Dystrophic changes in the thoracic spine

Every year, statistics indicate an increase in the number of patients with degenerative-dystrophic changes in the thoracic spine. This pathology occurs against the background of impaired metabolism in the bone and cartilage tissue of the spinal column. Such changes most often occur in the cervical and lumbar regions, the structure of which differs from the thoracic region.

With this diagnosis, the doctor prescribes complex therapy, which consists of the use of medications (chondroprotectors) and physical therapy. The action of this complex is aimed at restoring the previous functionality of the spinal column. In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe surgery to help prevent complications.

Development mechanism

Cartilage tissue is nourished by the synovial fluid of several spinal structures: joints and intervertebral discs. Once nutrients from the bloodstream enter the synovial fluid, the process of diffusion begins. Cartilage tissue begins to absorb all the substances necessary for normal development and functioning.

Any trophic changes (impaired nutrition, absorption of nutrients, lack of amino acids, which serve as the main component in the structure of cartilage) lead to structural changes. Degeneration processes begin to be observed in the cartilage, that is, it is gradually destroyed. Its fabric becomes more fragile and thin, which, in turn, leads to cracks.

Such processes lead to the fact that the distance between the vertebrae becomes smaller due to subsidence of the intervertebral discs. When diagnosing, a specialist may notice numerous protrusions of intervertebral discs, up to the formation of a hernia. In severe cases of pathology and untimely treatment, the patient experiences compression of the spinal nerves or nerve roots.

Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine and their consequences

Brief information

Nowadays, this phenomenon is the main one for diseases of the spine. It is expressed by changes in joints, intervertebral discs and tissues. If treatment is not started on time, a person may completely lose his or her ability to work. It is worth recalling once again that diseases of the spine are life-threatening.


Any disease has its own causes. And degenerative-dystrophic changes are no exception. For treatment to be effective, you must first know the cause. You should not delay contacting a doctor, as only he will be able to make an accurate diagnosis.

The most common manifestation of changes in the spine is pain in the back and limbs. One of the reasons is reduced blood circulation in a certain area of ​​the intervertebral discs. Most often, this is a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle. Also, the cause may be injury to the spine and its individual elements, or overload. In women it can occur after childbirth.

Accompanying illnesses

Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine is just a general name, which implies a huge number of various diseases associated with the spine and musculoskeletal system. One way or another, they are all associated with changes in the spine.

The most common diseases:

  1. Osteochondrosis. In short, this is the erasure of intervertebral discs. As a result, the vertebrae and joints rub against each other and cause pain;
  2. Spondyloarthrosis. The result of osteochondrosis. Briefly speaking, spondyloarthrosis is a type of osteoarthritis;
  3. Spondylosis is characterized by bone growths.

These are just a few of the most common diagnoses in people. All of them are a consequence of changes in the spine and are dangerous. Also, they can even lead to disability.

How to treat

The sooner a person consults a doctor, the faster the disease can be cured and losses reduced. Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine cause unpleasant pain that constrains a person and causes loss of ability to work, so treatment should begin as soon as possible.

Fortunately, in the age of rapid technological progress, doctors can quite successfully treat such ailments. What is treatment?

  • Elimination of pain;
  • Extracting the area that has undergone a change;
  • Various massages that improve blood circulation;

It takes about two years of regular treatments to improve a person's condition and shock absorption.


Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. This is not so difficult to do, but, unfortunately, many people forget about the basic rules that will help avoid diseases of the spine and its deformation, leading to disastrous results.

It is not so difficult to prevent degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine. Here are some tips to ensure that back pain never bothers you:

  • You should do exercises every day to strengthen your back;
  • Don't keep your back arched. Watch your posture, no matter what you do;
  • Such a thing as a mattress also plays an important role in the formation of a healthy spine. It should be comfortable, not too soft, but not hard either.


It is worth summing up everything that was written earlier. Knowing the cause and methods of prevention, you can never encounter spinal diseases and feel great throughout your life. The main thing is not to forget the basic rules.

As stated earlier, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it.
If you feel pain in your back or limbs, you should not put off going to the doctor: this will only make things worse for you. Do exercises to strengthen your back, watch your posture and do not overload your back. Then the disease will bypass you. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr


There are several types of degenerative changes in the thoracic spine. This depends on the location of the pathological process. Experts distinguish the following two types of changes:

  • A structural change in the cartilage tissue located between the thoracic vertebrae. This type is observed in patients only in rare cases when external factors have affected the functionality of the spinal column in the thoracic region. The rarity is explained by the minimal load on this part of the spine. As a rule, pathology manifests itself in the form of protrusions, intervertebral hernias and osteochondrosis.
  • Changes in the cartilage tissue that is located between the processes of the vertebrae. The most common form of pathology, which is characterized by a decrease in the passage between the vertebrae, resulting in compression of the spinal nerves.

Infringement of the spinal roots is accompanied by severe aching pain, which cannot be relieved by the use of medications.

Treatment of the disease

The methods used to treat osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine are complex and are prescribed by the doctor individually depending on the medical history and concomitant diseases.

The most common ones include:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage and manual therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • taking medications.

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Dystrophic changes in the thoracic spine occur as a result of the influence of external factors or disruption of normal bone metabolism. To draw up the correct treatment regimen, it is necessary to know exactly the etiological factor.

To do this, experts identify the most common causes of degeneration in cartilage:

  • the presence of congenital abnormalities of the spine (curvature of the spinal column in the thoracic region), which impair blood flow and interfere with the flow of nutrients;
  • genetic predisposition to degenerative processes in cartilage tissue;
  • incorrect posture, which causes kyphosis and scoliosis in adolescents and young children;
  • excessive loads on the entire spine, due to which osteochondrosis and protrusion occur;
  • sedentary lifestyle, insomnia and unhealthy diet;
  • injury or damage to the thoracic vertebrae.

Improper sleep and rest patterns lead to narrowing and spasm of blood vessels, which reduces blood flow to the thoracic vertebrae.

Stages of development of the disease

Abnormal changes in the ridge can go through several stages of development:

  1. Impaired functionality due to a rupture or crack in the disc shell. In this case, joint movement is limited, pain syndrome and muscle spasm develop;
  2. Instability of the spine as a result of loss of joint fluid, hardening of the disc, weakening of the joint and its capsule. The person experiences pain, changes in the curvature of the spine, and limited mobility is observed;
  3. Stage of destabilization. When the vertebral body begins to respond to instability, bone formations (osteophytes) appear, which help provide stability to the ridge. But their formation leads to a narrowing of the spinal canal. In this case, the pain subsides, but the loss of functionality of the spinal column and sensitivity of the skin increases. The risk of developing the so-called cauda equina syndrome also increases.


The severity of symptoms of degenerative changes depends on several factors: the age of the patient, the degree of damage and the presence of accompanying pathologies. Initial signs arise due to the spread of the inflammatory process and infringement of the nerve roots of the spinal cord.

Which doctor treats the spine?

These signs include:

  • severe, pulling, aching pain in the shoulder blades;
  • numbness and tingling of the lower extremities;
  • dysfunction of the internal organs of the chest;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • unpleasant sensations along the entire spine.

To accurately determine the disease, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination by a qualified specialist.

The main difference between pain in DDZD is its severity. Many patients have to endure severe pain due to the weak effect of conventional painkillers.

Dorsago and dorsalgia

Dorsago is a symptom manifested by sharp acute pain in the chest, the so-called lumbago. Usually this feeling occurs after working for a long time in a static position. During such an attack, the patient experiences difficulty breathing. The pain increases with rotation of the upper body.

Dorsalgia is pain of moderate intensity that manifests itself in the area of ​​affected intervertebral discs. This pain syndrome begins gradually and lasts up to 2-3 weeks. Unpleasant sensations intensify with deep inhalation and exhalation, as well as bending in different directions. There is also the impression of lack of air. The peak of pain occurs immediately after waking up and decreases after a short walk.


Diagnosis of DDZP occurs using instrumental analysis methods, which make it possible to obtain a detailed image of bone and cartilage tissue, determine the degree of damage and the exact localization of structural changes. To do this, the doctor prescribes one of the diagnostic methods:

  • MR picture of degenerative processes in the thoracic region;
  • magnetic resonance imaging or MRI;
  • computed tomography or CT scan;
  • radiography.

For mild symptoms, it is instrumental diagnostics that makes it possible to make an accurate diagnosis and proceed directly to treatment.

Treatment methods

Conservative treatment methods are usually preferred. Surgical intervention is needed extremely rarely; it is used only in cases where the above changes begin to seriously affect the functioning of a person’s internal organs. But even in this case, an initial attempt to get rid of the problem using conservative treatment methods is preferable.

It should also be remembered that surgical intervention in the spine itself carries a certain risk, even in our time, when various microsurgical methods have been developed and are successfully used.


Treatment of degenerative changes in the thoracic region depends on the severity of symptoms and the speed of spread of the pathological process. First of all, experts recommend reducing the load on the spinal column, since this is the reason that provokes the further development of the pathology.

For severe pain, doctors recommend taking the following medications:

  • anti-inflammatory - drugs that act on the source of inflammation and relieve swelling (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen);
  • painkillers;
  • chondroprotectors - drugs that affect the formation and restoration of cartilage tissue (Structum, Teraflex, Chondroitin, Dona);
  • muscle relaxants – drugs that reduce muscle tone (Sirdalud, Mydocalm, Baklosan).

In addition to taking medications, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures, including manual therapy, back massage, electrophoresis and others.

The most common drug for pain relief is Diclofenac. This drug is available in several dosage forms: tablets, capsules, ampoules, suppositories and powders

Diagnostic measures

In the process of studying the medical history and examining the patient, the doctor determines the degree of mobility of the ridge, muscle tone, and the area of ​​pain. Then the doctor prescribes the following diagnostic measures:

  1. X-ray to detect dystrophic and degenerative changes in the ridge, fractures, benign or malignant neoplasms, bone tissue pathologies, arthritis;
  2. Electromyography to recognize nerve pathologies;
  3. MRI and CT to study the condition of muscles, discs, spinal cord, nerves, as well as to establish the causes of the development of the disease;
  4. Myelography.

Additional tests may include laboratory blood tests and ultrasound.


Due to the high incidence and prevalence of DDSD, all patients are advised to adhere to certain preventive measures during preventive examinations and after treatment. They will prevent the occurrence of back diseases and complications in the presence of chronic pathologies.

Such recommendations include: avoiding excessive physical exertion and heavy lifting, following physical therapy exercises, regular sports (swimming, gymnastics, yoga), alternating working hours with rest, doing a short warm-up every hour of working time.

Prognosis and prevention

Usually the prognosis of the pathology is good, surgical intervention is rarely resorted to, and the problem can be eliminated using a conservative method. It is very important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner, so doctors recommend that if pain occurs, you should be examined by a specialist. At an early stage of pathology, the disease is successfully cured.

For the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to monitor the condition of the back, avoid hypothermia and heavy physical exertion, and regularly perform physical exercises to develop the muscular system. If your professional activity involves a long stay in a sitting position, it is recommended to periodically change your body position and make passes for five minutes.

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