Is it possible to drink alcohol with osteochondrosis, the effect of alcohol on the spine and joints

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, accompanied by degenerative changes in the joints. Most often, the spine is affected, namely the cartilage that connects the discs and provides them with movable articulation. Under certain conditions, their tissue wears out and becomes thin, and the nerve endings become pinched between the vertebrae, which leads to severe pain in different parts of the back.

The diagnosis of “osteochondrosis” can be made by different specialists - a neurologist, a neurosurgeon, a rheumatologist. This is done after a full examination of the spinal column.

The doctor selects the optimal treatment tactics for the patient, including taking medications and using physical therapy methods. In addition, you need to rebuild your lifestyle, eliminating all factors that negatively affect your health. Thus, people with osteochondrosis need to reconsider the frequency of their consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Features of the disease

This is one of the most common pathologies of the spine. To understand what happens in the body during this disease, it is necessary to consider the anatomical structure of this part of the musculoskeletal system.

The pillar itself consists of several fragments similar to each other - vertebrae. These are bone formations connected to each other by cartilage tissue - a kind of discs. They all have holes in the center through which the spinal cord passes. From its central part, a nerve emerges into each cartilaginous disc, which is responsible for the motor activity of various parts of the body.

The spine is a mobile structure. Due to this property, a person is able to perform all manipulations with the body - bending, turning. Over time, the cartilage tissue wears away, which leads to pinched nerves between the discs. This provokes painful sensations, which gradually only increase in intensity.

In addition, cartilage tissue undergoes degenerative changes with age and becomes thin and fragile. This fact explains why osteochondrosis often develops in people after 35-40 years of age.

Main causes of the disease

The mechanism of development of the disease is simple. Due to the loss of elasticity and abrasion of the cartilage discs between the vertebrae, the nerve endings are pinched, which leads to sharp, shooting, sometimes throbbing pain. Neurologists explain that the causes of the pathology may be different, but all of them, one way or another, lead to problems with the spine.

  1. Passive lifestyle. It has been proven that problems with the spine are typical for those who move little and are forced to stay in the same position for a long time. These are seamstresses, laboratory assistants, and office workers. Statistics confirm that it is representatives of these professions who most often encounter osteochondrosis of the cervical spine due to the fact that their spine constantly bends in this area.
  2. Overweight.

    People with a high body mass index almost always have health problems. Excess fat puts direct pressure on all internal organs, often leading to their deformation and dysfunction. The musculoskeletal system is no exception. Overweight patients are often diagnosed with osteochondrosis.

  3. Physical exercise. By the way, intense training and heavy lifting can also trigger the disease. Under such circumstances, the cartilaginous intervertebral discs wear out much faster, and most often this happens in the lumbar region.
  4. Heredity. There is a theory explaining why osteochondrosis can be passed on from generation to generation. At the same time, doctors clarify that there is no gene for the disease as such, but a certain sequence of the DNA chain may determine a predisposition to early dystrophic changes in the spine.
  5. Poor nutrition. You need to treat your own diet responsibly. An elementary lack of water and microelements can trigger destructive changes in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system, which will not be easy to stop and slow down.
  6. Rachiocampsis. Osteochondrosis is not always an independent disease. In some cases, this is a complication of any existing pathologies, including scoliosis that formed in childhood.

  7. Injuries. Physical damage to the spine can also provoke osteochondrosis. This often happens due to falls, blows, or bruises.
  8. Atypical load on the spine. The human skeleton is adapted to walking upright, but maintaining the body in an upright position is accompanied by enormous loads. Sometimes people make the situation even worse, for example, by choosing uncomfortable shoes with high heels or completely flat soles.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely eliminate from life all factors that stimulate the development of the disease. It is for this reason that osteochondrosis is perhaps the most common disease of the musculoskeletal system.

It is noteworthy that its exact origin is not fully understood. There is an opinion that the causes of pathology can be stress and bad habits, including smoking and drinking alcohol.

Types of neck surgeries

Surgery is often required if:

  • there is a congenital pathology (scoliosis, hereditary anomalies in the form of fusion of vertebrae or wedge-shaped vertebrae);
  • inflammatory processes are observed in the neck area (arthritis, infectious lesions of soft or bone tissue, acute rheumatism);
  • Benign and malignant neoplasms of varying degrees were detected;
  • an injury occurred (fracture, bruise, whiplash-like injuries to the neck);
  • there are pronounced age-related changes as a result of wear and tear of the cervical vertebrae (protrusion or hernia, dislocation of the joints of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine, bone outgrowths and ligamentous disorders).

Any complication of these pathologies may lead to the need for surgery.

Can alcohol provoke osteochondrosis?

A specialist from any field of medicine will confirm that alcoholic beverages are dangerous to health. Sometimes even small amounts of alcohol have a detrimental effect on the functioning of many organ systems. Doctors explain that alcohol can actually worsen the condition of the support system.

In fact, alcohol only indirectly affects the development of osteochondrosis.

There is no direct connection between drinking strong drinks and illness.

However, do not forget that alcohol disrupts the functioning of all other organ systems that can affect the condition of the spine.

In addition, doctors are convinced that alcohol is contraindicated for people who have already been diagnosed with the disease. Their spine is especially vulnerable, so possible exposure to negative factors should be minimized.

Reasons for giving up alcohol

Neurologists and neurosurgeons warn that drinking alcohol with diagnosed osteochondrosis is really dangerous.
It is difficult to name one single reason for a complete ban, since strong drinks have a complex effect on the body. The main harm is caused due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in them, a substance with a high degree of toxicity.

Negative effects of alcohol on the liver

Ethanol is not excreted from the body in its original form. After its complete distribution throughout the body, oxidation processes are launched, which are supported by liver enzymes. At the first stage, highly toxic acetaldehyde is formed, which causes a hangover. This compound then undergoes secondary oxidation, resulting in the formation of acetic acid. It is she who leaves the human body.

The more alcohol taken at one time, the more seriously a person’s liver suffers. This gland performs many functions. In particular, it is responsible for the normal course of metabolic processes, on which the health of the spine and joints depends. With serious damage, the cartilaginous intervertebral discs become fragile. This means that the risk of pinching the nerve endings coming from the central column increases many times over.

Effect on the circulatory system

Ethanol-based drinks also affect the vascular bed. Thus, hypertension is considered one of the common problems of drinkers. Chronic alcoholics may not have stable blood pressure levels, but even those who drink infrequently have problems.

They are usually associated with changes in the walls of the blood vessels themselves. They are formed by smooth muscle tissue, which, under the influence of alcohol, goes into a state of increased tone. As a result, the lumen of the arteries and veins narrows, which directly affects the speed of blood flow through them.

Fluctuations in blood pressure and deterioration of blood supply to certain parts of the body are dangerous even for a healthy person. With osteochondrosis, the blood flow to the intervertebral discs may be disrupted. As a result, this fragment of the musculoskeletal system begins to suffer from hypoxia. Lack of oxygen and a sharp increase in blood pressure are especially dangerous if the patient is diagnosed with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

The effect of alcohol on nutrition and metabolism

Osteochondrosis is often associated with metabolic disorders. If a person suffers from problems with metabolic processes, then alcohol will only worsen the situation. So, first of all, doctors warn about the dangers of sweet drinks - wines, liqueurs. A large amount of sugar provokes not only pathologies of blood vessels, but also endocrine disorders. All this indirectly affects every part of the body.

There is another problem. Alcohol is most often consumed with accompanying snacks, which can hardly be called healthy and wholesome food. Festive tables, as a rule, are replete with smoked meats and marinades, and fatty dishes. Such food provokes the deposition of salts in human joints. This gives impetus not only to osteochondrosis, but also to other diseases, including rheumatism, arthrosis, and arthritis.

People who drink strong drinks eat a lot. On the one hand, this is correct, since the presence of food in the gastrointestinal tract reduces the rate of ethanol absorption. As a result, a person retains mental clarity longer, does not get drunk, and does not suffer from a severe hangover the next day.

However, there is a negative side to eating large snacks. Constant overeating affects body weight. Excess weight, according to experts, is one of the causes of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Increased symptoms of the disease

The clinical picture of osteochondrosis is familiar to many. A person suffering from the pathology often complains of sharp and unbearable pain in the affected area. Unpleasant sensations can spread to the entire neck or back, as nerve endings are affected.

Alcohol consumption can provoke an increase in symptoms, which is especially noticeable with cervical osteochondrosis. In this case, after drinking alcohol, a person will suffer not only from pain, but also from other symptoms - dizziness, imbalance, loss of coordination in space.

The effect of alcohol on the female brain?

Complications caused by drinking alcoholic beverages are more serious in the fairer sex than in men.

It has been experimentally proven that ethanol behaves much more aggressively towards the cells of a woman’s body than towards the cells of a man. Organs and their functions are more susceptible to the negative effects of alcohol. The destruction of the liver, damage to the heart muscle and cells of the nervous system occurs faster.

Having carried out a comparative analysis of the results of studies of the human brain using MCT, scientists have established the fact that the negative effects of ethanol manifest themselves in the fact that the brain decreases in size.

The degree of such a decrease is the main indicator that organic changes are present in the brain cells. And the longer the experience of drinking alcohol, the higher these indicators.

In addition, the results of the experiments showed that both women and men who suffer from alcohol addiction face certain problems when they have to learn something or remember any information. All this occurs due to frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Note that the male representatives who participated in such an experiment had twice as much experience of regular consumption of large amounts of alcohol than the fairer sex.

It turns out that the negative effects of ethanol on both the male and female brains manifest themselves in the same ways. But it is necessary to take into account that women took exactly half as much alcohol. From all this we conclude that ethanol has a stronger effect on the female brain.

In contrast, two articles were recently published in an American publication discussing the role of gender in the effects of ethyl alcohol on the body.

The authors came to the opposite conclusion, that is, according to them, ethanol has the same effect on everyone without exception. This means that experiments of this kind need to be continued in order to find out the specific effects of ethyl alcohol on a woman’s brain cells.

Compatibility of alcohol with drugs

Osteochondrosis is a disease that cannot be treated without medications. All of them are aimed at preventing inflammation, improving blood circulation, and relieving acute symptoms.

In addition, doctors prescribe specialized medications, including for the rapid restoration of damaged cartilage tissue.

Practice shows that alcohol slows down the progress of treatment. Doctors attribute this to the fact that alcohol often reduces the effectiveness of medications. As a result, the person will not receive the expected effect.

There is another reason to give up alcohol. Ethyl alcohol from drinks is metabolized and excreted by the liver, therefore, the iron experiences double the load. Waste drugs are also removed thanks to this organ. To avoid liver problems, you need to stop drinking strong drinks until the end of therapy.

What symptoms indicate problems in the neck area?

Neck pain can indicate various factors, ranging from the formation of a hernia or protrusion to simple muscle cramps after sleeping in an incorrect position. Due to the extensive symptoms and the large number of “useful” recommendations on how to treat the neck at home, the patient’s negligent attitude towards the health of the cervical vertebrae and subsequent complications appear, with which he sooner or later consults a doctor due to constant pain.

Pain occurs:

  • in the occipital and temporal parts of the head;
  • in the neck area and extends into the hand;
  • between the shoulder blades and under the shoulders.

If left untreated, the pain becomes chronic and progresses to the acute stage, causing numbness of the limbs and partial paralysis. Most patients reach a stage where it is impossible to avoid surgery.

When you urgently need to see a doctor:

If moving your head in a certain position causes severe pain;

If pain or restrictions in head mobility occur after an injury, then there is a high probability that there is damage in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae. Medical assistance in this case should be urgent.

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