Exercises to pump up your back at home: train with your own weight or dumbbells

One of the most important conditions for a healthy and attractive figure is the back muscles - they can and should also be trained at home.

A man who attracts a woman's gaze stands out in any crowd primarily because of his silhouette. Broad shoulders and a characteristic v-shaped torso will not allow such a person to get lost even among other athletic and trained men.

For women, a strong back is also an important component of a good figure, but more importantly, the development of back muscles helps a woman be healthier and more resilient.

Rules for doing exercises to strengthen your back

Before you start practicing exercises to strengthen your back muscles at home, you need to consult a doctor and examine your spine. If a set of exercises was developed for the purpose of treatment, the first training should be carried out under the supervision of a physical therapy doctor.

Gymnastics to strengthen the back muscles will not cause harm if it is performed taking into account the following rules:

  • start with a few minutes a day, gradually increasing the time and number of approaches (up to 5-15);
  • exercise regularly, develop a routine;
  • do all exercises smoothly, without jerking;
  • strengthening of weakened and relaxation of overstrained muscle fibers should be achieved;
  • do not exercise on a full stomach (no earlier than two hours after eating);
  • breathe calmly and deeply, starting the exercise with inhalation and ending with exhalation;
  • exercise in a spacious, well-ventilated room or in nature;
  • If pain or discomfort occurs during exercise, take a break and rest.

You should always “listen” to your body. If exercises to strengthen your back are systematically accompanied by pain, you should consult a doctor.

How to train your back with equipment

To fully train the back muscles for the purpose of their development and increase in volume, additional equipment is required, which allows you to gradually increase the weight of the equipment. By doing back exercises at home with dumbbells, you can improve your strength and endurance.

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To build muscle, the weight of the equipment is selected so that no more than 12 repetitions can be performed in one approach. If you can do more, you need to take more weight. If the goal is to increase muscle endurance, then you should do more repetitions, about 15-20 times.


Gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies or acute infectious processes;
  • serious diseases of the body (oncology, renal failure, hypertension, etc.);
  • spinal injuries;
  • bleeding;
  • severe pain syndrome.

Pregnant women and people who have recently undergone surgery should not perform back strengthening exercises.

Back workout for girls

Women's back muscle structure is exactly the same as men's, so they can do exactly the same exercises for their back muscles. You just need to take into account your level of training and use lighter weights. Women who only want to strengthen their back, and not develop relief, can generally stop at entry-level exercises - plank, pump, exercises on a fitball, etc. If you want to develop your back even more, then hyperextensions, bent-over dumbbell rows, dumbbell bend-overs, etc. are mandatory. Developed back muscles make it possible to more effectively develop the muscles of the legs and buttocks, making the waist visually narrower and the figure more harmonious and attractive.

Exercises to strengthen your back muscles

A physical therapy doctor will tell you how to strengthen your back in each specific case. There is a whole range of effective and safe exercises, which, if performed correctly, can achieve the desired result.

Baby pose


  • kneel down;
  • completely relax and place your body down on your legs so that your head rests on the floor;
  • place your arms along the body, without tension;
  • do not move for several moments, breathing deeply, alternately relaxing the muscles as you exhale;
  • smoothly return to a sitting position.

The exercise is primarily aimed at relaxing the back muscles and restoring normal blood flow and transmission of nerve impulses in the spinal structures. It is recommended to do it at the end of the working day or after intense physical training.

Stretching on a fitball

What exercises will help strengthen your back muscles and remove tension accumulated during the day? Fitball exercises may be the answer. There are many options for training using an exercise ball. The two most effective exercises are:

  1. For the deep muscles of the lower back. The lower abdomen rests on the ball, while straight legs are widely spaced on the floor and arms are parallel to the body. As you exhale, the body rises up as much as possible, the shoulders are straightened. As you inhale, the body returns back.
  2. Bridge. Lying with your back on the ball, with your calves and spine tightly pressed to it, with your feet and hands resting on the floor, the fitball gently rolls under your body. It is important to maintain balance and avoid overload.

Regular exercise leads to significant strengthening of the spinal muscles.

Side plank

Effective exercises to strengthen the back muscles at home for women who want to have a thin waist - side plank. The result is comparable to training in the gym.


  • lying on your side, leaning on your elbow, with your fingers and palm retracted and pressed to the floor, place your other hand on your waist;
  • the legs are on top of each other, only the lower one touches the floor;
  • the back straightens, the stomach retracts;
  • as you exhale, the body rises and forms a perfectly straight line;
  • the moment of muscle strengthening is recorded;
  • the body slowly falls back.

During the exercise, you should not let your stomach sag. For beginners, the preferred plank is on your side with your knees bent.


Exercises to strengthen your back at home necessarily include lunges. They help stabilize muscles and develop coordination, which protects the spine during walking, running and any physical activity.

Hands are fixed on the hips. The abdominal muscles tense. A big step forward is taken with the right leg, and it bends at a right angle. The thigh is parallel to the floor. The exercise can be done using dumbbells to further strengthen the back, alternating between straight and diagonal lunges.

Dog and bird

How to strengthen your back muscles? An interesting exercise for all muscle groups will help with this. Standing on all fours, your abs tense and your back straightens. Then one arm and the opposite leg rise up together. The limbs are positioned strictly horizontally. The person freezes in this position for a couple of seconds, returning to the original position. Then the exercise is repeated in a mirror manner.

Bridge with hips

The person lies on his back, bends his knees, and rests his feet on the floor. The heels become hip-width apart. The upper limbs lie relaxed along the body. The muscles of the gluteal region contract, and the pelvis rises up, forming a straight line with the shoulders and body. The position is fixed for a few seconds. Then your hips slowly lower to the floor.


The exercise is considered an “easy” version of classic hyperextension. It is good for strengthening the back extensors and abdominal muscles. It is performed lying on your stomach, with your limbs straight and parallel to each other. As you exhale, the arms and legs are raised from the floor to a height of approximately 50 cm and fixed for a few seconds, then lowered back.


This exercise for the back muscles can be done while sitting or standing. In the first option, the tailbone remains motionless, in the second - the feet. The rest of the body moves like a pendulum (metronome), tilting forward and backward to strengthen the spine.


Hyperextension (hyperextension) is an exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back, especially its lower part, which can be performed using your own weight or additional “amplifiers”. In the first case, the person rests both hips against the support, fixing his legs. At first, he is in a bent position, with his head hanging down, then he smoothly raises his body, without arching at the top point of the body.


Some effective exercises for strengthening the back muscles are borrowed from yoga. These include sarpasana (snake pose). The person lies on his stomach, holding his hands together behind his back. The forehead touches the floor. The body is relaxed. The legs are straightened in one line, with the heels pointing up.

A deep breath is taken, at the end of which the head slowly rises and leans back. Then, smoothly, without tension, the shoulders and upper back are stretched upward. The muscles are stretched and strengthened, while the legs do not leave the floor.

Exercise "Prayer"

The person kneels on the mat, then slowly lowers his head down, rounding his back. As a result, the forehead touches the floor, and the arms lie relaxed along the body. The muscles relax and stretch.

Standard workout at home

You can strengthen your back muscle corset effectively at home. To do this, you should choose a suitable complex for yourself, which will take into account general training, muscle development, age and the presence of chronic pathologies. In old age or in the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, exercises are carried out under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise such exercises will not be beneficial. The entire training process must follow a certain algorithm.

Stage 1. Warm up

Even if the lesson takes place not at home, but in the gym, it should start with a quality warm-up. It allows you to stretch your muscles well, prepare them for the load and thereby avoid injury to the spine. You should devote 5-7 minutes to this moment. What can you include in your warm-up?

  • Side bends.
  • Any muscle stretching.
  • Shoulder rotation.
  • Swing your arms.
  • Bend forward and backward.
  • Run in place.

3-5 repetitions for each muscle group are enough so that even weak sections are sufficiently warmed up. After a pleasant warmth appears in the body, you can begin the main complex.

Stage 2. Lesson

To effectively strengthen your back at home, you will need to purchase a fitball or sports ball; with them, training will be more interesting and comfortable. In the first months, you can do without them, choosing approaches where they are not involved. Suitable exercises for working your back:

  • Lie on the floor, on your stomach, and stretch your arms up. But while inhaling, raise the upper and lower limbs up, forming an arc. Hold for a few seconds and exhale as you lower down.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, extend your arms along your body. As you exhale, lift the lower part up, hold it for a few seconds, and then release it.
  • Get on all fours, placing emphasis on your palms and knees. As you inhale, arch your back and then return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides, bend your legs at the knees. As you inhale, turn your knees to one side, keeping your body in a stationary position, thereby twisting your lower back, and then perform the exercise in the other direction.

The duration of the workout should not exceed 45 minutes, as this is enough to work all the back muscle groups. To begin with, you should use only simple approaches, as this will eliminate the likelihood of injury.

Stage 3. Completing the workout

After completing the complex, you need to pay attention to the process of completing the workout. It is no less important than warming up before starting. The load should be reduced gradually, after which you should spend a few minutes stretching to calm the muscles. It is useful to take a contrast shower and rub your back with a towel.

A simple and effective complex for working out the back

Why does back pain occur?

Problems with the musculoskeletal system often begin to manifest themselves through back pain. The lower back is especially affected. The person may experience muscle spasms, numbness, or tingling along the spine line. Muscle tension is often caused by weak or overworked back muscles. Muscle fatigue can occur due to poor posture, and sudden movements without first warming up can lead to sprained ligaments. Don't forget about age. The older a person gets, the less strong and elastic his bones, muscles and ligaments become.

If you feel pain in your back after a fall, lifting something heavy, or a sharp turn, then first of all try to ensure yourself peace and limit your movements. If relief does not come after a while, consult a doctor. Do not try to come up with a rehabilitation program on your own, you may only worsen the consequences. The most you can do is apply cold to the sore spot and take a pain reliever. Pain after a fall or sprain may last for several days or even weeks. It is not necessary to wait until the pain has completely subsided to begin a course of rehabilitation exercises, but the pain should decrease.

Back pain does not have to be the result of injuries and sprains; it can appear if:

  • you sit a lot at home and at work, but don’t take breaks to exercise;
  • you incorrectly or excessively load your spine;
  • your work involves physical activity;
  • you are used to resting or sleeping in an uncomfortable position.

If you cannot avoid stress on your back, it is important to learn how to load the musculoskeletal system correctly and keep it in good shape. To do this, you need to regularly do a set of physical exercises for your back at home or in the gym.

Recommendations for building a workout

  • Even if the upper back is a little behind, you should not try to pump up this area by increasing the volume of loads. Such training is more likely to lead to hypertonicity of the trapezius and possible exacerbation of problems with the cervical spine than to beneficial strengthening of the muscles. Try to use no more than 2-3 upper body exercises per workout. Or give an even load on each part of the back, this will help “tighten” the lagging upper part and not lead to muscle imbalance.
  • It is also recommended to alternate strength and high-repetition modes (in microcycles or cycles). This will help create the most versatile load, as well as take into account the ratio of fast and slow muscle fibers, which is set genetically for each person.
  • When training in the gym, use every opportunity and alternate exercises. For home use, dumbbells are the best equipment. Rubber bands will also work great, but when using them it is difficult to create a progression of load.

Quick workout at work

You can perform useful exercises to warm up your back not only at home, but also at your workplace. Such breaks should be taken every 2-3 hours to eliminate the possibility of spinal problems in the future. The complex is useful for all office workers who spend more than 5-6 hours a day at the computer and often experience tension in the neck and lower back, but cannot regularly go to the gym. An express lesson should include the following approaches:

  • Shoulder rotation. Sit up straight, feet on the floor, knees shoulder-width apart. The arms are bent and placed on the shoulders, after which smooth movements are made in one direction, after which they are repeated in the other. 10 rotations in each direction are enough.
  • Back twisting. Straighten your back on the chair, place your feet on the floor. Place your knees shoulder-width apart, place your hands behind your head and place your elbows to the sides. Turn your torso first in one direction, then in the other. Do several repetitions.
  • Lateral tilt. Without changing the position of the body, bend to the side from the previous exercise. In the process, the lateral muscles should tense.
  • Cat-cow. Sit on the edge of a chair, pull your legs under you, place your hands on your knees. Bend part of your back first forward, then as far back as possible. Do several repetitions.

The advantage of the complex is that there is no need to get up from your chair, which allows you to do the complex right at your workplace, without attracting unnecessary glances from your knees. It is enough to devote 10-15 minutes a day to this procedure, and problems with the health of the musculoskeletal system due to constant sitting at the computer (scoliosis, osteochondrosis) will not arise.

Correctly selected exercises will help keep your back healthy for many years. But it is important to follow the basic rules and recommendations of specialists, control the load, and gradually increase the number of approaches. Only in this case will the selected programs bring benefits and tangible results, make the spine more flexible, beautiful posture, and stabilize the muscle corset.

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