Second trimester of pregnancy: features of the condition, what a woman needs to know

The second trimester is considered to be the most wonderful period of pregnancy. It starts from the 14th week and comes to an end at the 27th. The expectant mother's body adapts to the new situation: nausea in the morning is already receding, hormonal levels stabilize, and, as a result, the mood becomes better.

As a rule, the belly in the second trimester noticeably increases, and the breasts look more voluminous. The baby is actively developing. It is no longer called an embryo, but a fetus. All systems of his body are adjusted to the upcoming work and even more intensive development.

Symptoms of the second trimester of pregnancy

During this period, the uterus actively increases in size. If at the 13th week it just begins to leave the pelvic cavity, then by the 27th it occupies up to 70% of the abdominal cavity. This becomes one of the most common causes of discomfort for the expectant mother: her organs are not accustomed to such a neighborhood.

In many ways, a woman’s well-being in the second trimester depends on her lifestyle. Proper balanced nutrition allows you to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract. And although the gastrointestinal tract organs begin to shift under the influence of the enlarged uterus, its size is not large enough to cause constipation, nausea and diarrhea.

The influence of progesterone gradually decreases: nasal congestion goes away, the urge to urinate becomes less frequent. The fact is that the hormonal background is stabilizing, the fetus and uterus have not yet reached such a size as to cause compression, which means the number of urinations should return to normal. If frequent urge to go to the toilet persists in the second trimester, you should undergo an examination and rule out inflammation of the bladder - cystitis.

From the 13th week, the volume of circulating blood in a woman’s body increases. During this period, the risk of anemia is very high, so it’s time to maintain iron levels in the body, for example, with the help of the Pregnoton Mama complex.

The increasing volume of fluid provokes a decrease in blood pressure. By the end of the 27th week, the body adapts, the numbers on the tonometer return to their usual values.

The growth of the uterus can cause minor pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. This is due to tension in the ligaments that support the uterus. Breast enlargement may cause minor discomfort in the thoracic spine. Closer to the middle of the trimester, a woman’s center of gravity shifts, so coordination in movements may be lost, especially when going up and down stairs or when bending.

As a rule, sleep becomes more restless. After all, now you need to sleep on your side. Maternity pillows help solve the problem.

Child development

At week 37, the baby’s body is already fully formed and ready for life in the extrauterine state. The following changes have occurred:

  • the stomach is ready to digest food and absorb all the necessary nutrients;
  • meconium has accumulated in the intestines;
  • subcutaneous fatty tissue has become thicker;
  • the baby's lungs are ready to breathe;
  • the adrenal glands produce hormones;
  • Nerve cells responsible for the functioning of all organs and muscles are actively developing.

Externally, the baby also looks like a fully formed person. All his facial features are clearly visible, patterns on his fingers and palms are visible, he has nails and hair. The bones of the skull still remain soft and mobile to ensure the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

Weight and height

Parameters such as the baby’s weight and height are determined by the doctor based on ultrasound data. At the 37th week of pregnancy, on average, the baby weighs from 2800 g to 3100 g, and its height is from 47 to 50 cm.

These data may fluctuate, since the baby’s height and weight depend on the mother’s nutrition, genetic predisposition and other physiological characteristics.


In the last weeks of pregnancy, the baby's activity may decrease somewhat, but the kicks become more pronounced and stronger. This is due to the growth of the child, a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid and space inside the uterus. Typically, the greatest activity occurs in the evening or at night.

What should an expectant mother be wary of?

The second trimester is characterized by a large amount of discharge. Normally, they have a light white or yellowish tint, a uniform consistency, and no odor. Discharge becomes more abundant due to the fact that it is more difficult for the body to maintain normal microflora, compensatory mechanisms are launched.

However, the appearance of the discharge described below is not typical for a normal pregnancy:

  1. Brown. There is a risk of late miscarriage, premature birth and problems with the placenta.
  2. Greenish, gray. Indicate infectious processes of a purulent nature.
  3. White curdled ones. The microflora is disrupted and, as a result, thrush occurs.

If any unusual discharge occurs, you should consult a doctor.


To maintain good health and prevent complications, the expectant mother is recommended to adhere to proper nutrition. Doctors also recommend following certain rules regarding sex life and physical activity.

Sex life and orgasm

Moderate sexual activity at 37 weeks does not cause any harm to either the mother or the child. Moreover, according to many experts, sex in the last stages of pregnancy perfectly prepares the cervix and genital tract for labor.

However, sexual activity is possible only in cases where the woman’s mucus plug has not yet come off. It is also important to understand that orgasm can trigger labor.


Nutrition at 37 weeks of pregnancy should be moderate. During this period, extra pounds are gained very quickly, which can lead to a number of complications. Following a strict diet is also undesirable in the last stages of pregnancy.

It is recommended to eat as many vegetables, fish, lean meats, grains and fruits as possible. It is best to reduce the amount of liquid you drink at night and limit your intake of fatty, salty or fried foods.

In the last stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to relax, rest, gain strength, get ready for an easy birth and a long-awaited meeting with the baby.

Examinations in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, you should also undergo some tests to exclude fetal pathology and start treatment in time if necessary. Features of the second trimester of pregnancy determine the list of necessary studies and consultations.

At 14–20 weeks, a screening test for chromosomal pathologies is required. Based on their results, the risk of having a child with the following diseases is assessed:

  • Down syndrome;
  • Edwards syndrome;
  • trisomy, etc.

An ultrasound examination is also mandatory. It allows you to assess the harmonious development of the fetus. Additionally, the doctor evaluates the heart rate of the unborn baby, its position, and the length of the umbilical cord.

General and biochemical blood tests are also performed. The first allows you to assess the mother's hemoglobin level, since anemia during pregnancy is not uncommon. When conducting biochemistry, the following indicators are especially important:

  • alpha fetoprotein (AFP);
  • hCG;
  • free estriol.

An obstetrician-gynecologist will definitely tell you what to do in the second trimester of pregnancy if there are abnormalities in the tests.

Recommendations for the second trimester of pregnancy

Most recommendations are universal for all trimesters, for example, giving up bad habits, sleeping for 8-9 hours and eating well. But there are some important tips that apply specifically to the second trimester.

  1. You should only sleep on your side and use a special pillow for pregnant women.
  2. From the 24th week, it is advisable to start wearing a bandage, this will help reduce the load on the spinal column.
  3. Avoid contact with people who are sick or have a cold. If the second trimester falls during the “cold season,” try to spend less time in crowded places.
  4. Take vitamin and mineral supplements, even if you haven't done so before. Right now, the need for vitamins and minerals is increasing somewhat, especially iron, as well as omega-3 PUFAs, which are needed for the formation and proper development of the child’s brain, nervous and immune systems.
  5. Switch to proper nutrition. The second trimester is a time of active fetal growth; diets and fasting are inappropriate now. But it is important not to get carried away with fast food, to make sure that the menu has enough proteins and seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Vitamins and minerals in the second trimester of pregnancy

What you need to know about the second trimester of pregnancy? During this period, the fetus actively grows and develops, its body begins to function independently. Micronutrients in food are no longer enough for two organisms. Therefore, women during this period are strongly recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes. They help provide the child with the substances necessary for growth and development, and the mother to maintain her health. After all, if there is a shortage of any useful substances, they will be “extracted” from the pregnant woman’s body and given to the baby.

A good choice would be the Pregnon Mama complex, which takes into account the needs for vitamins and minerals during pregnancy. In addition, it contains 200 mg of omega-3. The peculiarity of the complex is easily digestible forms of nutrients. For example, iron is contained in liposomal form, which is absorbed several times better than other types of iron and is therefore more effective in preventing anemia. Folic acid is found in the form of methylfolate.


Poor and unbalanced nutrition, poor lifestyle choices and excess weight can lead to a number of complications. At 37 weeks there is a high risk of developing varicose veins or edema.

If the mucus plug comes away much earlier than the onset of labor, then there is a high risk of infection through the genital tract. As for excess body weight, it can lead to the baby gaining excess weight and causing ruptures during childbirth. That is why it is extremely important to monitor your diet and try to be more active during pregnancy, if there are no contraindications to this.


Swelling during pregnancy, especially in the last weeks, is a fairly common occurrence. But excess fluid in the body at 37 weeks can be extremely dangerous:

  • there is a load on the kidneys, blood vessels and heart;
  • due to edema, blood pressure often rises, which is dangerous during pregnancy;
  • excess water can lead to insufficient oxygen and nutrients for the baby;
  • there is a high risk of developing gestosis.

To eliminate edema, you need to adhere to a certain diet, limit the consumption of salty and fried foods, and also reduce the amount of liquid you drink to 1.5 liters.

An active lifestyle, a balanced diet and following your doctor's recommendations are the key to a healthy pregnancy and the absence of complications.

Excessive fetal movement

Since the baby is constantly growing and there is less and less space in the mother’s body for him, the baby’s movements will be felt more strongly. Prolonged and fairly active movements and jolts may indicate that the child is experiencing discomfort and may not be getting enough oxygen.

Sometimes it is enough to change your position, go out into the fresh air, relax, then the baby becomes calmer and his movements less active.

Indications for caesarean section

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to give birth to a baby through the natural birth canal. In some cases, a cesarean section is the best solution to the problem, which will avoid complications in both the mother and the child.

The main indications for caesarean section at 37 weeks of pregnancy are:

  • a large fetus with a very narrow woman’s pelvis;
  • presence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • placenta previa;
  • chronic abnormalities of the uterus or vagina;
  • premature placental abruption;
  • breech presentation of the baby.

When deciding whether to perform a planned cesarean section, the doctor relies on the patient’s medical history, as well as possible risks for the child and the expectant mother.

What should you avoid in mid-pregnancy?

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the characteristics of a woman’s condition suggest some restrictions and more careful behavior in everyday matters.

  • Do not take medications without a doctor's prescription.
  • Do not wear tight, constricting clothing.
  • Never lift more than 3 kg.
  • If you are involved in strength or team sports, you will have to give up training. You can move on to more gentle and relaxing activities, such as swimming, Pilates, etc.

It is in the second trimester that a woman gets used to her new role, “gets to know” the baby when he moves, and becomes attached to him. This is a period of bright feelings and genuine emotions. Do everything in your power to ensure that your future baby develops correctly and is born healthy!


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