Traditional methods of treating the back. What happens if you follow them?

How to get rid of lower back pain with compresses

Compresses are included in a special group of traditional medicine recipes. For lower back pain, compresses have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and warming effect:

Mix radish or horseradish with sour cream, then apply the mixture to the lower back. Cover the treatment area with a cloth and tie a warm scarf around your lower back.

Prepare an infusion of chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, elderberry and thyme. Apply the compress before going to bed throughout the night.

Prepare 1 tablespoon of mustard and mix it with a glass of warm water. The viscous mass is used as a lubricant for the lower back. Wrap the sore spot for 5-7 minutes.

Important: warming compresses should not burn the skin or cause pain. As soon as you feel discomfort, immediately remove the compress and treat the skin.

Burdock has miraculous powers against many ailments. Dry the burdock leaves, dip them in boiling water and apply to your back. The compress is kept for 1 hour, and the lower back is wrapped in a warm shawl.

Bodyaga + vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:30 - the ointment is suitable for use as a compress. Apply it to the problem area and wrap your body with a warm cloth. The lower back warming procedure lasts 40 minutes.

Horse chestnut is another healing remedy for pain in the lumbar region. The powdered chestnut mixture is mixed with lard and camphor oil. The mass is applied to black bread, after which the natural ingredients are fixed on the lower back.

A cold compress is created using garlic. Garlic cloves are mixed with lemon juice, and then part of a cotton napkin is dipped into the liquid. The compress treatment time is 30 minutes. The napkin takes on body temperature, and the lower back receives long-awaited relief. It is recommended to use a cold compress as often as possible.

Sour dough is a good ingredient for creating a compress. Wrap a gauze cloth around your lower back and place a layer of dough on top of it. Do not skimp on the product; the layer should be as thick as possible. The treatment course is 7 days. It is advisable to carry out the procedure 1 hour before bedtime.

Honey is a universal remedy against a wide variety of diseases. Rub the sticky mass into the lumbar area. Flower honey normalizes blood circulation and improves the functioning of the muscular system.

Pain in the tailbone

Pain in the coccyx area sometimes does not go away for a long time and often interferes with normal life. And the saddest thing is that such pain can signal serious pelvic diseases.


Pain in the coccyx (scientifically called coccydynia) is most often of a pulling and aching nature. Usually the pain spreads to the buttocks, genitals, and thighs. As a rule, discomfort occurs during a certain position of the body, for example when sitting or when standing up, and can also occur during bowel movements. Sometimes, along with increasing pain, sweating, rapid heartbeat, or pale skin may appear.

Types and causes of pain in the tailbone

With primary coccydynia

(approximately 30% of all cases of coccydynia) the source of pain is the tailbone itself, for example after an injury or after childbirth. When the vertebrae of the coccyx are displaced, pain develops in it, as well as in the surrounding tissues (muscles and ligaments). At the same time, although unpleasant sensations cause a lot of inconvenience, they are not a serious threat to life and health.

How to treat lower back pain with ointments

When feeling discomfort in the joints, many people immediately run to the pharmacy for anti-inflammatory ointments based on NSAIDs. At the same time, doctors and their instructions are ignored. All this can lead to the most irreparable consequences, because... The potency of the drugs is extremely powerful. Side effects of NSAID ointments preclude their long-term use. It is recommended to combine anti-inflammatory ointments with warming consistencies. This way the body will get used to the load, and side effects will be minimized. But it is best to consult your doctor.

How to treat lower back pain with rubbing

Rubbing is one of the most effective ways to get rid of lower back discomfort.
Examples of medicinal tinctures: For the first recipe you will need “Triple” cologne. Add a few drops of 3% iodine solution, red pepper and valerian in mini bottles to the bottle. It is advisable to mix the mixtures in a single container, which should be thoroughly shaken. The infusion time for the product is 1 day. Before going to bed, anoint your lower back with the prepared mixture, preferably in the form of a mesh. Wrap your body in a warm cloth or shawl. The tincture will help avoid the threat of radiculitis.

The next effective remedy for lower back pain is a tincture of eucalyptus alcohol. It is also useful to use a burdock rub. As an option, prepare a tincture in the form of compresses to assist rubbing.

Stock up on horseradish leaves, and then apply them to problem areas on the lower back. A warm scarf or shawl is wrapped over the medicine. The shelf life of horseradish leaves is no more than 24 hours.

How to treat the lower back with kerosene and beets

Prepare regular beets, rinse them in water and let the vegetable dry. Using a fine grater, mash the beets without peeling the skins. Squeeze out the resulting juice, and add 1 tablespoon of kerosene liquid to the cake. Soak a cotton cloth in the solution and apply it to your lower back. Be sure to place a cloth between the skin and the medication. It is advisable to prepare the compress overnight and remove it in the morning. Be sure to cover the treatment area with a warm cloth. After a few sessions you will feel relief and the pain will go away.

How to treat the lower back with yolk, soap and incense

Method for preparing a compress: take a packet of incense (white), 1 tablespoon of laundry soap in the form of shavings, 2 egg yolks. Add ingredients to a common container and stir. Dip a woolen cloth into the liquid and then wrap it around your lower back, paying attention to areas of particular concern on your back. Several procedures will be required over the course of a week.

How to cure your lower back with burdock

Prepare the burdock leaves and dry them until completely dry. Dip the leaves in warm water and straighten any wrinkles. Store leaves separately from each other to avoid rotting.

Method of preparation: take 5 burdock leaves and soak them in a liquid of water and vinegar (equal proportions). The moistened leaves are placed in a common pile. Before applying burdock, lubricate your lower back with unrefined vegetable oil. Leave a compress of leaves for 8-12 hours, preferably overnight. The lower back is wrapped on top with a warm scarf or shawl. After the compress is removed, wipe the skin area with plain water. It is enough to carry out 4-5 sessions to feel significant relief in the lumbar region.

How to treat with mustard plasters

Mustard plasters are famous for their pulling effect and help get rid of the burning sensation inside the body. Method for preparing a remedy for lower back pain: you will need Furacilin (1 tablet) and a glass of water. The resulting liquid is diluted with 1 tablespoon of flower honey. After thoroughly shaking the composition, begin to dip medicinal mustard plasters into it, and then apply them to the lower back. If you feel a burning sensation, it means the product has begun to work. At the end of the compress procedure, lubricate the treated area with baby cream or lotion. Cover your lower back with a cloth and tie a shawl around your body.

Traditional methods of treating the back. What happens if you follow them?

Traditional methods of treating the back. What happens if you follow them?

How did our ancestors treat their backs when there were neither pharmacies nor the drugs that we now see in them? How relevant is traditional medicine in the treatment of back pain today?

We are talking about its capabilities in modern realities with the deputy chief physician for the clinical advisory department, neurologist at the Expert Tula Clinic, Isabella Ivanovna Kapralova.

— Isabella Ivanovna, it is known that the Greek physician Dioscorides spoke about the extraordinary power of clay. Pliny the Elder, Galen and Avicenna paid a lot of attention to the healing properties of clay. Tell us how clay affects the body in diseases of the spine?

If you allow me, at the beginning of our conversation I would like to say a few words about traditional medicine in general.

They often consist of many components. Even if we are talking about one plant, we must remember that it is a whole complex of complex substances. Can a person know for sure how this or that drug will affect him? Of course no.

Therefore, if you have thoughts about using traditional methods of treatment, you must adhere to the following rules:

- know the exact diagnosis;

— consult with your doctor about the possibility of using this or that traditional medicine. There should be no contraindications, allergies, or hypersensitivity. It is recommended to clarify these points at a doctor’s appointment;

- if the doctor’s answer is positive, strictly adhere to the treatment regimen, inform the doctor about all changes - both positive and negative;

- Do not make such medicines yourself. This should be done by certified pharmacists.

Now regarding the clay. It is mined in different places, and therefore it may have different composition and, accordingly, properties.


Clay is used topically - for example, in the form of applications and wraps on the skin of one or another area of ​​the body. The elements contained in its composition penetrate the skin, improving local blood flow and tissue nutrition. For the most part, clay has a cooling or heat-retaining, as well as analgesic effect.

It is widely used in physiotherapy and rehabilitation for pathologies that are in remission.

Read the material on the topic: Does osteochondrosis exist?

The use of clay for back pain during the acute period of illness is prohibited.

— They say that horseradish leaves can draw out all the pain from the back. Is this really true?

Rubbing horseradish leaves for back pain may provide some benefit in certain situations. It contains essential oils that have an irritating and warming effect, which leads to improved local blood flow, reduced inflammation, and relaxation of tense muscles. Horseradish nutrients have a restorative effect on tissue.

If horseradish products are used incorrectly, it is possible, in particular, to cause a burn on the skin. In acute conditions, including those accompanied by fever, the use of these drugs is contraindicated.

— Knowledgeable people say that you can get rid of radiculitis with mustard. What will happen to our back if we start treating it with mustard?

It is used in the form of powder or mustard plasters. Mustard contains many essential oils and has an irritating effect on the skin. As a result, blood delivery to tissues improves in this area, metabolism increases, and toxic substances are eliminated. As a result, inflammation and pain are reduced.

— Is it true that sheep’s wool helps with diseases of the spine?

To a certain extent, yes. The components of sheep wool are capable of retaining heat well, but without the “greenhouse effect” (i.e., overheating does not occur). In other words, the temperature of the skin at the site of fur application remains constant, there are no temperature changes.

Read the material on the topic: What can actually cause pain in the lower back?

The effects include massage, improving blood flow, pain relief and muscle relaxation. The texture of the belt or shawl should not be scratchy, and they should not be worn around the clock (the wearing time is selected individually by the doctor).

— What is the basis of the action of various warming rubs used for pain in the spine? How do they help a sore back?

Among the effects are irritating, warming, increasing blood flow, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and muscle relaxant.

Sometimes, to enhance the warming effect, patients take a hot shower and wear a belt. This should not be done, as it may cause a burn.

— Since ancient times, nettles have been used in Rus' to treat back pain. Will this treatment be beneficial?

To treat certain manifestations of a number of spinal pathologies, stinging nettle (i.e., this particular variety) is used.

Like any other medicinal plants, nettle must be collected correctly (including at the right time throughout the year) and stored.

Read material on the topic: How are hernias and protrusions of the spine treated?

It is used topically (in particular, in the form of an alcohol tincture or rubbing) on ​​the skin. The effect is irritating, like a number of products that we talked about earlier.

— Isabella Ivanovna, summing up our conversation, tell me, what do you think - can traditional methods of treating spinal diseases, in principle, be beneficial?

Yes - provided that this is not an acute phase of the pathology, there are indications, there are no contraindications, there are no side effects and the treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. In particular, a certain effect from these funds can be obtained during rehabilitation.


It is important to remember that, for example, the same herbs are not neutral remedies in terms of their effects on the body. Therefore, in order to avoid harmful effects, the use of any folk remedies should be approached thoughtfully and in no case self-medicate.

— In your practice, have there been cases when such self-medication worsened or, on the contrary, improved the health of patients?

Self-medication is generally wrong, even if in some cases there is improvement. You should not play roulette - in any case, you should first consult a doctor.

Let me give you a negative example. For example, a person applied a warming ointment to the skin and then took a hot shower. As a result, after such treatment, it is sometimes necessary to discontinue the drug and treat the burns.

— How would you advise our readers to deal with pain in the spine? What should you do if your back breaks?

First of all, consult a doctor (if the situation is urgent, call an ambulance).

You can make an appointment with a neurologist in your city here

Please note: the service is not available in all cities

It is necessary to understand what exactly the problem is, and then follow the doctor’s recommendations. It may turn out that the problem is not in the spine at all, since the back can hurt for reasons that have nothing to do with it. In other words, diagnosis comes first, then informed treatment.

If it is not possible to immediately see a neurologist, you can start with a visit to a general practitioner or therapist.

Read other materials on topics:

Are you worried about pain in your lower back? Let's talk about sacroiliitis

How is manual therapy beneficial?

Who can benefit from MRI of the spine?

For reference:

Kapralova Isabella Ivanovna

In 2009 she graduated from the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development.

From 2009 to 2011 she completed clinical residency in the specialty “Neurology”.

Since 2011, she has worked as a neurologist in medical institutions in Moscow and the Tula region.

Currently he holds the position of Deputy Chief Physician for the Clinical Advisory Department, a neurologist at the Expert Tula Clinic. Receives at the address: st. Boldina, 74

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