Injuries of the upper cervical spine in children of the first year of life

Subluxation of the cervical vertebra in a child is a serious pathological condition, which is accompanied by displacement of the vertebrae in the neck area. Subluxation can be provoked by various causative factors, starting with incorrect head position and ending with various concomitant diseases. In most cases, the prognosis for subluxation is favorable, but if not treated in a timely manner, serious complications can occur . More details about the treatment of cervical vertebral subluxation will be discussed in this article.

Subluxation of the cervical vertebra in a child


The appearance of subluxation is influenced by active or passive impact on the child’s head. Common risk factors include spontaneous and unintentional contraction of muscle tissue. As a rule, this happens when you turn your head and fixate in an unnatural position. And since children lead a very active lifestyle, constantly running and jumping, they have to deal with such a phenomenon as subluxation quite often.

Subluxation of the cervical vertebra

The pathology can be acquired or congenital. If everything is clear with an acquired dislocation , then with a congenital one things are a little more complicated. During childbirth, the baby's head may deviate slightly from the axis of the body, which increases resistance in the birth canal. As a result, the joints are damaged. Since the ligamentous apparatus of newborns is still immature and insufficiently formed, such injuries are extremely undesirable for them.

Dislocations (including subluxations) of the cervical vertebrae

Causes of displacement of the cervical vertebrae

Speaking about the causes, three main groups should be distinguished: congenital pathologies and injuries, external mechanical damage and degenerative processes in the cervical spine. The most common prerequisites for the onset of the disease are:

  • Degenerative processes, which include hernias, osteochondrosis, instability of the cervical vertebrae
  • Various types of trauma to both the neck and the entire spine as a whole
  • In newborns, subluxation may occur due to complications during childbirth or due to congenital pathology of the development of the spine
  • Insufficient physical activity, frequent stay in one position, sudden movements of the neck.

Types of cervical subluxations

According to statistics, the first two vertebrae (in medicine they are called the axis and atlas) are most often affected. It is worth noting that subluxation is divided into several varieties, differing in the characteristics of their course.

Cervical subluxation in a child

Table. Classification of subluxations of the cervical vertebrae.

Type of cervical subluxationDescription
ActiveTypically, this injury occurs due to sudden movements of the head. Active subluxation is accompanied by painful sensations, which often manifest themselves together with uncontrolled muscle contractions in the neck area.
RotaryOccurs when the head deviates from its central axis. In most cases, this injury occurs in babies if their head is not supported correctly.
Subluxation of the atlasIt is considered the most common form of cervical vertebral subluxation. It is accompanied by painful sensations at the site of injury, which significantly impairs neck mobility.
Cruvelier's subluxationAnother type of cervical vertebra injury that occurs due to severe overload or weakened ligaments. Cruvelier subluxation is also diagnosed in children when a gap space forms between the odontoid processes and the vertebral rings, or more precisely, their inner surface.
Kienbeck's subluxationA rather dangerous pathological condition in which nerve endings are pinched. Such changes can lead to severe pain or head immobility.

On a note! Damage to the cervical vertebrae is extremely dangerous for a child’s body, since their skeletal system is not yet sufficiently formed at this stage of development. Delayed treatment or its complete absence can lead to the development of a number of serious complications.

Displacement of the cervical vertebrae in children

Prices for massagers

Basic information

Not all people understand the difference between a vertebral dislocation and a subluxation. In the first case, not only the articular surfaces are displaced, but also the internal processes of neighboring vertebrae, and in the second, the position of only the superficial articular part is disrupted. This type of injury increases the risk of spinal cord damage and even death.

Subluxation can occur if a person is hit, falls, or turns their head suddenly. In the early stages, the pathology has a gradual course.

Reference. In most cases, traumatologists and orthopedists diagnose rotational subluxation of C1 (atlas). According to statistics, rotational displacement is detected in 30% of patients with injuries to the cervical segment of the spine.

The likelihood of developing pathology for different parts of the spinal column is different. According to doctors, subluxation of the cervical and lumbar regions is most often observed, and less commonly, the thoracic region.

In most cases, subluxation of the atlas occurs in isolation from other injuries. In this case, the prognosis is favorable. And injuries to the axis (2nd cervical vertebra) and other cervical vertebrae are often complemented by other traumatic disorders (fracture of other cervical vertebrae, fracture of the bones of the arms or legs, injuries to the skull, chest, etc.). Most often, combined injuries occur when falling from a height. The risk of neurological disorders due to spinal cord damage then increases.

According to doctors, the higher the normal position of the vertebrae is disrupted, the worse the prognosis. But with timely and adequate treatment, the outcome is favorable. Therefore, if you suspect a subluxation, you should contact a traumatologist. If there are neurological disorders, the patient is referred to a vertebrologist or neurosurgeon.

Characteristic symptoms

When a cervical vertebra is subluxated, children usually experience the following symptoms:

  • burning and tingling in the shoulder girdle;
  • development of intermembrane neuralgia;
  • paralysis of the whole body or one half of it;
  • the appearance of tinnitus;
  • decreased or complete loss of sensation in the lower or upper extremities;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • limited neck mobility;
  • insomnia, muscle spasms, migraine;
  • swelling in the neck area;
  • severe pain spreading to the shoulders, back and arms.

How does subluxation of the cervical vertebra manifest in a child?

On a note! The appearance of subluxation in infants can only be indicated by one sign - cervical curvature in the affected area. Only in the process of development, when the child begins to walk, does the pathology make itself felt, manifesting itself in the form of acute pain. This is due to increased load on the spine.

In such cases, the baby, not being able to speak, is not able to explain to the parents about the illness, so they need to carefully monitor the child’s behavior. If they notice the following signs in their baby, then they need to be wary:

  • frequent regurgitation after eating food;

    Vomiting after eating is one of the possible symptoms

  • problems with weight gain (happens very slowly);
  • causeless moodiness, irritability;
  • disruption of the functioning of internal organs and systems;
  • development of scoliosis;
  • the child may lose consciousness;
  • increased drowsiness, general weakness of the body;
  • memory problems, severe headache;
  • hyperactivity;
  • the child’s inability to concentrate on anything, attention disorder;
  • abasia or dysbasia (gait disturbance).

Anatomy of the cervical spine

A delay in the baby's development, for example, if he began to roll over or sit up much later than other children of his age, may also indicate a subluxation of the cervical vertebra. It is worth noting that at an early stage of development of this pathological condition, therapy is quite simple ; with timely treatment, unpleasant complications can be avoided. Therefore, experts recommend contacting a specialist as soon as you notice the first signs of this type of subluxation.

Retarded physical development

Symptoms of a displaced cervical vertebra

When considering the symptoms of cervical vertebral subluxation, it is necessary to note that many of them affect not only the spine, but also many other organs. In most cases, when faced with the first signs of an illness, the patient rarely suspects which disease was the root cause and does not always take timely measures for a speedy recovery. Here's what may indicate the presence of the disease:

  • Chronic fatigue and insomnia, accompanied by pain and muscle weakness
  • Deterioration of vision
  • Chronic headache
  • Numbness of the limbs along with muscle rigidity (reflex increase in tone

What is POSSIBLE for diseases of the spine

What NOT to do for spinal diseases

Why is this dangerous?

Subluxation can cause serious problems, which will negatively affect the functioning of the body in the future. First of all, the musculoskeletal system, nervous and circulatory systems are affected. Subluxation can also disrupt the functioning of the digestive system, causing intestinal disorders. Therefore, one cannot ignore the signs of a pathological condition, but pay attention to their slightest manifestations. Pediatric pathology can lead to the development of the following complications:

Diagnostic features

To determine the cause of the pathological condition, the patient must undergo a diagnostic examination, which usually begins with an initial examination and medical history. After this, the neurologist palpates the affected area.

Diagnosis of cervical subluxation

But these measures are not always sufficient to make an accurate diagnosis, so the child may be prescribed several types of x-ray examination, including an x-ray of the mouth, oblique x-rays (carried out to study all articular processes) and spondylography - a common diagnostic method for subluxation, allowing to assess the condition intervertebral discs and joints. Based on the results of the measures taken, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes appropriate treatment.

X-ray of the neck

Treatment of dislocation

If you suspect a dislocation of the cervical spine, it is necessary to provide the victim with proper rest. This is important, since any movement can aggravate the situation. The patient should lie down until the ambulance arrives; he should not try to get up or even sit down.

Treatment should only be carried out by qualified professionals. It is prescribed after a thorough diagnosis, often using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. After the doctor determines the severity of the injury and the danger to the spinal cord, appropriate procedures are prescribed.

If the cervical dislocation is not too severe, a trauma surgeon can perform a reduction. The patient is placed on his stomach so that his head is facing the problematic side. Then a sharp jerk is made, which allows the vertebrae to fall into place. This procedure is very unpleasant, so it is carried out with the use of painkillers.

If there is a fracture, skeletal traction is performed. This procedure may take several hours, but patients tolerate it quite well. During treatment, the doctor must periodically take x-rays to monitor the contraction of the vertebrae. The patient is then placed in a cast, followed by months of physical therapy. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe acupuncture and treatment at a sanatorium. This will allow you to recover faster from a serious injury.

How to treat?

Therapy for subluxation primarily involves realigning the displaced vertebrae. This manipulation can be performed using techniques such as manual therapy, the application of the Rusche-Hüter principle or the Glisson loop. The reduction method is selected taking into account certain factors, for example, the patient’s health status, the presence of complications or concomitant pathologies.

On a note! Upon completion of the massage course, the doctor prescribes the child to wear a special product - a Shants collar or a plaster corset. This product must be worn for several months (about 1 to 5).

Shants collar

Shants collar

In parallel with manual therapy, the doctor prescribes conservative treatment. This allows you to speed up the healing process. This includes the following procedures:

  • vitamin therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • therapeutic exercises and massage;
  • use of painkillers.

Gleason loop

During the rehabilitation period after subluxation of the cervical vertebra, it is necessary to reduce the baby’s activity. This limitation will prevent possible relapses of the pathological condition, which can cause serious complications such as deterioration of visual function or unilateral paralysis.

If you want to learn in more detail about the technology of manual therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, you can read an article about it on our portal.

Prevention measures

There are certain preventive measures, following which, you can prevent subluxation of the cervical vertebra. First of all, they are aimed at preventing injury. Such events include the following:

  • taking care of the health of the collar area (regular exercise, maintaining an active lifestyle);
  • doing morning exercises;

    Gymnastics for children is very important

  • Teach your child to warm up his neck muscles several times a day. This is especially true if he constantly sits at the computer;
  • Before any type of physical activity, you need to thoroughly warm up your muscles and joints;
  • the child’s diet should be balanced and contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals;
  • If pain occurs in the neck area, you should immediately call a doctor or take the child to the hospital. If we are talking about a baby who cannot describe his sensations, then he should be periodically shown to a doctor for preventive purposes.

Prevention of cervical vertebral subluxation

Subluxation of the vertebrae in the neck is a serious injury, which, if ignored, can negatively affect the condition of the child’s entire body. Therefore, if your baby begins to be very capricious for no particular reason or you notice pathological development of his neck, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Only with timely therapy can the maximum effect be achieved and unpleasant consequences prevented.

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