Exercises for the hip joint at home

Over time, freedom of movement of the hip joint gradually decreases. Sometimes, with more or less active actions, some pain discomfort, stiffness and limited mobility are felt. The most likely cause of this condition is the initial stage of osteoarthrosis or coxarthrosis of the hip joint. Therapeutic and preventive exercises for the hip joint to perform at home will help correct the situation.

What is osteoarthritis (coxarthrosis)?

Deforming arthrosis, coxarthrosis or osteoarthrosis of the hip joint is a complex of clinical manifestations confirming the onset of degenerative-dystrophic destruction of the osteoarticular, muscular and ligamentous joints in the hip section of the skeletal frame. Painful signs of the disease are accompanied by limited mobility in the joints, muscle atrophy, and shortening of the limbs .

Damage to the left joint. This is what it will look like if measures are not taken at the initial stage of the disease.

The causes of the development of clinical pathology may be hereditary predisposition, old spinal trauma, curvature of the spinal axis, inflammatory processes of an infectious nature in the osteo-articular and muscular sections.

An advanced form of clinical pathology forces a person to take potent medications - painkillers aimed at reducing pain, and anti-inflammatory drugs - to eliminate the inflammatory process.

Photograph of the head of the hip joint with grade 3 osteoarthritis.

A program of drug and physiotherapeutic treatment agreed with the attending physician, and the prescription of therapeutic and preventive exercises for the hip joints will strengthen the musculoskeletal system and return the patient to the ability to move without painful discomfort.

Rules for performing the opening of the joints of the pelvis and hip

The joints are opened with special exercises that can move the pelvic bones apart. This creates an impressive space between them, which allows the active production of synovial fluid. Its importance for a healthy joint is enormous, since it nourishes the cartilage layer and smoothes out friction in the joint capsule.

The process of opening the bone tissue can create injury.

How to open the hip joints so that this does not happen? To do this, it is important to familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • Before you start performing stretching asana on your own, you need to carefully study the methodology for doing it. Pay attention to the nuances of the exercise.
  • Do each action gradually, without haste. This method will help you improve little by little without feeling much pain, and if you do the asana quickly, the tissues will not be able to adapt naturally.
  • If you feel severe pain, you should stop. This means that blood circulation is impaired.
  • The main thing is the systematicity of the exercises. It is necessary to conduct from 2 to 4 workouts per week.

Yogic asanas most productively open the hip joints.

How to test for signs of disease?

Clinical manifestations of pathologies of the hip joints are accompanied by pain symptoms in the back, knees and/or groin area. You can test the articular surfaces of the musculoskeletal system yourself at home.

Lying on your stomach, you should bend the limb and move it to the side. The presence of pain indicates the presence of a specific medical problem. The next test is performed while lying on your back. The bent leg at the knee should move freely in a circular motion.

The hip joint is a circular sliding surface that should rotate without restriction along a trajectory reminiscent of the figure "8". As soon as a pain sign limits the degree of freedom of the hip joint, it is a sign of the presence of a certain type of articular pathology.

A weak joint means weakened muscles , insufficiently functional main blood circulation, and the risk of sprain and/or rupture of the ligamentous apparatus.

TBS testing video:

The essence of physical training

The main problem that activates the process of destruction of the hip joint is a decrease in the amount of synovial fluid. The glands of the shell of the same name, lining the articulation cavity, are responsible for its production. As soon as there is less synovial fluid, the mobility of the articular surfaces is impaired and the friction between them increases. This leads to a narrowing of the joint space, which in severe situations completely immobilizes the patient. This is how arthrosis of the hip joint occurs.

This is a real image of the femoral head with stage 2-3 arthrosis. Look carefully and think, will gymnastics help in this case?

Medicines can slow down the progression of the disease, but the process cannot be stopped. At an unfavorable moment, arthrosis will lead to serious pain, which will significantly affect the quality of life. However, even at the moment when it becomes clear that endoprosthetics surgery is no longer possible, therapeutic exercises will prove extremely useful for improving the functioning of the joint, both before and after surgery.

The effect of exercises carried out at home is as follows:

  • stimulation of blood flow around the damaged joint;
  • restoration of muscle performance and prevention of muscle atrophy;
  • stimulation of the glands of the synovial membrane due to intensive blood supply;
  • reducing the progression of arthrosis;
  • stretching and mobilization of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • general strengthening of the body and immune system.

After any gymnastic exercises, the mood improves, which leads to an increase in a person’s ability to fight the disease.


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A network of blood vessels that supplies tissues with useful substances that promote rapid regeneration of the cartilage surface.

However, not only the psychological factor influencing the patient plays a role in activating restoration processes in the hip joint. There are also quite tangible changes that the patient will feel after treatment through regular exercise. These include:

  • increased range of motion in the joint;
  • pain relief;
  • increased strength in a limb;
  • easier walking;
  • reduction in the frequency of colds;
  • improving quality of life.

Although gymnastics will not radically change the situation, the joint will still have to be replaced with prosthetics; it will help reduce rehabilitation time and speedily restore motor activity in the postoperative period. This will be possible thanks to developed muscles and well-developed tendons, as well as stable blood flow in the hip joint.

There are many options for gymnastic exercises done at home. But the effectiveness of their treatment is completely different. The most relevant training is that proposed by a professional exercise therapy instructor, as well as the classic methods of Evdokimenko and Bubnovsky. A video of classes with a physical therapy specialist clearly shows the optimal set of exercises.

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Simple exercises for osteoarthritis

The simplest way to treat congenital dysplasia and initial damage by deforming arthrosis is physical therapy (PT) of the hip joint. A simple (basic) set of daily exercises stabilizes the affected cartilage tissue of the articular surfaces.

Exercises while lying on your stomach:

  • slowly raise your straight leg up with a delay of 3-5 seconds, then slowly lower it down until completely relaxed. The same is done with the other leg. The main task of such therapeutic and preventive action is to pump up the thigh muscles without disturbing the hip joints;

  • bend the knee and alternately slowly lift the right and left limbs, still holding the movement for 3-5 seconds. The purpose of this exercise for the hip joint is to stabilize muscle functions and restore blood supply.

Position taken - lying on your back:

  • Bend one leg at the knee and keep the other straight. Slowly raise the straightened leg up with a delay of a few seconds, then lower it until completely relaxed. The same movements are performed with the other leg;

  • bend both legs at the knee joint at an angle of 90º, smoothly direct them towards the stomach without touching it. We lower our legs and relax;
  • Bent legs at an angle of 90º should be slightly spread slightly wider than the hip area. Slowly raise the pelvis, bending as high as possible, holding the position for 3-5 seconds. Slowly lower the pelvis, trying not to touch the floor surface.

The following gymnastic approach is performed lying on your side:

  • one limb is relaxed and bent at the knee, the other is straightened. Slowly raise the straight leg up to 45 degrees, and holding it in the air a little, smoothly lower it down. Do not perform the exercise too abruptly to avoid tearing the articular tendon;

  • turn the body over to the other side and perform the same exercise with the other leg.

Starting position - sitting:

  • slowly lean forward, wrapping your hands around your toes. You need to stay in this position for a few seconds. If it is impossible to reach your fingers due to the physiological characteristics of the body or physique, you should not overexert yourself, but simply use a towel, draping it over your legs like a noose.

When performing exercises, you should not strain other muscles of the body. Only the muscles of the limbs should work. Each exercise is repeated at least 5 times.

Treatment with gymnastics according to Bubnovsky

Professor S. M. Bubnovsky has developed an effective method for treating coxarthrosis, which allows one to avoid surgery and restore quality of life. The technique is known under the term “kinesitherapy” and is based on the treatment of joints with movement.

The complex includes the following exercises:

  1. Get into a knee-elbow position. As you inhale, slowly arch your back, while exhaling, bend your back. Exercise relaxes your back.
  2. Leaning on your palms and knees, stretch forward, without bending in the lumbar region. Return to previous position.
  3. Leaning on your elbows, exhale and lower yourself to the floor. Straighten your arms on the next exhalation, lowering your buttocks to your heels.
  4. Change position - roll over and lie on your back, as for pumping your abdominal muscles. Reach your elbows to your knees. In the same position, raise the pelvis as high as possible.

Bubnovsky exercises are performed for 10-30 repetitions, if possible, taking into account the general condition.

Gymnastics for diseases of the hip joint I and II degrees

The following set of exercises is recommended for patients suffering from aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, coxarthrosis or moderate arthrosis of the hip joint.

Starting position - lying on your back:

  • slowly pull up the legs, bent at an angle of 90º to the body, and slightly spread them to the side. After holding this position for 3-5 seconds, we return to the starting position. A correctly performed movement involves pressing your heels to the floor and sliding them along a flat surface. The exercise is repeated 5-10 times;
  • We pull the bent limbs towards the stomach with a smooth movement, providing slight resistance with our hands. This type of therapeutic exercises is performed 5-10 times;
  • This positional part of physical therapy ends with an exercise to relax spasmodic muscles. Lying on your back, slightly spread your straight legs to the sides with your feet turned outward. With thighs tense, we turn our feet inward, pressing our knees tightly against each other. We return to the starting position for 5-10 seconds and resume tension in the legs. The position is performed 3-5 times.

Starting position – lying on your side:

  • the bent limb at an angle of 90º slowly rises up and smoothly lowers to its original position. The main condition is not to separate your feet from each other;
  • We repeat the movements of the previous exercise, turning the body in the other direction. The recommended gymnastic course must be repeated 5-10 times.

Starting position – lying on your stomach:

  • placing straight arms along the body, it is necessary to smoothly raise the straightened leg at an angle of 45º with a delay of the position for 15-20 seconds;
  • similar movements are made with the other limb;
  • bend the right leg at an angle of 45º and perform an upward movement while holding it on weight for 30 seconds to one minute. The peculiarity of this exercise lies in the static position of the pelvic bones pressed to the floor surface;
  • repeat the previous exercise with the left limb, holding it in static balance for the same amount of time.

Starting position – standing on the floor:

  • feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned slightly to the sides while maintaining balance. We begin light squats, including only the femoral part in the work without straining the knee joints. Return to the starting position without straightening your back. This pendulum movement is performed 5 to 10 times.

Starting position – sitting on a chair:

  • sitting on the edge of a chair, you need to alternately lift your right and left limbs with smooth movements, trying to give them a horizontal position;
  • being on the edge of the supporting surface and pressing your heels tightly, you need to spread your knees to the sides, trying not to strain the piriformis muscle. Thanks to this exercise, blood is pumped into the hip joint. The treatment complex is performed 15-20 times.

You can complete the therapeutic exercises for the joints of the hip segments with a light preventive massage. Without getting up from the chair, we begin stroking the leg from the knee, continue moving along the anterolateral surface of the thigh, trying not to touch the back of it. The massage continues with intensive rubbing of the thigh on a preheated surface, the same massage procedures are transferred to the other leg. The duration of massage manipulations is from 1 to 3 minutes.

For additional stimulation of blood circulation and better gliding of your hands, you can use a special cream for massage therapy.

The need for TBS flexibility

Healthy joints must be mobile and have sufficient flexibility, since only in this state do they produce synovial fluid necessary to nourish cartilage and normal functioning of the lower extremities.

Lack of mobility of the hip joints entails:

  • stagnation of blood in the pelvis, varicose veins, development of inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the urinary organs;
  • the appearance of pain in the lower back;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • arthritis, arthrosis associated with the destruction of the cartilage layer;
  • limitation of limb mobility.

To develop joint flexibility, it is recommended to regularly perform special physical exercises. Women who are in the later stages of pregnancy are especially advised to perform such gymnastics.

How to prepare your joints for flexibility?

Yoga for the hip joints begins with the simplest asanas. As a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, people develop stiffness in joint mobility. Therefore, you need to start studying from a preparatory position. This way the body will strengthen and stretch to the required extent. The body will tune in to perform more complex asanas. There is no need to rush and force yourself. Otherwise, a sprain or minor injury may occur. You should not count on quick results.


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Below is a set of preparatory exercises that will make your joints more flexible.

  1. Sit on the surface. Straighten your back and legs. Straighten your arms in front and bend over, clasping your calves with them. Try to tilt your body as much as possible. It is important that there is no feeling of overstrain along the spinal axis. Stay in the pose for a few seconds. Each time, try to tilt your body deeper without bending your knees. Start with 2-3 inclinations and gradually increase to six.
  2. Get on all fours with your knees touching the floor. Gradually straighten your legs. Tension should be felt in the muscles of the thighs and calves. For more effort, place your heels on the floor.
  3. Lie on your back and slowly raise one leg to a right angle with the body. Direct your gaze forward. Stay in the pose for about 12 seconds. When lowering your leg, maintain a slight tension. Then raise the other leg. Repeat 2–5 times.
  4. Stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Bend your left leg, lifting it off the surface, and grab it with your left hand. Pull your leg up as far as possible. Raise your right arm up, moving your head back, bend your neck. Repeat the same steps with the other leg. Do the exercise 3-5 times.
  5. To warm up the hip joints you need to:
  • Take a sitting position.
  • Bend your left leg inward, touching your heel to the middle of your pelvis.
  • Right - move back so that the inner part of the thigh touches the surface. Stay in the pose for a few seconds. Feel its comfort.
  • Do the same actions with the right leg.
  • Repeat 3-5 times.

Doing this exercise stretches the tiny muscles of the hip joint.

Difficulties may arise when performing preparatory exercises. Don't despair. Regular exercise relieves pain.

Rules for performing therapeutic exercises

The main thing that must be observed when performing exercises is smooth and unhurried movements. Snatching efforts will cause microtrauma or other damage to the joints and will bring absolutely no benefit. Slow, moderate gymnastic movements allow you to create a certain wave of blood, which progressively washes the articular surface, improving the delivery of nutrients. Slow movements allow you to efficiently flush out decay products from the body .

Proper breathing patterns play an important role. You need to breathe only through your nose. Even a correctly performed set of exercises will not improve the situation in the next 2-3 weeks. A person will feel the first signs of improvement in his condition after a month of daily training.

If the proposed exercises cause sharp or acute pain in any of the vital organs, then physical therapy should be stopped.

Features of exercises after joint replacement

A set of exercises after hip replacement is an integral part of postoperative therapy, which is aimed at restoring the functions of the operated leg and muscle tone.

Therapeutic physical training complex for the hip joint, which has recently been operated on, has its own characteristics: firstly, early onset; secondly, an individual program; thirdly, continuity and complexity. These are fundamental points, violation of which will lead to disastrous results.

If in other cases you can use ready-made programs and perform them at home, then a set of exercises after hip replacement should be prescribed and developed only by a specialist.

Restoration efforts continue throughout the year. And even if the patient feels well, you should still follow all the doctor’s recommendations regarding physical activity.

Contraindications to exercises

Despite all the usefulness of exercise therapy, gymnastics for the hip joint has contraindications.

The following exercises are strictly not recommended:

  • when the peritoneum protrudes into the cavity of the inguinal canal;
  • for intervertebral hernias;
  • at the onset of menstruation;
  • with hypertensive crisis and/or increased intracranial pressure;
  • for complications of the cardiovascular system and severe diseases associated with blood vessels;
  • in case of exacerbation of chronic conditions of cholelithiasis, cholecystitis and the like.

In case of elevated body temperature of the subfebrile type, it is recommended to wait for recovery and begin exercises after 3-4 days.

Types of coxarthritis

Depending on the symptoms and causes, arthritis of the hip joint is usually classified as follows:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
    . This is a systemic disease in which the patient's own immune cells attack his cartilage and bone tissue. In RA, lesions of the hip joint are usually symmetrical (affecting both joints) and are often accompanied by inflammation of other joints. The disease sharply worsens under stress, allergies, overheating or hypothermia, physical and emotional overload. This is a chronic disease that requires lifelong treatment and management.
  • Reactive arthritis
    . Always occurs as a result of infection - acute or chronic (for example, tonsillitis, cystitis, and so on). Most often, reactive arthritis of the hip joint causes ascending urinary tract infections, less often - descending intestinal infections. The causative agents of the disease include: ureaplasma, salmonella, chlamydia, mycoplasma, dysentery bacillus. Reactive arthritis is especially common among boys and men with reduced immunity and a history of recent infections. The acute phase of the disease must be stopped quickly - otherwise it can irreparably destroy the joint or part of it, and also become chronic.
  • Post-traumatic arthritis
    . Injuries can be open or closed, single or repeated. Sports, household, and professional injuries, as well as disorders of the joint and soft tissues caused by surgery, require immediate treatment. This type of disease is the most unpredictable - changes and pain in arthritis of the hip joint due to injury can grow for years, or can progress quickly within 2-3 weeks.
  • Gouty arthritis
    . A chronic form of arthritis associated with the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints. These crystals injure the cartilage lining and soft tissues when moving, causing constant irritation and inflammation. The disease requires lifelong treatment with diet.
  • Psoriatic arthritis
    . It occurs as a secondary inflammatory disease against the background of psoriasis (usually advanced). It affects not only the hip, but also other joints (polyarthritis).
  • Degenerative-dystrophic arthritis
    , which is also called
    . Appears due to wear and tear of synovial cartilage. In the absence of healthy gliding and shock absorption in the joint, chronic inflammation of the joint capsule occurs, which is accompanied by joint deformation and the appearance of osteophytes (bone outgrowths) that impede movement in the joint. Doctors associate it with disruption of healthy metabolic processes in cartilage tissue, as well as with endocrine pathologies.

Therapeutic prevention

Some medical experts believe that you can get rid of osteoarticular diseases of the musculoskeletal system by changing the quality and diet. You should avoid eating fermented foods, smoked meats, and foods with biochemical preservatives . It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of pickled, salty foods and sugar. It is best to satisfy your gastronomic cravings with foods of plant origin.

Even a person’s psychological attitude to stress is important, since rheumatic diseases of the hip joints are directly related to this. In simple terms, the stress hormone actually eats away the cartilage of the hip joint. If there is no release or discharge of nervous stress, then a spasm of the blood vessels in the joint area occurs. Most often, people with unstable mental health turn to rheumatologists, orthopedists and traumatologists.

Take care of yourself and always be healthy!


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Comments: 1

  1. Vladimir 01/14/2021 at 13:10
    Thank you for the good yoga lesson, I’m 64, my joints hurt, my mobility is limited, and at times I have acute pain in my left hip. I will practice your exercises.


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General recommendations

Training must be carried out regularly. Don't skip exercises without good reason, exercise every day. Work at a calm pace, movements should be as soft as possible and without jerking. Make sure you are breathing correctly.

Follow the principle of gradually increasing loads. It is impossible, without being well prepared physically, to immediately break records for the number of repetitions that are indicated in each point of the covered exercise. Start with the minimum possible, gradually increasing the number of repetitions. For example, out of the 8 indicated repetitions, for starters, it’s better to do 3-4, but efficiently and without overload, and then add one or more exercises at a time, focusing on how you feel.

When performing therapeutic exercises, carefully monitor your sensations, do not allow new pain to appear and the usual pain syndrome to intensify. Developing, increasing pain is a sign that it is urgently necessary to reduce the intensity or frequency of the exercise performed, and perhaps even stop exercising for that day. If pain caused by training persists for more than 2 hours, you should temporarily stop exercising and consult a doctor for advice as soon as possible.

Physical activity at the end of rehabilitation

On average, recovery takes six months. But longer rehabilitation is also possible. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the quality of his passage through each of the stages described above. Therapeutic gymnastics in the late period (6 months) and after its completion remains an unchanged recommendation.

What is possible

If there are no complications, the person can return to the lifestyle he led before the operation. Also important:

  1. give preference to outdoor activities;
  2. exercise at least half an hour 5 times a week;
  3. control your weight and prevent weight gain;
  4. give up risky sports and risky entertainment.

What not to do

The only thing that will have to be excluded is any activities that excessively overload the hip joint, accompanied by a high risk of falls and injuries. Thus, the list of prohibitions includes skydiving, intense aerobics, martial arts, wrestling, hockey, skating, running, football, etc.

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