For patients: A universal set of exercises for self-training

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The introduction of self-isolation has significantly affected the daily lives of many people. Suddenly deprived of the opportunity to lead an active life outside the home, people began to learn to live on limited square meters. The house has become a place for relaxation, creativity and sports. And if it’s generally clear with creativity, here it all comes down to imagination and abilities, then it’s worth talking about playing sports at home

Many people preferred self-training at home even before the closure of fitness centers. The reasons are different. Some people don’t like to exercise in the company of strangers, some are embarrassed by their weaknesses and are afraid of seeming weak and clumsy, some consider a gym membership an unnecessary expense, and some simply don’t have time to go to fitness clubs. In any case, being able to study properly at home is useful even as an additional load.

A set of exercises for developing the muscles of the shoulder girdle[edit | edit code]

This complex is for those who want to increase muscle mass and strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, however, individual exercises in the complex are universal in nature, since to some extent they also affect other muscle groups.

Exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle

  • Alternately raising your arms with dumbbells in front of you to shoulder level (3 sets of 6-8 times) (Fig. 6).
  • Raising your arms with dumbbells from the sides up to shoulder level (3 sets of 6-8 times).
  • Raising your arms with dumbbells from the sides up above your head (3 sets of 4-6 times).
  • Abduction of the arms to the sides, while the torso is tilted forward (3 sets of 4-6 times) (Fig. 7).
  • Alternating dumbbell chest press in a standing position (3 sets of 6-8 times).
  • Circular movements of the arms with weights (3 sets of 6-8 times). (Fig. 8).
  • Alternating dumbbell press in a sitting position (3 sets of 6-8 times).

Exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle

  • Abduction of the arm to the side, lying on an inclined bench on the side (3 sets of 4-6 times) (Fig. 9).
  • Raising your arm to shoulder level while lying on a bench on your side (3 sets of 4-6 times) (Fig. 10).
  • Abduction of the arm to the side with a dumbbell, lying on your side on a bench (3 sets of 4-6 times).
  • Abduction of arms to the sides, lying on your stomach on a bench (3 sets of 4-6 times) (Fig. 11).
  • Raising your arms forward while lying on your stomach on a bench (3 sets of 4-6 times).
  • With crossed arms, hold the handles of the exercise machine in the forward tilt position. Overcoming the resistance of the simulator, raise your arms up from the sides (3 sets of 6-8 times) (Fig. 12).
  • Pull the handle of the simulator upward from the sides with one hand (3 sets of 8-10 times with each hand) (Fig. 13).
  • Pull the handle of the simulator upward through the sides with one hand in the “forward bend” position (3 sets of 8-10 times with each hand) (Fig. 14).
  • Abducting the arm to the side from a standing position overcoming the resistance of the exercise machine, holding the handle of the exercise machine at waist level (3 sets of 6-8 times with each hand).
  • Bringing your arms to the side while overcoming the resistance of the machine in a sitting position, holding the handle of the machine at hip level (3 sets of 6-8 times).
  • Pulling the barbell to the chin in a standing position (3 sets of 6-8 times).
  • Hand press of a barbell from behind the head in a standing position (3 sets of 5-6 times).
  • Lifting the barbell with straight arms while lying on your back. At the beginning of the next repetition, the barbell is on the hips (3 sets of 4-6 times).
  • Bench press a barbell with a narrow grip from a lying position, holding it briefly on straightened arms for 3-4 seconds (3 sets of 4-6 times).

The indicated number of repetitions in this set of exercises corresponds to the physical capabilities of athletes with little experience of independent training (3-6 months), after 3-4 months of working with such a load, the number of repetitions should be increased by 15-20%, and after six months, more should be added to each exercise 1 approach.

What might you need to train at home?

For home workouts you don’t need almost anything except desire, time and a little space, but it is important to understand which exercises to choose for self-training so as not to harm your health and achieve the desired results. As for additional attributes, you shouldn’t rush to a sports store to buy an exercise bike or treadmill; prepare a minimum set


  • gymnastic mat;
  • dumbbells;
  • fitness bands.

A set of exercises for hands[edit | edit code]

First level

  • Knee push-ups
  • Push-up
  • Retraction of hands with the ball behind the head
  • Army press
  • Rotating around your head
  • Clean up
  • Overhead press
  • Kettlebell Bench Press
  • Medicine ball rotation

Advanced level

  • T-turn push-up
  • Retraction of hands behind the head with weights
  • Shoulder press
  • Diver
  • Push press
  • Ball push-ups
  • Push-ups with simultaneous lifting of the torso and legs
  • Passing the ball
  • Underhand grip pull-up
  • Overhand grip pull-up

Professional level

  • Ball push-ups with alternating hands
  • Side push-up with simultaneous lifting of the torso and legs
  • Push-up from the bar

How to pump up a man's shoulders (without equipment)

You can pump up your shoulders at home without dumbbells. Your own weight is quite enough to achieve toned, sculpted shoulders. The most important thing is to follow a program of exercises that comprehensively affect the deltoids and develop them symmetrically. The program below offers functional upper body exercises that will help pump up the shoulders of a man without dumbbells.

Cross-shoulder push-ups

Take a classic lying position, fixing your palms slightly wider than the vertical of your shoulders. Make sure that your back does not slouch or sag towards the floor. As we inhale, we lower our body weight, stopping a couple of centimeters from the floor, after which we do push-ups, exhaling. Now you need to touch your left palm to your right shoulder and begin performing the next repetition. After pushing up again, touch your right palm to your left shoulder (and so on in turn). Throughout the entire approach, maintain an average pace of work and avoid sudden jerky movements. In addition to the fact that the exercise helps to pump up your shoulders at home, it additionally develops the pectoral muscles and helps to increase the size of the triceps.

How much to do: 10-15 push-ups in 2 sets (increase the number of sets as needed if you plan to do not all 12 exercises, but only part).

Side plank arm raise

Assume a side plank position with your forearm supported. To begin, focus on the right side. After taking the position, make sure that the line of the neck, back and legs is straight. The left arm is extended along the body and pressed to the side. As you exhale, we lift the upper limb to a position perpendicular to the floor, and then lower it back. Having completed the planned number of repetitions, change sides and proceed with the already familiar technique. If you can’t pump up your shoulders at home with dumbbells due to the lack of sports equipment, this element demonstrates an equally high-quality effect, emphasizing the load in the middle fascicles of the deltoids and simultaneously working the core and abs.

How much to do: 13-15 lifts in 2 sets.

"Butterfly" with arm curls

Lie down on a gymnastics mat with your stomach down, then slightly raise your body. In the starting position, the arms are extended in front of you and held parallel to the floor surface. Now, as you exhale, we begin to move our arms back, bending them at the elbow. To make it easier to master the technique, imagine that you are doing a shoulder press. At the peak point, take a short pause, then stretch your upper limbs back. To create additional stress on the lumbar region, watch the position of your legs. They should not leave the mat throughout the entire range of motion. The exercise not only helps to pump up a man’s shoulders with an emphasis on the middle and back buns, but also works the latissimus dorsi muscle, helps straighten his posture and strengthen the lower back.

How much to do: 13-15 pull-ups in 2 sets.

Up-down plank

Take a standard lying position similar to the first exercise from today's workout. The specificity of the presented element lies in the alternating change in body position from a lying position to a classic plank (and vice versa). In the starting position, make sure that the line of your neck, back and legs is straight. When moving into a plank position, do not allow your back to slouch or your torso to sag toward the floor. Remember to alternate sides: first step down with your left hand, then with your right. In this case, the exercise will help strengthen the arms as a whole, focusing on the front deltoids, and also helps to work out the muscular corset and triceps.

How much to do: 9-10 lifts with each arm (18-20 lifts in total), repeat in 2 sets.

Pike push-ups

We assume a downward-facing dog position. To do this, you need to raise your pelvis so that your body takes the shape of an isosceles triangle. The palms are fixed slightly wider than the vertical of the shoulders, the back is straight, the legs do not bend at the knee. Next, as you exhale, lower your torso to the floor, stopping a couple of centimeters away from it. Elbows spread out to the sides and do not wag from side to side. While inhaling, we return to the starting position, after which we cycle the exercise and do the required number of repetitions. The main effect of such push-ups is expressed in the form of an increase in the volume of the anterior and middle bundles of the deltoid muscles.

How much to do: 13-15 push-ups in 2 sets.

Raises arms forward and sideways in plank

The final exercise is performed in a lying position. Its essence lies in alternately stretching your arms in front of you and to the side. First, we work with the left hand, raising it to a position parallel to the floor, so that at the peak point the limb becomes a kind of continuation of the body line. Return your left hand to the floor and then move it to the side so that it becomes perpendicular to the body. Then do the same work with your right hand - stretch it first in front of you, then to the side. This exercise will help you pump up your shoulders at home, focusing on the anterior and middle deltoid muscles.

How much to do: Complete 20 arm raises on both sides in total, repeat in 2 sets.

Ready-made programs for men (without equipment):

  • Ready-made training program for the whole body (for 5 days)
  • Ready-made training program for losing belly fat (3 days)
  • Ready-made training program for weight loss and body tone (for 3 days)
  • How to remove sides and belly for a man (two ready-made workouts)

Read also[edit | edit code]

  • Forearms - exercises and training
  • Shoulders - exercises and training features
  • Biceps - exercises and training features
  • Triceps - exercises and training features
  • Specialized training, hands
  • Arm training program
  • An effective program for pumping up your arms
  • Arm exercises (for women)
  • Training program with an emphasis on arms
  • How to pump up arm muscles
  • How to pump up your shoulders (deltoids)
  • Shoulder training in the gym

What is the best time to train?

People who have developed the healthy habit of doing exercises in the morning cannot imagine starting their day without squats, push-ups, bending over or stretching. True, among them there are usually more “larks”, because “night owls” can force themselves to get up a few minutes earlier only by force of will, but evening workouts are much more pleasant for them. Thus, if you are not going to break your routine and your nature, then exercise when it is convenient for you


There is also a compromise option: do a small set of dynamic exercises in the morning to help you cheer up, and in the evening take time for stretching, yoga and other exercises that will help relieve the stress of the day and prepare for a relaxing evening.

Why These Shoulder Exercises Are the Best

Because exercises with free weights and on machines have been tested by Dynamite Delts: ACE Research Identifies Top Shoulder Exercises, Analysis of anterior, middle and posterior deltoid activation during single and multijoint exercises, Electromyographical analysis of the deltoid between different strength training exercises by scientists. Electromyography (EMG) was used for this purpose. Using special sensors, electrical activity in the muscles was measured while performing a particular exercise. The best ones were included in the article.

As an alternative for people working out at home, we've added exercises from Jeff Cavaliere, a bodybuilder and physical therapist, to the list.

Shoulder anatomy

The shoulder muscle is otherwise called the “delta” for its similarity to the triangular shape of the Latin letter of the same name. The biceps and triceps are located lower and do not belong to the deltoid muscle. Therefore, an athlete doing shoulder exercises must understand that as a result, only his upper arms will be pumped up, but not his arms themselves. It is for this reason that delt exercises are suitable for girls who want to have relatively broad shoulders, but do not want to be too muscular.

The deltoid muscle is attached to three bones: the humerus, scapula and clavicle. When performing exercises, take into account the individual characteristics of the body. If you have had fractures or dislocations of the listed bones, it is recommended to exercise only with a trainer, and loads should be limited. A similar requirement applies to injuries of the shoulder joints or their ligaments.

The delta consists of three bundles: anterior, middle (lateral) and posterior. Let's look at their location and participation in training in more detail in the table.

Delta muscle bundlesAnatomyWork in exercises
FrontCovers the shoulder joint from the frontShoulder flexion and internal rotation, raising arms in front of you
AverageCovers the shoulder joint from above and from the sideLateral shoulder abduction
RearAttached to the humerus from the upper backHorizontal extension and external rotation of the shoulder

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The two main functions of the delta are to push the load away from you and to pull it towards you. These two components give rise to all the variety of movements that we use in shoulder exercises. When we do front swings, dumbbell and barbell presses, we develop the pushing function (front beam). Swings from the sides or in an inclined position, as well as all kinds of traction, are the second component (middle and rear beams).

For the full development of deltas, you need to perform at least one exercise for each of the beams. Most often, athletes “fall out” of the back and middle ones, since the front one is quite easy to pump up thanks to its participation in all presses, and exercises for the other two beams are either neglected, or not done enough, or with the wrong technique (for example, swinging heavy dumbbells with cheating) .

Useful tips for doing exercises

To ensure high-quality shoulder development and achieve maximum effectiveness in training, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • It is necessary to start your workout with a warm-up, since the shoulder girdle and joints located in this area are easily injured.
  • You should not start training with heavy weights; you need to follow the principle of gradual progression of loads.
  • It is recommended to start the workout with barbell and dumbbell presses, that is, with multi-joint exercises, and end with isolating exercises.
  • It is necessary to alternate the load for different parts of the deltas, as well as the trapezius.
  • It is impossible to increase muscle volume with a limited calorie diet. Routine and sleep are important components of progress.
  • It is necessary to introduce variety into the training process.

The main thing is to monitor the body’s reaction and adjust training if discomfort or pain occurs. Safety precautions and recommendations must be followed to avoid injury.

Shoulder training is an important component of the entire training process. Many athletes strive to develop massive muscles in this area, but not everyone approaches it correctly. Professionals advise starting your workout with multi-joint exercises and ending with isolated exercises, as well as alternating the load and introducing constant variety to “shock” the muscles. In any case, shoulder development requires a professional approach, adherence to technique and general recommendations for gaining muscle mass.

Additional recommendations

To ensure maximum benefit from your workout, be sure to do warm-up exercises. Additional factors influencing the quality of physical activity are also healthy sleep, proper nutrition and water balance. The Herbalife 24 Restoring Cocktail can help keep the body in good shape during serious exercise. It is enriched with iron, which saturates muscles with oxygen and helps remove lactic acid byproducts faster. An additional advantage of the drink is that it can help restore strength after exercise, and due to its high whey protein content, it helps to quickly satiate. Train with maximum health benefits by choosing your physical activity, diet and rest regime wisely.




Warm-up is a very important step before every workout. In this case, it is necessary to warm up the shoulders and minimize injuries. For 5-10 minutes, perform simple warm-up exercises in the starting position - standing on the floor:

  1. Tilt your head in different directions and rotate in a circle.
  2. Circular rotation of the shoulders forward and backward.
  3. Alternately raising your arms up through the sides and lowering them.
  4. Horizontal swings of arms.
  5. Again, circular rotations with your arms back and forth. Then one hand forward and the other back. Change hands.

Shoulder injuries are one of the most common, so pay due attention to the warm-up and do it as thoroughly as possible.

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