Neck massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and to relieve tension

Cervical osteochondrosis is increasingly being diagnosed in young people. The main reason is sedentary work at the computer or while driving. In this position, the intervertebral discs are constantly under strong static load and do not receive sufficient nutrition.

The muscular corset that supports the spine weakens significantly without sufficient physical activity.

It is quite possible to slow down the development of cervical osteochondrosis and significantly alleviate its course by using complex therapy methods, one of which is massage.

What is neck osteochondrosis

The term “osteochondrosis of the cervical spine” refers to typical dystrophic-destructive processes developing in the osteochondral tissue of the intervertebral discs . The disease manifests itself through changes not only in the structure of the discs themselves, but also in the muscular-ligamentous apparatus and biomechanical properties of the tissue of the spinal column.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a polyetiological disease. The main causes of the development of the disease are considered :

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • physiological deterioration of the body due to age-related changes.

Provoking factors include:

  • overstrain of the neck muscles in a forced fixed position for a long time;
  • injuries to the vertebrae and surrounding tissues (for example, “whiplash” movement of the head during a sudden stop of transport);
  • physical inactivity.

Another risk factor for the development of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine is the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the cervical spine , the most compact, mobile and at the same time vulnerable segment of the spinal column.

The cervical spine is the weakest and most mobile. This is the main factor in the development of osteochondrosis.

The muscular corset of the neck, as a rule, is not well developed, as a result of which its shock-absorbing and protective properties in relation to the vertebrae concentrated in the cervical region are reduced. Taking this into account, as well as the possible combined effect of other disease-initiating factors, it is said that compression of nerve roots and blood vessels is possible even with minor displacements of the vertebrae or tension in the neck muscles.


There are several stages of pathological changes in the cervical spine as osteochondrosis develops. Each of them has its own symptomatic picture.

  • At stage 1, the manifestation of symptoms is insignificant: only muscle tension and pain of moderate intensity are noted.
  • During the 2nd stage, there is an increase in pain, which is associated with the progressive destruction of the fibrous ring, narrowing of the intervertebral spaces and compression of nerve endings. In persons suffering from hypertension, against this background, an increase in blood pressure is observed, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  • The 3rd stage is characterized by a pronounced increase in pain: it becomes constant, intense, spreads to the glenohumeral area and forearms, sharply intensifying with palpation of the neck. The patient also feels numbness and paresis of the skin, stiffness and limited mobility of the joints of the upper extremities.
  • At the 4th stage, the vertebral artery is involved in the deformation processes occurring in the intervertebral discs. In this regard, the clinical picture expands due to cardiovascular and autonomic dysfunctions. At this stage of the course of cervical osteochondrosis, the symptoms may be similar to those of angina pectoris. The patient experiences severe dizziness, on the verge of fainting, accompanied by impaired coordination of movements. The pain becomes burning, intensifying with physical and emotional stress, and with changing weather conditions. Visual and auditory disturbances are possible.

Osteochondrosis of the neck is dangerous because dystrophic changes affect the vertebral artery

The stage of the disease and the degree of its clinical manifestations influence the choice of treatment tactics and the sequence of use of a set of rehabilitation measures.

Video: “What is vertebral artery syndrome?”

Recommendations and prohibitions

Neck massage is prescribed as a mandatory element of physiotherapy for poor posture and certain diseases associated with the neck, spine and head.

Psychologists who claim that discomfort in certain parts of the body arise due to a psychosomatic disorder recommend light preparation before the massage:

  1. Pull your head into your shoulders as much as possible so that they rise almost to your ears.
  2. Lower them sharply.
  3. Repeat several times to release some of the tension.

Sports doctors recommend neck stretching exercises after a strenuous workout. This procedure is also useful for everyone as a prevention and treatment of cerebral blood supply disorders, especially with a lifestyle with low activity and sedentary work.

According to statistics, more than 70% of school-age children suffer from crooked posture. Therefore, they are also shown manipulations that relieve tension in the collar area and neck.

The use of self-massage is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Bad mood,
  • discomfort in the shoulder girdle area,
  • pain and stiffness in the neck,
  • overwork,
  • sedentary work,
  • hypertension,
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD),
  • insomnia,
  • long-term systematic physical activity.
  • headache,
  • osteochondrosis.


  • high body temperature,
  • high blood pressure,
  • period of decompensation of certain diseases,
  • exacerbation of a chronic illness,
  • inflammatory processes,
  • sclerosis,
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle,
  • dermatological pathologies.

The use of massage for osteochondrosis

Massage, as one of the components of conservative therapy , can be used in both acute and subacute cases of cervical osteochondrosis, if certain conditions are met.


Properly chosen methods and techniques of massage for osteochondrosis of the neck significantly reduce pain and level out orthopedic and visceral disorders. Performing active movements helps to increase the number of impulses coming from muscle receptors: the neuro-reflex effect has a tonic effect and reduces the manifestations of pain.

A reaction is also observed from the body's humoral system : the endocrine glands begin to work more actively, as a result of which an increased amount of hormones enters the blood, positively affecting the state of the nerve centers and tissue receptors.

Self-massage of the neck helps to relax the muscles and restore their tone. Thus, the beneficial effect of massage is manifested for:

  • weakened muscles, restoring their tone and relieving spasms;
  • lymphatic system, normalizing the flow of lymph in the affected area;
  • blood vessels, while improving blood supply and nutrition of the intervertebral discs.

In addition, the patient:

  • compression of the large vessels of the neck, which are responsible for the blood supply to the brain, stops;
  • in the affected areas, tissue swelling that accompanies the inflammatory process is significantly reduced;
  • pinched spinal roots are released, and, as a result, pain decreases, and in some cases completely disappears.

Pay attention to the types of massage used for osteochondrosis:

  • You can learn about the benefits of classical therapeutic massage here
  • How to do a vacuum back massage using cups is described on the page
  • The benefits and harms of honey massage for the back


Did you know that...

Next fact

To achieve positive dynamics in the course of osteochondrosis of the neck, a specialist must not only skillfully carry out massage procedures, but also take into account the general condition, individual characteristics of the patient, and also know about the concomitant diagnoses he has.

Pathological conditions of systems and organs that are contraindications for massage:

  • hypertension;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms of any location;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • discitis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • epidural abscess;
  • postoperative infection of the spine;
  • tuberculous and brucellous spondylitis;
  • brain diseases of infectious etiology;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • hemophilia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • vascular aneurysm;
  • manifestations of cardiac, pulmonary, liver and kidney failure;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin in the massage area - open wounds, extensive abrasions, exuding rashes;
  • fungal and parasitic skin diseases;
  • mental illness;
  • nervous disorders in the acute stage;
  • state of alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • ARVI.

The acute phase of cervical osteochondrosis in itself is not a contraindication for massage; in this case, the treatment procedure is carried out using a gentle method after relieving the intense pain syndrome.

Available means

There is a wide range of products that you can use to complement your regular manual massage.

What to use additionally:

  • acupuncture mats. This is a small sheet with plastic spikes that can also be rolled into a roll that is placed under the neck. In areas where thorns are exposed, blood flow increases, which allows tissue nutrition to be normalized;
  • vibrating massager. Special hand-held vibrating massagers have a stimulating effect, remove congestion and relieve spasms;
  • terry cloth. Thanks to its pile structure, it can also have a massage effect. Take a towel and simply intensively rub your neck, shoulder girdle and shoulder blade area with it.

Self-massage for neck osteochondrosis

Conducting massage sessions by a patient on his own will be effective only with a competent approach, understanding of the technique of the procedure and mastery of its techniques.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of performing a massage yourself at home or during a work break is the ability to help yourself at any convenient time . In this case, you can choose the most comfortable position, adjust the force of impact, and combine the procedure with other methods of treating osteochondrosis.

It is also important that it is not always financially possible to pay for a course of medical procedures consisting of at least 10 sessions if it is carried out by a professional massage therapist. In this case, self-massage is certainly a budget-friendly therapeutic measure.

However, it should be understood that self-massage, carried out outside the complex conservative treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, is an additional measure to help relieve muscle tension and reduce pain. This is only a partial solution to the problem of the disease, but not an alternative to its treatment.

Contraindications to massage of the cervical-collar area

Despite the apparent simplicity of the procedure, SHV massage has a number of contraindications:

  • oncological diseases
  • pregnancy
  • inflammatory processes
  • kidney diseases
  • instability of the cervical vertebrae
  • hypertension
  • hemophilia
  • venereal diseases
  • thrombosis
  • heart failure

Do not self-medicate! Before undergoing the procedure, you must consult a specialist.

Methods and techniques for performing self-massage for neck osteochondrosis

Learn the rules for performing self-massage for neck osteochondrosis. When performing a massage yourself, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules.

  • The session should be conducted in a calm environment, without being distracted by other matters.
  • The use of special massage or essential oil will enhance the effect of the procedure and give it an additional relaxing effect.
  • The position during the session should be as comfortable and relaxed as possible.
  • Smooth and synchronous movements of both hands begin to be performed slowly, increasing the tempo gradually.
  • You need to direct movements only to the lymph nodes, but not vice versa.
  • The session time should not exceed 10-12 minutes.

First, relax the neck muscles by first making several circular movements counterclockwise and clockwise, and then 3-4 alternate smooth bends to the sides.

  1. stroke 6-8 times , moving open palms in the direction from the back of the head to the shoulder blades.
  2. Then the same area is massaged 4-5 times with squeezing movements .
  3. The next step is rubbing the neck from the back of the head to the shoulder blades using spiral movements . This technique is performed 4-5 times.
  4. The shoulder girdle area is kneaded with finger plucks . This can be done simultaneously with both hands or alternately with the left hand - the right side, with the right hand - the left. The movements are performed 4-5 times.
  5. After this, they begin to perform vibration: with tapping movements , moving from top to bottom.

The session ends with light stroking of the back of the neck.

Important! If pain is felt on only one side of the neck, 2-3 initial sessions should be carried out in the area of ​​​​healthy areas, gradually including lesions in the process.

The effect of the procedure will be consolidated by short gymnastics aimed at working out the cervical spine: strength exercises with light weights and stretching of the spinal column.

Video: “How to properly do self-massage of the neck?”

Rules for massaging the cervical vertebrae

Work in the cervical-collar area is carried out with the utmost caution, since there is a large accumulation of nerve bundles in this area, and careless movements can lead to aggravation of the pathology. In the process, the specialist is required to comply with the following simple rules:

Massage for scoliosis 1st degree

  • Treatment must be carried out over a minimum of 10 sessions. Short courses are rarely highly effective.
  • The intervals between visits to the doctor should be at least 2–3 days.
  • Before starting, it is necessary to undergo an MRI for an accurate diagnosis.
  • During the process, there is no impact on the vertebrae; the chiropractor is involved in their realignment, and the massage therapist works only with soft tissues.
  • In case of cervical osteochondrosis, not only this area is affected, but also the neighboring ones to enhance the effect.

Therapeutic massage is carried out only in a clinical setting, as it requires a specialized approach and monitoring of the patient’s condition. Depending on the degree of progression of the pathology, in rare cases it may be performed at home. As soon as the effect is completed, it is necessary to lie in a relaxed position for some time so that metabolic processes are maximally activated. The heated area is covered with warm natural fabric to protect it from drafts.

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