Arthrovit, five-component chondroprotector, 120 capsules, BioTela

Arthrovit, five-component chondroprotector, 120 capsules, BioTela

Description Rheumatic joint pain is an extremely common problem among people over 40 years of age. Almost half of Russians over this threshold periodically experience pain and discomfort in the joints, and by the age of 70, the sad statistics already apply to 90% of the country's population.

In advanced forms, simple discomfort turns into diagnoses such as osteoarthritis, arthrosis, synovitis, bursitis or gout. Triggers for the development of such diseases can be mechanical damage, genetic predisposition, excess weight, significant physical activity, poor nutrition and systemic disorders in the body.

"Artrovit" from Biotela

– a complex drug. Moreover, the active ingredients are not contained in homeopathic quantities, but in the recommended dosage of the Ministry of Health. Therefore, the supplement is a real godsend for those who want to either prevent the early development of joint problems or stop painful processes that have already begun.

About each component separately:

  • Glucosamine.
    This substance is produced by the body itself and is part of chondroitin (the building material of cartilage) and synovial fluid (lubricant inside the joints). Lack of natural glucosamine leads to tissue degeneration, the first sign of which is crunching in the joints. Additional intake of glucosamine helps the body synthesize new cartilage tissue to replace damaged tissue, improve joint mobility, and even completely stop the development of the disease at an early stage. In addition, this substance promotes the absorption of calcium, improves the condition of blood vessels and heart valves, muscles, hair and nails. With a course of treatment, noticeable changes occur in approximately 2-4 weeks. A particularly pronounced effect of Biotela’s “Artrovit” is ensured by the combination of glucosamine with other components necessary for your joints.
  • Chondroitin sulfate.
    One of the most important components of cartilage tissue and joint lubrication. The main function is to saturate the cartilage with microcavities with water and, as a result, improve their shock-absorbing properties, increase elasticity and strength. In addition, it is involved in the production of joint lubrication, helps in the absorption of sulfur by connective tissue, reduces the loss of calcium in the bones, and has a mild anti-inflammatory effect. Along with one of its predecessors, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate is part of most chondroprotective drugs that are prescribed for various joint diseases. The effectiveness of its use has been proven in clinical studies. After 1-3 months, the result becomes noticeable even on x-rays.
  • Methylsulfonylmethane.
    This substance is an excellent source of organic sulfur, and it, in turn, is critically necessary for the synthesis of proteins that form ligaments, bones and muscles. The effect of using MSM becomes especially pronounced in synergy with chondroitin and glucosamine, which promote the absorption of this element. MSM is especially necessary for those who regularly experience severe physical activity, as it prevents the destruction of ligaments and muscles, promotes tissue regeneration, and fights age-related changes in joints, increasing their mobility. These qualities have made MSM popular among athletes, especially weightlifters and bodybuilders. Finally, sulfur is deservedly considered a beauty mineral, as it helps maintain the strength and shine of hair, and its sufficient intake in the body improves the condition of the skin and nails, as it helps in the production of collagen protein, which is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of tissues.
  • Boswellia extract.
    The anti-inflammatory properties of this plant were known to traditional Eastern medicine (in particular, Indian Ayurveda) many centuries ago. Modern research confirms: in terms of the mechanics of its effect on the body, boswellia extract is in many ways similar to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac). The difference is the absence of toxicity and side effects. Boswellia naturally relieves swelling and swelling in the joints, has a mild analgesic effect, relieves morning stiffness in the joints, and maintains their mobility. Finally, the extract of this plant improves capillary blood circulation. This property becomes especially important in the treatment of arthritis, as it ensures a constant flow of blood to the affected areas. In pharmacies you can often find mono-additives, as well as ointments and creams based on boswellia extract. In the composition of “Artrovit” it is present only as one of the components, which makes the drug from Biotela unique and most beneficial.
  • Turmeric extract.
    Turmeric is one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents. Curcumin, as the main active ingredient in the composition, when taken as a course, can relieve swelling of the joints, increase the production of synovial fluid, and improve blood supply to tissues. As an adjuvant, curcumin is often used in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and gout. The substance normalizes the inflammatory process, reduces the activity of the substances that cause it, and thereby significantly reduces pain during periods of exacerbation. Taking curcumin in its natural form or as part of numerous curcumin supplements, ointments, and medications is also recommended during recovery from injuries, including severe sprains and fractures.

Dietary supplement (BAA). Not a medicine.

Mode of application

Taken as a dietary supplement to food.

Adults and children over 14 years old: 2 capsules 2 times a day with meals. Duration of treatment is 1-1.5 months. If necessary, the reception can be repeated. Repeated appointments are possible throughout the year.


  • individual intolerance to dietary supplement components;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Before use, consult a doctor.


glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, capsule (edible gelatin or hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC, carrier, E464), glycerin (humectant), methylsulfonylmethane, lactose (filler), boswellia gum extract, talc (anti-caking agent, E553iii), turmeric root extract, stearate calcium (anti-caking agent, E470)

Best before date

Shelf life: 2 years. Valid until 06.2023.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.


Arthrovitis drops

Denisov L.N., D.M.N., leading researcher at the State Institution of the Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS):

“A variety of dietary supplements are sold on the Russian market, mostly foreign-made, which are widely used by rheumatological patients. Clinical studies have not been conducted with most of them, and therefore the use of the domestic dietary supplement “ARTROVIT” was of undoubted interest, especially since it contains only components of plant origin. This dietary supplement was subjected to microbiological examination, tested for the presence of toxic elements (Pb, Cd, As, Hg) and radionuclides, and according to the results of the study, there are no toxic elements in the ARTROVIT dietary supplement.

ARTROVIT contains the following medicinal plants:

Taking into account the pharmacotherapeutic properties of the listed plants that make up Artrovit, the components have a certain anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant, antispasmodic effect, have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and its flora and have indications for use in rheumatological practice.

In the ongoing study, the dietary supplement ARTROVIT was prescribed to patients with OA in a dose of 15-20 drops 2 times a day under the tongue in the morning and evening.

Among those observed, patients with predominant damage to the knee joints, with combined damage to the knee and hip joints, predominated. Patients with signs of reactive synovitis were also observed. Of the concomitant diseases in the group we analyzed, the following were noted: arterial hypertension (in 40%), coronary heart disease (in 15%), gastric ulcer (20%), chronic gastritis (in 15%), chronic pancreatitis (in 10%), chronic cholecystitis (in 5%), diabetes mellitus (in 5%).

65% of patients took only the study supplement, 10% of patients took structum for a long time, 25% of patients took non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ortofen, ibuprofen, nise).

The main group of concomitant therapy consisted of antihypertensive drugs: Enap, Arifon, Preductal, atenolol.

According to the results of the study, pronounced dynamics of clinical parameters were noted: the pain syndrome significantly decreased: pain at rest from 37.2 ± 25.33 to 22.85 ± 22.7 (p = 0.005) pain when moving from 59 ± 18.76 to 41 .7±21.2 (p=0.004), pain on palpation from 41.35±17.69 to 29.5±20.79 (p=0.035). Signs of mild reactive synovitis disappeared in 25% of patients and in one with moderate reactive synovitis.

According to the doctor's assessment, a significant improvement in articular syndrome was detected in 10% of patients and improvement in 75% of patients. Lack of effectiveness was registered in 15%, of which 2/3 were patients with OA with advanced stage IV of the disease, when traditional therapy with NSAIDs and disease-modifying drugs (structum) is also not effective enough.

It should be emphasized that no patient experienced increased joint pain. In 10% of patients, morning stiffness in the joints also decreased significantly; in one patient, tenosynovitis was completely relieved.

According to the patients themselves, significant improvement was observed in 15%, improvement in 65% and no effect in 20% of patients with stage IV OA.

Along with the positive dynamics of the articular syndrome, 40% showed an improvement in their general condition, fatigue decreased, vigor appeared, swelling was reduced, and the function of the gastrointestinal tract improved.

It should be noted that there was no deterioration in the course of concomitant diseases, either from the cardiovascular system or the gastrointestinal tract.

Taking Artrovit allowed 5% of patients to stop taking ibuprofen over the last two weeks, another 5% of patients to reduce the dose of ortofen by 50 mg, and another 5% of patients to reduce the dose of Nise from 100 to 50 mg.

90% of patients showed excellent and good tolerability of dietary supplements. 5% of patients experienced dry mouth, coated tongue and a “hard” taste in the mouth, but this did not require o. 5% of patients developed a rash on the face and head, but this was associated with the use of shampoo, and taking Artrovit was continued. Consequently, there were no drug withdrawals due to side effects.

Thus, based on the results obtained, it can be stated that the dietary supplement “Artrovit” has an analgesic and certain anti-inflammatory effect and is a fairly effective treatment for patients with osteoarthritis, both as monotherapy and when used in the complex treatment of OA.

In general, very good tolerability and the absence of serious side effects allow us to recommend this dietary supplement to OA patients with NSAID-induced gastropathy and other undesirable effects caused by taking NSAIDs, as well as to OA patients suffering from concomitant diseases. Taking into account the noticeable effectiveness of a short-term (monthly) course of treatment with the dietary supplement "Artrovit", it can be assumed that its long-term use leads to a more pronounced effect in the treatment of joint diseases, including inflammatory ones, taking into account the positive effect of the dietary supplement on signs of reactive synovitis and tenosynovitis.

Turishchev S.N., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of MMA named after. THEM. Sechenov, Moscow:

“Clinical trials were conducted at the clinic of the Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow Medical Academy named after. THEM. Sechenov and the Department of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Postgraduate Education.

The following criteria were assessed (before, after 2 weeks, after 1 month, at the end of treatment):

  • pain at rest (mm on a visual analogue scale - VAS);
  • pain when moving (mm according to VAS);
  • pain on palpation (mm according to VAS);
  • signs of synovitis (in points);
  • drug tolerability and side effects.

The overall assessment of treatment results was carried out separately by the doctor and the patient according to such gradations as significant improvement, improvement, no effect and deterioration. For mathematical processing of materials, the method of variation statistics was used using Student's t-test. Differences were considered significant at p < 0.05 “Arthrovit” was prescribed to female patients with osteoarthritis (OA), whose average age was 63.5 years (from 48 to 70 years), and the average duration of the disease was 10 years (from 2 to 27 years ). There were 45% of patients with stages 11 and 111 (according to Kellgren), stage 1U – 2-10%. Reactive synovitis was observed in 65% of patients.

Patients took "Artrovit" in a dose of 15-20 drops 2 times a day (under the tongue) in the morning and evening for 1 month.

As a result of the treatment, a pronounced positive dynamics of clinical signs was noted:

  • Pain at rest significantly decreased (37.2 + 5.8 mm versus 22.85 + 5.2 mm; p < 0.05);
  • pain on movement (59.0 + 4.3 mm vs. 41.7 + 4.8 mm; p<0.05);
  • pain on palpation (41.35 + 4.0 mm vs. 9.5 + 4.8 mm; p < 0.05).

According to doctors, a significant reduction in the manifestations of articular syndrome was detected in 10% of patients and an improvement in 75% of patients. Lack of effectiveness was registered in 15% of patients, and in 2/3 of these patients with osteoarthritis with stage 1 of the disease, when traditional therapy with NSAIDs and disease-modifying drugs (structum) is also not effective enough. None of the patients experienced increased pain in the joints. In 10% of patients, morning stiffness in the joints significantly decreased, in 5% of patients tenosynovitis was completely relieved. According to the patients themselves, significant improvement was observed in 15%, improvement in 65% and no effect in 20% of patients with stage 1U osteoarthritis.

Along with the positive dynamics of the articular syndrome, 40% of patients showed an improvement in their general condition: fatigue decreased, swelling was reduced, and the function of the digestive organs improved. There was no deterioration in the course of concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Good tolerability and the absence of serious side effects allow us to recommend this dietary supplement to patients with osteoarthritis who have NSAID-induced gastropathy and other undesirable effects caused by taking NSAIDs, as well as to patients with osteoarthritis suffering from concomitant diseases

Taking into account the noticeable effectiveness of a short-term (monthly) course of treatment with the dietary supplement "Artrovit", it can be assumed that its long-term use leads to a more pronounced effect in the treatment of joint diseases, including inflammatory ones, taking into account the positive effect of the dietary supplement on signs of reactive synovitis and tenosynovitis

Thus, based on the results obtained, it can be stated that the dietary supplement “Artrovit” has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect and, taking into account its plant origin, high tolerability and general beneficial effect on the body of age-related patients, can be considered as an effective means of helping with osteoarthritis .

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