Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis: an effective set of exercises

Physical therapy (physical therapy) for cervical osteochondrosis is one of the most important factors in improving the patient’s condition and eliminating many symptoms of the disease.

Regular exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis can strengthen muscles, relieve muscle spasms, increase blood circulation and improve the condition of intervertebral discs. A properly selected set of exercises, when performed regularly, can help you get rid of many symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis - headaches, dizziness, pain in the shoulder and arm.

A physical therapy specialist will help you choose the most suitable set of exercises for your condition. Based on the examination data, the doctor can advise on the optimal load and recommend exercises that can be performed at home and in the workplace.

If you do not have the opportunity to consult a specialist, we offer you a simple set of exercises that can be performed in any conditions.

But when performing physical therapy exercises, it is important to follow certain rules so as not to harm the spine.

Be careful!

If you are concerned about cervical osteochondrosis, then when engaging in physical therapy, you must follow the following rules.

1. In the acute phase of the disease, exercise therapy is not prescribed. Doing exercises “through pain” should not be allowed.

2. Movements should be slow and unsharp.

3. Remember - with cervical osteochondrosis, circular movements of the head are unacceptable. You should also not throw your head back.

4. Do not use devices for traction of the cervical vertebrae without consulting a specialist - carelessness can cause serious injury.

5. If you have intervertebral hernias, be sure to consult your doctor!

Video: Gymnastics for the neck

Exercises for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Our video presents gymnastics for the neck and exercises for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.
Note from Dr. Evdokimenko. I used the term “osteochondrosis” for the convenience of readers, but in general I categorically do not like it. If you are wondering why I was so unhappy with the diagnosis of osteochondrosis, you can read about it here >>

The exercises in this video are useful for chronic pain in the neck and shoulders, that is, pain in the collar area . These exercises can be combined with therapeutic exercises for the shoulder joints >>

In addition, our exercises help relieve neck muscle spasms. And they will be doubly useful for those who spend a lot of time at the computer and suffer because of this from constant aches in the neck and shoulders.

VIDEO: Gymnastics for the neck

For acute neck pain caused by cervical myositis, these exercises are also effective, but only in combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are discussed here >>

When treating acute neck pain caused by a herniated disc in the cervical spine , these exercises should also be done while taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

Contraindications to gymnastics for the neck

Therapeutic gymnastics is a fairly serious treatment method that has its own contraindications.

Despite their usefulness, these exercises cannot be performed:

  • with fresh neck injuries or neck muscle strains;
  • with instability of the cervical vertebrae;
  • with listhesis of the cervical vertebrae - the so-called staircase displacement of the cervical vertebrae;
  • for fractures or other serious damage to the cervical vertebrae;
  • at elevated body temperature (above 37.5 ºС); for influenza, ARVI and sore throat - you need to wait for recovery and wait another 3-4 days;
  • at least 3 months after surgery on the neck, throat, tonsils or thyroid gland; in the future - only in agreement with the operating surgeon.

Attention! If a particular exercise causes sharp pain, it means that it is contraindicated for you or you are doing it incorrectly. In this case, it is better not to do it, or at least postpone it until you consult with your doctor.

Rules for performing exercises for the neck

You need to do the exercises daily, 1-2 times a day, for at least 3-4 weeks. But you can do them constantly if you do not have the contraindications described above.

When performing exercises, be careful and avoid sudden pain.

Although moderate tolerable pain caused by stretching the neck muscles is almost inevitable when performing these exercises. The main thing here is not to “overdo it”. You need to stretch your neck very carefully and gradually!

And remember that even when doing gymnastics correctly, improvement does not always come immediately. In the first few days, pain in the muscles of the neck and collar area may even intensify slightly, but after 2-3 weeks you will feel the first signs of improvement.

I wish you the will and perseverance necessary to regain your former ease of movement!


Request! When copying or reprinting materials, please indicate the source. All articles, news and book chapters are protected by copyright Evdokimenko

You might be interested in:

  • Video: Gymnastics to correct posture and exercises for the back. A set of exercises for scoliosis, stoop, kyphosis, osteochondrosis.
  • Treatment of intervertebral hernia (disc herniation)
  • All articles by Dr. Evdokimenko

An approximate set of exercise therapy exercises for cervical osteochondrosis (non-acute stage)

Exercise 1. Pre-warm-up.

As a warm-up, it is recommended to walk in place - on your full feet, then on your toes and heels. At the same time, the arms are relaxed, hanging freely, the shoulders are straightened and slightly lowered down. Duration - 2-3 minutes.

Exercise 2. Relaxing the neck muscles

Stand up straight with your arms hanging freely along your body. Clench your fists and tense your arms, while lowering your shoulders and shoulder blades and straightening your back. Hold the tension for 30 seconds, then relax and let your arms swing freely.

Exercise 3. Head tilts to the side.

Performed standing or sitting.

Gently tilt your head to the side, lowering your ear to your shoulder - feel the muscle stretch. Hold this for 10-15 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position. Tilt your head to the other side. Perform the exercise carefully, do not allow the pain to increase.

Exercise 4. Turning the head to the side.

Performed standing or sitting.

Tilt your head down, trying to touch the jugular cavity with your chin. As if sliding your chin along the upper part of the sternum, turn your head to the right and hold it for 3-6 seconds. Then slowly turn it the other way. Repeat 5-7 times.

Exercise 5. Raise and lower your shoulders.

Performed standing or sitting.

Raise your shoulders as high as possible without moving them forward. Lower it, pulling it back slightly, as if straightening your shoulders. Repeat 6-8 times

Exercise 6. Moving your shoulders back and forth.

Performed standing or sitting.

Starting position - shoulders freely straightened and lowered. Raise your shoulders and move them forward. Return to starting position. Pull your shoulders back, trying to close your shoulder blades. Return to the starting position and repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise 7. Head tilts forward.

Performed standing or sitting.

Gently lower your chin to your chest, bending your neck forward. Keep your shoulders straight! Slowly straighten up. Repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise 8. Swing your arms back.

Performed standing or sitting.

Stretch your arms to the sides. Shoulders slumped. Press your shoulder blades toward your back. At the same time, the outstretched straight arms will move slightly back. Return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times. Don't move your arms, try to work only your back muscles.

Exercise 9. Circular rotations in the wrist joint

Performed standing or sitting.

Stretch your arms to the sides. Shoulders slumped. The arms are bent at the elbows, the hands are clenched into fists. Perform circular rotations in the wrist joint without lowering your elbows - 4 times in one direction, 4 times in the other. Repeat 4-6 times

Exercise 10. Circular rotations in the elbow joint.

Starting position - as in the previous exercise.

Perform circular rotations in the elbow joint without lowering your elbows - 4 times in one direction, 4 times in the other. Repeat 4-6 times

Exercise 11. Circular rotations in the shoulder joint.

Starting position - extend your arms to the sides. Shoulders slumped.

Perform circular rotations in the shoulder joint - 4 times in one direction, 4 times in the other. Repeat 4-6 times.

Exercise 12. Circular rotations in the shoulder joint.

Relax your shoulders and arms. Raise your arms up, hands relaxed. Drop your arms freely downwards. Breathing is free and deep. Repeat 4-6 times.

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General description of the disease

Cervical osteochondrosis is a degenerative disease that begins to develop due to the inability of the cartilage tissue of the discs to retain moisture. Their gradual destruction leads to deformation of the vertebrae and the formation of bone growths (osteophytes). When displaced, they injure soft tissues, compress spinal roots and blood vessels. Therefore, the leading symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are pain in the neck, back of the head, shoulders, swelling, stiffness of movement, dizziness, surges in blood pressure, decreased visual acuity and hearing.

Prevention of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

The risk group for developing osteochondrosis includes people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, subject discs and vertebrae to excessive stress, and do not promptly treat acute and then chronic diseases. In most cases, they are diagnosed with osteochondrosis several years later.

This development of events can be prevented by eliminating all factors that provoke premature destruction of the discs. You should visit a massage room 2-3 times a year, spend more time in the fresh air, and give up alcohol and smoking. But the best prevention of osteochondrosis is regular physical exercise, which simultaneously improves overall health.

Why do you need therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis?

The main goal of therapeutic exercises is to stabilize the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. By strengthening the muscular frame of the back and neck, the vertebral structures are maintained in a physiological position. They do not compress blood vessels and nerve endings, and do not injure soft tissues, causing inflammation.

Stretching exercises are especially useful for osteochondrosis. Thanks to their implementation, the distance between adjacent vertebrae increases and the spinal roots are no longer pinched. Soon headaches, dizziness, crawling sensations, numbness, and tingling disappear without a trace. Blood pressure normalizes, and every turn of the head or neck is no longer accompanied by crunching and clicking.

When gymnastics is contraindicated

If you feel unwell, gymnastics is prohibited. Training is contraindicated at elevated temperatures, rapid or slow heartbeat, and sudden changes in blood pressure. You cannot exercise after a recent operation, during respiratory, intestinal infections, exacerbation of osteochondrosis or other chronic diseases.

Exercise effectiveness

The results obtained from performing exercises can be divided into long-term and short-term. Some remain for a long time, others go away after a few hours.

Long-term effectsShort-lived effects
Reducing pain in a specific areaImproving muscle blood circulation: outflow of venous blood and inflow of arterial blood
Strengthening the body's defense responseTonic effect
Proliferation of muscle fibersMetabolism activation
Reducing stiffness of movement and pathological mobility of the vertebraeMeasured change in skeletal muscle tone
Increased resistance to fatigueIncreasing the body's energy reserves
Restoration of nerve fibers
Improving metabolic processes in muscles and intervertebral discs
Improvement of general and psycho-emotional state

In order for long-term effects to occur as soon as possible, it is necessary to perform therapeutic exercises regularly for at least 15–20 days, without missing a single session.

Exercises according to Bubnovsky

Rehabilitation doctor and famous chiropractor S. Bubnovsky developed a method for treating osteochondrosis using only certain movements. He recommends that patients stop taking analgesics and relieve pain through regular exercise.

Therapeutic gymnastics according to the method of S. Bubnovsky
Cervical osteochondrosisThoracic osteochondrosisLumbar osteochondrosis
While sitting, make frequent, barely noticeable tilts of the head up and down, and then from side to side.Stand up, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, clasp your fingers at the back of your head. Bend forward a little, make circular rotations with your elbows While lying on your back, bend your legs and press them tightly together. Tilt both knees first to one side, then to the other
Lie on your back, raise your arms, press your legs together. Raise your upper body while stretching your neck Stand up, straighten up, spread your arms. Turn from side to side, keeping your hands at the same distance Lying on your back, clasp your knees with your hands. Perform the “boat” exercise, smoothly rolling up and down

General rules for performing home gymnastics

Classes should take place in a warm, pre-ventilated room. For training, you need to choose loose clothing that does not restrict movement, absorbs moisture well and allows air to pass through. In order for the therapeutic effect of therapeutic exercises to manifest itself as quickly as possible, you should follow all the recommendations of exercise therapy doctors:

  • You need to exercise regularly for 15-30 minutes a day (best in the morning);
  • if back pain occurs, you need to stop training and rest;
  • loads should be increased gradually, without trying to perform technically complex exercises in the first lessons;
  • movements should be smooth, slightly slow, with medium or low amplitude.

It is imperative to listen to your feelings. If after performing any exercise the stiffness in the spinal region disappears and a pleasant muscle tension is felt, then it should be repeated more often.

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