33,34,35,36 weeks of pregnancy: what happens, development of pregnancy and fetus

Causes of back pain during pregnancy and methods for improving well-being

The lucky ones who have not encountered unpleasant sensations, nausea and other negative consequences of an interesting situation are not the majority of women. Those who did not feel pain during this period came up with the myth that pregnancy is a carefree and calm stage of life. Before the birth of a little happiness, a representative of the fair sex encounters the peculiarities of pregnancy. For nine months, the body is immersed in vigorous activity for wear and tear, experiencing increased stress, through which the embryo is ensured normal development. Almost everyone knows what back pain during pregnancy is. Experienced medical professionals tell you what to do with this problem.

Sources of pain in early pregnancy

Doctors deservedly call the initial months of gestation the most critical, because during this period of time there is a rapid change of events in the body. You need to be aware of the factors that cause back pain during pregnancy in the first trimester. You can’t take all unusual sensations as reasons for concern. To be calm about your health, you should understand what causes natural pain syndromes characteristic of pregnancy, and what feelings indicate defectiveness.

Back pain in early pregnancy can be caused by a number of factors:

  • In the first 14 days, the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus. This event usually causes some discomfort in the lower abdominal region. Ladies who are unaware of their situation may mistake discomfort for premenstrual symptoms;
  • By 3-4 weeks, you also cannot help but panic, because at this time the formation of tissues for the future placenta occurs. In the first month, villi are introduced into the wall of the uterus, and subsequently the blood supply system to the fetus develops;
  • A week later, over 14 days, the muscle layer disappears, which can damage the embryo through spasms;
  • The described sensations occur in a woman at 7-8 weeks, when an active hormone called relaxin is produced. This substance affects the joints, allowing tissues to relax;
  • The muscle fibers of the uterus actively grow at 9-10 weeks, the mass of this organ increases several times, the shape changes for the qualitative development of the baby;
  • Also, painful sensations occur at the end of the formation of all organ systems. This happens at 11-12 weeks, when the first trimester ends.

The presented points are positive for a woman, but there are also negative factors. Sometimes a frozen pregnancy occurs, during which the embryo stops developing. Various inflammatory changes occur in the fertilized egg. At this moment, the body temperature also rises.

Almost always, the back hurts during an ectopic pregnancy, when the fertilized egg begins to form not in the immediate uterus, but outside it. Often a woman with this type of interesting position complains that there is pain in the area of ​​the right side of the abdomen. This condition must be examined by a doctor and given recommendations on further actions with this process.

Severe back pain during pregnancy can be determined by physiological transformations, but can also be a signal of a pathological process. The first semester is the most critical stage for the formation of an embryo, therefore, in case of discomfort, you should go to an experienced doctor who can make a differential diagnosis and answer the question of why your back hurts in the early stages of pregnancy.

Differences between real contractions and false ones:

  • soreness;
  • a feeling of contraction throughout the abdomen and pain spreading to the lower back;
  • regularity, repetition of contractions every 15, then 10.5 minutes;
  • increasing intensity - 5 times per minute;
  • increasing duration of the fight;
  • the presence of other signs of incipient labor (rupture of amniotic fluid, discharge of the mucous plug, diarrhea, nagging pain in the lower spine).

Despite the fact that training contractions occur irregularly, there are moments that can provoke them, for example, physical activity of a pregnant woman or active body movements of a child, stressful situations, strong emotions, orgasm, dehydration, a full bladder. Some of these situations can be managed to minimize the number of training contractions. After all, frequent false contractions are still not the most pleasant prospect for a pregnant woman.

Discomfort in the body in the later stages of pregnancy

Over the next months, the body prepares for the birth process, which causes severe back pain during pregnancy in the third trimester or earlier. There are enough reasons for discomfort:

1. Sprain of the ligaments that support the uterus. Due to the increase in the size of the organ, the pressure on the ligaments increases. In this case, discomfort is felt while sneezing or even when changing body position;

2. Overstrain of muscles in the abdominal area during physical activity. For feelings to pass, a woman must relax and rest;

3. Exacerbation of intestinal problems, appendicitis, liver diseases. At the same time, back pain in a pregnant woman as a sign of these diseases is quite specific. The feelings gradually intensify, the temperature rises, nausea and dizziness are caused;

4. The danger of interrupting pregnancy. In this case, very unpleasant sensations are possible, which can be felt in the lower back. For some ladies, this process resembles discomfort during labor. Without medication, such pain cannot subside. The listed symptoms are scary, they need to be resolved together with a doctor, most likely in an inpatient setting;

5. Placental abruption is a phenomenon that can occur as a result of injury or disease. At this time during pregnancy, the back hurts greatly due to rupture of blood vessels. Bleeding in the uterus begins, detachment causes complications, so it is important to call an ambulance immediately.

In addition to the listed gynecological problems, neurological diseases can be the cause. A painful feeling in the back can develop due to a herniated disc or radiculitis. In this case, it is recommended to stay in bed for some time, and a bandage or non-rigid corset is prescribed. Therapeutic gymnastics is also useful.

33,34,35,36 weeks of pregnancy: what happens, development of pregnancy and fetus

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  • 33-36
  • Week by week 33 - 36 weeks of pregnancy Elena Gevorkova Obstetrician-gynecologist, Moscow

    Week 33

    At the 33rd week, the weight of the fetus is 1800-1900 g, and the body length is 43-44 cm. The amount of subcutaneous fat increases, due to which the folds and wrinkles on the baby’s body are smoothed out, and the skin turns pink. The vellus hairs covering the body of the fetus, called lanugo, become smaller, and the hair on the head darkens and thickens. The baby's skin is covered with a thin layer of cheese-like lubricant, the largest amount of which accumulates in the folds - axillary, cervical, inguinal - as well as on the back of the body and face. Lubricant is a viscous white mass; it is a secretion of the sebaceous glands mixed with skin flakes. Its function is to protect the baby’s skin from damage and facilitate its passage through the birth canal.

    By this time, the fetal movements gradually change their usual character - they become more limited and less pronounced in amplitude due to insufficient space.
    However, the strength of the movements increases, since by this time the muscular system of the fetus is already sufficiently strengthened. Sharp and strong fetal shocks can be sensitive to the internal organs of a pregnant woman. Depending on the position of the baby, the liver, stomach, bladder, ribs, etc. may “suffer.” By 33 weeks, fetal movements are already sufficiently coordinated. EXPECTANT MOTHER
    The height of the uterine fundus from the level of the pubis at this stage is 34 cm. The volume of the abdomen is increased due to the weight of the child, placenta, and amniotic fluid. An increase in uterine pressure and strong fetal thrusts can cause some discomfort in the pregnant woman. Many movements previously available to the expectant mother, such as squats, become limited. Moderate physical activity - walking, fitness, etc. - requires frequent breaks.

    A change in the center of gravity increases the load on the spine, which can manifest itself as pain in the lower back, sacrum, and pelvic region. The pressure of the uterus on the stomach can cause or worsen nausea, heartburn, and a feeling of heaviness. An increase of almost 1 liter in the volume of circulating blood in a pregnant woman’s body increases the load on the kidneys, and the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder. All this can manifest itself as increased urination.

    These ailments are usually associated with mechanical pressure of the uterus on surrounding organs; they are not symptoms of the disease and are temporary. And to relieve nausea, heartburn and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, frequent small meals are recommended.

    Week 34

    By this time, the weight of the fetus is approximately 2100 g, and the height is 45 cm. The appearance of the baby at this stage is practically indistinguishable from the appearance of a newborn - the body is proportional, the face is without wrinkles and folds. From this period, the cheeks are very pronounced, since, developing the sucking reflex, the fetus often sucks the thumb. This leads to the fact that the baby’s facial muscles, in particular the cheek muscles, are strengthened. The overall muscle mass of the fetus increases, and the bones become denser.

    The baby’s internal organs are functioning intensively. During the day, he swallows multiple portions of amniotic fluid. Passing through the gastrointestinal tract, amniotic fluid stimulates the work of the muscle wall. The dense part of the amniotic fluid, which is a suspension of skin flakes, lubricant, vellus hair, is processed by liver and pancreatic enzymes, and the liquid part is intensively excreted by the fetal kidneys.

    About 500 ml of amniotic fluid is processed in this way per day.
    The production of bile continues, which accumulates in the gallbladder and, as the stomach fills with a suspension of amniotic fluid, enters the lumen of the small intestine. The functional development of the liver and pancreas during the prenatal period does not play a significant role, since the fetus lacks digestion; processes of production of bile and enzymes: lipase, which breaks down fats; trypsin, which breaks down proteins; amylase, which breaks down carbohydrates, etc. - are of a preparatory nature. FUTURE MOTHER
    Most pregnant women begin to feel quite intensely false contractions at this stage. Strictly speaking, false or training contractions, also called Braxton-Hicks contractions, can appear after the 20th week of pregnancy: the longer the period, the more frequent and pronounced the contractions. They are episodic contractions of the muscles of the uterus, lasting from a few seconds to 3-5 minutes. Braxton Hicks contractions are not pathological - they are a completely normal process in which the muscles of the uterus prepare for the difficult process of childbirth. This phenomenon is observed with varying degrees of intensity in almost all pregnant women.

    Many first-time mothers are concerned about the difference between preparatory contractions and labor contractions.

    Here are some differences:

    • Contraction frequency. Training contractions do not become more frequent; the intervals between them may vary. Labor contractions are regular, the interval between them is reduced.
    • Duration of contractions. Training contractions have different durations, from several seconds to minutes, their duration does not increase over time. Labor contractions tend to lengthen.
    • Soreness. Preparatory contractions may not be accompanied by pain at all or may be quite noticeable, even to the point of feeling sharp pain. However, their intensity weakens over time and the pain goes away. Labor contractions are painful and constantly intensifying.
    • Localization. Braxton-Hicks contractions can be felt in various places - in the lower part of the uterus, in the area of ​​its fundus, along the side walls, and cover the entire abdomen. Labor contractions begin with a contraction of the lower abdomen, spreading to the front. Often during childbirth, pain in the lower back is felt, and the nature of the pain resembles menstrual pain.
    • Connection with body position. Preparatory contractions may disappear after walking or, conversely, resting. Changing your body position can ease the tension in some muscles, which can also reduce the appearance of training contractions. Labor contractions may ease somewhat in a certain position - when bending forward, in a knee-elbow position, etc. - but their frequency and duration will still increase.
    • Reaction to taking drugs. The use of antispasmodic drugs - NO-SHPA, BUSCOPANA, PAPAVERINE, etc., approved by the attending physician, can weaken or completely stop false contractions. The effect of antispasmodics on labor pains is minimal.

    Any pain or discomfort should be reported to the gynecologist: this will help the expectant mother resolve doubts and cope with anxiety. A sense of security is the best companion of pregnancy.

    Week 35

    The body length of the fetus is 46-47 cm, weight - 2200-2300 g. These indicators can vary greatly in the last weeks of pregnancy.
    The height and weight of the fetus largely depend on heredity and individual parameters. Starting from 35 weeks, the baby will gain 200-250 g weekly. The fetus occupies almost the entire uterine cavity, its back is rounded, its arms and legs are bent and brought towards the body. The layer of subcutaneous fat increases significantly, which significantly “rounds” the fetal body. Closing the eyelids and contracting the facial muscles changes the baby’s facial expression quite often. The skin of the body becomes pink, smooth, and the amount of cheese-like lubricant begins to decrease. Vellus hair covers certain small areas of the body - shoulders, back. Nails protrude beyond the tips of the fingers. FUTURE MOTHER
    The fundus of the uterus is 35 cm higher from the pubis, 15 cm from the navel. The uterus reaches such a size that it pushes aside the organs located below - the bladder, intestines, but also those located above the diaphragm, in particular the lungs. The growing uterus does not allow the lungs to expand, respiratory movements are limited, which is manifested by difficulty breathing. Almost all pregnant women, to one degree or another, experience a feeling of shortness of breath - a feeling of lack of air, frequent and shallow breathing, a desire to take a deep breath. As a rule, these sensations occur at 28 weeks and reach their peak at 35-36 weeks. After 37 weeks of pregnancy, the abdomen droops, which makes breathing much easier.

    Shortness of breath during pregnancy is associated not only with the mechanical pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm, but also with the relaxing effect of hormones on the muscles of the bronchi and lungs. Most often it is provoked by physical activity - climbing stairs, long walks, etc. However, it is not uncommon for shortness of breath to occur at rest, especially when lying down. Both prolonged exposure to a horizontal position and excessive physical activity can contribute to increased shortness of breath. To alleviate her condition, the expectant mother needs to be rational about her daily routine - it is reasonable to alternate between rest and physical activity. It is important to monitor your posture, since slouching aggravates shortness of breath, reducing the already insufficient lung capacity. If shortness of breath is accompanied by blue lips or nails, sensations of pain behind the sternum, darkening before the eyes, nausea or vomiting, fainting, then you should urgently consult a doctor.

    Week 36

    The growth of the fetus by this time is approximately 47-48 cm, and the weight is about 2300-2500 g. The fetus enters a period of intensive preparation for childbirth. Each of the organs is already functionally mature enough to ensure the viability of the fetus. 36 weeks is the beginning of the preparatory journey, and the upcoming weeks of pregnancy are designed to finally shape the baby’s readiness for extrauterine life.

    By 36 weeks, the fetus occupies its final position in the uterus. As a rule, this is a longitudinal position, occipital presentation - in this case, the fetus is positioned head down, facing the mother's back. This is the most comfortable position that ensures the greatest safety for the baby during childbirth. More rare is breech presentation, a condition in which the buttocks and legs of the fetus are located at the bottom of the uterus. This is a relative indication for operative delivery. The final decision on caesarean section or spontaneous childbirth is made by doctors in each case individually.

    A change in the position of the fetus in the uterus is possible, but this does not happen often, since at this stage the fetus occupies almost all the free space in the uterus, which significantly limits its motor activity.
    As a rule, if a change in the position of the fetus occurs, it is only from the pelvic to the head. The opposite cases - the transition of the baby from the head to the pelvic position - are practically impossible, since the fetal head is heavier than the buttocks and occupies a definitive longitudinal position, by analogy with a float in water, the heavy part of which always outweighs. FUTURE MOTHER
    The height of the uterus is 36 cm, the volume of the abdomen is maximized, the bottom reaches the costal arches. At this stage, the pregnant woman’s body also begins its journey of preparation for the upcoming birth. Changes begin with hormonal changes: a woman’s level of special hormones – oxytocin and prostaglandins – increases slightly. These active substances play a vital role in the process of preparation for childbirth and directly during it. A slight increase in their level from 36-37 weeks of pregnancy leads to increased Braxton-Hicks contractions, increased frequency of urination and defecation, and the appearance of more abundant mucous discharge from the vagina.

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