CT scan of joints: what the study shows, indications for it

Computed tomography of joints (CT joints) is the most modern and fastest method of studying this part of the human body. This diagnostic method is used at the Yusupov Hospital to determine or exclude destructive, tumor and inflammatory processes in the joints. The modern tomograph of the new generation, which the clinic is equipped with, allows you to quickly obtain the clearest images, which are interpreted in detail by experienced, highly qualified specialists.

Compared to conventional radiography, CT of the joints provides more accurate information, so computed tomography is one of the most informative diagnostic methods.

Is CT scanning of joints dangerous?

CT scans of joints are based on X-rays. For many patients, this fact is the basis for worries about the possible harm to health that an x-ray can cause. However, these fears are absolutely unjustified, since the radiation exposure provided by modern equipment and software and hardware systems is biologically determined and is considered very low. Computed tomography does not harm human health; it can even be performed several times throughout the year.

Contraindications and side effects

You should stop preparing for a CT scan with contrast if at least one of the following contraindications:

  • allergic reaction to iodine or other contrast component;
  • diabetes mellitus in a severe stage;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • renal failure;
  • psychical deviations;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

The administration of a contrast agent usually occurs without complications. After the composition enters the body, the patient may feel a spreading warmth throughout the body and a metallic taste in the mouth. The symptoms go away on their own. The composition is filtered by the kidneys and is easily excreted within 24 hours.

The occurrence of a contrasting adverse reaction cannot be excluded:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • cardiopalmus.

Less commonly, an anaphylactoid reaction occurs, accompanied by a slow heartbeat, low blood pressure, and an attack of suffocation. In this case, the patient is indicated for symptomatic treatment with the use of adrenaline, cortisol and fluid that restores water balance.

How to prepare for a CT scan of the joints?

Due to the fact that computed tomography of the joints is performed without the use of a contrast agent, the patient does not require any special preparation.

The radiologist may need the following documents that the patient needs to take with him:

  • referral from the attending physician;
  • outpatient card or extract from medical history;
  • results of previous studies with images and descriptions (both CT and others);
  • other documents that relate to the subject’s disease.

How is diagnosis carried out?

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Diagnosis is carried out on an outpatient basis. The patient is positioned on the apparatus table. He is tied with belts. As soon as the scanning begins, the table slides into the tomograph. While the scanner moves slowly to take the appropriate pictures, the patient lies motionless.

During the procedure, the radiologist, who monitors the entire process and controls the equipment, is behind the door.

As a rule, such a diagnostic event lasts 40 minutes.

After the diagnosis, the patient should drink as much fluid as possible, which promotes the rapid removal of contrast.

How is a joint CT scan performed?

To conduct the study, the patient enters the equipment room, takes off clothes that may interfere with the procedure, metal jewelry, glasses, watches, leaves unnecessary items there, and a mobile phone. After this, it is placed on a mobile table.

During a computed tomography scan, the tomograph ring rotates around the table on which the person being examined lies. One of the conditions for obtaining high-quality images is complete immobility of the patient, for which special belts can be used.

The duration of the procedure is, on average, about five minutes. As a rule, it takes experienced specialists at the Yusupov Hospital no more than one hour to draw up a conclusion. No preliminary preparation is required.

CT of the joints is an absolutely safe procedure, with virtually no contraindications, except for those standard for any tomography.

Computed tomography of joints is not recommended:

  • children under 14 years of age (except in cases of emergency);
  • pregnant women (due to possible negative effects on the fetus);
  • patients with excessive body weight - more than 150-160 kg (due to the limited size of the tomograph).


In order to undergo a CT scan of the PPN you need:

  • contact the Registry via telephone or online Appointment Form;
  • choose a convenient time for yourself and make a reservation;
  • You are very welcome to arrive at the Clinic 5-10 minutes earlier than your appointment to fill out the documents;
  • A CT scan of the knee joint does not take more than 10 seconds;
  • Immediately after the procedure you can be free. There is no need to limit your regime;
  • CT results of the knee joint are prepared for you within one day;
  • You can get a film, a CD with all CT sections of the knee joint and the original diagnostic report signed by a doctor at the Registration Office. A copy of the diagnostic report can be received by email immediately after the radiologist signs it.

Indications for CT scan of the shoulder joints

A CT scan of the shoulder joints may be prescribed to patients to identify the following diseases and conditions:

  • shoulder dislocation;
  • fractures of the scapula or humerus;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • neoplasms of bones or cartilage;
  • humeroscapular periarthritis;
  • shoulder pain;
  • osteochondropathy;
  • changes in the shoulder joint.

In addition, computed tomography of the shoulder joints is used before surgery and to clarify the results of radiography.

What is contrast

A contrast agent is a safe chemical compound made from iodine- and sulfate-containing components. The use of contrast expands the diagnostic capabilities of computed tomography, allowing you to quickly detect pathological changes in the area of ​​the body being examined.

Has the following features:

  1. Contrast allows you to “highlight” pathologically altered areas of the body (tissues of organs, blood vessels, etc.). This occurs due to the fact that the substance lingers in them and begins to accumulate, which is clearly visible on CT images.
  2. The contrast quickly spreads throughout the body, easily detecting abnormal veins, varicose plaques, neoplasms, blood clots, allowing specialists to see the localization of the disease, its boundaries, and determine the stage.

Important: To know how to properly prepare for a CT scan with contrast, you need to talk with your doctor. He will talk about the main points of preparation, and also explain what needs to be done if, for example, you have complex chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, lupus).

Indications for CT scan of the hip joint

CT scan of the hip joint is necessary for the following pathologies:

  • arthritis of any etiology (infectious, traumatic, rheumatic);
  • destructive changes in the joint (due to tuberculosis, sepsis, tumor, etc.);
  • tumors in cartilage, synovial capsule or surrounding tissues;
  • deforming osteoarthritis;
  • osteochondropathy of the hip joint;
  • accumulation of pus, blood, inflammatory fluid in the hip joint;
  • fractures of the pelvic bones or femur, incl. intra-articular, etc.

Indications for CT scan of the ankle joint

CT scanning of the ankle joint is part of a comprehensive diagnosis of the following diseases:

  • various ankle injuries;
  • degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the ankle joint;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ankle;
  • joint dislocation;
  • infectious diseases of the joint (osteomyelitis);
  • benign and malignant tumors of the ankle joint, soft tissues, bones.

Computed tomography of the joints also allows you to verify the diagnosis if other research methods do not allow this. In addition, CT scans of joints are used in preparation for surgical treatment and to monitor the results of surgery.

Preparation and execution

No special preparation is required for diagnosis without contrast. Before contrast is administered, a standard biochemical blood test for creatinine is performed.

Before the procedure, the patient changes into suitable clothing and removes all metal objects. The presence of permanent metal parts, such as prostheses or a pacemaker, must be reported to the doctor in advance. The patient lies down on the tomograph table and takes a motionless position. Afterwards the tol moves into the frame of the device and scanning begins. If contrast is used, the drug is administered intravenously immediately before the start of the examination.

The cost of such a procedure in Moscow clinics depends on its fundamental parameters - the scope of the examination, the administration of a drug with contrast, and others.

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Indications for CT scan of knee joints

CT scan of joints is prescribed for the following purposes:

  • determination of the bone structure of the proximal tibia, distal femur and patella;
  • obtaining information about the structure of the soft tissues of the joint;
  • assessment of the integrity of bone and other structures in case of injury;
  • identification of various patella and knee fractures;
  • diagnosis of Baker's cyst, Osgood-Schlatter disease;
  • assessment of the anatomical features of the knee joint when planning surgical intervention;
  • assessment of surgical results.

Cost of appointment and consultation

MSCT of joints and bones of one anatomical area (knee joint)4 200
Initial consultation with traumatologist-orthopedist K.M.N.1800 rub.
Initial consultation with a traumatologist-orthopedist1320 rub.
Repeated consultation with a traumatologist-orthopedist840 rub.
Free consultation with a joint traumatologist0,00
Consultation with professor, doctor of medical sciences2400,00
Consultation with professor, doctor of medical sciences (Bagirov)3000,00
Repeated consultation with D.M.N.1200,00

MRI or CT of joints: which is better?

Several methods are used to diagnose joint diseases at the Yusupov Hospital: ultrasound, X-ray, magnetic resonance and computed tomography. The most modern and informative of them are MRI and CT. When prescribing one or another diagnostic method, the attending physician takes into account the task of examining the joints and the individual characteristics of each patient.

For example, magnetic resonance imaging is not used for patients who have various implants, pacemakers, pins, etc. installed in their bodies, when the above factors are not contraindications for computed tomography.

Bruises and various injuries, as a rule, require the use of MRI, since such injuries damage soft tissues, the visualization of which is better provided by magnetic resonance imaging. For diseases affecting bone structures (various fractures, tumors, osteomyelitis, etc.), the optimal diagnostic method is computed tomography.

You can get a CT scan of joints in Moscow at an affordable price in one of the most modern multidisciplinary medical centers - the Yusupov Hospital. Experienced, highly qualified clinic specialists conduct research using the latest spiral computed tomograph, which guarantees the most accurate results. Thanks to the high information content of CT, doctors select an effective treatment regimen individually for each patient.

Let's sum it up

When choosing a diagnostic, it is important to consider the following parameters:

  • purpose of the study and preliminary diagnosis;
  • possible contraindications;
  • speed of obtaining results: CT scans take much less time than MRIs, and it is important to remain still during any scan;
  • need for contrast injection: various drugs are used to enhance visualization, which can cause negative side effects. The doctor must take this factor into account to avoid unpleasant consequences;
  • patient's age.

The studies are expensive, so only a doctor can accurately determine the need for tomography based on preliminary data and patient complaints.

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