and transversely through a hole cut in the plaster. During the day, the procedure is repeated two to three times.

Since massage has a reflex effect, the healthy leg should also be massaged. To avoid stiffness of the knee joint, a hole is cut in the cast under the knee to massage this area. Also for these purposes it is necessary to “play” with the kneecap. It is advisable to tense and relax the muscles of the damaged area throughout the day.

Massage techniques in the early stages of recovery

Starting a leg massage after an ankle fracture is required taking into account the patient’s readiness. If there are no contraindications, the procedure should be performed before the plaster is removed. There are several stages of restorative massage, each of which has certain features:

  1. First, its main task is to eliminate swelling and restore blood flow. For this purpose, rubbing is used. At this stage, you can use cedar oil, which stimulates blood circulation.
  2. The second one helps restore leg function. In this case, in addition to massage, a load is applied to the limb, which gradually increases.
  3. The third includes all stages, taking into account the increased load on the limb that is being restored. Doctors also advise eating more foods containing calcium.

Post-plaster period: how to quickly recover from injury

Any injury is a very unpleasant thing. It happens in a matter of seconds, but unsettles you for weeks, or even months. And even if the treatment went well and the bones fused correctly, those who “broke” know that after removing the plaster, the suffering does not end - the recovery period begins. Sometimes complete recovery takes even longer than the treatment took. And I really want to speed up this process! To return the atrophied muscles in the cast to their previous shape and restore the functions of the limb in an optimal time, there is a special professional rehabilitation massage.

It is very rare that a person, having removed the cast from his leg, jumped up and immediately ran, or with a newly fused hand began to draw and write as before. Or rather, it doesn’t happen at all. After a limb has been immobilized for a long time, its muscles atrophy, joint mobility becomes limited, trophism is disrupted, and blood circulation deteriorates at the fracture site. Swelling, pain, difficulties with flexion and extension of the limb are constant companions of the post-plaster period.

Therefore, in most cases, those who have suffered an injury need restorative treatment (physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage).

In the hands of a professional

Rehabilitation massage (not to be confused with a regular tonic massage) allows you to increase lymph and blood flow, which is especially important for injuries of the lower extremities, when it is necessary to reduce their swelling.

Unlike other types of massage, with the help of a rehabilitation massage with development, you can restore muscle tone, eliminate their spasm, reduce pain, and even prevent its occurrence.

And the main thing is to develop the joints after the cast and restore their motor function in the shortest possible time. Of course, provided that such a massage is performed by a qualified and experienced specialist.

Massage and self-massage

Many people can develop joints and restore elasticity to ligaments on their own. There would be, as they say, a desire. But even with a strong desire, it is unlikely that it will be possible to recover quickly. Only a specialist in rehabilitation massage knows exactly who, when and what kind of load needs to be given so as not to harm the joint, and what specific techniques will most effectively cope with the problem in each specific case.

A specialist can begin massage sessions when the limb is still in a cast.

“Independent recovery from injury is possible, but, as a rule, it takes much longer,” says rehabilitation massage specialist Maria Istifeeva. “Sometimes it takes the patient six months or even a year.

Patients who began to develop the joint on their own, after seeking help and undergoing one session of professional rehabilitation massage with development, immediately noted a positive result: the limb began to move much better, the pain subsided, and swelling decreased.

This is because the patient's recovery takes place in close cooperation with the doctor. A massage specialist has all the necessary information about the characteristics of the injury, the volume of possible load at different stages of rehabilitation, has the ability to create an individual massage regimen and, together with the doctor, track the dynamics of recovery.”

After a massage course, the specialist will definitely recommend a set of exercises to do independently at home, which will help you recover faster.

Individual approach

“Much depends on the state of the human ligamentous-muscular system,” notes Maria Istifeeva. “For example, children’s ligaments are more elastic, so with proper treatment of the injury, the rehabilitation period is faster than in most adults. The same can be said about people who play sports and have good physical fitness. Basically, 15 sessions are enough, in some cases 20 sessions are required, maximum 25.”

The number of massage sessions and their duration are selected individually, depending on the patient’s age, the duration of limb immobilization and, of course, the nature of the injury.

The main stages of rehabilitation massage:

  • Stage 1: drainage massage to reduce swelling is performed for 2-3 days.
  • Stage 2: massage aimed at eliminating muscle spasms and improving blood circulation.
  • Stage 3: impact on the ligaments to improve their elasticity, both through massage and exercise.

At CNMT you can undergo rehabilitation after fractures of the bones of the shoulder, forearm, fingers, fractures in the wrist and elbow joint, tearing of the rotator cuff, rupture of ligaments and muscles, after fractures of the hip, shin bones and foot.

Massage to restore tone

As the limbs recover, the task of performing massage procedures is to activate blood flow and the flow of useful elements into the ankle. All movements are aimed at increasing blood circulation in the fracture zone and supplying useful elements to the affected area to stimulate its regeneration. At the same time, the muscles receive a lot of nutrients to strengthen them.

Important! At this stage, a fairly active influence is carried out. Therefore, damage to this area should be avoided.

If unpleasant sensations appear, you need to perform lighter strokes. To relieve tension, you can use a herbal bath. In other cases, use regular zigzag movements. They are performed around the working muscles. In this case, you need to use warming movements, alternating them with restorative strokes.

Indications and contraindications

Massage can only be performed with a closed type of fracture.

Manipulation is resorted to when:

  • muscle wasting;
  • delayed or accelerated formation of callus;
  • tight joint mobility;
  • muscle contractures.

The procedure is prohibited if:

  • open fractures;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • febrile conditions;
  • skin diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • acute infectious process.

Maintenance massage after plaster removal

The procedures should continue even after the plaster cast is removed. In this case, you can contact a professional or do an independent massage. When performing self-massage at home, the master must show how to do it correctly.

At the stage of supporting the limb, you need to perform enveloping movements around the ankle. However, this is allowed to be done only after its complete recovery. It will take 2 weeks for the swelling to disappear. From this moment on, you can begin more active patting and stroking.

Finally, you can perform strikes with both hands. They should be directed from the peripheral zones. Both palms should actively knead the skin. To do this, you should use warming techniques.

How to determine if the massage was performed correctly

Massage relieves pain in the ankle area.
Sometimes the pain may intensify after the procedures. You should not immediately blame the massage therapist for this, because such a reaction of the body may be associated with increased sensitivity.

To be confident in the results of the manipulations, it is enough to know how massage is done correctly.

You should start with light stroking movements. They tone the specialist’s hands and prepare the patient’s tissues for external influences. The introductory part lasts no more than 30 seconds and is performed with soft movements of the fingers, fist or outstretched palm. Afterwards, the specialist moves on to the second stage - rubbing. Rubbing is carried out in any position of the hands, except for the fingers placed separately. The third, but optional, stage is kneading. Its main goal is to increase the tone of muscle tissue. This should not be allowed in the early stages of therapy. It is performed with particular intensity, in circular movements, with breaks for stroking movements.

The final stage consists of vibrating and patting strokes around the area of ​​injury.

The specialist should not allow redness of the skin, pain and discomfort. A good result is achieved by using additional massage devices with a light massaging and vibrating effect.

A qualified master will pay attention not only to the damaged leg, but also to the second, healthy one. Otherwise, the tone of the healthy leg will be reduced, because it is also not subjected to sufficient motor stress.

Massage after surgery

Some fractures require surgery. Most often, this situation occurs in the following cases:

  • Open fractures - in this case, primary wound treatment is required. There is often a need for open bone repositioning. Quite often, surgeons install special plates.
  • Localization of tendons between bone fragments.
  • Trimalleolar fracture. In this case, a fragment of the posterior part of the tibia occupies more than a third of the articular area.
  • The fragment is displaced by more than 3 mm.

Note! After the operation, massage begins a few days later. In this case, it is important to use the most gentle influence possible.

How long to walk in a cast?

Casting is the most common treatment for ankle fractures. The immobilization time will be determined:

  1. complexity of the fracture (open or closed injury, is there any displacement, subluxation, how many ligaments and bones are damaged);
  2. the age and lifestyle of the patient;
  3. the presence of other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

On average, the duration of wearing a cast is as follows:

  1. isolated fracture of the inner or outer ankle without displacement - 3-4 weeks;
  2. fracture of one ankle with displacement – ​​4-5 weeks;
  3. fracture of one ankle with displacement and dislocation of the foot – 6-8 weeks;
  4. bimalleolar fracture without displacement – ​​6-8 weeks;
  5. bimalleolar fracture with displacement – ​​8-10 weeks;
  6. complex fractures of the ankles, combined with damage to adjacent bones - 10-12 weeks.

Positive effect

The main purpose of massage is to stimulate the restoration of affected tissues. With the help of the procedure, it is possible to increase blood circulation and lymph flow to the skin and bones. Also, giving a massage to an adult or child will help:

  • eliminate acute pain in ankles and heels;
  • relax the muscles;
  • prepare limbs for stress;
  • relax your legs;
  • eliminate swelling;
  • return structures to their position in case of displacement.

Important! Massage also affects nerve endings. This, in turn, has a positive effect on muscle function.

Photos before and after the procedure

After the procedure, the activity of the limb is restored. Massage helps to speed up the regeneration process.


How to achieve maximum effect

After the massage, an elastic bandage is put on.
Massage alone is not enough for rehabilitation after a fracture. It is prescribed in conjunction with physiotherapy and physical therapy exercises. Without medical therapy, splinting and plaster, there will be no result, the condition can only get worse.

Exercise therapy is a necessary condition for recovery, since massage only gives the muscles tone, the right state to start training. But restoration of the previous strength and performance will come only with constant development of the ankle. Exercise therapy courses are either immediately prescribed by the attending physician, or prescribed to the convalescent after the first complaints of muscle weakness appear. Massage combined with physiotherapy and exercise therapy is 50% more effective.

Massage after a broken ankle at home will have less effect than a procedure performed by a professional, but it will definitely be useful.


Massage for a broken limb can be performed manually. For this purpose, devices made in China (magnetic acupuncture devices) can be used. The advantage of such equipment is that it significantly speeds up the healing process. Moreover, it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Improves tissue microcirculation and blood circulation. In addition, metabolism in the soft tissues of the fracture area is normalized.

To perform acupressure for leg fractures, specialists use products made from natural minerals that have a smooth surface on all sides. This prevents damage to the skin.

Immobilization stage

Once the cast is in place, the person will likely have to spend several days in bed. During this period, you can already begin to perform simple exercises. They do not relate to massage effects, but they have their own effectiveness.

While the patient is lying in bed, he can lower the sore leg from the bed to the floor. You can hold your leg down for two minutes. Before starting these simple actions, they must be approved by the attending physician, so as not to cause additional damage to your body.


After the doctor removes the plaster cast, the patient begins a rehabilitation period. At all times it is necessary:

  • eliminate residual effects of muscle atrophy;
  • remove congestion;
  • increase muscle tone and elasticity;
  • make joints move better;
  • increase muscle activity.

To completely restore the lower limb, it is necessary to use special essential oils during massage, perform passive and active exercises, and also monitor your diet. Physiotherapy will help complement the effect.

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