Postural disorders: types, causes

Stages of development of incorrect posture

Violation of correct posture occurs gradually, in several stages:

  • unfavorable background - this stage is characterized by the presence of biological defects or unfavorable conditions that contribute to poor posture (provided there are no static and dynamic pathologies);
  • pre-disease - a period of unfixed deformities. There are initial signs of functional insufficiency of the mechanisms for ensuring correct posture, symptoms of its violation arise, and a deterioration in general development indicators is noted. With targeted therapeutic intervention or normalization of physical education, such changes are completely reversible;
  • disease is a stage of static changes in the spine, which is characterized by the presence of difficult-to-reversible or irreversible disorders.

There are fixed and functional disorders of posture. With functional changes, a person can accept the correct position of the spinal axis, but with a fixed one, he cannot. Most often, functional disorders arise as a result of a weak muscular corset of the trunk. Deformation of posture at school and preschool age causes deterioration in the functioning of systems and organs of a growing organism.

Classification of posture disorders

All pathological changes in posture are divided into the following groups:

  • acquired;
  • congenital.

Congenital curvatures account for 6-10% of the total number of torso deformities. As a rule, their causes are inherited diseases and changes in the spine, legs, hip joints, chest, pelvis, and ribs.

Acquired changes can be caused by weakness of the natural muscle corset, as well as weakness of the trunk muscles, usually the abdomen and back, with an uneven distribution of muscle tone. Under the influence of various conditions of work, study, and everyday life, a predominance of the strength of certain muscle groups can develop, which leads to pathological postural positions of the body. Muscle groups on one side of the body may develop, causing the body to bend to one side. However, muscle strength is not the basis of posture. The formation of an uneven muscular system leads to an uneven impact on the development zones of the vertebral bodies. Subsequently, in the area of ​​excessive axial pressure, the growth of the vertebral bodies slows down and their gradual curvature occurs, which leads to poor posture.

Initially, changes and deformations of normal posture are functional in nature. This means that the curvature is present, but the bones of the spine have not yet changed their anatomical shape. Lack of attention to the body and competent timely correction can lead to persistent structural deformations in the spine. Gradually, this condition turns into scoliotic disease, which is distinguished by many characteristic symptom complexes and signs.

Prolonged sitting in an incorrect posture, poor physical development and genetic predisposition can become predisposing factors to the formation of incorrect posture or more complex spinal deformity. In infancy, poor posture can be caused by holding the child by the same hand while walking, or carrying the baby on one arm. Poor posture is caused by sleeping on a soft bed on one side with a high pillow, carrying a heavy briefcase in one hand, and standing with support on one leg. Sleeping in the fetal position can cause flattening of anatomical curves and the development of a round back. Poor gait caused by foot characteristics, prolonged cycling and sitting also lead to poor posture.

Additional adjustment methods

Each person can choose an orthopedic product that will help correct the curvature of the spine. Posture correctors can be purchased at orthopedic stores and various pharmacies. A person can choose a product based on the advantages of the presented model or pricing policy. Back corsets are made from hygroscopic, breathable materials with Teflon or metal plates inserted into them.

The corset is fastened with Velcro strips on both sides of the product. Corsets with metal plates are considered the most effective. They are the ones who correct the spinal column in the right direction. Elastic corsets are less effective because they do not have a hard shell. Elastic products have to be worn longer for the first results to begin to appear.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of a corset, since only its size will suit a person. To do this, you must measure all specified distances. After an accurate measurement, the corset must be tried on, as the person should not experience discomfort or restrictions in mobility.

Corsets with metal inserts best fix the correct position of the spinal column, but are quite difficult to wear at first. Therefore, orthopedists recommend gradually increasing the time you wear the corset.

It is best to first consult with an orthopedist or other specialist about how long you need to wear a corset and which one to choose. If a person solves these issues on his own, then the average time of wearing a corset per day is from 2 to 5 hours. Only in case of serious injuries or deformation of the spine is it recommended for the patient to wear a corset for more than 8 hours a day.

Types of posture disorders

Posture disorders can form in the sagittal and frontal planes, as well as simultaneously in both planes. Each type of deformity is characterized by its own location of the shoulder blades, lower extremities, spine and pelvis. Fixation of pathological posture occurs as a result of the condition of the muscles, fascia and ligaments.

Depending on the deformation of the bends of the spinal column, the following types of postural disorders are distinguished:

  1. Scoliotic changes.

    Most often, scoliosis is diagnosed - a curvature of the spine to the left or right, which occurs in every 20 children on earth.

    The reasons for the development of scoliotic posture may be:

    • congenital predisposition;
    • uneven development of body muscles;

  2. incorrectly selected furniture for daily activities;
  3. carrying a heavy bag on one shoulder.
  4. If incorrect walking and sitting of the child is noticed in time, the correct body position can be restored with the help of constant monitoring and corrective exercises.

    A high degree of scoliosis can provoke the development of coronary heart disease; a person can easily catch pneumonia and bronchitis.

  5. Kyphotic postural disorders.

    As a rule, the following people suffer from excessive backward curvature of the spine in the chest (kyphosis):

    • children who have suffered rickets;
    • anemic teenagers with weak muscles;

  6. aged people.
  7. With kyphosis, the buttocks move backward, the stomach protrudes forward, and the chest appears sunken. Such a pathological change can occur as a result of frequent writing and reading at an angle. The consequences of curvature are fatigue, frequent back pain, and respiratory diseases.

  8. Lordish posture disorder.

    Lordosis is an excessive forward curve of the spine in the lumbar region, which is quite rare. With a lordly change, a person seems to be constantly looking at his feet. As a rule, it is caused by severe injuries that interfere with normal gait - for example, a dislocated hip.

    In some cases, lordosis develops secondarily - as compensation for thoracic kyphosis - the body, adapting to pathological changes, maintains vertical balance. By eliminating the root cause of the secondary deviation, it can be completely neutralized.

    Severe forward curvature of the lumbar region can lead to problems with the genitourinary system, which is especially dangerous for women.

  9. Flat back.

    One of the unpleasant types of pathological changes in posture is a flat back, which is characterized by a complete absence of deflection of the spinal region. This violation of posture is accompanied by protrusion of the shoulders and head forward, the stomach protrudes or retracts, and the shoulder blades protrude back.

    A flat back can be congenital or formed as a result of degenerative diseases of the intervertebral discs. Such curvature is accompanied by such severe conditions as vegetative-vascular dystonia, urinary incontinence, neuroses, frequent dizziness, low muscle tone, gradual deterioration of hearing and vision.

Over time, this classification was revised by experts and slightly changed. Thus, new forms of postural changes have emerged:

  • stooping;
  • lordic changes;
  • straightness;
  • kyphotic changes;
  • norm.

Stooping is characterized by increased lordosis of the cervical vertebrae, so the head protrudes slightly forward of the body. With a lordic curvature, lumbar lordosis is pronounced. Kyphotic curvatures are accompanied by hyperextension of the kyphosis of the chest.

Against the background of these changes, scoliosis often develops, but this pathology is not classified as a violation of posture. This is a separate nosological form. In order to distinguish between true scoliosis and violation of lateral plane posture under the influence of muscles, some experts use the concept of “scoliotic arch”.

A little later, another classification of pathological curvatures of posture appeared, which evaluates changes in the spine depending on the characteristics of fixation of the leg joints and functional segments of a person:

  • the flexion type is characterized by symmetrically bent joints of the pelvis, knees, and hips. In this case, the body moves anteriorly. This type of curvature is most often diagnosed in older people and children;
  • the extensor symmetrical type is characterized by hyperextension of the joints of the knees, hips, and pelvis. The center of gravity of the body shifts 4 cm posteriorly. The axis of rotation of the joints shifts anteriorly;
  • passive-active symmetrical view with vertical placement of the torso and legs. The center of gravity of the body shifts posteriorly, the joints are fixed passively, the surrounding muscles are in constant contraction;
  • the asymmetrical type is characterized by extension in the joints of the knees, hips and pelvis. They passively close, while the ligamentous-muscular apparatus is in constant tension. As a result of the asymmetrical position of the torso, the other leg takes much less load.

Poor posture is accompanied by changes in the geometry of the spine, therefore all types of pathology, depending on the curvature of the upper thoracic spine, the inclination of the pelvic bones and the magnitude of the lumbar lordosis, are divided into:

  • sagittal displacements;
  • frontal displacements;
  • combined displacements.

As a rule, the vertebral axis shifts in the frontal plane in children under 16 years of age. In this case, a scoliotic arch is formed, in which the spine shifts from the median position to the right or left.

In the sagittal plane, pathological curvatures are:

  • with an increase in anatomical curvature;
  • with its flattening.

With an increase in lumbar lordosis (physiological depression of the spine) and thoracic kyphosis (protrusion of the arch towards the chest), a round-concave back is formed. A frontal increase in the vertebral arch leads to the development of the lordic type of postural curvature.

When all the curves of the spinal column are flattened, a flat back is formed. The combined appearance is characterized by pathological changes in the sagittal and frontal planes of varying degrees of severity. To describe this form, some experts use the concept of “crooked back.”

Prevention measures

Prevention of conditions caused by poor posture can be divided into two types:

prevention for adults; measures for children.

Poor posture in adulthood can be corrected if you stop leading a sedentary lifestyle. It is worth developing physical activity that will be feasible in accordance with age indicators. Walking and jogging, swimming, walking, Norwegian walking, gymnastics, and, if the joints are well prepared and there are no contraindications, yoga are recommended. With a predominantly sedentary lifestyle and work, it is recommended to get up from a chair or armchair every 40-60 minutes and do simple exercises or at least just walk.

To prevent postural disorders, it is recommended to perform sets of special exercises to strengthen the muscular corset and spinal muscles.

Don't be indifferent to your figure. It is necessary, at the level of a subconscious rule, to constantly monitor your body position while sitting or standing, excluding postural violations. This will help you avoid slouching and maintain the natural curves of your spine. If you have excess weight, then you need to get rid of it. Self-control, which you can develop on your own, will also help with this. It will help you stick to a diet based on healthy eating principles.

At the everyday level, you should avoid lifting weights or distribute them evenly in both hands when carrying them, select physiological furniture, use insoles in shoes for flat feet (to relieve the load on the spine), observe occupational hygiene, do not wear uncomfortable clothes and shoes, and eat well.

Prevention of factors leading to poor posture in children is simple. In fact, it is easy to put into practice. Following the recommendations will help avoid the need for long-term, complex treatment and correction of the spinal column using orthopedic products.

To form physiological, correct posture, it is important to observe:

— physical activity; - correct, symmetrical position of the body when sitting; — wearing properly selected shoes, orthopedic ones if necessary; - wearing clothes that do not restrict movement; — principles of good nutrition with sufficient amounts of proteins, calcium, vitamins and minerals; - schedule; - alternating between activity and proper rest.

Treat congenital abnormalities of posture, skeletal injuries and their consequences in a timely manner.

Choose furniture for your child on which it will be convenient for him to do his homework without spoiling his posture. Make sure his desk is well lit. The child should sleep on an orthopedic mattress. Grandma's feather beds contribute to poor posture.

Don't overfeed your baby. Monitor his diet. Deviations from the norm should not be allowed. Today it is so easy for children and teenagers to become overweight. The abundance of sweets, fast food, and unhealthy semi-finished products on family tables contributes to an increase in body weight and, as a result, an increased impact load on the feet, spine, large joints of the legs, and curvature of posture.

Give your child or teen the opportunity to exercise. This could be a dance studio, a swimming pool, football, athletics. Do not limit his daily physical activity. Jumping rope, let him jump. He's racing down the street, let him run. If he wants rollerblades, let him rollerblade, and in winter he can skate and ski.

Dosed, full-fledged physical activity is an important, if not the most important, factor in preventing postural disorders. But it is not a panacea. If there are any suspicions or provoking factors, you should contact specialists for advice, diagnosis and possible treatment.

We do not claim any discoveries. Yes, these are standard recommendations for posture that our grandmothers and mothers still knew. But compliance with them preserves the child’s health. By following these recommendations, you can avoid the formation of incorrect, disturbed posture and the pathological changes in the body that it leads to.

Types of pathological posture in children

The main reason that can lead to poor posture in children is the constant growth of the joint-skeletal system and poor development of the ligamentous-muscular system. The principles of systematization of pathology in adults and children differ significantly.

The correct formation of the spinal axis in children is simultaneously influenced by several factors:

  • the severity of the corset of the back muscles;
  • foot condition;
  • metabolic disease;
  • weight and height indicators.

Depending on these factors, there are several types of spinal axis displacement:

  • the first type - children with a symmetrical axis, but with the presence of muscle hypertonicity, slight changes in the chest and drooping shoulder blades;
  • the second type - in children there is a pathological curvature of the spine in the frontal plane of no more than 1 cm. Different sizes of body triangles, drooping of the shoulder girdle, flat feet (flattening of the foot) are also determined. The child can correct such a curvature by tensing the muscles on his own;
  • the third type is a displacement of the spinal axis in the sagittal plane. The child's back becomes flat, round or concave. This will depend on the nature of the curvature. Weakness of the corset of the back muscles, depression of the chest, and flattening of the buttocks are observed. If this form of posture is impaired, the child needs qualified treatment;
  • fourth type - in children, several bends of the spinal axis are displaced in the frontal plane, which can cause signs of scoliosis. Torsion (twisting of the vertebrae), asymmetry of the shoulder girdle and changes in the triangular waist are observed;
  • fifth type - children with pathological deformities of the spine in the sagittal plane in the form of scoliosis and kyphosis. Flattening of the chest, winged shoulder blades and protruding joints of the shoulder area are external manifestations of pathology.

The listed types of posture are not considered generally accepted, but they help many specialists prescribe qualified treatment.

When determining spinal curvature in children, some doctors prefer to use a simplified classification, which consists of the following types of spinal axis:

  • very good - the chest area relative to the abdomen moves forward;
  • good - the front of the chest and abdomen are located in the same plane;
  • medium - the stomach protrudes forward relative to the chest, the lumbar lordosis is increased;
  • bad - the stomach protrudes forward quite strongly, thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis are increased.

At the beginning of incorrect formation of posture, the changes are completely reversible and can be easily corrected as long as they are not accompanied by pathological deformations in the internal organs and spine.

In order for the formation of the spinal axis to proceed correctly, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of the child’s body and regularly assess posture. Playing sports, gymnastics and alternating different types of activities will help the spine develop properly. You should sleep on a moderately hard bed with a small pillow, lying on your back, not curled up. Everything will depend on the constitutional characteristics of the body. The same pillow and mattress, respectively, will not suit an overly plump child or a thin person. Carrying weights should be distributed evenly in both hands. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a satchel or backpack. A properly selected workplace with good lighting is also of particular importance. Compliance with the listed recommendations will allow you to avoid pathological changes in the formation of the spinal axis and prevent postural disorders.


To avoid serious consequences, at the first sign of poor posture, consult a specialist. The doctor at the Noosphere clinic will ask you about your symptoms, conduct an examination and make an accurate diagnosis using a comprehensive examination. If the patient has a significant curvature of the spine, an examination of the internal organs will be required. Doctors at the Noosphere clinics in St. Petersburg use the following diagnostic methods:

  1. MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging
  2. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)
  3. Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  4. Laboratory research
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