Coccydynia: causes, symptoms and prevention

Advantages of treatment in our clinic:
  • Accurate diagnosis using unique devices and after examination by an experienced vertebrologist and traumatologist;
  • An attentive approach to each client and the development of an individual treatment regimen depending on your age, type of disease and the degree of its neglect;
  • Many possibilities for getting rid of diseases of the musculoskeletal system: spinal traction, manual manipulation, therapeutic massage, procedures using the unique DRX device ;
  • The author's therapy system: carefully, without pain and injury, quickly, effectively ;
  • Not only basic treatment is prescribed, but also a rehabilitation course (gymnastics, herbal remedies, massage) to consolidate the result.

What it is?

The coccyx is a small bone that ends at the end of the spine. It consists of several fused rudimentary vertebrae. The coccyx does not contain the spinal cord, but is surrounded by a large number of nerve endings that go from top to bottom. Despite the rudimentary nature of this bone, many important muscles are attached to it, which are involved in the processes of urination and defecation. Coccydynia is a pathological condition in which a person regularly or periodically experiences pain in the tailbone.


There are a huge number of reasons that can lead to the appearance of coccydynia:

  • Injuries. If a person falls on his back or buttocks, he will most likely experience pain in the tailbone.
  • Passive lifestyle. Many people like to sit with their legs tucked to their chest. This greatly increases the load on the tailbone and may cause pain. It is especially dangerous to sit like this on hard surfaces.
  • Neuritis.
  • Stress.
  • Coccygeal fistula.
  • Cracks and scars of the rectum.
  • Neoplasms that put pressure on the nerve endings near the tailbone.
  • Frequent constipation or diarrhea.
  • Inflammatory processes in the muscles and nerves of the perineum or pelvis.
  • Osteocondritis of the spine.

Women are much more likely (3-4 times) to encounter this disease due to the structural features of the genitourinary system and the birth process. In men, coccydynia mainly occurs after 40 years of age. It is worth noting that pain in the tailbone may also indicate problems with the kidneys, reproductive system, and intestines. A specific diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after collecting anamnesis and conducting research.

Pain treatment

If a child falls on his tailbone and it hurts, then a surgeon should tell you what to do. First of all, treatment should be aimed at restoring the correct position of the coccyx, as well as its integrity (if we are talking about a fracture, crack or other damage). At the first stage of treatment, a small patient must be provided with rest and bed rest. It is possible to use painkillers, since with fractures and other mechanical damage to the coccyx, the child experiences serious pain. The pain is due to the fact that a large number of large nerves pass near the tailbone. Many parents may have heard about the procedure for realigning the tailbone (that is, returning it to the place where it should be). Indeed, such a procedure exists, but you should not perform it yourself or resort to the services of self-taught doctors, healers and other false healers. This is a medical procedure that is performed under anesthesia and only after pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, genital organs, and spinal diseases have been excluded.

In cases where the cause of pain is problems with the gastrointestinal tract, a gastroenterologist should help. Most likely, the child will be prescribed a therapeutic diet, medication, and possibly some physical therapy procedures. For problems with the musculoskeletal system, treatment is carried out by a neurologist

, orthopedist.

Treatment may include various types of massage, manual therapy, and physical therapy. Along with this, the little patient is prescribed medications aimed at strengthening the spine, bones, and muscles. The success of treatment and its duration primarily depend on how early the disease is detected and how accurately the diagnosis is made. Therefore, parents need to be more attentive to the health of their children and pay attention to their complaints. It is also important to choose the right doctor - for this, contact the Energo clinic. It employs highly qualified specialists from various medical fields who can correctly identify the disease and prescribe effective treatment. As a rule, after eliminating the underlying disease that caused pain in the tailbone or in the adjacent area, the unpleasant pain also goes away.


Pain in the tailbone is the first sign of coccydynia. It can appear after physical activity, sexual intercourse, or defecation. The sensation intensifies with sudden standing and palpation, as if the back is being “shot”. Over time, the disease may progress. This leads to spasms of the pelvic muscles, hips, pain in the groin and anus. A person literally cannot sit on a hard surface; he is forced to put something soft under him. If coccydynia is not treated, the pain becomes constant and is especially aggravated at night, preventing normal sleep.

During painful attacks, a person sweats greatly and the skin turns pale. They can also cause irritability and apathy, which can later lead to depressive disorder.

Unpleasant sensations can lead to gait disturbances. Irritable bowel syndrome and constipation often develop. Due to the fact that the process of defecation can be painful, a person tries to visit the toilet as little as possible. This leads to additional intestinal problems. It should be noted that the disease does not go away on its own. If left untreated, impotence or prolonged and painful erection, prolonged depression, etc. may develop. The disease requires professional therapy, like any other disorder of the musculoskeletal system, for example, intervertebral hernia.

To diagnose and further treat coccydynia, it is important for the doctor to establish the true cause of the pain. First of all, the specialist must find out whether the patient has had any injuries or operations in the coccyx area. Palpation and inspection are carried out. In addition to a general history taking, the specialist often sends the patient to the laboratory to donate blood, urine, and stool. An ultrasound of the abdominal organs, radiography of the spine, examination of the rectum, and genitourinary system may be prescribed.

During the diagnostic process, it is important to exclude the presence of the following diseases: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, prostatitis, neoplasms in the reproductive system, radiculitis, etc. Only in the absence of the above diseases can a doctor make a diagnosis of “primary coccydynia.”

Bruised tailbone and its consequences

The coccyx is the lowest part of the human spine. It consists of five fused vertebrae. Most scientists consider this part of the body to be a rudiment (unnecessary organs of the body that have lost their significance in the process of evolution), but its functionality should not be underestimated.

The coccygeal bones are attached to many muscles and ligaments responsible for the functioning of the genitourinary system, the functioning of the large intestine, and the gluteal muscles (extensor and flexor hips). In addition, it is in this place that the anatomical center of human balance is located, a kind of fulcrum. And this is where the spinal cord begins or ends (as you prefer).

By the concept of “bruise” a person does not imagine anything catastrophic or life-threatening. A bruise is damage to the soft tissues of the body without significant disruption. At the site of injury, as a rule, a small hematoma and swelling are formed and a mild pain syndrome occurs.

Therefore, when a tailbone is bruised, patients rarely pay attention to it; they try to “move on” and endure the pain, being embarrassed to go to the hospital with a disease of such a delicate organ. It is these constraints and delays that often lead to serious complications and consequences.

Causes of tailbone bruise

Typically, a tailbone bruise occurs when a fall (impact) occurs on the buttocks. In some cases, it can be earned by performing specific physical exercises (for example, gymnastics or acrobatic elements), but professional athletes are more susceptible to this.

In real life, a tailbone bruise in most cases occurs in winter, when it is slippery and the risk of falling on the “fifth point” increases and when riding a bicycle with a hard saddle over bumps. This disease often occurs in young people who are fans of extreme sports (rollerblades, skates, skateboards, skis, sports bikes, etc.).

Often, a bruise of the tailbone is noted in children due to their excessive mobility and passion for all kinds of dangerous elements (swings, slides, sleds, fences, trees, etc.). In addition, children often push each other, which can also cause a fall on the buttocks and, consequently, a bruise.

The main symptoms of a tailbone injury

The first and main symptom of a bruise is pain in the back, specifically in the pelvis and tailbone. The nature of the pain syndrome can be very diverse: from a weak aching pain to a strong and acute one. In this case, the patient cannot find a body position in which the pain would subside.

After a certain period, the pain will subside, but it may become noticeable during specific physical activity (fast walking, running, squatting or bending over), and lumbago may appear. Moreover, the consequences of the injury can be felt for a very long time (from a month to several years) and each time a person will feel discomfort and tension.

Another symptom of a bruise will be a hematoma of the bruised area (swelling, bruise, bruise). The mechanism for the formation of damage to soft tissues is simple: on the one hand, they are pressed down by the bones of the pelvis and coccyx, on the other, by a trauma-forming factor from the outside. And since the layer of muscles in this area is quite thin, the vertebrae of the coccyx receive the main load. In addition, an extensive hematoma and persistent pain may indicate a fracture of the coccyx bones, and the diagnosis can only be confirmed after an X-ray examination.

Further, when the main pain and hematoma go away, the bruise may manifest itself as pain during bowel movements, urination, sexual intercourse, nerve pinching radiating to the buttocks and leg, and these are more serious reasons for contacting a doctor, undergoing spinal treatment and, if necessary, realigning displaced vertebrae . And the sooner you go to the hospital, the greater the chance of avoiding surgical intervention and the development of diseases such as osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs, radiculitis, etc.

Consequences of a bruise

A coccyx bruise is a rather insidious injury and its consequences can be very diverse. As we have already said, the coccygeal bones are the outermost part of the spine; many nerve endings are concentrated in it, as well as the spinal cord, which is directly connected to the brain. So why is damage to the tailbone dangerous?

The very first and at the same time simple consequence is the transformation of pain into a chronic form. In this case, the pain can intensify with physical activity, “the weather,” and even with ordinary long-term sitting in one place.

One of the most dangerous consequences is damage, displacement or injury to the spinal cord. Manifestations of this disorder can be expressed both in complete immobilization of the lower extremities and in the treatment of frequent headaches. You may ask, what does headache have to do with it? The thing is that displacement of the spinal cord entails tension or depression of the brain, and, consequently, disruption of blood circulation and the passage of nerve impulses in the cerebral cortex.

As a result of a bruise or injury to the tailbone, compression fractures or fractures in other parts of the spine may occur, which is also unpleasant and, as a rule, is accompanied by deformation and compression of the nerve endings.
And this problem will already affect the functioning of the internal organs, muscle activity and sensitivity of the limbs, and the general well-being and mood of the patient. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr


During therapy, it is important not only to eliminate pain. Most attention should be paid to treating the underlying disease (if present) that triggered the development of coccydynia. To reduce pain, doctors prescribe medications, and in especially advanced cases, inject anesthetics. Physiotherapy is also widely used: electrotherapy, ultrasound treatment, rectal massage, mud therapy, exercise therapy, acupuncture, etc. These techniques can speed up the healing process.

Surgical treatment is also used. It is resorted to in situations where other methods do not help and the pain syndrome remains. In this case, the surgeon removes the tailbone. This is also done when the rudiment becomes mobile after a fracture. In extremely rare cases, pain remains.


The first thing you can do to avoid coccydynia and many other diseases is to visit your doctor regularly. A specialist can promptly identify concomitant diseases and prevent the development of coccyx pathology. If you have already discovered signs of coccydynia, you should immediately seek professional help. In the early stages, the disease is treated much easier and faster. In addition, it is worth taking care of the presence of comfortable orthopedic furniture in the workplace. Don't sit with your legs tucked to your chest, try to take the pressure off your tailbone. If it is not possible to purchase orthopedic furniture, try placing a small pillow - it is both more comfortable and safer. Last but not least, try to avoid injuries to the tailbone and pelvic organs. If this fails, consult a doctor immediately.


There are frequent cases of chronic illness after a bruise of the coccyx: discomfort remains with the patient for a long time, either subsiding or worsening with increased loads. Modern treatment methods at Doctor Ost MC help get rid of this “burden”:

  • You can normalize metabolic processes and relieve swelling in just one session with intensive laser therapy. This technique is used at the Doctor Ost MC. It is safer and faster than taking analgesics.
  • Botulinum therapy helps to relax chronic muscle spasms, thereby freeing the bloodstream and improving tissue nutrition. Just one injection at specific points helps to quickly correct the pathological situation;
  • Spinal traction allows you to return each vertebra and intervertebral disc to its place - from the first cervical vertebra to the coccyx. Coccydynia disease in women and men is corrected using a modern ElitTraK device, which finds vulnerable areas and gently corrects the position of the vertebrae vertebra by vertebra;
  • Manual therapy techniques act locally on the tailbone, helping to return it to its original position. Reduction techniques are effective not only in treating a bruised tailbone, but also in situations of dislocation and displacement of the vertebrae:
  • Shock wave therapy helps get rid of adhesions, growths of fibrous tissue after operations to remove cysts, for example, or chronic inflammatory phenomena.
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