Pilates for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

For the treatment of spinal osteochondrosis, a set of exercises similar to fitness was developed in the twentieth century - Pilates

The urbanized modern world creates maximum convenience for its inhabitants - people.

In order to get to your place of work or study, it is enough to take a minibus, metro or even a personal car.

Most stores, including grocery stores, will deliver goods right to your door in a matter of hours.

Even in order to earn a living, there are many ways to do this without leaving your home chair, without leaving your home apartment.

These benefits of civilization are extremely convenient, saving time and effort. However, next to the plus there is always a minus. This minus is poor health caused by a decrease in physical activity. The world is filled with problems of obesity, metabolic disorders and spinal diseases.

In order to help the population maintain a healthy body, a lot of sports sections and gymnastic exercises of varying difficulty levels have been developed - activities designed to replenish muscle load.

One way to improve your health at the gym is Pilates.

What is Pilates?

Pilates exercises create a corset of muscles around the spine, increase the elasticity of muscle fibers, and restore flexibility to the spine

Pilates is a variation of fitness developed at the beginning of the last century. The lesson combines physical exercises for all leading muscle groups and breathing exercises. Pilates is suitable for almost every person of any age; it trains not only the body, but also makes the brain work.

Regular Pilates classes help achieve the following results::

  • strengthen the muscles of the whole body, especially the back muscles;
  • get a brain boost;
  • saturate cells with oxygen;
  • relieve stress;
  • lose weight;
  • form a neat, toned figure.

The lesson takes place without interruptions, the exercises are performed smoothly, measuredly, it is necessary to carefully monitor the rhythm of breathing.

The set of exercises is designed in such a way that even an elderly person can perform it, but at the same time this does not affect the effectiveness of the exercises.

Symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis

Vertebral syndrome:

  • rachiocampsis;
  • lumbar muscle tension;
  • decreased mobility of the vertebrae in the lumbar region;
  • painful sensations.

Extravertebral symptoms can be reflex and radicular.

Reflex syndrome is accompanied by:

  • constant or sharp pain in the lumbar region after physical activity;
  • morning stiffness and decreased mobility due to constant muscle tension;
  • shooting in the lower back or leg;
  • numbness, tingling or burning, as well as decreased sensitivity of the lower extremities;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the intestines and bladder, as well as in sexual function;
  • irritability, sudden mood swings and fatigue.

Radicular symptoms arise due to the effect of lumbar osteochondrosis on the nervous system. These include:

  • muscle weakness;
  • decreased sensitivity;
  • radicular pain;
  • decreased reflexes or their complete loss.

Pilates for osteochondrosis

Pilates in the treatment of osteochondrosis shows excellent results, Pilates is especially effective in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

One of the main effects achieved by doing Pilates is strengthening the muscular corset of the back - supporting the spine.

With osteochondrosis, an uneven distribution of the load on the spine occurs; the parts affected by osteochondrosis are most severely affected.

The powerful muscle corset that occurs during Pilates classes allows you to unload the spine, distributing the load along its entire length.

In addition, Pilates classes include warm-up exercises that help restore the mobility of the spine affected by osteochondrosis.

Stretching exercises for the spinal muscles make them elastic, increasing the elasticity and strength of the spine.

Regular Pilates classes for patients diagnosed with osteochondrosis can slow down the development of the disease, reduce the manifestations of osteochondrosis and help restore the functions of the spine.

Features of the exercises

The Pilates technique includes a special breathing technique in which movements do not limit the volume of air inhaled. This saturates the tissues and muscles involved in the exercises with oxygen.

Concentrating on the areas being developed helps achieve harmonious interaction between mind and body. Pilates for osteochondrosis allows you to direct attention and energy to problem areas, promoting a speedy recovery.

Exercises in this technique are performed in a certain sequence, gradually involving all muscle groups in the training process. For example, with osteochondrosis of the lumbar region, it is important to train not only the muscles of the lower back, since for treatment it is necessary to restore the harmonious interaction of all elements of the musculoskeletal system.

The features of Pilates include precision and smoothness, when one movement gradually flows into another. Mental control over the state of the muscles in each pose, deep breathing helps to relax and has a calming effect. When exercises are performed correctly, tension is created in the muscle groups only of the department that is currently being trained. The exercises and features of their implementation are reminiscent of yoga. But unlike it, Pilates classes are based on repetition of movements and are more dynamic.

Pilates as a preventive measure

Properly selected exercises when doing Pilates and distributing the load on the spine can prevent the development of osteochondrosis.

The set of exercises during Pilates classes is designed in such a way that the following effects on the spine are achieved: strengthening the muscular corset, training the elasticity of the ligaments and muscles of the spine, improving mobility of the spine, and establishing metabolism in the structures of the spine.

The last point successfully allows you to prevent the development of osteochondrosis, since with this disease the metabolism in the spine and surrounding tissues is greatly deteriorated - salt deposits form on the vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs become thinner, and the processes of regeneration of cartilage, muscle and bone tissue are greatly slowed down.

Useful video:

Regular Pilates classes minimize the risk of osteochondrosis.

How to teach a person to tense deep muscles?

Here are some exercises for the deep muscles of the lumbar spine. To use them, a person must first feel which muscles are being trained. This is where we start all the exercises.

The maximum effect can be achieved using the Exart simulator, but many of these exercises can be performed at home.

A critically important point: all of the above exercises are performed strictly in a given order, since the following interrelated stages go through: relaxation, pain relief, moving joints, stretching and relaxing shortened and overloaded muscles and stimulating weak ones, activating stabilizing muscles, training stabilizing muscles in conjunction with motor skills, secondary prevention (home exercises). So what exercises should you do if you have a hernia of the lumbar spine or osteochondrosis to work the deep muscles? Repeat each exercise 4-6 times with rest breaks of 30-60 seconds.

Pilates exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is extremely common. The special insidiousness of cervical osteochondrosis is that it affects the brain. Due to degeneration of the cervical vertebrae, partial or complete compression of the blood vessels supplying the brain occurs.

The blood flow to the head is disrupted, resulting in a lack of oxygen needed by the brain and the outflow of venous blood is disrupted, causing congestion of the brain vessels and increased pressure.

Outside periods of exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, doctors recommend Pilates classes to patients. This makes it possible to ensure adequate nutrition of the brain, prevent relapses of osteochondrosis, and even protect the patient from such dangerous complications as stroke.

Pilates classes for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis are possible only after consultation with a doctor and must take place in the presence of a specialist. It is necessary to gradually increase the load, avoiding sudden fatigue when performing exercises.

Before the start of the lesson, warm-up exercises are carried out - they restore breathing, make rotational movements of the head, joints of the hands, elbows and shoulders.

After this, provided you feel well, begin the lesson. A set of exercises for cervical osteochondrosis includes 3 main points :

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. Place your hands on your shoulders, trying to stretch your neck upward, while simultaneously pressing your hands on your shoulders. It is important to monitor your breathing: inhale smoothly, count to 15 in your head, then exhale smoothly. After completing the exercise, lower your arms and relax your muscles.
  2. The starting position does not change. The arms hang freely at the sides. Smooth rolls of the head from one shoulder to the other, then from front to back. During the exercise, it is important not to forget about slow, measured breathing.
  3. Legs wider than shoulders. Head tilts are performed alternately as quickly as possible: forward-backward, right-left. As you increase your speed, try to maintain your breathing rhythm.

When performing a set of exercises, it is important to concentrate all your attention on the exercises, feeling each muscle.

After starting Pilates classes, pain in the shoulders and arms may appear - this is normal - the blood supply to the spine improves, but you must report the occurrence of these symptoms to your doctor.

Efficiency of application

You can exercise at home, fitness clubs, and rehabilitation centers. The last option for cervical osteochondrosis is most preferable. Before starting training, the rehabilitation doctor must explain to the patient the basic principles of Pilates. The point of regular exercise is not athletic achievements, but the strengthening of certain muscle groups that will stabilize discs and vertebrae and prevent their displacement.

Rules to follow during Pilates classesCharacteristics
"Rib" breathingDuring classes, deep breathing is practiced, allowing you to move with lungs filled with air. It concentrates in the lower part of these respiratory organs, so the anterior sections do not expand, like the abdomen
Concentration, separation of body and mindPhysical and mental processes are combined during training. The better the patient concentrates on the muscles that need to be strengthened, the higher the quality of the exercises, and the process itself goes much faster.
CenterThe energy source zone is the foundation, the main component of training. In Pilates, it refers to the area where the rectus and transverse abdominal muscles are located. It is from this zone that you need to take the energy necessary for training
Control and precisionDuring classes, a certain sequence of exercises is followed. That is, attention is focused not only on the muscles of the neck, but also on the adjacent muscles of the shoulder girdle and chest


Ira, 27 years old : I went to Pilates with a friend for company. Before the first training, the instructor asked about chronic diseases, I said that I had cervical osteochondrosis. She performed a separate complex specifically for my diagnosis. After 6 months of training, I noticed that headaches became much less frequent and my sleep improved. I recommend.

Alisa, 19 years old: Upon entering college, we noticed cervical osteochondrosis in the early stages. The doctor advised me to take up some kind of therapeutic exercise, so I went to Pilates. At first it was difficult to control my breathing, but I gradually got used to it. A few months later, at a follow-up examination, they said that they did not see osteochondrosis.

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To make a diagnosis, you should contact a neurologist. Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis without a neurologist's opinion is not only ineffective, but also dangerous. Depending on the clinical situation, the doctor will refer the patient for MRI, ultrasound, or CT. Our clinic has the required diagnostic facilities for comprehensive detection and treatment of pathology.

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