Home remedy: Bay leaf decoction removes excess salts from the body

How to sober up from alcohol

To begin with, it is worth defining the concepts of intoxication and sobriety.

  1. Intoxication is a condition that occurs as a result of the influence of alcohol or psychoactive substances on the brain. After entering the gastrointestinal tract, alcohol spreads through the blood, after which the synthesis of neurotransmitters begins in the brain, promoting the production of the hormone dopamine, which is responsible for relaxation. After just a few glasses of strong alcohol, stress subsides, a person begins to feel lightness and relaxation.
  2. Sobriety is considered a complete and long-term abstinence from alcohol or psychoactive substances. In the layman's sense, the concept of “getting sober” is the ability to think clearly and feel good after drinking alcohol. However, medical sobriety is the complete liberation of the body from alcohol and its breakdown products.

Sober up from alcohol for a short period of time

You can become sober for a short period of time only during the phase of removing alcohol from the blood, when its amount in the tissues decreases. The effective time of physical detoxification methods is approximately 30 minutes - this is the short time you can get yourself into relative shape. So what can help?

  • Fresh, cool air will stop the effects of the toxic components of alcohol.
  • Washing with cold water will invigorate, constrict blood vessels, and slow down the absorption of alcohol.
  • A contrast shower or a cool bath works in the same way. Sudden changes in temperature should be avoided.
  • Massage of the feet and earlobes works to quickly sober up due to the activation of nerve endings.
  • Artificial vomiting. The method works when the remains of alcohol are still contained in the stomach. Vomiting will reduce the concentration of alcohol in the body.
  • Brushing your teeth and chewing mint gum will help eliminate the smell of smoke for a short time.
  • Black coffee (if there are no contraindications), strong and sweet black tea will increase your tone.

These methods will not work in cases of obvious alcohol dependence, since the alcoholic’s body develops tolerance to the effects of alcohol. Physical means of quickly sobering up will not lead to results.

Sober up from alcohol for a long time

In this case, you will have to make more efforts, since you need to get rid of the presence of traces of alcohol in the body, restore water and acid-base balance, and stabilize the functioning of internal organs.

  1. Artificial vomiting will help eliminate traces of alcohol.
  2. Sometimes it is recommended to do an enema, but this procedure requires the use of special equipment, and it is quite difficult to do it yourself. In addition, due to alcohol, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is already disrupted, so artificial cleansing of the intestines is undesirable here.
  3. An alternative can be enterosorbents, the most popular and inexpensive of which is activated carbon. Take 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight and wash it down with plain water. “Polysorb”, “Atoxil”, “Enterosgel” are more convenient to take, and they act faster.
  4. Alcohol severely dehydrates the body, so it is important to restore water balance. Still water will do, but if the water is mineral, it will also support salt metabolism. If you do not have allergies or stomach reactions, you can drink fruit juices.
  5. Energy balance after alcohol poisoning will restore proper nutrition. Food should be light, balanced, and well digestible. White meat, fish, high-fiber foods, and dairy products will help you recover faster from alcohol.
  6. In the absence of contraindications, you can use medications with different effects:
  • Diuretics speed up the elimination of toxins from alcohol. It’s better to stick with Veroshpiron, it doesn’t wash away potassium.
  • Antioxidants. The most accessible of them is vitamin C, which has a good effect on metabolism, activates synthesis processes, and accelerates liver detoxification.
  • Neurotropics (B vitamins) are taken to restore nerve tissue and improve muscle reactions. Thiamine (B1) processes ethanol into water and carbon dioxide, B6 accelerates detoxification.
  • To improve liver function, you can take amino acids. They stimulate detoxification functions and activate the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase.
  • Aspirin works to thin the blood, prevent the development of blood clots, and partially relieve pain. However, in combination the drug is not able to improve the condition, but only temporarily masks the symptoms of intoxication.

What exactly cannot be done to sober up for the long term?

  1. Cure a hangover with a fresh glass of alcohol. This is an additional burden on the body, additional intoxication and the initial stage of addiction. Only alcoholics at stage 2 of the disease are allowed to have a hangover.
  2. Heavy and fatty foods, preservatives, and fatty broths slow down the removal of ethanol from the body.
  3. Bath and sauna. Visiting them can speed up metabolism, which will help a person sober up, but the procedure is strictly contraindicated for people with problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Bay leaf treatment and salt deposition

Daphnia, as laurel was called in ancient Rus', is able to cleanse joints of salts using the following means.

Decoction of leaves

To prepare the decoction, you need an enamel container, 350 milliliters of water and 5 grams of laurel. The resulting mixture must be boiled for about five minutes.

By boiling, essential oils that negatively affect the kidneys are eliminated. After time has passed, the container with the resulting decoction must be removed from the stove and tightly covered with a lid.

After three hours, the infused liquid should be divided into 12 parts and drunk in small sips within twelve hours. You should not drink it right away, otherwise it may cause stomach bleeding. The course of treatment with this remedy is three days.

Twenty days after taking the first course, it must be repeated, but before that it is worth cleaning the intestines and gallbladder. This completes the first stage of treatment.

The second stage is aimed at restoring the bone and cartilage tissue of the joint. At this time, you need to take eggshells ground to a powder state without the inner film. Take the shell once a day, half a tablespoon with the same amount of gelatin. You need to drink calcium with mineral water with silicon components.

This regime must be followed for a month. Then the intake of crushed shells is reduced and it is consumed every other day according to the same scheme.

Simple decoction

You can also use the following recipe: Take half a pack of bay leaves and boil them in 350 milliliters of water for five to seven minutes. Then pour the liquid into a thermos and leave for 4 hours. After this, the decoction is taken throughout the day. The next day you need to make a new one. The course of treatment is three days with a week break, after which the procedure must be repeated.

The most important thing in this course aimed at treating joints with bay leaves is frequency. Therapy should be carried out throughout the year with a break every quarter. Then once every 12 months. Treatment works best in summer and spring.

Bay ointment

You can also treat joints with an ointment containing daphnia. To prepare it, you need to chop the daphnia and mix it with butter. Then heat the resulting mixture using a water bath and let it cool. The finished ointment should be applied to the joints twice a day for two weeks.

Alcohol tincture

This laurel (Daphnia) based tincture is very effective for knee pain. To prepare it you need to take 17 daphnia leaves and pour 500 grams of 40 vodka over them. Place the container with the ingredients in a dark cabinet for 72 hours.

In order to improve the quality of the tincture, it needs to be shaken before use. You can’t drink it, but it makes very effective compresses that are applied to sore joints overnight. The course of such treatment is 30 days.

For aching bones

Using daphnia can soothe bone aches. To do this, take 20 laurel leaves and add them to a hot bath. This procedure will relieve joint pain and make movements less constrained.

Tea with daphnia leaves is an excellent prevention of the formation of salts in the joints. Bay leaves can be brewed together with other herbs.

To make tea, you need to take 5 laurel leaves and your favorite herbs. Pour the mixture with a liter of water and boil for 20 minutes. Tea can be consumed both hot and cold.

Bay oil

Bay oil will help make the treatment more effective. To prepare it, you need to take 250 milliliters of olive oil and chopped daphnia leaves in the amount of 1 tablespoon. The product must be infused in a warm place for 15 days. Then put the oil in the refrigerator and rub it into problem areas for a month, wrapping them in a warm cloth. It is better to carry out this procedure at night. The oil helps relieve pain and reduce swelling.

Bay compresses

If your joints hurt, compresses made from ground castor and laurel leaves can help. A decoction of these ingredients is used for compresses and reduces inflammation and pain in the affected areas.

How to quickly sober up from alcohol

The painful consequences of drinking alcohol - hangover, nausea, dizziness - force you to ask the question: how to sober up in 5 minutes and get rid of the consequences of the feast. The doctors' answer is clear: this is impossible. Even a detox drip lasts at least 30 minutes. To achieve complete sobering, it is not enough to simply remove ethanol. It is necessary for the body to get rid of its breakdown products and accumulated toxins. It should also be borne in mind that alcohol is eliminated from a woman’s body more slowly than from a man’s body, this is due to the peculiarities of metabolism and metabolic processes.

However, there are ways that can speed up the sobering up process and relieve unpleasant symptoms. The general principle for quickly sobering up from any type of alcohol is to stop drinking it.

How to sober up from strong alcohol (vodka, whiskey, cognac, moonshine, etc.)

If you need quick sobering up after drinking alcohol above 40 degrees, then it would be appropriate to induce vomiting (the so-called “restaurant method” - two fingers in your mouth) and take sorbents. It is also a good idea to take a walk in the fresh air - this is necessary to improve blood circulation and stimulate metabolism. Contrast showers and washing with cold water help stimulate autonomic functions. Thiamine solution (B1) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) improve the detoxification functions of the liver. You can sniff a cotton swab dipped in ammonia.

Taken together, these measures will contribute to faster sobering, but they will not completely remove alcohol from the body.

How to sober up from weak alcohol (beer, wine, cocktails)

It all depends on the amount you drink, but in general, low-alcohol drinks are eliminated from the body more slowly than strong alcohol. If possible, i.e. We are not talking about emergency sobering up, you need to get a good night's sleep - this way ethanol breaks down faster. In the absence of contraindications (impaired functioning of the heart, blood vessels, brain), you can visit a bathhouse or sauna to improve metabolism. In addition, some alcohol may be released through the sweat glands. It is allowed to take diuretics, combining them with plenty of water without gas.

How to prepare medicine from laurel leaves?

There are several recipes for drugs suitable for external or internal use. A decoction, infusion and ointment from the leaves of a natural joint healer help relieve pain and relieve inflammation.

If taking the decoction is impossible for some reason (individual intolerance, pregnancy, stomach ulcer, urolithiasis, etc.), then you can use the ointment by applying it to the affected area.

To make such a product you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. laurel leaf powder;
  • 1 tbsp. l. juniper needle powder;
  • 5 tbsp. l. butter.

You can use ghee butter instead of butter. To obtain the powder, dry raw materials (leaves and needles) are ground in a mortar or crushed in a coffee grinder. You need to mix the dry ingredients, and then add the softened butter and, stirring the ointment, bring it until smooth. The composition is used for massage and rubbing of joints and lower back affected by arthritis, arthrosis or gout (with osteochondrosis).

Cleansing joints with bay leaves can also be done by ingesting a decoction or infusion. You should strictly follow the dosage of raw materials when preparing the product and do not try to drink more of the decoction than indicated. The effect of laurel, as numerous reviews indicate, appears quite quickly (10–14 days), but several cycles will have to be carried out throughout the year, since joint diseases are most often chronic.

Before removing salts from the joints, it is recommended to cleanse the intestines with an enema.

The decoction recipe includes only bay leaves and water. Boil water (300 ml), reduce heat and place 15 medium laurel leaves in a container. The raw materials can be pre-crushed or used in their entirety. Boil the product over low heat for 10 minutes, then pour the liquid along with the leaves into a thermos and leave for 6 hours.

Strain the broth and take 3 tbsp. l. every 30 minutes for 1 day. Then you need to take a break of 7 days, after which prepare a new portion of the decoction and take it according to the same scheme for 2 days in a row. The course of treatment must be repeated after 3 months for 1 year. In the future, joints are cleaned with a laurel leaf once a year to prevent the accumulation of salt crystals.

An infusion of leaves can be prepared from 2 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials and 250 ml of boiling water. In this case, pour boiling water over the leaves and leave covered for 30–40 minutes. Take 50 ml 3 times a day. The course of taking the infusion is 7 days, after which you need to take a break for 2 weeks.

While cleaning the joints, you need to follow a diet. It is recommended to exclude from consumption products containing animal proteins (meat, poultry), large amounts of salt (canned food, marinades, pickles), fried and smoked foods. You can include a small amount of steamed or boiled sea fish in the menu. Preference should be given to plant foods (vegetables, cereals, fruits and berries).

How to sober up quickly enough to drive

In such a situation, the answer has no options: you can’t get behind the wheel until the alcohol has completely left the body, and this, depending on the amount drunk, can take more than one hour. However, reluctantly, doctors confirm that situations can be different, and then the person needs urgent sobering up. Well... It's worth taking the following steps:

  • Stop drinking immediately.
  • Gastric lavage. Vomiting prevents the absorption of alcohol into the blood, removes remaining alcohol from the stomach, and reduces the amount drunk.
  • Sweet, strong tea tones the body and will help remove alcohol from the blood. Plain water will restore your water balance.
  • A cool or contrast shower improves metabolism and blood circulation in the body.
  • Smell the ammonia solution (ammonia) applied to the cotton wool.

And we repeat once again - it’s better not to get behind the wheel! The breathalyzer will still show the presence of alcohol in the blood.

How to restore microflora

Complete diet

A person should eat a variety of foods per day, and not meager ones, consisting mainly of carbohydrates and fats. This is how most people eat, snacking, for lack of time, on fast foods, rolls, etc.. It is necessary to include fiber in the diet every day.


  • fresh vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • grain bread;
  • legumes;
  • greenery;
  • nuts.

Orthodox fasting is useful for normalizing microflora. It has been observed that those who observe fasts suffer less from intestinal diseases, even cancer. Fasting excludes animal fats (meat, butter, eggs) and focuses on fresh vegetables and fruits, berries, and cereals.

It is known that inulin, which has a prebiotic effect, is found in the following products:

  • garlic;
  • onion;
  • leek;
  • asparagus;
  • chicory;
  • artichoke.

These products help improve intestinal microflora and defeat harmful bacteria. They must be included in your diet if you have intestinal problems.

Sources of bifidobacteria beneficial to humans are:

  • apples;
  • blueberry;
  • artichoke;
  • almond;
  • pistachios.

They must be present on the table as often as possible.

Fermentation of products

It is useful to eat fermented ones, i.e. fermented products. As a result of the fermentation process, simple products become fantastically healthy because they change their composition thanks to bacteria. They help restore intestinal microflora.

The most common fermented products:

  • sauerkraut;
  • kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • tea mushroom.

It is customary for some peoples to ferment vegetables, even spicy ones. This dish of pickled spicy vegetables is called kimchi. Fermented soybeans are called tempeh.

Fermented dairy products contain lactobacilli, which are so necessary for normal microflora. People suffering from kidney disease simply need them, because... With such diseases, the microflora is disrupted.

Artificial sweeteners are harmful

Sugar substitutes (aspartame, saccharin) are harmful products. They have a destructive effect on the intestinal microflora. In addition, they increase blood glucose levels. Therefore, they must be excluded from the diet.

More prebiotics

Prebiotics contain beneficial bacteria that help evict harmful ones from the human intestines. They are found in vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains. They should be eaten as often as possible. They also lower the level of triglycerides, cholesterol, and insulin in the body. This means that prebiotics reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, death from heart attack, and stroke.

Whole grains

The benefit of whole grains is that they contain fiber and indigestible carbohydrates, which are not absorbed in the small intestine, but enter the large intestine. There they break down and cause the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Whole grains contain:

  • B vitamins;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates.

They are sold whole and are also used to make whole grain bread. They are also used to make whole wheat flour.

Artificial Probiotics

There is controversy about probiotic drugs. There is evidence of some benefits that such drugs provide. But it has not been completely proven. Moreover, there are many fakes among the drugs. You need to be careful when choosing probiotics, following your doctor’s recommendations. We recommend paying attention to Maxilac.

How to sober up quickly in the morning

You can save yourself from the painful symptoms of a hangover if you take some measures in the evening to quickly sober up in the morning.

  • After a feast accompanied by heavy drinking, you need to do a gastric lavage. To do this, upon returning home, you should drink as much water as possible and induce artificial vomiting.
  • After this, you need to take sorbents: activated carbon, polysorb, enterosgel. Sorbents can be taken before or during a feast.
  • If there is strong alcohol on the table, do not forget about a snack to neutralize the effects of alcohol. It is best to eat a large meal before drinking alcohol.
  • In the morning, take the sorbents again. Let us remind you that activated carbon is taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight, other medications are taken as prescribed.
  • A light breakfast is recommended - porridge, fermented milk products, sweet tea.
  • A cool or contrast shower will improve the condition.
  • Don't forget about water: a large amount of liquid will help remove alcohol from the body and quickly sober up.

If you control the amount you drink the day before and follow some simple tips, you can save yourself from the symptoms of a severe hangover.

However, if nothing helps, then the advice is this: call the clinic and have a doctor come to your home, he will help you sober up quickly and safely in a short time.

Click here to view the conditions, tariffs and prices for treatment

Ways to sober up at home

Let’s repeat ourselves and say that the best way is not to bring yourself to a state where you need a quick sobering up. However, man proposes, but God disposes: anything can happen. Withdrawal symptoms can also be relieved at home:

  • Taking activated carbon adsorbs alcohol residues from the gastrointestinal tract and prevents its absorption into the blood.
  • Alcohol dehydrates the body, and a hangover is largely caused by an imbalance in water balance. Therefore, drinking a large amount of fluid will ease the symptoms and, accordingly, will help you sober up quickly. Still water, tea, fruit juice, cabbage brine are suitable.
  • A cool or contrast shower without sudden temperature changes will invigorate and improve blood circulation. Hot water procedures are undesirable - this is an additional burden on the heart.
  • Gastric lavage will remove residual alcohol, which means less ethanol will enter the blood. Vomiting can be induced artificially.
  • A walk in the fresh air will speed up your metabolism and allow you to recover faster. If it is too stuffy or hot outside, it is better to replace a walk with a shower.

Despite effective methods of quick sobering up in some cases, there are no universal remedies that would work equally in all cases and for every person. Here's another way: quality sleep. At night, some of the unpleasant symptoms will disappear, and in the morning you will only need to get rid of minor intoxication. But this is only if the amount drunk does not exceed unimaginable norms.

Bay leaf treatment has contraindications

Despite the fact that bay leaf effectively combats joint problems, this treatment has its contraindications.

Laurel is contraindicated for people with problems with the stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, and kidneys. It should not be taken by pregnant or nursing mothers. You should also avoid treatment with daphnia if you have hemorrhoids and constipation.

“If you have contraindications to the use of laurel, you still want to use it, take a cold decoction 15 minutes after eating food”

Of course, laurel leaves cannot be considered a panacea. But still, doctors advise using recipes based on it as an additive to the complex treatment of joints.

By following the rules for using medicinal products based on laurel, you can not only prevent the disease, but also cure an existing one. Be healthy.

Methods of sobering up in an inpatient drug treatment clinic

Above we have listed several physical and medicinal methods for quickly sobering up. However, it often happens that the measures taken did not lead to the desired result, then the best decision is to seek help from narcologists.

The clinic will help you quickly recover through effective and reliable therapy - detoxification drips. Also, ethanol and its breakdown products are removed from the body with the help of medications. Fast, guaranteed and safe sobering up is impossible by other means.

Be sure to consult a doctor if a drunk person:

  • does not come to consciousness for a long time;
  • experiences severe headaches;
  • complains of breathing problems, pain in the stomach, chest area;
  • has chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • experiences physical suffering;
  • becomes aggressive or hallucinates.

These signs indicate that you cannot do without specialists. Unfortunately, severe withdrawal is fraught with serious complications: heart attack, stroke, perforated ulcer, and if some factors coincide, an irreversible outcome is possible. Don't risk your health!

Home remedy: Bay leaf decoction removes excess salts from the body


Many people are familiar with unpleasant sensations in the joints - crunching, stiffness, swelling and pain. People with such symptoms talk about salt deposition, which is not entirely true. But the issue may well be a violation of salt metabolism in the body. What folk remedies help keep it normal:

Salt deposition is a term that is used in everyday life and does not characterize the true cause of the disease. In fact, painful conditions can occur due to deformation of cartilage tissue as a result of arthrosis.

In order to find the cause of joint problems, you first need to consult a doctor for a qualified diagnosis and appropriate treatment methods.

A disease caused by a violation of mineral metabolism is called gout. When uric acid accumulates in the body, it forms crystals that settle in the joint and provoke inflammation, swelling and pain.

There is another type of salt metabolism disorder - pseudogout or calcinosis. With this disease, it is not uric acid that accumulates, but calcium salts.

The cause of salt disorders can be poor diet, alcohol abuse, physical inactivity, thyroid dysfunction, and some types of malignant neoplasms.

Salt deposition is accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process in the joint. At first, many do not feel any disturbance, but soon painful attacks occur, which intensify at night. The joint swells, turns red, and subsequently the site of inflammation takes on a purple and bluish tint, the skin becomes stretched and shiny.

As the disease progresses, degenerative changes in the osteochondral tissue appear; growths consisting of uric acid salts form on the composition.

Bay leaf will help remove salts from joints

An ancient and effective way to restore salt metabolism in the body is to use bay leaves. It contains a large amount of essential oils, organic acids, tannins, vitamins and minerals.

Thanks to this, bay leaf is used to strengthen the immune system, helps with diabetes, alcoholism, hypertension and removes salts from joints.

Its action is to improve blood supply to bone tissue by dilating small vessels. Thanks to the flow of blood, metabolic processes in the joint accelerate, stagnation disappears, salts are removed and inflammation disappears over time.

How to cook and drink:

Four medium-sized bay leaves need to be crushed, pour two glasses of hot water, put on low heat and boil for three minutes. Then pour into a thermos and leave overnight.

In the morning, strain the decoction and take 2 sips in the morning and evening, with an interval of 12 hours for three days. After this, you need to take a week's break and then repeat.

The effect of the procedure will be noticeable by increased frequency of urination and a change in the color of urine. It will turn slightly pink due to the reaction of the bladder walls to irritation from the salts.

Ointment and tincture of bay leaves for joint problems

Ointment with bay leaf helps relieve the condition of inflamed joints . To prepare it you will need butter and chopped bay leaf, mixed in a 2:1 ratio. The components of the mixture are placed in a water bath and kept on the stove for half an hour. The ointment is rubbed into the area of ​​sore joints before bedtime.

A tincture of bay leaf with ammonia is also used for rubbing sore spots. To prepare, you will need 5 bay leaves, which are thoroughly crushed in a mortar. Then the prepared powder is poured with ammonia - 100 ml. The product is infused for a week, then rubbed into the area of ​​damaged joints. To increase the effectiveness of the tincture, after using it you should draw an iodine grid.


Bay leaf as a culinary seasoning is unlikely to cause harm, but as a remedy for cleansing joints it has its contraindications:

  • may cause internal bleeding;
  • leads to constipation;
  • not recommended during pregnancy;
  • allergic reactions are not excluded;
  • cannot be used for diabetes.

It should be warned that the use of bay leaves for salt metabolism disorders does not at all cancel out other medications prescribed by the doctor. Additionally, you should listen to the recommendations of a nutritionist and remove unwanted foods from your diet.


How to sober up with medication

Doctors have many drugs in their arsenal that help to quickly recover after heavy drinking. But we are talking specifically about professional medications—it is unlikely that you will be able to administer a detoxification drip on your own.

The following medications will help you sober up at home:

  • Diuretics to speed up the activity of the excretory system. You should choose gentle diuretics - they will not wash potassium out of the body.
  • Absorbents: activated carbon, smecta, polysorb, enterosgel, etc. They are taken to cleanse the intestines and remove toxins.
  • Rehydrants eliminate inevitable dehydration and restore metabolism caused by alcohol consumption. The most popular and affordable drug is rehydron.

It is also recommended to take Alka-Seltzer or Antipohmelin (can be replaced with analgesics, aspirin, ibuprofen). These are drugs that cope well with hangovers, relieve nausea and vomiting. However, they do not work to speed up the removal of alcohol from the body, nor do they get rid of the smell of fumes.

Facial rashes: how to control them

If you have ever suffered from acne, you will no longer be careless in choosing cosmetics. One word “comedogenic” and the cream is forgotten forever. Regular struggle with blackheads - closed comedones, but before dates or important meetings, as luck would have it, an unpleasant surprise always pops up, and on critical days, pimples are generally a common thing.

There are a lot of remedies in your arsenal: pharmacy, cosmetic, folk remedies, but none of them eliminates the symptoms once and for all. Your friends advise you to take nutritional supplements and go to the solarium; you are frantically looking for a sane cosmetologist who can prolong the unstable remission. Is acne really never going to be cured?

This is wrong. Acne can be treated quite successfully. If you have a severe or moderate form of the disease (“moderate” acne), consult a cosmetologist, preferably a cosmetologist-dermatologist. Now there are many professional anti-acne lines. Be prepared for long-term treatment with uneven dynamics: after 2-3 sessions, temporary deterioration is possible, but this does not mean that the therapy was chosen incorrectly. You may be offered a combination of external therapy and tablets.

Dermatologists' methods will be stricter. There is a protocol (systematically developed recommendations) for treatment - this is a combination therapy: external agents and tetracycline antibiotics for several months. In my opinion, this option should be chosen only in severe cases, when there are multiple inflamed pustules, cystic formations, nodes, etc.

If you are past this stage and just want to control your breakouts, read on.

On store shelves there are a lot of products for home care for acne-prone skin. Every cosmetic company – no matter whether it is large, professional or “organic” – produces natural, organic products and has a special line for problem skin. Let's figure out how not to get lost in the variety of anti-acne products.

The four most common myths about the composition of cosmetic products:

Myth No. 1: Cosmetics are safe if they are labeled “non-comedogenic” or “non-acnegenic.”
The label “non-comedogenic” means that the product does not provoke the appearance of non-inflammatory open or closed comedones, known as blackheads and bumps/irregularities of the skin.

The term “comedogenicity” is not confirmed by law; it was invented by marketers to make cosmetic lines for minimizing and controlling acne seem reasonable, that is, to increase sales. But still, if a developer makes statements about the “non-comedogenicity” of his product, he is obliged to somehow confirm them.

In the best case scenario, the manufacturer tests its composition on the backs of volunteers whose skin is prone to clogged pores. If a cosmetic product does not increase the number of comedones, it is labeled as “non-comedogenic.”

For me, this is a very questionable study, primarily because the sebaceous glands of different locations have an unequal number of receptors that increase the production of sebum, which leads to comedones. Nevertheless, even such tests are still a plus, since an attempt is made to at least somehow substantiate the result. Basically, manufacturers simply quote the List of Non-Comedogenic Substances created by Dr. Kligman (who discovered cosmeceuticals for us) back in 1979, that is, there are no tests, just a naked theory.

The situation with tests for “acnegenicity” is approximately the same - they are very conditional.
Therefore, labels should not be trusted 100%. Myth No. 2. Mineral oil is comedogenic.
Many people believe that blackheads appear on them precisely because of the mineral oil included in the cosmetic product.
It is found in every second product, especially often in decorative cosmetics. Such statements are based on research from many years ago. Today there are many mineral oils: industrial - for lubricating mechanisms, cosmetic - the purest, without any impurities for cosmetics. And if the first can be comedogenic, then the second is not. Myth No. 3. Sunscreens - sunscreens - provoke acne.
This is almost true. Almost, because if inflammation appears 24–48 hours after applying the product, it is not acne, but irritation caused by sunscreen elements, mainly UV filters.

Acne is an immune response. And it takes weeks to trigger a response from the immune system.

Myth #4: Large pores associated with acne can be erased with makeup.

Only if you use so-called grouts - silicone-based products, which, when applied to enlarged pores, fill and smooth out all unevenness. The effect of the grout is purely visual and lasts until the first wash.

The size of the pores depends on the development and activity of the sebaceous glands: children do not have them, because the glands are not yet developed, but then what grows, grows. As you age, the activity of the glands decreases; after 60 years, your pores will be smaller.

Retinoids (substances analogues of vitamin A), which reduce sebum regulation, and regular cleansing, which pushes out sebaceous plugs, will help bring the pores to a natural state, but hoping to reduce their size is foolish.

Principles of self-diagnosis

We often tend to dramatize the situation and be too critical of our skin. A couple of pimples after fatty/sweet/salty foods or menstruation cannot even be called acne by any stretch of the imagination, especially with oily or combination skin types.

If you have fewer than 20 white-headed blackheads, fewer than 15 pustules, and fewer than 30 lesions in total, you have “mild” acne. Treatment usually takes up to 8 weeks with external remedies.

If you have 20 to 100 whiteheads, 15 to 50 inflamed bumps, and 30 to 125 breakouts in total, you have “moderate” acne. Treatment also takes several weeks and may briefly worsen during the process.

Moderate acne and more severe situations require consultation and professional treatment.

The dangers of self-medication

There is a misconception that as soon as a pimple appears, it is necessary to immediately bring down all the power of modern medicine and cosmetology on it: dry it, squeeze it, cauterize it, etc. In this case, it should go away immediately. Meanwhile, the inflammation that has been quietly smoldering inside the hair follicles or sebaceous glands for several weeks, until the increased sulfur content provoked it to come out, simply cannot take and go away in minutes.

Mechanical damage to the skin, rubbing with chlohexidine, lotions with dimexide, essential oils can lead to ulcers, burns, secondary infection and further aggravate the situation.

Just remember that to fight inflammation, it's better to underdo it than overdo it. When interfering with the body today, you need to think about what will happen to it tomorrow and in 20 years. For example, overuse of drying agents will lead to early wrinkles. It is important to accept that a 100% positive result is not possible if you are predisposed to acne due to genetic or other reasons. Your skin has already been repeatedly damaged at the level of the dermis and hypodermis and, most likely, inflammation will appear in these places. Just control it.

What else is worth paying attention to

There are three common additional causes of inflammation in acne-prone people. In order to level or minimize them, experts advise following certain recommendations.


If inflammation occurs in the second phase of the cycle, calm down, the condition of the skin worsens during this period, as the hormone progesterone works. Wait for the calm phase and carry out treatment. Don’t panic that your products don’t work; don’t rush to urgently buy something “more effective.”

Errors in diet

“Overdose of spices” or carbohydrates. Over the past few years, doctors and scientists have been inclined to believe that there is a connection between diet and acne, although this was previously denied. An imbalance of intestinal microflora increases the permeability of the intestinal walls; the amount of bacterial endotoxins (toxic substances) inhabiting the intestinal lumen increases in the blood, which leads to acne.

Drink tomato juice - it contains lycopene (affects sebum production), eat carrots - they are rich in carotenoids (prevent oxidative stress), pumpkin seeds - contain tryptophan (affects melatonin), sea fish - rich in omega acids (acne sufferers lack such acids), fermented milk products are a source of probiotic cultures that normalize intestinal microflora.

Traditional methods of sobering up

If you urgently need to sober up, you can also use folk remedies, although not all of them are good for achieving the desired effect.

The most effective, but short-term method that can cope even with fainting is to sniff ammonia. However, the adrenaline rush neutralizes the negative effects of ethanol for a very short time. This method is good if a person has fallen asleep and there is no way to wake him up. Or you need to instantly cheer up for further action.

However, there are also really useful folk remedies that promote rapid sobering up. For example, herbal decoctions, natural honey, cabbage brine restore the water-salt balance and saturate the body with vitamins. Viscous porridges normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent the absorption of alcohol into the blood. Fiber-rich foods cleanse the intestines of toxins. Fermented milk products (kefir, tan, ayran) restore microflora. Massage of the earlobes and feet activates the nerve endings, which also contributes to sobering up.

Benefits and composition

Cleaning joints with bay leaves has been done for a long time. The plant was already used to prepare various oils and tinctures.

The familiar spice consists of the following elements:

  • formic and butyric acid;
  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins A, B, C.

In addition, laurel contains a large amount of minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, zinc and others. The product is also rich in essential oils, which give it a pleasant aroma. The photo shows green laurel leaves.

Laurel leaves

Impact on the body

What are the benefits of bay leaf for joints:

Cooking methodUseful qualities
DecoctionHelps get rid of deposits and speeds up the process of salt removal.
OilIdeal for a relaxing massage, it relieves tension and stiffness in muscles and joints.
TinctureIt has an analgesic effect, eliminates swelling of joints, and reduces discomfort.

The plant is considered an excellent antiseptic. A decoction of this plant suppresses bacterial activity, participates in the formation of synovial fluid, and strengthens cartilage tissue.

The spice helps lower blood sugar levels, etc. You can learn more about the beneficial qualities of bay leaves in the video in this article.

Recommendations for daily routine and nutrition

The consequences of alcoholic libations do not end, even if at some point you feel in good shape. Alcohol continues its negative effects and burdens the body. Therefore, it is so important to follow the diet and nutrition recommendations in order to recover with minimal losses to health.

First of all, you need good, sound sleep. The body needs quality rest and sleep is the right option to provide it. Next - fresh air. If you are at work during the day, then in the evening, no matter how much you want to go to the couch, be sure to take a walk for at least one hour. If it's a day off, you can spend more time walking.

Nutrition should also be gentle. Your stomach and liver have already received a significant blow, so it’s definitely not worth tormenting them with fatty, spicy and smoked foods. Light chicken broth, kefir, porridge, boiled white meat or fish - this is your diet for the next couple of days, until ethanol completely leaves the body.


Despite its rich composition, the effect of the plant on the human body can be excessively intense. Not all patients are allowed to use the spice internally. Bay leaf-based medicines used for external use are much safer and have virtually no restrictions.

Bay leaf for treating joints can negatively affect the body in the following cases:

  • with a stomach ulcer (can lead to bleeding);
  • during pregnancy;
  • if you are allergic to some components of the plant;
  • if you are prone to stomach upsets;
  • for liver pathologies.

Carefully! An overly concentrated decoction becomes poisonous, having a detrimental effect on the mucous membranes. That is why you need to strictly adhere to dosages.

Emergency methods of sobering up - help from a narcologist, IV drips

The fastest and most effective way, if you need to quickly sober up, is the help of a narcologist. Our specialists can come to your home; this service is completely anonymous.

A detoxification drip is selected individually for each person; we take into account all parameters, including the person’s weight and age, not to mention current diseases and intolerance to any drug.

The dropper will quickly cleanse the body of ethanol and its breakdown products, restore water, electrolyte and acid-base balance. Additional medications work to restore the body after a serious alcohol load. Obviously, not a single folk method, no matter how effective it may seem, can replace a professional IV. Only infusion-drug therapy can completely rid the body of ethanol breakdown products and help a person sober up.

Unhealthy ways to sober up quickly

The question “How to sober up quickly” is quite relevant, so the Internet is replete with information about ways and methods that supposedly will help you quickly achieve the desired result. However, in reality, many tips are not only ineffective, but even harmful and dangerous to health.

Surely many have heard of, or even used, such a method as taking ammonia orally. This is an unsubstantiated method; there is no evidence to support the sobering effectiveness of oral ammonia solution. Moreover, if you even slightly exceed the dosage of ammonia dissolved in water, you can seriously harm the body, especially if there are even hints of gastrointestinal diseases. Don’t do this, don’t implement advice from home-grown specialists.

Another tip is an enema. Of course, cleansing the intestines will help sober up, but the gastrointestinal tract is already overloaded from the effects of alcohol, and an enema is very aggressive. It is better to normalize your diet, eat more foods rich in fiber, fermented milk products, drink a lot of water, take absorbents.

It is not recommended to overload the body with physical exercise; the stress on the heart can be fatal. This also includes cold douches, diving into an ice hole, going to a bathhouse or sauna.

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