Complex of physical therapy for intercostal neuralgia

The concept of “intercostal neuralgia” is collective. It is used to denote a condition that is expressed by pain in the chest area. This pathology occurs due to changes occurring in the intercostal nerves.

Diagnosis and treatment of thoracic intercostal neuralgia is one of the areas of activity of the CELT Pain Clinic. If you suffer from this disease, contact us, and our doctors will develop an individual treatment plan that is sure to bring the desired relief.

Clinical manifestations

With intercostal neuralgia, pain can be concentrated in the right or left side of the chest. The pain may have a girdling nature and become stronger with a deep breath, coughing or turning the body. There are frequent cases in which pain symptoms lead to overstrain of the shoulder, shoulder blade or pectoral muscles. This is the reason for the increase in pain when trying to bend forward or move the arm.

Painful symptoms of intercostal neuralgia are also often accompanied by:

  • projections of pain in the lumbar and dorsal region, as well as in the heart area;
  • a burning sensation or numbness along the nerve trunk and its branches.

Pain can be felt in the area of ​​the xiphoid process and be similar to pain with gastritis - such clinical manifestations are characteristic of pathologies of the nerves emerging from the 5th, 6th and 7th vertebrae. If they cover the nerves of the 10th, 11th, 12th vertebrae, the pain symptoms resemble those observed with appendicitis.

Cases in which the upper parts of the sternum are affected are characterized by the sensation of a foreign body behind the sternum and in the pharynx, which can cause swallowing problems.

At CELT you can get advice from a specialist algologist.

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Active points and acupressure techniques

Japanese acupressure (shiatsu) is an improved type of acupressure that has long been practiced in oriental medicine. Different styles of shiatsu are based on the principles of Chinese medicine and Japanese massage, complemented by modern knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. The shiatsu technique involves pressing the body with your fingers and palms to create a certain pressure on specific points. Thanks to this, it is possible to eliminate disorders, improve health, and get rid of many diseases.

When performing acupressure massage, reflexologists at the Yusupov Hospital adhere to the following basic principles of the treatment method:

  • an individual approach to the impact on each person’s body;
  • complex application (when performing an impact on a specific organ, the condition of other organs, as well as the entire organism as a whole, is taken into account);
  • thorough execution - massage of acupuncture points is performed consistently and slowly, alternating between various methods and techniques.

Each functional disorder in the body or disease involves an impact on certain specific points. For this reason, acupressure for neuroses, hypertension, intercostal neuralgia is carried out differently. Any massage with acupuncture begins with a preliminary finding of the required active points, which give a projection to a specific organ.

In total there are about 700 such points. They can be identified by pressing your fingertips on different areas of the skin. When you hit a biologically active point with pressure, numbness and some pain appear. To simplify the methodology and the process of searching for points, experts created special topographical diagrams depicting the main channels where the “vital” points are located. In addition, reflexologists use anatomical landmarks in the area of ​​which massage points are concentrated (fingertips, elbow, shoulder, popliteal and gluteal folds). Places of acupuncture influence can be determined using special devices.

The technique for performing the procedure is quite simple. Reflexologists at the Yusupov Hospital have undergone special training in leading centers of oriental medicine and are fluent in acupressure techniques.

When performing therapeutic acupressure, the following techniques are used:

  • stroking - a rhythmic, leisurely circular sliding of the fingertips over the skin;
  • pinching - carried out by grasping muscle tissue and skin between the fingers to stimulate blood circulation;
  • rubbing with pressure - the effect is made by continuous vigorous movements with pressure on the points;
  • vibration with pressure - rhythmic pressing movements that are performed with the thumb or index finger;
  • fast vibration;
  • longitudinal stroking along the canal;
  • intermittent pressure - alternating light pressure on selected active points using fingers, palms, hands;
  • rapid rotation - movement along a circular path, carried out by the fingers, the inner surfaces of the hand or the ribs of the palm;
  • intensive tapping (a movement that tones the muscles, usually used when performing acupressure on the back).

Specialists at the Yusupov Hospital use all the techniques and techniques of acupressure in their work.

Causes of intercostal neuralgia

The main causes of intercostal neuralgia are as follows:

  • a number of diseases of the nervous system: multiple sclerosis, polyradiculoneuritis;
  • diseases of the thoracic spine: deforming spondylosis, osteochondrosis, herniated disc, scoliosis;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • intoxication of the body with alcohol, medications, salts of heavy metals;
  • back and sternum injuries;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • lungs' cancer.

Preventive measures and treatment of neuralgia

Prevention is very simple - avoid hypothermia and colds. It is possible to use acupuncture and manual therapy. Acupuncture is carried out in several courses with a break of 2 months. Manual therapy affects the cervical and thoracic spine, relieving tension and pain. In case of exacerbation, the following is necessary: ​​bed rest, taking sedatives, painkillers, therapeutic massage.

Symptoms of intercostal neuralgia and its treatment belong to the field of activity of a neurologist. SM-Clinic treats many diseases of the nervous system, of which osteochondrosis is only a small part.

Since often the symptoms of neurological diseases are actually signs of other diseases, the specialist will examine the entire body. If symptoms of intercostal neuralgia are detected, it is better to begin treatment immediately.

Diagnosis of intercostal neuralgia

Diagnosis of intercostal neuralgia is quite difficult, since it must be differentiated from a number of diseases that have similar symptoms. A cardiologist or pulmonologist may be involved in the diagnostic process. Specialists at the CELT Pain Clinic conduct an examination and collect anamnesis, and also determine the presence or absence of the disease in the following ways:

  • chest x-ray;
  • CT scan;
  • myelography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • spondylography;
  • electro- and echocardiography;
  • examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

If diagnostic studies do not reveal diseases of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, the patient is referred to a neurologist who develops a treatment plan.

How does massage work?

Massage for neuralgia:

  • relieves pain (pain is relieved after the first session);
  • reduces inflammation;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • relaxes muscles;
  • warms up tissues;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • accelerates recovery processes;
  • restores the passage of nerve impulses;
  • enhances the effect of drugs;
  • removes toxic substances from the body;
  • mobilizes the body's internal reserves;
  • improves general condition.

The treatment program for this disease at the Bone Clinic may include:

Shock wave therapy

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PRP therapy

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Acupuncture administration of ozone

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Teraquantum therapy

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Interference therapy

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Types of exercise therapy for intercostal neuralgia

There are a large number of types of gymnastics that can be used for intercostal neuralgia. Let's look at the most common ones.

Set of exercises

A general set of exercises can be started after the pain subsides..

The first exercise is quite simple. You need to take a deep breath and hold your breath. Then purse your lips and slowly release the air. This exercise is repeated several times. In order to relieve the syndrome, you need to relax the muscles so that the nerve endings are freed.

Further gymnastics includes the following exercises:

  • Familiarize yourself with the general set of exercises. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and do 5 bends to the left and right sides. Hands should be kept on your sides, movements should be smooth and slow.

  • In the same position, bend your arms and raise them to your chin. Do several repetitions to the sides so that your pelvis does not move.
  • Do those 10 (or more) squats while holding onto a chair. At the same time, the back should remain straight.
  • While sitting on a chair, place your hands behind your head, bend back, then return to the starting position. Do up to 10 times.
  • While lying on your back, bend your legs and try to reach your nose with each of them.
  • Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms along your torso, lift your head and legs at the same time and try to arch as much as possible.

Gymnastics Dikul

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Next fact

Valentin Dikul's exercises help restore muscle function. The author of the technique himself believes that due to a lack of stress, the human motor system relaxes. As a rule, the doctor selects exercises individually, taking into account the characteristics of a particular patient.

In the Dikul method there is one effective exercise that perfectly combats pain.:

  • Lie on your stomach, extend your arms forward and place your chin on the floor.
  • Keep your head and feet still, arch your back. Lock in this position for a few seconds and smoothly return to the starting position.
  • You need to repeat the exercise about ten times.

Using this method, over time you should increase the fixation of the torso in an arched state. Over time, the duration should reach a minute.

Bubnovsky's exercises

Dr. Bubnovsky is against the use of medications for intercostal neuralgia; he believes that the pathology can be eliminated through simple movements. Some exercises involve the use of special simulators developed by the author himself.

The simplest exercises for beginners that do not require equipment are the following::

  • While standing on all fours, you need to alternately arch your back down and up. The exercise is done at a slow pace ten times.
  • Standing on all fours, take a deep breath and bend down. As you exhale, straighten out. The exercise is repeated ten times.
  • From the same position, shift your body weight to your left leg and extend your left arm forward. The same is repeated for the second side. Movements should be smooth. Do 5 repetitions for each side.
  • Lean on your elbows and knees. Without bending, stretch your torso forward 10 times.
  • Leaning on your elbows and knees, as you exhale, lower yourself down on your elbows, and as you exhale, rise up. Number of repetitions - 5.
  • In a lying position with your hands behind your head and legs bent, press your chin to your chest, bend your torso and try to lift your head, legs and shoulders off the floor. Repeat the exercise three times.
  • Lying on your back, place your arms along your torso, as you exhale, lift your pelvis, and as you inhale, lower it. Repeat ten times.

Video: “What to do for pain in the thoracic region?”

Pay attention to some useful back exercises for various diseases:

  • You can find out what Crocodile gymnastics is in the following article
  • More information about Bubnovsky’s exercise for the spine against disc herniation is described on the page
  • Gymnastic exercises by Shamil Alyautdinov for the back with a herniated spine
  • To find out what exercises to do if you have a pinched nerve in your neck, follow the link
  • How beneficial is Qigong gymnastics for the spine?
  • You can read about a set of exercises for the spine by Academician Norbekov here
  • Find out how to do Dr. Popov's exercises to treat your back by going here

Stretching the thoracic muscles

Stretching exercises are good for the chest and spine. To perform the exercises you will need two small dumbbells or bottles filled with water. The training is carried out in a lying position, with the head hanging down slightly.

Place your hands with weight behind your head, inhale and raise your arms, then exhale and lower them. Repeat 20 times.

Stretch your arms with weight to the sides, when you inhale, lift them above your chest, when you exhale, lower them and return to the starting position. Repeat 20 times.


Yoga is used only for the prevention of pathology. Yoga is also useful for intercostal neuralgia, as it helps tone the body and strengthens bones and muscles. You can start using it after treatment, when a specialist confirms that you are healthy.

Unlike therapeutic exercises, yoga does not involve a specific set of classes , so the following factors must be taken into account:

  • Sudden random movements can cause pain.
  • Large-scale movements that strongly stretch the parts between the ribs can also lead to pain.
  • Breathing is very important in yoga. It can be abdominal and thoracic. The latter is not recommended for intercostal neuralgia, as it can provoke shooting pains and complicate the pathology.
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