Exercises for Bubnovsky's back at home

Recently, the Bubnovsky expander has been gaining more and more popularity for playing sports at home. And it’s not surprising, because a lot of sets of exercises have already been developed that can strengthen almost all muscle groups. The equipment is suitable for people who have problems with their back, spine, and joints, and it really helps. The expander has no age restrictions: it is suitable for use by both young and old people. To do gymnastics with an expander, you do not have to have any sports training, that is, absolute beginners can train with it.

What does it look like?

This universal simulator is difficult to confuse with any other. It is so simple in its design that even a child can figure it out. The expander is an elastic rubber band with two easy-to-hold handles at the ends. The projectile is small in size, you can take it with you in your bag and use it in any place convenient for you. If your doctor has prescribed a course of exercises and you need to leave town for work, take the expander with you; its compact size will allow you to exercise without interruption. Using the simulator, you can develop the muscles of the arms, legs, abs and back, so the structure of the expander intended for different muscle groups may differ slightly.

For leg muscles

Everyone, especially women, wants to have attractive legs. This depends not only on natural slimness, but also on the level of development of the muscles of the calves and thighs. Training with the Bubnovsky expander is considered one of the most effective and efficient. As practice shows, they help achieve the desired result in a very short time, but you should not get carried away with exercise without consulting a doctor. Being a serious and significant sports tool, with thoughtless power loads, the projectile can harm health or lead to injury.

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There are several types of leg expanders, which differ in construction:

  • Sports shock absorber. It is a stretchable rubber band with triangular handles at the ends. Both women and men can practice with it.
  • Exercise machine with elastic band. The most common treatment tool, developed by Dr. Bubnovsky.
  • A projectile with protective cuffs. It is used for strength exercises, as it involves the tension of a strong spring.
  • “Butterfly” or “eight” are designed for intensive training of the muscles of the legs, chest and buttocks.

Gymnastics for pneumonia: what you need to know

As we have already said, exercise therapy and breathing exercises are one of the elements of a comprehensive recovery program for pneumonia. “Physical exercises during (and after) COVID-19, pneumonia, bronchitis and pleurisy should begin with exercises that promote drainage of bronchial cavities and abscesses,” explains Yesenia Kalyuzhina.

Drainage is provided by exercises for the chest area, which stimulate blood circulation and mucus movement. “The patient is placed in such a position that the area of ​​the lung lesion is located above the bronchus (or bronchi) draining it,” notes Yesenia Kalyuzhina. “Thanks to this, during special exercises, phlegm, under the influence of gravity, enters the main bronchus and reaches the trachea, causing an involuntary vigorous cough, with which it leaves the body.”

Most often, the rehabilitation complex includes simple joint exercises. “These include, for example, active (but not sudden) movements in the joints of the upper and lower extremities, a combination of exercises for the muscles of the back, chest and diaphragm, stretching, tapping movements,” adds Andreas Stromberger. — They also use special breathing devices and simulators. Regular exercise helps restore the respiratory muscles, strengthens muscles and improves breathing.”

There are several types of breathing and rehabilitation exercises; discuss the possibility of using them with your doctor. We asked Yesenia Kalyuzhina to show us a set of exercises for pneumonia that will speed up recovery.

For arm muscles

The complex with such a tool is quite simple, very useful and does not require much effort. This type of exercise equipment is recommended for use by people suffering from osteochondrosis, schoolchildren, students, and people who have a sedentary job. For the prevention of joint diseases, poor circulation and insomnia. Types of hand projectiles:

  • Expander for the hand. Develops all the muscles of the forearm and is similar to a rubber circle.
  • Flexible rubber band or band.
  • Chest exercise tool. These are two handles with different numbers of strands. Depending on the load you need, the number of harnesses may vary.

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There is also a universal simulator for complex exercises. It is 1.25 meters long and comes with a variety of wall and door hooks. The harness itself can be of various colors (red, green, blue, yellow, black), each color has its own degree of elongation depending on what level of load you need.

What medications can be used to consolidate the results of exercise therapy?

To make gymnastics more effective, before starting and at the end of training, you can use an ointment based on viper venom - Viprosal B. Before going to bed, to relax your muscles as much as possible, use cooling or anti-inflammatory ointments and gels. List of ointments that can be applied at night:

  1. Diclak gel, SALUTAS PHARMA, Germany;
  2. Lyoton gel, A.Menarini Manufacturing Logistics and Services, Italy;
  3. Cryo-gel Reanimator, PhytoBioTechnologies, Russia.

Throughout the day, you can use any product containing ibuprofen, diclofenac, meloxicam.

Read about ointments for joints in this article.

From tablets, you can take ibuprofen at a dose of 200 mg 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of arthrosis with anti-inflammatory drugs has many side effects, so the course of therapy should not exceed 10 days without interruptions. The duration of the break is at least 1 week.

In addition to using pharmaceuticals to consolidate exercise therapy, you can additionally undergo a course of physical therapy:

  • massage;
  • hydromassage;
  • ozokerite therapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • electrophoresis.

Read about physiotherapy for joints in this article.


For the treatment of back pain.

Use a special clamp to attach the expander to a level above your head. Move a short distance and stand facing a reliable support. Taking the handles of the exercise machine, squat down on your knees and tilt your body forward. Now, as you exhale, slowly pull the tourniquets towards your thighs, hold this position for five seconds and return to the starting position. When performing the exercise, your arms should remain extended at all times. This way you will strengthen the deltoid muscles of the back. Women are recommended to use a green or red tourniquet, men - blue.

One arm row.

When performing this exercise, you must fix the apparatus above your height on a wall or door and fasten a tape or several tapes (depending on the required load) to one handle. With an overhand grip, grab the handle and stand sideways at a distance where the tool can slightly stretch. Straighten your chest, place your feet shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, pull the bands towards your thigh, freeze in this position for a few seconds, and while inhaling, return to the starting position. Try to keep your arms straight. If you bend your elbows, the load will spread to your biceps. Dr. Bubnovsky advises women to train with a green ribbon, and men with a red one.

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For the abdominal muscles.

Fix the expander on the door or any other non-movable surface. With both hands, firmly grasp the handles, palms facing each other. Take a step back about a meter from the support and kneel at a right angle. Slowly, lean forward, slightly arching your lower back. As you exhale, pull the projectile towards you until your elbows touch your knees. Tighten your abs and remember to round your back. Remember that your hips, arms, and shoulders should not be used during the exercise. If you bend your legs, the entire load will no longer go to the abdominal muscles, but to the hip flexor muscles. You should not just bend down while holding the tool, but twist, squeezing your abs and at the same time arching your back upward. In between exercises, try not to straighten your body completely. Keep your abs tense even during pauses. This will make your workouts more effective. During this workout, the oblique abdominal muscles and upper abs are involved. Women are recommended to use yellow and red tubes, men - blue.

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For hands.

The expander is secured with a special hook to the floor or to the bottom of the wall. Attach a tourniquet or a number of lightly stretchable tourniquets to the triangular handles. Move to a distance of light tension of the harnesses, turn your face to the support and take the handle of the exercise machine with an underhand grip. For greater stability, you can place one foot forward. Tighten your abs and straighten your back. Now, straining your arm muscles, pull the expander bands towards your chest. The elbows should remain motionless and be near the torso during repetitions of the exercise. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Do not try to lift too heavy a load; your back should not bend or lean. When performing this exercise, the muscles of the biceps and upper forearm are trained. According to the Bubnovsky method, doctors recommend that women use a red or yellow tourniquet, and men - black, red or blue.

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For legs.

Attach the ends of the tubes with the required load to the handles of the projectile. Stand on the tubes, feet shoulder-width apart. In a half-sitting position, bend your elbows and raise your hands just above your shoulders. As you exhale, smoothly, tensing your thigh muscles, rise up until your back straightens. Pause. As you inhale, return to the starting position. The back should always be straight. Rounding of the ridge reduces the effectiveness of training. During constant repetitions, the muscles of the thighs and buttocks are activated. Women are recommended to train with a blue tube, men - with a black, blue or red one.

If you follow all the instructions and perform the above exercises correctly, you will feel that the pain in problem areas begins to go away, and those around you will notice that you look healthier and fitter.

Draw your attention to! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only and does not encourage self-diagnosis, self-medication or influencing your body by any means. Only a qualified specialist (doctor, trainer, nutritionist, etc.) can make a diagnosis, prescribe (recommend) treatment and medications or dietary supplements, give recommendations on nutrition and training, and also monitor the treatment process (weight loss, training), focusing on a specific person and based on his individual characteristics.

Causes of shoulder pain

Pain in the shoulder joint occurs as a result of a wide variety of pathologies. Some of them include:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • tendinitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • brachial nerve neuritis;
  • various anatomical anomalies;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • impingement syndrome.

These are only some of the possible diseases of the shoulder joint. The pain has a varied nature, but, most importantly, it indicates damage to this important anatomical formation.

As a result, it is of great importance to apply preventive measures from youth. And those who already suffer from diseases with obvious symptoms simply need the correct complex therapy to prevent their progression.

An important component of treatment is exercises for the shoulder joints.

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