Vitamin therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Osteochondrosis is a pathology that does not give anyone a pleasant feeling. In most cases, fairly mature people get it. On the other hand, today the number of very young people who have neck and lower back pain is increasing. Usually, this is the fault of the patients themselves, who move little and are constantly in a position that is far from comfortable. For example, if they are sitting at a computer.

Sitting for a long time compresses the discs, and therefore narrows the intervertebral canal. At first it only hurts occasionally. But gradually the nerves may become pinched, which will significantly increase the pain.

Vitamins for osteochondrosis

Therapy for osteochondrosis is carried out in many stages, using many complexes. For successful treatment, massage, exercise therapy, medications and proper nutrition are necessary. The patient also needs vitamins. If he consumes the necessary substances, this will allow him to quickly say goodbye to pathology. In addition, vitamins for osteochondrosis improve the general condition. From this article you can learn about the vitamins that are most useful in the treatment of osteochondrosis.

What are the consequences of vitamin deficiency during osteochondrosis, and how to detect it?

Osteochondrosis does not appear out of nowhere. It occurs mainly due to poor posture and lack of mobility. The second most important reason is a deficiency of essential substances in the blood. Many people are familiar with a lack of vitamins, and in winter and early spring it is felt more strongly. To find out whether the body has enough of everything it needs, a biochemical blood test should be done. This will allow you to find out which vitamins and minerals are too low.

Osteochondrosis can occur not only due to a sedentary lifestyle, but also due to a lack of vitamins

Osteochondrosis is very common, and anyone can get it, regardless of age. In a fairly elderly person, it is often accompanied by osteoporosis. This signals that the body has too little iron, zinc, and calcium.

In the pharmacy you can find many vitamin complexes containing vitamins and minerals. It is best to use them after consulting a neurologist. If you have diagnosed vitamin deficiency, it is possible and even beneficial to take vitamins. If there is no such diagnosis, this is not worth doing. An excess of vitamins and minerals is just as harmful as a deficiency: it can cause problems in the functioning of organs.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency due to osteochondrosis

It is incorrect to believe that osteochondrosis develops only against the background of incorrect posture and limited mobility of a person. Another important reason for the progression of the disease is a lack of vitamins in the blood. Vitamin deficiency is especially severe in the spring. To find out what nutrients the body lacks, you need to do a biochemical blood test.

Osteochondrosis develops at any age, but it is more often diagnosed in older people and is often accompanied by osteoporosis. And this disease indicates that the body lacks iron, zinc and calcium.

For the rest, the lack of vitamin substances due to osteochondrosis is manifested by lethargy, fatigue, dizziness, flashing “spots” before the eyes, tinnitus, etc.

How do vitamins work for osteochondrosis?

Vitamins help perfectly in spinal therapy:

  • accelerate tissue restoration;
  • restore sensitivity to the nerves;
  • improve immune function;
  • strengthen unaffected cartilage and discs;
  • accelerate the absorption of calcium.

Vitamins for osteochondrosis help speed up the restoration of damaged tissues, improve the condition of cartilage and intervertebral discs

What is the danger of vitamin deficiency in osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis is a disease that primarily occurs due to incorrect posture and insufficient mobility of the spine. A secondary role is played by beneficial substances that enter the body in insufficient quantities. Their deficiency leads to rapid progression of the disease, decreased protective properties, and deterioration of well-being.

What complications of osteochondrosis does taking vitamins help prevent:

  • Numbness, impaired mobility of limbs, paralysis.
  • Muscle tissue atrophy.
  • Compression of the medulla oblongata.

Despite the fact that pharmacy displays offer a wide selection of vitamin complexes, they should only be taken if indicated. Get tested and if the diagnosis of vitamin deficiency is confirmed, consult a neurologist about which medications are suitable specifically for your case.

Vitamins needed for an organism affected by osteochondrosis

For osteochondrosis and other cartilage pathologies, complex vitamin therapy is useful. This complex includes the following vitamins.

Table. Vitamin complex necessary for osteochondrosis.

Vitamin A (retinol)Designed to make cartilage stronger, participates in the body's production of blood.
Vitamin D (calciferol)It is necessary for better calcium accumulation in the skeletal system, which is best helped by D3.
Vitamin C (well-known ascorbic acid)Necessary for removing toxins, improving immunity, protecting tissues, faster healing, and also as an anti-inflammatory component.
Vitamin ENeeded by the body as an antioxidant.
B vitaminsInclude: • B1 (thiamine), to improve the immune system, improve nerve nutrition and protein metabolism; • B2 (riboflavin), in order to make cartilage elastic; • B6 (pyridoxine), to increase immunity, as well as physical strength; • B12 (cyanocobalamin), which stops inflammatory processes and returns metabolism to normal.

B vitamins and back pain

Back pain is born with a person. Unfortunately, sometimes babies receive spinal injuries at birth. Children grow and mature, their workload increases, and a sedentary lifestyle contributes to the further development of the disease. Backache

getting younger every year. Girls and boys have stopped walking and spend a lot of time on their phones or at computers. Adults gain weight and spend their free time watching TV.

Causes of spinal diseases

Every tenth resident of industrialized countries consults a neurologist once a year with back pain. Mostly, diseases arise from muscle strain, sprained ligaments, and joint damage. There can be several causes of back pain. There are acute neuralgic pains from thirty to forty days or chronic pains up to six months. People suffer, material losses are associated with partial or complete loss of ability to work.

The first group includes patients in whom pain occurs suddenly, lasts a short time, and the pain syndrome can be relieved. The second group of patients has chronic spinal diseases. Doctors classify some as patients with “age-related changes,” while others are mercilessly called “victims of lifestyle.” As a result, a diagnosis of osteochondrosis is made, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory injections of group B are prescribed to restore nerve endings, and a back massage

and physical therapy.

When did wizards appear who make life easier? In Poland at the beginning of the twentieth century, scientist Casimir Funk discovered B vitamins, which enhance metabolism.

Today, an in-depth analysis is being carried out on the use of drugs for pain in the spine. Whether vitamin complexes will become a serious competitor to analgesics, time and new scientific research will tell. Based on practice, it can be argued that B vitamins have analgesic properties. It has been clinically proven and it is important to note that if sharp, sudden back pain occurs, using B vitamins with NSAIDs is safer than just NSAIDs.

Vitamins B1, B6, B12

Their properties:

  1. The drug B1 (thiamine) calms the nervous system, affects brain function, and transmits genetic information during cell division. Found in plants: apricots, dried apricots, potatoes, spinach, grains and bran. In dairy products in smaller quantities.
  2. The drug B6 (pyridoxine) affects metabolic processes in the body and the cardiovascular system. Pyridoxine is found in nuts, tomatoes, meat, poultry, etc.
  3. The drug B12 (cyanocobalamin) is involved in hematopoiesis in the sheath of nerve fibers. Found in products of animal origin.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) provide significant benefits in the treatment of back problems. If B1, B6, B12 are used separately, the result will be modest. When NSAIDs are combined with B vitamins, they reduce side effects. Such drugs alleviate suffering from back diseases; they are combined and used in medical practice for acute back pain. Some patients refuse analgesics for their own individual reasons, so doctors turn to group B.

Purpose of vitamins

Neurotropic drugs treat the nervous system:

  1. B1 acts as a pain reliever and relieves numbness in the limbs.
  2. B6 is used to treat tunnel neuropathy (nerve compression).
  3. B12 dulls pain and affects the treatment of motor functions.

Vitamins of this group affect the nervous system. The drug Milgamma, which includes vitamins B1, B6, B12, Diclofenac and a separate complex of group B, was used in an experiment on patients with acute pain. At the end of the check, it turned out that the first to refuse treatment with diclofenac began to have side symptoms (gastrointestinal tract). Then they stopped taking Milgamma, but completed the course of combined B vitamin preparations.

Everything, of course, is very individual, but among doctors it is believed that the use of vitamin B is simply vitamin therapy to strengthen the nervous system. But pharmacology is moving, scientists are working. In the future, group B drugs will be studied for the treatment of back and will lead to recovery.

Vitamins B1, B6, B12 play a role in therapy for nonspecific back pain for pain relief and repair. They reduce the dose of analgesics and non-steroidal drugs, reduce side effects in gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, pressure surges, and back pain gradually goes away.

The future lies with the complex

In modern medicine, back pain ranks second after colds. The treatment algorithm in our time is incredibly wide. Various methods are used to relieve pain. There are more and more specialists, the knowledge of doctors is expanding. Chiropractors and osteopaths, neurologists, neurosurgeons, and pharmacologists work to alleviate spinal diseases.

In practice, the effectiveness of the combined action of NSAIDs and B vitamins has been proven. Patients with back diseases are usually prescribed NSAIDs, since they are considered the main pharmacological agent of therapy. Injections with B vitamins have established themselves as an important component in the treatment of osteochondrosis.

Thoroughly studied risks of using NSAIDs set the rules for drug treatment.
When prescribing NSAIDs, patients should use gentle doses and reduce the duration of use as much as possible, and use more B complex vitamins. As time passes, humanity will reveal all the secrets and capabilities of these drugs. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Reasons for the extreme importance of vitamins in the treatment of neck osteochondrosis

Of course, osteochondrosis is not pleasant and painless. But with advanced pathology in the neck, severe complications cannot be excluded, which is caused by its location close to the brain. It’s good if it’s just numbness or problems with hand mobility. There are also constant pains, and muscles can also atrophy.

Moreover, the growth of the bones of the neck, if the cerebellar tonsils descend into the foramen magnum, is sometimes fraught with compression of the medulla oblongata, which controls the activity of the lungs and even the heart.

If there is a lack of vitamins in the body of a patient with osteochondrosis, complications may begin to develop.

To avoid these serious, if not dangerous, complications caused by neck osteochondrosis, it is necessary to take vitamins. Moreover, the most important vitamins here are B vitamins: they contribute to the functioning of nerves in these harsh conditions.

Products containing vitamin composition

It is important to include in your diet those foods that contain the largest amount of vitamins necessary for osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.

  1. A - carrots are rich in retinol; it is also found in liver and fish, for example, cod and herring. You can find it in apricots and peaches, as well as in dairy products, especially cottage cheese and homemade butter.
  2. B vitamins of this group are found in many foods. All types of meat contain 4 essential vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12. Bone broths are good for strengthening cartilage. It is also useful to eat fish and seafood. From cereals, choose oatmeal, buckwheat, barley and semolina. They are found in milk, dairy products and cheese. Can be found in vegetables - potatoes, cabbage, homemade tomatoes, carrots, corn, herbs and legumes. Some fruits also contain B vitamins, such as bananas, apples and plums. Include nuts, seeds, grains, rye bread and eggs in your diet. Sweets lovers can rejoice - these substances are contained in cocoa.
  3. C - found in large quantities in citrus fruits, as well as in almost all fruits and berries that can be found in the summer. Vegetables rich in vitamin C include red peppers, radishes, and herbs. It is also contained in rose hips. You can pick berries in the summer and cook a delicious rosehip broth in the winter.
  4. D - the largest amount of this substance is found in fish oil. Vitamin D can also be obtained by eating egg yolks, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, potatoes and mushrooms. An important source of this vitamin is sunlight, so in the summer, do not neglect the opportunity to sunbathe a little.
  5. E - all vegetable oils are rich in this vitamin. You can diversify your diet with salads with the addition of olive, hemp and flaxseed oil.
  6. Ca - it is believed that the largest amount of calcium is contained in milk and cottage cheese, but there are other products that provide the body with this substance just as well as dairy products. Calcium is found in sesame seeds, which can be added to salads and baked goods. It is useful to eat a handful of almonds or hazelnuts, a couple of cloves of garlic, and fresh parsley every day. Although this microelement does not belong to vitamins, it is included in almost all vitamin complexes.

What products can you find vitamins in
? As you can see, the list of products does not include any rare or expensive items. They are easy to find in markets and stores. All that remains is to review your daily diet and create a menu in such a way as to maximally saturate your body with substances that are beneficial for the spine.

Vitamin complexes for osteochondrosis

Now let's talk about the most popular vitamin complexes needed for osteochondrosis.

Taking pharmacy vitamin complexes is no less useful

Multivitamin complex "Pentovit"

The Russian complex “Pentovit” in tablets contains almost all B vitamins. It also includes nicotinic acid. All this participates in the body’s metabolism, regulating lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, all this improves the transmission of impulses from nerves to muscles, and simply normalizes the level of vitamins. The course is as follows: take 3-6 tablets per day for a month.


Vitamin complex "Duovit"

"Duovit" contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. We can say, everything you need to treat osteochondrosis. The plate contains capsules of two colors. Blue capsules contain minerals, and red capsules contain B vitamins. Drink a tablet of each color per day for 20 days. If your doctor allows it, you can then take the capsules again.


Multivitamin preparation "Dekamevit"

This is an excellent drug, and it has long been in demand for restoring the level of vitamins and minerals for the treatment of osteochondrosis. This complex contains many necessary ingredients:

  • group B;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin A
  • tocopherol;
  • cholecalciferol;
  • vitamin K;
  • methionine

Together they allow you to achieve:

  • growth and acceleration of bone and cartilage restoration;
  • getting rid of free radicals;
  • increasing the speed of certain metabolic processes;
  • glucose control;
  • return immunity to normal;
  • improving blood clotting;
  • getting rid of toxins.

Take one or two tablets per day for twenty days. Then a break of sixty to ninety days.


Mineral and multivitamin complex "Centrum"

This American remedy is prescribed to nourish bones, cartilage and nerves. This drug contains not only standard vitamins, but also essential minerals. Thanks to this, the person taking it receives all the microelements he needs for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. The drug is useful for the formation of spinal bones, as well as for restoring some metabolic processes. It was specially created to supply the body with all the vitamins it needs.

Course: take a tablet every day for a month.


Combined drug "Milgamma"

The German medicine nourishes the body with vitamins, while being a good analgesic. It includes essential B vitamins, as well as lidocaine. Distinctive aspects of the drug:

Vitamins for osteochondrosis and their beneficial properties

Vitamin-containing preparations strengthen the immune system and give the body the strength to get rid of osteochondrosis. Metabolism accelerates, cells are renewed faster, which allows cartilage tissue to regenerate and be destroyed less in the future.

All vitamins perform a specific function:

  1. They do not allow calcium salts to be deposited and form osteophytes, slowing down the rate of degenerative changes.
  2. Protect and strengthen the structure of the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs, preventing the appearance of hernias.
  3. They have a positive effect on nerve fibers, as a result of which pain disappears.
  4. Relieve inflammation and promote tissue regeneration.

Vitamins have a lot of useful properties.
Let's talk in more detail about which vitamins are needed and about the beneficial properties that they have.


Vitamin A (retinol) - improves metabolic processes and also takes part in the formation of bone tissue. Retinol has wound-healing properties and slows down the aging process. The vitamin is responsible for renewing body tissues at the cellular level. By stimulating collagen synthesis, it strengthens intervertebral discs, making them firmer and more elastic.

B vitamins

For osteochondrosis, it is very important to take B vitamins:

  • B1 (thiamine) - provides nutrition and restoration of nervous tissue;
  • B2 (riboflavin) - makes cartilage more elastic;
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • B 12 (cyanocobalamin) - stops the inflammatory process.

A special property of B vitamins is analgesic and anti-inflammatory. These substances are necessarily present in the complex therapy of osteochondrosis.

Ascorbic acid

Vitamin C, known to you as ascorbic acid, is responsible for strengthening the immune system and regenerating connective tissue. Stimulates the active production of collagen, which is needed to strengthen cartilage.


Calciferol (Vitamin D), strengthens the bone tissue of the vertebrae and prevents their deformation. Accelerates the processes of connective tissue regeneration. It is prescribed not only for the treatment of osteochondrosis, but also for the prevention of osteoporosis.


Vitamin E (tocopherol) rejuvenates cells and regenerates cartilage tissue, normalizes blood circulation, thereby improving the supply of nutrients to the spine. Strengthens muscle tissue, protects the body from the destructive effects of toxins.

Multivitamin preparations

In pharmacies you can find many single-component vitamin complexes and multivitamins, so without the help of a specialist it is difficult to choose the drug yourself.

Ask a neurologist what vitamins to take for osteochondrosis and select medications that are suitable specifically for your case. To determine which elements are missing in the body, you need to take a special blood test. The doctor should also clarify how long the course of vitamins should be for osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine.

Most likely, your doctor will recommend one of these medications:

  • "Dekamevit" - contains all B vitamins, folic and nicotinic acid, ascorutin. It should be taken after meals. The optimal dosage is 1 tablet in the morning or 2 tablets per day.
  • "Calcium D3 Nycomed" - contains calcium carbonate and cholecalciferol. Suitable for elderly patients, provides prevention of osteoporosis. Chew 2 tablets daily, 1 each with breakfast and dinner.

  • "Neuromultivit" - tablets with three types of vitamin B (thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin). It is enough to take 1 tablet per day, preferably in the morning, after meals.

  • “Pentovit” is the closest analogue, it has almost the same composition, but additionally contains nicotinic and folic acids. The concentration of substances is lower, so the dosage is prescribed from 2 tablets and more than 3 times a day.

  • "Centrum" is a mineral complex with retinol, tocopherol, potassium, vitamins B, D, ascorbic acid and many other minerals. Contains the most complete range of useful substances. "Centrum" should be taken according to a doctor's prescription.

Of course, it is impossible to cure osteochondrosis with vitamins alone. In addition to multivitamin complexes, it is important to take other medications - anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors and muscle relaxants.


Sometimes vitamin preparations are prescribed in the form of injections. In the intestines, vitamins are absorbed slowly, and some of them are completely lost. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, it is recommended to inject the drug.

The list of vitamins that can be injected for osteochondrosis is as follows:

  • "Milgamma" is a medicinal solution containing B vitamins and lidocaine. The medicine quickly relieves inflammation and restores nerve fibers, and also relieves pain. In the acute phase of osteochondrosis, Milgamma is administered 1 ampoule per day, and in the remission stage - every other day.
  • "Neurobion" - the same composition, only without lidocaine. The medicine relieves pain when nerve roots are pinched - a common consequence of osteochondrosis. The injection schedule is 1 ampoule per day for acute pain and every other day as maintenance treatment.
  • “Pyridoxine” is a one-component solution containing only vitamin B6. It comes in powder form, so it must be diluted first. A single dosage is 50–100 mg per day. It can be injected into a muscle or injected into a vein.

The list of drugs can be continued; there are many options for one-component solutions and multivitamins. A neurologist will tell you which ones you can inject to get rid of osteochondrosis.

Other means

All of these drugs are the medications that doctors recommend most often. Experts recommend them in order to give the patient’s body the necessary substances, most of all this concerns B vitamins.

Doctors also prescribe other useful remedies. For example:

  • "Combilipen";
  • "Unicap";
  • "Magne B6";
  • "Magnelis B6";
  • "Neurobion";
  • "ATF-long";
  • "ATF-forte".

Important! There are still a great variety of means. So the remedy, method of administration, as well as dosage should be prescribed by a specialist. It is necessary to make adjustments to the daily menu in order to consume foods rich in vitamins, getting them from food.

Attention: in order to achieve sustainable results, as well as prevent the acute phase of osteochondrosis, you must achieve the following:

  • cessation of degenerative processes;
  • stimulation of regeneration in tissues;
  • preventing inflammation.

To do this, it is necessary to use vitamins as well as metabolic agents.

How to take vitamins?

Of course, any vitamin has its own characteristics. Among them there are those that should be taken only after meals, and others - before it. Moreover, there are also alcohol-soluble vitamins. Standard therapy has two options:

  • use vitamins as prescribed. Considering the realities of modern life, this is, to put it mildly, not easy, since then vitamins are strictly taken on schedule. On the other hand, this technique is more effective;
  • use of multivitamins. In most cases, this is a couple of cans of different multivitamins. They must provide the body with the vitamins and minerals it needs in a balanced manner. This is a little less effective, but this is more than compensated for by the enormous simplicity compared to the first method.

You can take both regular vitamins and multivitamins

Vitamins are auxiliary drugs in the treatment of osteochondrosis. Skipping a dose or two won't cause any problems. But medications should be taken systematically, and proteins and amino acids are needed in the daily menu so that a person can recover from osteochondrosis.

The right diet

Taking vitamins for osteochondrosis is very good as an aid to recover from pathology. But nutrition is also of great importance here. Here are some useful tips:

  • eat six times a day;
  • consume from 1800 calories per day - depending on weight;
  • consume a minimum of fast carbohydrates;
  • eat vegetables raw;
  • eat honey instead of sugar;
  • dried fruits as sweets;
  • do not consume coffee and spices;
  • consume food chondroprotectors - jellied meats and bone broths.

It is important to eat often, but in small portions, and also minimize the consumption of sugar and coffee

What to eat for vitamins

A sufficient amount of nutrients can be obtained from organic food.

What foods should be consumed to obtain vitamins for osteochondrosis:

  • B1 – greens, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, hazelnuts and walnuts, baked goods, almonds, barley, peas, beans, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, apples.
  • B2 – fermented milk products, cheese, cottage cheese, oatmeal, veal and lamb, mushrooms, herbs, wheat, buckwheat, cocoa, green peas, bananas.
  • B6 – fish and other seafood, milk, pork, sunflower seeds, cheese, cottage cheese, carrots, potatoes, buckwheat and semolina porridge, beef and lamb, corn, beans, cabbage.
  • B12 – chicken, spinach, liver and kidneys, seafood, mushrooms, lettuce, pork, eggs, milk, fish, cheese, beef.
  • C – oranges, tangerines, kiwi, pineapples, black currants, red bell peppers, spinach, cherries, sea buckthorn, dill, rowan berries, cranberries, cherries, rose hips, strawberries, apricots, melons, parsley, gooseberries, lingonberries, lemon, raspberries, radishes , cauliflower.
  • A – carrots, peaches, butter, parsley, plum, sea buckthorn, grapes, liver, legumes, melon, green onions and parsley, pumpkin, egg yolks, watermelon.
  • D – sour cream, milk, fatty fish, mushrooms, egg yolks, butter, fish and meat liver, parsley, sour cream, oatmeal, potatoes, sunflower seeds. You can saturate your body with vitamin D not only from food, but also through regular sun treatments.
  • E – soybean and burdock oil, legumes, sea fish, walnuts, sea buckthorn, hazelnuts, milk, radishes, olives, egg yolks, almonds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, green fruits and vegetables.
  • K – pork liver, cabbage, basil, lamb, strawberries, pork, tomatoes, asparagus, spinach, beef, wheat, rye, oats.

With osteochondrosis, it is not enough to regularly take foods rich in vitamins. It is equally important to adhere to a proper diet. Eat in small portions, but 5-6 times a day. Eat a minimum of simple carbohydrates, replace sugar with honey. Vegetables and fruits are more beneficial when fresh; the vitamin value after heat treatment is significantly reduced. Instead of sweets, eat dried fruits. Avoid carbonated drinks, strong coffee, and foods with lots of dyes. To strengthen the skeletal system with osteochondrosis, it is recommended to regularly consume jelly-like foods - jellied meat, chicken broth, jellied dishes. Every day you need to consume at least 1800 kcal.

More tips

It is also very useful to get rid of bad habits (most of all this concerns smoking), since, together with osteochondrosis, they sometimes cause vertebral artery syndrome, and also increase disturbances in the cardiovascular system.

You should also move more, while avoiding sharp/frequent turns, twisting of the torso, sudden lifting of heavy loads, holding them for a long time, as well as frequent flexion and extension of the lower back.

To improve your condition with osteochondrosis, it is also important to move frequently and undergo massage treatments

If you take a complex of medications and vitamins for osteochondrosis, undergo massage courses and physiotherapy, and also lead a healthy lifestyle, this will both ease the course of the disease and cure it faster.

Side effects

Important! With an overdose of vitamins, which is fraught with excessive consumption, you can get hypervitaminosis. It is harmful to the body.

Short-term hypervitaminosis is not dangerous. Long is another matter. It greatly increases the likelihood of tumors. In addition, it may be fraught with diseases of the entire body. For example:

  • hypertension;
  • worsening allergies;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • the appearance of cholesterol plaques;
  • problems with the nervous system.


So, we talked about what vitamins need to treat osteochondrosis. They make treatment orders of magnitude faster and more effective, as well as painless. The main essential groups of vitamins are described here. But they should not be purchased without the appointment of a specialist. You can eat foods rich in essential microelements on your own. By including it in your daily menu and following complex therapy, you can achieve rapid treatment success.

Of course, vitamins will not help to completely get rid of osteochondrosis, but they will definitely help improve the general condition of the body

By taking vitamins for osteochondrosis, the patient can overcome the degenerative processes occurring in the body. But there are certain restrictions in taking them that must be adhered to in order not to get hypervitaminosis. It is worth noting that vitamins are not the only necessary remedy for vertebral pathologies. You also need to do exercise therapy to strengthen your ligaments and muscles. This is useful in overcoming the symptoms and consequences of the disease. They also greatly ease the load on the spine, and therefore are useful for preventing the further development of pathology.

How vitamins act on the body

With regular use of vitamins for osteochondrosis and following the dosage recommended by the doctor, there is every chance to stop the progression of the pathology.

Vitamins have the following effects on the body:

  • They make the process of treating osteochondrosis faster and more effective.
  • Strengthens discs and cartilage that have not yet been affected by degenerative processes.
  • Accelerate the processes of calcium absorption in the body.
  • Restore sensitivity to affected nerve endings.
  • Improves protective properties.
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