The first “reasonable” movements: the expert spoke about the peculiarities of the 9th week of pregnancy

A magical state called pregnancy immerses a woman in a special world, filled with pleasant excitement and trembling expectations of a miracle. Moreover, it is not so important what kind of baby she is expecting: it is hardly possible to “get used” to your “interesting situation” so much that each time you do not experience the whole range of feelings inherent in it in a new way. Moreover, each new week of pregnancy, if it does not bring new sensations to the expectant mother, is certainly endowed with its own characteristic features associated with the growth and development of the unborn baby. FAN continues a series of publications dedicated to the weeks of pregnancy, and today our regular expert - candidate of medical sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist Maria Prokhorova - talks about how the 9th week goes.

Photo from the personal archive of Maria Prokhorova /

When does the 9th obstetric week of pregnancy begin and what are its characteristic features?

9 weeks of pregnancy is exactly the time when obstetricians can already call the developing embryo a full-fledged fetus. Inside the woman there is no longer an embryo, but a real intrauterine child, albeit still very small. This is the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, and it is safe to say that almost a third of the long and interesting path to happy motherhood has been completed. However, at the very beginning of the ninth week, the baby still somewhat resembles a pea pod or a comma, since he has not yet gotten rid of the “tail” characteristic of a person during the embryonic period of development. Actively “unbending” throughout this week, the fetus tries very hard to quickly acquire a “human” appearance and soon completely ceases to resemble a tadpole.

“The main difference between the ninth week is that during this period the baby’s nervous system is formed,” says Maria Prokhorova. “First of all, this concerns his brain. Such an important structure as the cerebellum is formed, and the first reflexes necessary for the baby’s future independent life appear, such as swallowing and sucking. In addition, the brain is divided into two hemispheres and the first convolutions are formed.”

The vivid development of the cerebellar structures also leads to the fact that the unborn child makes the first attempts at more active coordinated movements: this is also one of the characteristic signs of the ninth week.

Tenth week for baby

This week is important and significant; it is from here that the fetal stage of development begins, and the unborn child is now officially called a fetus, not an embryo. All the internal organs have already been laid down, which in the future will only have to grow and develop. Experts rightly consider the tenth week to be the final week in the first critical period: from this time on, the likelihood of developing defects that may arise as a result of chemical factors of various natures is no longer so high.

At this time, the fetus is freely located in the uterine cavity, without practically touching its walls. The unborn baby undergoes intensive formation of the nervous system, the transmission of impulses through the neuromuscular pathways is improved. This process leads to intense movements. Such movements are reflexive, they are active and caused by contact with the walls of the uterus. The fetus already makes fairly clear movements with its legs, head and arms. The woman is not yet able to feel the movements of the fetus, but during an ultrasound examination they are clearly visible.

At this time, the diaphragm is finally formed - a flat muscle designed to separate the abdominal and thoracic cavities. Further development of internal organs occurs.

What changes happen to the expectant mother in the 9th week?

During this period, a woman may experience a slight weight gain, this is due to the fact that the smart body, following the “order” of the hormone progesterone, began to store fat for future use, which during pregnancy is an important source of energy for both the female body and the growing baby .

However, visually, nine weeks of pregnancy, both in the photo and for the people around you, still remain invisible, so it is still possible to hide your interesting position from prying eyes. Moreover, if a woman had toxicosis at an earlier stage of pregnancy, then during this period her weight may even decrease slightly.

The period of nine weeks is also characterized by the traditional “whims” of pregnant women - for example, the already “classic” desire to immediately eat a piece of chalk or some food product that is extremely unloved in everyday life.

Examinations and tests

If a woman who took a pregnancy test and received a positive result at this time has still not reached the doctor, then now is the time to do so. An obstetrician-gynecologist will perform a visual examination, prescribe all the necessary tests and, if necessary, refer you for an ultrasound. It is impossible to detect the presence of any abnormalities in the development of the fetus in the eighth week of pregnancy (this is done at the first screening at 11-13 weeks), but the study will help make sure that the baby has a heartbeat and rule out a frozen pregnancy. Perhaps they will even give you the first photo of your baby, but you will hardly be able to see the details on it.

When registering for pregnancy, the expectant mother will need to undergo a number of laboratory tests. The mandatory list includes a smear to diagnose vaginal microflora, a urine test, a general and biochemical blood test, blood for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, determination of blood group and Rh factor. In addition, the doctor who will manage the pregnancy will offer to do an ECG and undergo examinations by specialized specialists: an ophthalmologist, dentist, endocrinologist and others, if such a need is identified.

Can a 9-week pregnant woman still experience mood swings and morning sickness?

Toxicosis in the ninth week may still be present, but this is not necessary. If it is still strong enough, then the good news is that the woman does not have long to endure, because, as a rule, closer to the 12-13th week of pregnancy, these painful symptoms completely subside. Also, sometimes during this period a woman experiences bloating: as a rule, this occurs either after eating or in the late afternoon.

“It is worth saying that at this stage a woman becomes more sensitive to aromas, which can also provoke attacks of toxicosis. Even familiar smells can cause an extraordinary reaction in a future mother. Plus the classic moments characteristic of earlier weeks: that is, mood swings, tearfulness, various emotional reactions - the so-called emotional lability - are noted during pregnancy. And, in any case, all this is due to hormonal changes in the female body, adds Maria Prokhorova.

Child development

Maria Prokhorova says that at eight weeks the embryonic period of the baby’s development ends. Now it is officially called not an embryo, but a fetus.

At this time, the little man’s characteristic facial and body features begin to “emerge.” Already now you can see the outlines of the nose, lips, jaws. The bones of the arms, legs and skull become stronger and gradually acquire hardness. Little by little, future wrists, bends of elbows, knees, ankles, shoulders are formed, fingers and toes are formed, ears, neck, and with it the respiratory tract develop, the “tail” disappears, and the limbs, on the contrary, become more and more distinguishable. The eyelids are almost formed, but are not yet fully functional. The tiny tongue already has taste buds.

By this time, the process of structuring the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, bladder and heart is coming to an end - it is now four-chambered, valves are being formed in it with might and main. The nervous system is actively improving. The baby begins to make his first movements, but he is still too tiny for them to be even noticeable. The size of the fetus at this stage is about 2 cm, and the baby weighs about 3 grams. To make it easier to imagine how small your future son or daughter is, imagine a bean or a grape. And yet, the rate of growth of yesterday’s embryo is amazing - in just two weeks it “grew” four times as big!

Just a week ago, the embryo was constantly in the fetal position, that is, the head was pressed against the future knees, and the back seemed to be twisted. Now the fetal body has begun to straighten, and it looks more and more like a baby.

Girls develop ovaries, and boys develop testicles, but even the most experienced specialist and modern equipment are unable to discern the sex of the unborn baby on an ultrasound. You'll have to be patient and wait a little.

“Tightening” of the lower back or pain in the lower abdomen in the 9th week of pregnancy: is this normal?

According to our expert, during this period, no pain or pulling sensations in a woman’s abdomen should normally occur, as well as feelings of pressure or any other discomfort. Therefore, if a pregnant woman suddenly develops any characteristic symptoms - for example, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, similar to approaching menstruation, sharp sharp stabbing pains, or discharge from the genital tract, abundant or endowed with some uncharacteristic color, then you should immediately consult a doctor .

Very important to know

Your term is still too short for fetal movements to be noticeable. But slightly unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen or lower back may make themselves felt. If the pain is moderate and situational, you should not worry, but if it becomes more intense and frequent, then you need to consult a doctor and do an ultrasound. Also monitor the nature of your vaginal discharge. If they are abundant, have color and smell, there is discomfort or itching, this is a reason to contact an antenatal clinic. In addition, changes in hormonal levels can cause problems with bowel movements or urination and even cause a rise in temperature.

In addition to physical changes, psychological changes await you. So, a pregnant woman is overcome by doubts about whether she will be a good mother. To say goodbye to all doubts, expand your ideas about motherhood by reading specialized literature and watching educational videos. And if the future dad keeps you company, it will be doubly pleasant and useful.

Ultrasound and other examinations in the ninth week of pregnancy

At nine weeks, a woman, as a rule, comes to the antenatal clinic, if for some reason she did not have time to do this earlier, and after a visual examination, the doctor prescribes classic options for examining a pregnant woman. An ultrasound examination can also be performed this week, especially if the woman has not had one before. During an ultrasound diagnosis in the ninth week of pregnancy, the doctor will determine the baby’s heartbeat, which will help exclude the already mentioned frozen pregnancy, as well as the number of fetuses in the uterus, their size and other parameters that allow us to judge the correct development of the fetus. And if circumstances and technology allow, the specialist can show the expectant mother the first movements of the baby, which, as we have already said, she cannot yet feel. Roseclay

Twelfth week for baby

The twelfth week ends the first trimester of pregnancy. By the end of this period, the length of the fetus is 90 mm, and its weight is approximately 20 g. At this time, many significant events occur in the life of the fetus.

He has an intensive development of the brain, the formation of connections between the spinal cord and the cerebral hemispheres. When you look at the structure of the brain, it resembles a smaller version of the adult brain. Throughout the first months, there were only red blood cells in the fetal blood, but in the twelfth week leukocytes, which are protectors of the body and belong to the immune system, are added to them.

The digestive tract also develops. The liver, which at this stage is the most developed organ and occupies most of the abdominal cavity, begins to produce bile, and not only provide hematopoiesis, as it was before. It is from the twelfth week that the intestines actively grow and begin to fit into loops, which can later be seen in an adult. The first peristaltic movements occur, i.e. contraction of the intestinal muscles, which should in the future ensure the movement of food through it. The fetus, starting this week, swallows amniotic fluid, and it passes through the intestines. This happens before birth. Peristaltic waves are a workout for the intestinal muscles.

In addition, the fetus undergoes rhythmic muscle movements, which are also training and imitate breathing. The glottis is tightly closed, so amniotic fluid is not able to penetrate the respiratory organs.

The fetus's kidneys begin to function, urine collects in them in small portions and exits through the urethra, ending up in the amniotic fluid.

At the twelfth week, the formation of the placenta is completed, and it becomes capable of functioning independently. The placenta is the most important organ for the fetus; through it, not only does the exchange of nutrients occur between the woman and the fetus. The placenta is an effective protector against internal and external toxins.

How to protect yourself from colds and infections during pregnancy?

Of course, one of the best measures to prevent colds and infectious diseases, especially in unstable epidemiological conditions, for a pregnant woman is to avoid crowded places.

“In addition, from a preventive point of view, it is useful to walk in the fresh air, follow a sleep and rest schedule, eat foods high in vitamin C, and perform mechanical rinsing of the nose and nasal passages with saline solutions after visiting crowded places,” our expert adds.

How risky is it for the baby if the mother gets sick at this stage?

A slight increase in temperature in the ninth week of pregnancy in the absence of symptoms of colds and other diseases should not cause expectant mothers to worry, because this phenomenon is associated with active hormonal changes in the body and the beginning of enhanced functioning of all its systems. Also, at the beginning of the ninth week, a runny nose often occurs, which has nothing to do with colds and other diseases. This is the so-called physiological rhinitis of pregnant women - swelling of the mucous membranes due to the accumulation of fluid in the body, which in some cases leads to impaired nasal breathing. This also applies to the consequences of progesterone activity, so such a runny nose does not need to be treated with anything. If a sore throat, body aches, cough, etc. are mixed with a rise in temperature and a slight runny nose, then you should immediately consult a doctor and, of course, under no circumstances self-medicate. Moreover, some medications are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy.

“In general, any infectious moments in the early stages of pregnancy are undesirable, so we, gynecologists, try, if possible, to convince women to be as careful and attentive as possible to their protective regime,” concludes Maria Prokhorova.

Eleventh week for the expectant mother

At this time, in most cases, vomiting and nausea, as well as intolerance to certain odors, disappear. Thus, a woman gets the opportunity to form a complete diet and begin to eat varied, giving preference to various healthy foods. It is advisable to eat freshly prepared food. If you follow a certain diet, you can avoid any problems during this period, the main one of which is digestive problems. The relaxing hormone progesterone causes the intestinal muscles to become lazy, leading to bloating and constipation. If even strict adherence to the diet does not help to cope with the problems, you need to contact a specialist who can prescribe safe medications.

As the fetus grows, blood volume also increases. A woman may experience increased sweating as a result of such changes. Increased kidney function leads to more frequent urination. If there is no discomfort or pain with increased urination, there is no reason to worry. Otherwise, you will also need to visit a specialist. Discomfort and pain can be symptoms of bladder inflammation, i.e. cystitis syndromes.

At eleven weeks, the first prenatal screening is carried out, which is aimed at identifying developmental defects. An ultrasound and biochemical examination is performed. The first screening is aimed not only at identifying developmental defects. This examination allows you to find out the condition of the chorion, the growth and degree of development of the fetus, the exact duration of pregnancy and other details.

What can and cannot be done for a woman at 9 weeks?

In the ninth week, as well as throughout pregnancy, a woman should not go to bed late: it is advisable to follow the usual daily routine - that is, ensure that you get up in accordance with biological rhythms and go to bed no later than 22:30. As for such a moment as intimate life, the decision on its admissibility or prohibition is made by the attending physician. The intensity and nature of physical activity during the period of bearing the unborn baby are also discussed individually.

How should you eat at 9 weeks pregnant?

Of course, the diet of a pregnant woman is significantly different from the menu of an ordinary person who can afford fast food, soda and other popular “harmful foods” without much harm to his health. The expectant mother's diet should be complete, balanced and regular, despite the fact that some people lose their appetite due to toxicosis. Hunger attacks should not be allowed; this can deprive both the child and the expectant mother of essential nutrients. However, overeating is also an extreme: contrary to popular belief, eating “for two” is not only unnecessary for a woman, but also dangerous.

“There are no special issues related to the nutrition of a pregnant woman in the ninth week,” says Maria Prokhorova. — From the very moment of conception until the onset of childbirth, a woman must adhere to the well-known principles of a healthy diet, do not consume fast carbohydrates, do not drink juices, do not eat large quantities of bread and sweets, maintain a healthy protein-fat balance in the diet, and adhere to the necessary drinking regime and monitor the intake of the required amount of vitamin and mineral elements into the body.”

Eleventh week for baby

The fetus continues to grow rapidly in the eleventh week. Externally, it looks like this: a fairly large head, small legs pressed to the tummy, a small torso and well-developed long arms. This uneven development is due to the fact that throughout the entire previous period it was the upper part of the body, in which vital organs such as the heart and brain are located, that received the bulk of nutrients and oxygen.

The fetus continues to form joints and bones and grow muscles. Not only large joints develop, but also small ones. The rudiments of teeth form in the jaws, and nails form on the fingers.

The movements of the unborn child become more and more purposeful. Loud sounds and sudden movements begin to provoke a response from him. Grasping and sucking reflexes develop - this can be seen by the movement of the fingers and lips. The formation of olfactory and taste receptors begins. If amniotic fluid enters the nose or mouth, the fetus is able to taste it.

At this stage, the formation of the iris of the eyes also occurs, which after birth will determine their color. In most cases, newborns have blue or blue eyes; brown ones are quite rare. The final color of the iris is formed by five months. It depends on the accumulated melanin pigment located in the iris. Genetic inheritance determines the amount of this pigment.

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