Bandage, corset, orthosis – what to choose for back treatment?

The issue of choosing an orthopedic corset must be approached with maximum responsibility. Otherwise, existing problems with the spine may worsen. The degree of its impact on the condition of the lumbosacral spine largely depends on the correct selection of an orthopedic product. When purchasing a corset, you need to focus on such parameters as the type, size and degree of rigidity of the device.

Hardness degree

The degree of rigidity of the orthopedic corset is selected depending on the severity of the problem with the lumbar region. If a person’s mobility is severely limited and he cannot straighten up from pain, it is recommended to wear a rigid corset. This device is also used after surgery on the spine.

A rigid corset can be worn during rehabilitation after a fracture. Its use is indicated for lumbago and intervertebral hernia. For these diseases, strong fixation of the spinal column is necessary.

Selection rules

Before you go to choose a spinal corrector, you need to get a doctor’s recommendations regarding a suitable model (size, type of belt, degree of rigidity). There is a wide range of belts, so many patients get lost and make the wrong choice. And this threatens not only a waste of money, but also a deterioration in health. To choose a quality product taking into account your doctor’s recommendations, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Size of lumbosacral bandage. To select the exact size of the product, you need to measure the circumference of the waist and hips, and then divide the resulting figure by 2. Orthopedic salons have different sizes of corsets: from S (minimum) to XXL (maximum). The table above, which shows the correspondence of measurements and sizes, will help make your choice easier.
  • Insulation of stiffeners. If the product is of high quality, then the reinforcing parts should be covered with several layers of fabric. If the insert breaks through the fabric, it will easily damage the skin.
  • Product material. The base of a semi-rigid belt should be made of durable and elastic fabric that allows air to pass through, such as knitwear. The amount of natural materials in the composition should prevail. Warming corsets can be made from neoprene or natural wool.

A special table will help you choose the correct corset size

Attention. Warming belts may cause allergies in some patients.

The inner layer should be pleasant to the touch, absorb moisture well, and not cause allergies; cotton, silk or linen have these qualities. Synthetic inserts extend the service life of the product.

  • Convenience. A high-quality belt should have wide, elastic straps that are adjustable in length, as well as high-quality fasteners.
  • Place of purchase, brand of product. Buy corsets in specialized orthopedic salons. Give preference to trusted manufacturers who value their reputation. Otherwise, there is a risk of purchasing a corrector that may harm your health or, at least, not show a therapeutic effect.

If you follow these recommendations, you will be able to choose a high-quality corset for the lumbosacral region and increase the effectiveness of complex therapy.

Orthopedic product size

The choice of a semi-rigid orthopedic corset should take into account the anatomical features of the figure. The size range of products manufactured by different manufacturers may vary significantly.

When choosing a corset, you most often need to focus on waist size. But there are also orthopedic products, the size of which is determined by the circumference of the back.

When measuring your waist, the measuring tape should fit as closely as possible to your body. It should not be loosened or tightened too much.

Types and forms

To correct posture, you can use corsets, which are divided into two large groups: supporting and correcting. Each group includes several types of products.

A posture corrector is a supporting structure that instantly makes your back straight and beautiful, allowing the muscles to remember the correct position

Supportive corset for the spine

Table. Types of support corsets.

ReclinatorThe simplest corset, which is a combination of elastic belts. They cross in the chest or back area. Additionally, there is a liner on the back. Prescribed for use in cases of initial stoop, including in children. You can wear a single product or complement it with a more complex orthopedic design, if there is a medical indication for this. The main function of wearing a reclinator is to relieve the spine. It keeps your muscles toned and forces you to keep your back straight. Of course, it will not be possible to straighten a curved spine using this corset, but it can stop the curvature at the initial stage. Wear the product for up to two hours a day or as directed by a doctor.
ChestOn the back there is a semi-rigid frame in the form of a wide stripe. Two stripes secure the shoulders. It can be fastened under the chest or at the back. Or the structure is attached with elastic bands, which can be tied with the necessary force around the body. The corset does not allow slouching and can be used for moderate spinal distortions. A corset is a vest that covers most of the back. It can both relax muscles, eliminating spasms, and maintain their tone. This is a very good way to get rid of initial stoop. You can wear it three to four hours a day.
ThoracolumbarA semi-rigid variety that can be used for severe stoop (medium variant of the development of the disease). The corset covers the chest, ribs and the entire back. This is more of a corrective orthopedic product than a supporting one, although due to its semi-rigidity it is still classified in the first group. In essence, a combination of a reclinator and a thoracolumbar corset is used here. It is worn to correct stoop of the first and second degree, no more than four hours a day.

If you want to know in more detail what types of corsets for scoliosis there are, and also familiarize yourself with the rules for collecting and wearing, you can read an article about this on our portal.

In a supportive corset, you can do everyday activities, work and wear it when playing sports, even without a doctor’s prescription (but consultation is still advisable). But if the stoop progresses and cannot be corrected, then it is already a disease (scoliosis, kyphosis), and it is necessary to reach a new level of therapy, in which a corrective corset is used.

Table. Types of corrective corsets.

ChenaultIt has a rigid frame, which is not produced universally, but is made specifically for the patient, adjusting the template to his anatomical features. Plastic construction with foam pads. The free cavities inside help to even out the bulges. This type is the most popular of the existing corrective corsets.
MilwaukeeThis type is most often prescribed for wearing by children, since it is semi-rigid, but has rigid guides. Since children are mobile, it is uncomfortable for them to wear a regular rigid corset, but they use this design easily. It is also made according to the figure, but the model has growth regulators, allowing it to be used for growing children until the stoop is corrected, or the time comes to switch to a support corset.

Corset fit

The lower edge of the product should hug the upper part of the pelvis. In this case, the top layer of the corset fits tightly to the lower back.

Important! Women with a pronounced waist need to use special orthopedic corsets, which are designed specifically for the fair sex.

It is recommended to wear the corset over underwear and not over the naked body. This will help avoid friction.

After wearing a neoprene corset in the hot season, the lower back is wiped dry after using the product. This helps prevent you from catching a cold and aggravating your back problems.

In conclusion, it should be noted that it is recommended to wash the orthopedic corset on a delicate cycle. In this case, the product must be fastened with all hooks. You can additionally use a special laundry bag. When caring for an orthopedic product, follow the appropriate instructions indicated on the packaging.

Why posture is important

Keeping your back straight all day on your own is not easy. You can control your posture only by a titanic effort of will, which few are capable of in the crazy rhythm of modern life. But if this is not done, muscle balance is disrupted and the load on the muscles is incorrectly redistributed. Some of them are overstrained, others atrophy, ceasing to fully support the spine.

Orthopedic chair

Where does stooping come from and how to get rid of it

The vertebrae become deformed, shift, hernias, protrusions and other problems occur, leading to a number of serious diseases that are not always subject to therapeutic treatment. Often only surgery can save the situation. And sometimes it doesn’t help, and the person gets a disability, the root cause of which was the inability to keep his back straight.

By the way. A person's spine is subject to stress throughout his life. And it is not surprising that the shoulders drop, the figure bends, the back slouches. But maintaining the spinal column in an even state is so important that numerous devices have been invented to help correct postural disorders at an early stage and prevent the development of stoop. One of them is an orthopedic corset.

The consequences of slouching can be the saddest

Of course, if the stoop is severe and there is a curvature of the spine, a supportive corset will help little. In this situation, you will need a corrective orthopedic product, which should be prescribed and selected by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis of the degree of curvature.

The health of the back and many internal organs directly depends on the condition of the spine and muscles. Many people today have varying degrees of scoliosis, abnormal kyphosis and other problems because they spend a lot of time in a sitting position with insufficient general activity.

Corsets for stooping

Adolescents and young people are especially susceptible to postural distortions. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a straight back from a young age, when the formation of the skeleton has not yet been completed and the changes have not become irreversible. It is almost impossible to get rid of stoop in adulthood, when the spine is fully formed.

Important! At the first sign of stooping in a child, it is necessary to begin posture correction immediately. The sooner it is started, the better the result will be. Of course, you must first consult with your doctor and choose the most effective correction method.

Why is stooping dangerous?

How to understand that your posture is crooked

On their own, especially in childhood and adolescence, it is not easy for a child to understand that the position of his back is beginning to take on irregular shapes.

Important! To determine the beginning of stoop, you need to perform the following steps. Stand tightly with your back to the wall, relax your body and determine whether your head, shoulders, shoulder blades and heels touch the wall at the same time. If not, then your posture is incorrect.

How to recognize slouching in a child

When the spine begins to curve, it immediately affects the condition of other organs.

  1. The muscles weaken and their tone is lost.
  2. The lungs and heart begin to work worse.
  3. The nervous system suffers.
  4. Pain, dizziness, and malaise occur.
  5. There is a deterioration in the general condition.
  6. The functioning of the musculoskeletal system is disrupted.
  7. Spinal diseases develop.


Of course, stooping needs to be treated. Under no circumstances should its manifestations be ignored. Surely, after contacting a doctor with this problem, the patient will be prescribed a set of therapeutic measures, which will include:

  • massage;
  • physical therapy exercises;
  • sports activities;
  • swimming;
  • healing procedures;
  • manual therapy.

Swimming is included in the treatment package

You will also need to organize your working and sleeping space in such a way as to control your posture and keep your back straight, wear comfortable clothes that do not pinch your body and do not restrict movement. And in almost all cases of incipient stooping, a corrective back corset can be prescribed.


Most patients who have experienced the effects of lumbosacral corsets are satisfied with the results of their use. They claim that the belts are easy to use, reduce pain, and speed up recovery.

Alina, 32 years old: “Back pain is my long-standing problem associated with osteochondrosis. In addition, there is stooping. When I finally found time for full treatment, the pain became constant. The doctor prescribed me NSAID injections, massage, physical therapy, and a moderately rigid thoracolumbar corset. Literally after a week of this treatment I felt relief. And after 2 months, the pain completely disappeared and it even seemed that my back became straighter, which was later proven by x-ray results.”

Ruslan, 34 years old: “I received a lower back injury at work, I was constantly in pain. The doctor advised me to solve the problem with surgery, but I did not agree. I found another specialist who prescribed a course of treatment for me, consisting of medications, physical therapy, manual therapy, and electrophoresis. He suggested supplementing the treatment with a lumbar corset (semi-rigid), which I wear for 6 hours a day with breaks. I wear it mostly when I'm going to be physically active. The effect is noticeable immediately: the pain is relieved, the back seems to relax, and after removal it becomes more mobile.”

Maxim, 42 years old: “I received a lower back injury during professional sports (weightlifting). I couldn’t straighten up because of the pain, I had to give up sports. The doctor prescribed me a course of NSAID injections, physiotherapy, and massage. In addition, I do exercise therapy, go to the pool, take chondroprotectors, and recently started wearing a lumbosacral corset on the advice of a doctor. The belt perfectly supports your back, does not interfere with movement, and at the same time reduces the risk of repeated injuries. The pain disappears while wearing it. I'm pleased with this effect."

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