Cleansing the body with rice: advantages and disadvantages

The procedure for cleansing the body of toxins, salts, and unprocessed organic waste is today a necessity for every person living in a metropolis. Poor quality food, polluted air, bad habits, an abundance of toxins in household chemicals - all this clogs the body, preventing it from functioning fully. Multiple medications that activate the process of cleansing the body of toxins often have side effects and are not always affordable.

In order to cleanse the body at home, it is not necessary to resort to new pharmacological products. There are many ways to cleanse the body with folk remedies. One of them is rice salt removal.

Rice as a dietary product to cleanse the body of salts

The benefits of the rice diet for cleansing the body of salt lie in the structure and composition of the rice.

  • rice absorbs excess liquid due to its porous structure
  • being a natural adsorbent, it removes toxins from the intestines, normalizing the functioning of the digestive organs
  • There is no vegetable protein in the composition, which makes the product hypoallergenic
  • contains starch and fiber, which help remove salts from the body
  • carbohydrates provide the body with energy for a long time
  • enriched with magnesium and calcium, which have a beneficial effect on the heart and skeletal system
  • contains lecithin, which activates brain activity
  • strengthens the body's nervous system due to the presence of vitamin B
  • The rice diet promotes weight loss.

Recommendations during treatment

Preparing and treating joints with rice using a traditional recipe is not so difficult if you follow the rules of therapy. But these measures are not enough to remove salts and other harmful substances from the body. The patient must also take care of his diet throughout the course.

The prepared product for joints removes not only harmful, but also beneficial substances. This diet usually leads to potassium deficiency in the body. To solve this problem, you need to simultaneously start consuming foods that are enriched with the missing vitamins and microelements.

Medical procedures and courses of therapy based on the intake of prepared rice must be combined with a special diet. It involves taking the following products. Their use is allowed only to those who have no contraindications to it.

The diet for cleansing joints with rice porridge includes the following foods:

  • Raisin;
  • Dried apricots;
  • Dates;
  • Baked potato;
  • Millet porridge;
  • Soy.

It is allowed to take special food additives that contain the necessary active substances during vascular cleansing.

Natural fruits and vegetables, low-fat soups and herbal remedies, which have a diuretic effect, will be beneficial for the body.

How to prepare for the rice diet

First of all, 5 days before using the rice diet for the body, you must give up sugar, baked goods, alcohol and fried foods. Vegetables and fruits, unsweetened natural juices should prevail in the diet. On the eve of the day on which the rice cleansing begins, perform an enema.

Rinse the rice well so that the water remains clear. Then soak for several hours and rinse again. This is done to give the rice the necessary structure to absorb salts.

Diet rice cleanse

There are two main classic rice diets for cleansing the body of salts: long-term - 40 days and short-term - 9 days.

  1. During the period of using the forty-day course of rice diet, cook 1 tbsp daily in the morning. spoon of rice. Eat the uncooked product on an empty stomach. You can't drink. Refrain from eating any food for 3 hours. The resulting feeling of hunger will have to be endured. After two to three weeks, the body’s condition may worsen (short dizziness, fatigue, cloudy urine) - this indicates that salts have begun to leave the body. There is no need to interrupt cleaning; these symptoms will only bother you for a short time.
  2. A nine-day course of a rice diet promotes not only the removal of salts, but also weight loss. The point is to use 200 grams. boiled rice three times a day. It is allowed to add boiled or stewed vegetables, fish or steamed chicken to the serving. Between meals you should drink freshly squeezed juice. Floury and sweet dishes are prohibited during rice cleansing.

Rejuvenating rice kvass

This method of cleansing is most easily tolerated by the body. Take a liter glass vessel and fill it with purified water. Add four tablespoons of rice and two to three tablespoons of sugar. If desired, you can add a few zests for better fermentation and improved taste. Place the vessel covered with a cloth in a warm place. After four days, the kvass will be ready.

Take 100 milliliters of kvass every time after meals. The prepared kvass will be enough to cleanse one adult. The onset of action of rice kvass will be indicated by mild discomfort in the muscles and joints. Along with cleansing, you need to increase your potassium intake. You can eat dried fruits, fruits and nuts as snacks between meals.

Other ways to cleanse the body of salt with rice

  • You should eat uncooked grains of rice on an empty stomach in the morning. You need to count as many grains as the person is old. You can't drink or eat anything. The first meal can be taken 3 hours after eating rice. Limit your diet to dietary products. Dinner - no later than 18:00
  • Rice kvass. Successfully rids the body of salt and is effective for joint pain. Prepare kvass from rice as follows: 5 tbsp. spoons of rice, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 5-7 pcs. raisins - pour a liter of cooled boiling water, leave for 3 days outside the refrigerator. Then filter. Drink half a glass on an empty stomach
  • Tibetan method of colon cleansing. You will need five identical containers to ripen the rice. Pour 2 tbsp into the first container. spoons of rice (60 g), pour 250 ml of cooled boiled water. Place in the refrigerator for five days. Repeat the procedure 5 days in a row. Thus, it turns out that there are five containers. The first jar of rice infusion will be ready for use on the sixth day. Eat rice on an empty stomach, throw away the water. Fill the container again with rice and water. The next day, repeat the process with the second jar, on the third - with the third, and so on. In order not to get disoriented, it makes sense to number the containers. 5 cans of rice and water should always be kept in the refrigerator. The Tibetan method of cleansing the body is used for 30 days. The break between courses of salt removal from rice should be at least half a year.

Recipes for treating joints with rice

Two-day cleanse

In the evening, rinse 1 glass of rice thoroughly under running water and leave it soaked overnight (even better if the grain lies in this form for 2 days, during which it will need to be washed several times every day). In the morning, pour 2 glasses of water over everything and cook for 10–15 minutes. Divide the resulting porridge into 4 servings, which should be eaten at regular intervals throughout the day. In addition to rice, you can only take juices and herbal decoctions.

Pre-soaking the grains is necessary in order to remove excess starch and mucus. This will increase their porosity and increase their ability to absorb and remove salt deposits from the joints.

On the second day, again consume the same number of servings of rice, adding 0.5 kg of green apples or boiled beets to the diet. Before each appointment (half an hour before it) you are supposed to drink half a glass of liquid. It is necessary to chew rice thoroughly so as not to overload the stomach and speed up the elimination of harmful substances. The course can be conducted every week for a month, but only once a year.

A two-day cleansing course involves eating rice and green apples.

Three-week cleansing course

Take 1 kg of rice, pour it into a saucepan and add water for 2-3 days (every day you need to rinse the product and refresh the water until it becomes clear). After this, dry the grains and transfer them to a paper bag or cotton bag.

Every morning for three weeks, take 3 tablespoons of rice, pour a glass of water over them, cook for 15 minutes, and then eat without oil or salt. You should not consume food or drinks after such a breakfast for four hours.

Half an hour before eating rice, you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice or eat one whole fruit - this will improve water-salt metabolism.

The health event is held no more than twice a year.

Methodology designed for one and a half months (40 days)

The cleaning method does not involve adding butter to the rice.
You will need to prepare five half-liter jars, which need to be arranged in order, or better yet, numbered so as not to be confused in the future. Place 2-3 tablespoons of rice in the first container and add water to the top. Leave everything for 1 day, and after this time, rinse the grains and pour them again, at the same time soaking a portion in the second jar. Using the same principle, prepare rice in all containers for five days, not forgetting to change the water everywhere.

On the sixth day, rice cleaning begins. To do this, you need to take the grains from the first jar in the morning, pour a glass of water over them and cook for 10 minutes, consume a portion, then pour 2-3 tablespoons of rice into the container again and place it as the last number. You can have lunch no earlier than 4 hours later. Continue cleaning, repeating the described steps every day with grains from all jars in order, for a month and a half. The method is used once a year.

During cleansing using the proposed method and for a month after it, it is recommended to strictly follow a diet.

When the Salt Detoxification Diet with Rice is Not Recommended

  • tendency to constipation. Rice affects bowel movement towards consolidation
  • hemorrhoids or other growths in the rectum
  • pregnancy and lactation
  • gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage
  • age under 18 and after 55 years
  • stones in the kidneys and ureter. When removing salts with rice, the stones may move, which will lead to renal colic and hospitalization
  • heart diseases. Together with salt, rice removes potassium from the body, which is necessary for the functioning of the heart.
  • any forms and stages of cancer.

Contraindications and harm

Despite its high benefits, not everyone is allowed to use rice to cleanse joints. Thus, women carrying a child and nursing mothers will need to refrain from rice therapy. This white cereal is not suitable for the treatment of joint ailments for persons who have been diagnosed with ulcerative lesions of the duodenum, exacerbation of pathologies of the liver and urinary system. You should not clean your joints with rice even in childhood. Cereals can be harmful to human health if consumed if you have individual intolerance, obesity and a tendency to constipation. Before you start cleaning your joints with rice porridge, you should consult with a qualified healthcare professional.

Important to remember

In order not to harm your health while cleansing the body of salt and toxins with rice, it is necessary to enrich your diet with vegetables and fruits as much as possible. To avoid serious loss of potassium, you should focus on foods that contain it: nuts, seaweed, beans, dried fruits.

Unpolished brown rice is considered the best for cleansing the intestines. Grains that are not peeled from the bran shell are most useful. The less rice has undergone preliminary cleaning, steaming, and polishing, the better. You should also give preference to long-grain rice, which has less starch content.

Useful properties of the product

With the help of rice, you can cleanse your joints of salt deposits and prevent the development of many pathologies. The product contains components beneficial to the body:

  • B vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin), which participate in metabolic processes and improve the regeneration of nerve endings;
  • microelements (sodium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium), which promote the absorption of mineral acids and eliminate inflammation;
  • fiber that absorbs waste and toxins.

Cleansing the body with rice allows you to stimulate the process of removing heavy metal salts and other types of them, which are deposited mainly in the joints and spine. Thanks to their adsorbing properties, grains literally pull out deposits of harmful substances from them.

For the cleansing cycle, it is best to use long-grain white or brown rice: the latter contains a lot of fiber, as well as more nutrients, since this type of product is not polished.

Brown (unpolished) rice is best for cleaning joints.

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