Which alcohol is less harmful to the body: stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines, kidneys

Alcohol is not at all the last place among food products. Basically, all significant events, both joyful and sad, do not pass without the use of alcohol. Some people even take alcohol to increase their appetite.

However, we must not forget that the main component of alcoholic beverages is ethanol, which has a harmful effect on human health. It is useful for people to know which type of alcohol is less harmful.

Millions suffer from alcoholism. This is much more than people suffering from other diseases. Alcoholism destroys not only families, but also a person’s personality. Alcohol addiction is one of the most complex disorders, which, moreover, can be quite dangerous. Therefore, it is important that we work to prevent and treat alcohol use disorders.

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Classification of the dangers of alcohol

Food products containing 1.5% ethyl alcohol are classified as alcoholic.

Depending on the ethanol content, alcoholic drinks are:

  • Low alcohol (wine, beer, champagne)
  • Strong (vodka, cognac, whiskey, brandy, rum and others)

Alcohol products are made from various types of raw materials:

  • Fruit and berry (liqueur, liqueur)
  • Herbal (balsam, absinthe, tequila)
  • Grape-based (various wines, cognac)

It is generally accepted that fortified alcoholic drinks are more harmful. However, it is worth understanding that low-alcohol alcoholic beverages can cause serious damage to health.


  1. General description of the disease 1.1. Principles of treatment
  2. Can you drink alcohol if you have gout?
  3. The effect of alcohol on gout: risk factors 3.1. What to do if you have uncontrollable cravings for alcohol

Gout is one of the most common causes of acute arthritis. Over the past few decades, experts have noted a steady increase in morbidity, which is associated with the influence of various factors, including the widespread prevalence of cardiovascular pathologies, obesity, a decrease in the quality of food consumed, and an unfavorable environmental situation. Alcohol addiction also plays a significant role. According to experts, alcohol in gout is one of the serious risk factors for the development of both the disease itself and exacerbation during remission.

Characteristics of less harmful alcohol

The opinions of nutritionists regarding alcohol-containing products vary. Some are of the opinion that alcohol is beneficial, but others insist on its negative effects on the body.

Factors determining the least harmfulness of alcohol:

  • Quality
  • Ethanol content
  • Flavoring additives
  • Performance

Doctors are of the opinion that when consumed in small quantities, vodka is more harmless to the body.

What is the reason for this conclusion:

  • Simplicity of alcohol products - water with alcohol
  • No harmful carbonyl group
  • Not high in calories

High-quality vodka, when consumed in small quantities, does not cause withdrawal symptoms. To avoid symptoms of poisoning, it is best to eat vodka with fatty foods. Therefore, the answer to the question of which strong alcohol is less harmful to the body is, of course, vodka.

Optimal Purine Levels

To keep your body under control and monitor your purine levels, you should periodically check its amount. The norm is about 700-1000 mg per day, but no more. It is food of plant origin that should supply purines to your body. It is worth paying attention to the following vegetables and fruits: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, dried apricots, dates. This is due to the following fact: scientists have proven that precisely those purines that enter the body as a result of eating plant foods are completely safe for health and do not cause diseases. And excessive consumption of meat and meat products significantly increases the risk of diseases and illnesses due to an excess of purines.

Based on materials from the site chtoikak.ru

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Which alcohol is less harmful to the liver?

Natural grape wines are less harmful to the liver, since the berries do not have a toxic residue. Red grape varieties make healthier wines.

The liver is especially susceptible to the effects of alcohol products. The organ's task is to process 90% of all types of liquids that a person consumes. Liver cells die, are replaced by fat, the ducts become smaller, and the organ becomes significantly smaller.

The condition leads to the formation of a serious disease – cirrhosis. The liver ceases to perform antitoxic functions, which, accordingly, after some time leads to death.

The most dangerous drinks for the liver:

  • Beer (has a diuretic effect, increases the toxin content in the blood)
  • Sweet alcoholic drinks (contain sucrose, which increases the load on the liver)
  • Sparkling drinks (carbon dioxide helps increase the absorption of alcohol in the digestive tract, exceeding the permissible limit)

Alcoholic drinks not on the list are less harmful to the liver.


When you have gout, your body's metabolism suffers. Uric acid begins to accumulate in the blood, which is easily determined by a biochemical blood test. Sometimes it happens that initially the production of uric acid is not impaired, but due to kidney damage it is not eliminated from the body so quickly.

An increased level of this substance leads to its deposition in tissues in the form of characteristic crystalline compactions - tophi.

Gout also has a destructive effect on the joints, causing the development of an acute inflammatory process followed by degeneration of the joint. Gouty arthritis is usually the first manifestation of this insidious disease.

Another complication of this metabolic disorder is the formation of kidney stones. This is also due to the accumulation of uric acid. Nephrolithiasis can be complicated over time by the development of chronic renal failure, an incurable complication that often leads to death.

An important therapeutic measure for gout is diet and proper drinking regimen.

Which alcohol is less harmful to the stomach?

Alcohol is a chemical substance that is well absorbed by the body, but intensifies the production of reactive oxygen groups. Ethanol promotes oxidation of the gastrointestinal tract and cellular tissue.

Even small doses of alcohol “force” the stomach to produce high levels of acid, which quickly leads to gastritis, which can cause:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomit
  • Internal bleeding

This condition can lead to cancer:

  • Pancreas
  • Nasopharynx
  • Oral cavity

As a result of alcohol abuse, reflux occurs, in which the acid produced burns the mucous membrane of the larynx. Alcohol abuse often leads to ulcers. This pathology makes it difficult to metabolize and digest food. Ethanol helps reduce digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas to break down carbohydrates and fats.

For stomach diseases during remission, it is permissible to periodically drink dry red wine; in small doses, you can drink high-quality vodka or cognac.

For gastritis the following are strictly contraindicated:

  • Sparkling wine
  • Cocktails
  • Martini
  • Pharmacy alcohol tinctures


With gout, purine metabolism is disrupted in the body. These are substances that are found in many foods and drinks. Rich in purines:

  • chocolate;
  • legumes;
  • sharp cheeses;
  • meat broths;
  • offal;
  • meat of lambs and calves;
  • fatty fish;
  • grape.

Avoiding such foods not only treats gout, but also prevents new attacks. Often, patients manage to maintain remission for a long time without medications, but solely with the help of proper nutrition.

Which alcohol is less harmful for gout?

Gout is a disease in which there is a disorder in the metabolism of purine substances. If purines begin to come in large quantities from the outside, they are destroyed, resulting in the formation of uric acid. To some extent, uric acid is necessary, but if purine metabolism is disrupted, it critically accumulates in the body. Acid salts accumulate in many tissues, provoking gout attacks. Vodka does not contain purines, so doctors occasionally allow patients with gout to drink it, but not more than 50 g per day. Among other things, vodka, like cognac, provokes dehydration of the body and ensures the synthesis of purines.

For gout patients, white wines are safer.

If you are sick, it is dangerous to use:

  • Beer
  • Red wine

General description of the disease

The pathology is based on hyperuricemia - an increase in the synthesis of uric acid or the accelerated breakdown of nucleotide compounds with the formation of urates and a simultaneous decrease in their excretion by the kidneys. In addition to hereditary metabolic characteristics, the main causes of urea accumulation include:

  • congenital or acquired pathologies of the hematopoietic system (leukemia, polycythemia, etc.), anemia, coagulation disorders;
  • malignant tumors regardless of their location;
  • some previous infections (mononucleosis, etc.);
  • chronic kidney pathologies;
  • uncontrolled use of diuretics, corticosteroids and some other drugs;
  • heavy metal intoxication;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • regular, too intense physical activity, etc.

The disease occurs in several stages:

  1. Despite the beginning of metabolic disorders, there are no external manifestations of the disease.
  2. Attacks of acute gouty arthritis are typical, with the first metatarsophalangeal joint (big toe) being primarily affected. Inflammation develops due to the formation of urea crystals, which provoke a massive release of pro-inflammatory factors (cytokines, lytic enzymes, etc.). The onset of the attack is acute (symptoms develop literally within a few hours), usually after injury, infection, stress, eating purine-rich foods and drinking.
  3. Chronic gouty arthropathy develops. There is a generalization of the inflammatory process with the involvement of new joints and their deformation. The interictal period is shortened. Tophi (local accumulations of urates) gradually form on the skin, in the area of ​​​​the fingers, knee joints, and feet. The eyelids and wings of the nose may also be affected.

Principles of treatment

The basis of therapy is a properly selected diet. You should completely avoid (or at least limit) the use of:

  • meat by-products;
  • fatty fish;
  • fish and meat broths (and, accordingly, soups based on them);
  • sausages;
  • legumes, greens;
  • sweets;
  • carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee.

The basis of the diet should be dairy and fermented milk products, vegetables (except for radishes, cabbage), fruit, boiled or steamed lean meat or fish, seafood, eggs. In case of exacerbation, drugs are used to normalize purine metabolism and reduce the level of uric acid, NSAIDs.

Which alcohol is less harmful to the body of women and men?

A glass of red or dry wine with dinner can be considered less harmless for healthy people.

Freshly brewed beer with a short shelf life is also beneficial. It contains a minimal amount of preservatives and other harmful ingredients, but contains a large amount of hops, a beneficial component. Sparkling wine is harmful for men and women. Its preparation usually uses cheap wort, carbon dioxide and syrup. High-quality fortified alcohol in small quantities is also permissible for consumption. However, in the presence of various types of diseases, alcohol is completely contraindicated.

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