A healthy back and beautiful posture: a set of exercises “Crocodile” from Dr. Antipko


Instructions for performing the complex that will increase its effectiveness:

  1. “Crocodile” implies a leisurely rhythm of doing exercises. It requires concentration on your own body and especially the spine, distraction from all everyday issues.
  2. The exercises included in the complex are recommended to be done on an empty stomach. This is due to the pressure on the digestive system during coiling. If the characteristics of the body do not allow you to refuse food, then it is important to start no earlier than 2-3 hours after eating.
  3. The technique and quality of the exercises are more important than their quantity.
  4. Breathing is deep and measured. If it goes astray, stop training until the respiratory cycle is completely restored.

Important! A sharp rise after finishing practice is prohibited. It is recommended to spend 10 minutes in a relaxing position. If discomfort or pain occurs, stop exercising. To achieve the effect, it is recommended to devote time to practices at least once every two days or daily.

Spinal twisting is harmful. 7 popular exercises that are better to forget about forever

It happens that the most popular fitness exercises are far from the most effective, and sometimes can even cause irreparable harm to our health. Especially if you do them incorrectly.

Here is a list of popular but dangerous exercises and what is the best way to replace them.


Why it’s dangerous: excessive stress during twisting increases pressure on the vertebrae, and this can lead to injury. In addition, if you have a sedentary job, the spinal discs are heavily loaded during the day. And when lifting the body, we load them even more. The front of the discs is compressed, and the back is stretched. Pain appears in the lower back and neck.

How to replace: Get on all fours, straighten one arm and the opposite leg. Raise them parallel to the floor (so they are in line) and stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. Then do the same for the other side. This exercise will help pump up the muscles of the abs, thighs and buttocks, while minimizing unnecessary tension and possible injuries.

Reverse push-ups

Why it is dangerous: the main harm is that the hands are in an unusual position and a large load is placed on the joints. Shoulders and elbows also do not move in the traditional position, and this can lead to dislocations, sprains and small cracks.

What to replace: stand in a classic plank position. It is important that your back is straight and your arms are slightly wider than your shoulders. Bend your knees, keeping your hips and back straight. Now begin to lower yourself so that your arms bend along your body. With this exercise, the same muscles will work, but without the risk of damaging the joints.

Side crunches

Why it's dangerous: Side crunches are considered effective for the lateral abdominal muscles. But just like regular ones, they are dangerous for the spine and intervertebral discs.

Substitute: Do a side plank. Lie on your side with one arm supported and the other raised. Slowly lift your hips off the floor, you will feel the tension in your abdominal muscles. Make sure your back is straight, without arching. Stay in this position as long as you can. Then do the same on the other side. The side plank will help pump up your abdominal muscles, burn fat and protect you from spinal injuries.

Forward bends with dumbbells

Why it’s dangerous: here again, our back suffers first. And if you perform the exercise incorrectly, there is a risk of muscle strain and spinal injuries.

What to replace: an exercise called “lumberjack” is suitable. Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Take the medicine ball in your hands and, with straight arms, lift it up so that it is above your left shoulder. As you exhale, lower the ball diagonally from top to bottom towards your right thigh, lowering yourself into a half-squat. Try to do it slowly and smoothly. Then repeat on the other side.

Dumbbell biceps curl

Why it’s dangerous: any work with weights in a standing position puts a lot of stress on the spine. Plus, this exercise only works a few muscles. If you are not a professional athlete and do not exercise under the supervision of a trainer, you should replace it with a more effective and safe one.

Substitute: Here you will need a resistance band. Take one end of the band in each hand with an underhand grip (palms facing you) and begin to bend your arms toward your chest one by one. You will feel that the non-working arm does not straighten completely, it is always slightly bent. Due to the tension, the load on the hands will be constant and even, and the result will be better visible.

Thigh muscle trainers

Why it’s dangerous: the main disadvantage of such simulators is that you can get a severe sprain. And even if the set weight seems comfortable, the ligaments can still suffer.

What to replace: one of the best and safest exercises for developing legs is stepping onto a hill. Take a cabinet - the higher it is, the more difficult it is to perform and the greater the load. With a straight back, step onto the pedestal and stand on it. Then step back and return to the same place. You can also walk sideways, thereby alternating the load on the muscles.

French press with dumbbells

Why it is dangerous: during the exercise, a large load is placed on the elbow joints. In addition, due to the high risk of injury, the French press should be done only with perfect technique, and it is better to replace it with a safer exercise.

What to replace: the most suitable are “diamond” push-ups. Make an emphasis while lying down, as with regular push-ups. Place your hands so that the thumb and index finger touch each other on both hands. Now perform the actions as you would for regular push-ups. Your knees should be on the floor, but if you want to increase the load, you can do it with straight legs.


Dynamic “Crocodile” – a set of 12 exercises. The movements are aimed at twisting the spine, which tones the muscle frame.

An important component of practice is breathing.
Inhalation is performed in a state of rest. Exhale, soft and slow - while making an effort. Attention! Pregnant women with back pain can only perform certain exercises. It is necessary to consult a doctor before starting to use the complex.

What are Crocodile exercises?

Exercises of the “Crocodile” complex, performed in 12 stages, bring the main functions of the spinal column to an optimal state:

  • depreciation;
  • motor;
  • supporting;
  • protective.

This complex is a logically flawless sequence of exercises, the basis of which is multidirectional tension, twisting and stretching of the spinal column, alternating with relaxation phases.

All exercises are combined with a specific breathing method, which enhances the impact on the connective tissues and muscles lying around the spinal column, and helps maintain concentration on the movements performed.

When performing twists, a change in the bioelectric potential occurs in the fascia and synovial sheaths, which, together with the mechanical effect of adjacent muscle tissue on the periosteum, provides so-called “bone” breathing and activates metabolic processes in the bone marrow.

The “Crocodile” exercise for the spine (the video proposed by Alya Voronkova helps to master the technique) requires a meaningful approach to implementation, so that incorrect execution of movements does not aggravate the development of pathological processes: protrusions, intervertebral hernias, stenoses, myopathies and similar diseases.

Proper implementation of the complex after consultation with a vertebrologist or neurologist will help those people who are susceptible to chronic back pain or suffer from diseases caused by spinal pathologies.

Each of the 12 exercises of the complex is performed gently, without excessive effort, in accordance with one of the principles of physical therapy - “barely touching the pain.” The movements included in the system are accessible to almost any age group of relatively healthy people.

The development of the complex is attributed to Australian spine specialists and chiropractors.

The complex owes its name to the specific movements of the crocodile: this reptile, having a strong and flexible back, has high static endurance and is able to endure both prolonged immobility and dynamically perform powerful explosive movements.

A staunch supporter of this complex since 1986 has been neurosurgeon Leonid Emilievich Antipko, Honored Doctor of Russia. Solving neurosurgical problems through various physical therapy techniques, among which “Krokodil” plays a leading role, allows the doctor to successfully avoid unwanted surgical interventions.

Basic Rules

There are several important rules for mastering the practice:

  • Try to do the exercises in your free time, slowly, in a relaxed state and in a good mood. Experts advise starting the complex in the morning, immediately after sleep.
  • It is recommended to perform the exercises with an empty stomach. Spiral twisting disrupts the digestive process, which may result in abdominal pain, heartburn, etc. at the end of exercise. Do not eat for at least two hours before the start of exercise.
  • Listen to your sensations in your body. All movements must be performed smoothly, taking into account your physical characteristics. Do not try to do everything exactly according to the description of the complex.
  • Synchronize your breathing and movements. Take a deep breath and exhale. As you inhale, perform the exercise, and as you exhale, return to the starting position.
  • Ventilate the room before starting classes. The temperature in the room should be comfortable and be 20-23 C°. In summer it is preferable to practice outdoors.
  • Also, pay special attention to what you are doing. Movements should be smooth and not constrained.

After finishing the complex, remain in a lying position for at least ten minutes in a relaxed state. This will help relieve muscle tension. Perform this treatment complex daily or every other day. If some exercises cause pain or discomfort, then temporarily abandon them and then try again.

Exercise technique

The technique of performing twists is quite simple. The main thing is to take your time and breathe correctly. The key to success is fluidity, regularity and concentration.

  1. Basic starting position: lying on your back on the floor;
  2. The head should always be turned in the direction opposite to the turn of the legs;
  3. Stretch your arms to the sides, straighten your legs, relax;
  4. Exhale in the starting position, inhale while twisting.

The standard complex consists of 12 small exercises that do not require special physical training or special tools from you. Try to listen to your body, feel the harmony and pleasure from the physical activity you perform.

So, take your starting position (lie on the floor, spread your arms in different directions) and start doing the following exercises:

  1. Straighten your legs, move them together, now start turning them left and right. Do at least 5-8 times in each direction;
  2. Place your right leg on the instep of your left. Start making left and right turns again. Make at least 5-8 turns in each direction;
  3. Place your left leg on the instep of your right leg. Make turns. Repeat at least 5-8 times;
  4. Place your right foot with the heel on the toe of your left foot. We do at least 5-8 twists;
  5. We change legs: now we place the left foot with the heel on the toe of the right. We also do crunches and don’t forget to breathe properly. 5-8 turns;
  6. We fix the right foot just above the knee of the left leg. We do twists, trying to touch the floor with our knees. Repeat at least 5-8 times;
  7. We change legs: now we fix the left foot in the same way above the knee of the right leg. We twist 5-8 times;
  8. We pull our legs up, place them shoulder-width apart, and place our feet on the floor. We twist to the right and left, trying to touch the floor with our knees. Minimum 5-8 twists;
  9. Close your knees bent like this. From this position we begin to make turns. Standard minimum is 5-8 turns;
  10. Bend your left leg at the knee and place your right ankle on it (fix it just above the kneecap). Similarly, we twist 5-8 times in each direction;
  11. Now we change legs: we bend the right one, we place the left ankle on it. We twist 5-8 times in each direction;
  12. In the finale, we pull our legs bent at the knees to our stomach and from this position we do 5-8 standard crunches.

Basic exercises from the crocodile complex

After you have completed the entire standard set of exercises, you should do a relaxing exercise called “Fish Relaxation” .

Its essence is simple: from the “lying on your back” position, bend your knees and rest your feet and elbows on the floor, relax your hands, now inhale smoothly and stay in this position for 10-15 seconds, and then exhale and gradually straighten your bent arms and legs .

Video: “Crocodile Spine Yoga Therapy”


  • Blood circulation in the vessels improves , the functioning of the lymphatic system is normalized, as well as the process of removing waste and toxins from tissues.
  • The spine becomes more flexible , pain goes away due to the alignment of displaced vertebrae, muscles and ligaments become more elastic.
  • The functioning of the nervous system is normalized - insomnia ceases to bother you, and your mood is always high. Headaches go away, concentration improves noticeably.
  • Improving the functioning of internal organs and systems helps in working with extra pounds.

What will you get as a result of completing the complex?

By doing this program regularly, you will soon feel:

  • Mobility, strength of your muscles;
  • Excellent blood supply to the whole body;
  • Calming of nerves, as after acupuncture;
  • Relaxation, softening of tension between the vertebrae, as well as between the intervertebral discs,
  • starting from the vertebrae of the neck, reaching the vertebrae of the lower back;
  • Correction of congenital or acquired pathologies of the spine;
  • Improving the elasticity of ligaments and tendons;
  • Getting rid of osteochondrosis;
  • Treatment of radiculitis, spinal hernias;
  • Improving nutrition and treating intervertebral disc damage;
  • An additional effect is a gentle massage of the abdominal organs.

Those who did exercises for the spine for several months, or did yoga for a year or two, in particular repeating the crocodile complex, felt relief from back pain.

The torso has become more mobile: a person can bend and straighten without feeling any fatigue. His sleep improves, his breathing appears smooth, his blood pressure returns to normal, his digestion improves, which means his general condition improves. The main thing is that headaches do not appear even when the weather changes, and this is already a big plus.

Leonid Emilievich Antipko

Leonid Emilievich Antipko

A neurosurgeon who practiced in the city of Voronezh and became an Honored Doctor of Russia, Leonid Emilievich Antipko, was the first to use exercise therapy in 1986. The doctor specialized in treating the spine and used a wide variety of methods to combat the disease. Antipko used surgical intervention as a last resort. His main and first urgent recommendation remained yoga therapy.

“Crocodile” is a gymnastics with a therapeutic effect, aimed at combating intervertebral hernias, calming the nervous system, stabilizing blood circulation and oxygen distribution in the body.
Reference! The benefits of the practice have been identified by Australian specialists in the field of manual therapy. The exercises mimic the body movements of reptiles. Crocodiles have a well-developed, healthy spine, which forced scientists to devote a long time to analyzing the reasons for such a phenomenal condition of the spine. After the work done, they found out that the whole point is in the movements that the reptile makes.

Fish relaxation

It is also performed while lying on your back, with your legs bent at the knees and resting on your feet, and your hands on your bent elbows, your hands relaxed. When performing this crocodile position, we inhale and hold for 15-20 seconds, then exhale and smoothly straighten our arms and legs.

We strongly recommend that you watch the video below for an even better understanding:
Caution! The use of the complex is not recommended for people suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma and pneumosclerosis.
Remember that movement is life. But you definitely need to know when to stop and follow how you feel . Follow the example of the crocodile and gain a strong, healthy spine without surgery.


The Voronezh neurosurgeon slightly changed the gymnastics, made additions, thereby increasing its effectiveness.

  • It is recommended to do the exercises after waking up. Muscles restored after sleep work with greater potential. This makes the load more efficient.
  • Slowness and slowness. In a state of full concentration on your physical sensations, the risk of injury during practice is reduced.
  • Steady breathing without pauses. Oxygen saturation of cells has a positive effect on the entire body. Otherwise, during physical activity, the lack of oxygen has a negative effect.
  • Exhalation. At the peak of physical effort, exhale calmly and slowly.
  • Number of repetitions of exercises. Your feelings should serve as a guide to repeating exercise cycles. The absence of discomfort will bring much more benefit than a satisfactory number of repetitions.

Reference! The short muscles of the spine, a kind of cables that hold our frame, are almost not involved in the movements of office workers. The tone of these muscles is mainly observed in martial artists and dancers. The dynamic crocodile brings those same “cables” into work, toning them.

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Indications and contraindications

As mentioned above, “Crocodile” has excellent healing and preventive properties. There are no age group restrictions.

Dynamic crocodile is recommended if the following ailments are detected:

  • radiculitis, cervical and vertebral;
  • diseases of the lumbosacral spine;
  • chondrosis, osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, congestion in the pelvic organs;
  • piriformis syndrome;
  • protrusion.

The benefits of gymnastics can be listed endlessly. But, it is important to note that it has some limitations. Basically, these are general contraindications that apply to the practice of yoga, as well as lung diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumosclerosis.

Important! Before you begin, you must undergo examinations and consult a doctor.
This is necessary to exclude advanced diseases and individual restrictions on certain types of exercise. On this page you can leave comments and read reviews about the “Crocodile” exercise for the spine.

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Who wouldn't want to do this?

This complex is really surprisingly simple and effective. But there are still contraindications to it, as without them. It is prohibited to do it for the following disorders and diseases:

  • inflammatory processes in soft tissues;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • displacement of the vertebrae, serious injuries to the back or musculoskeletal system, including fractures;
  • cancerous neoplasms;
  • ulcerative processes in their acute form;
  • for tuberculosis;
  • severe changes in blood pressure;
  • during the recovery period after surgery;
  • chronic ailments during their exacerbations;
  • significant pain if it is due to a hernia;
  • serious ailments of blood vessels and heart.

This movement is not prohibited for pregnant women. But it is better to perform it without overload, in the first, simplest interpretation, making no more than 10 turns in each direction.

To ensure safety, it is advisable to consult a doctor monitoring the pregnancy.

Attention! If you have even the slightest doubt about yourself, don’t risk it! Go to your doctor, consult him, and start training only with his permission, so as not to cause harm to your body.

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