How coffee affects joints. Can it be used if you have gout?

Benefits and harm to the body

Natural freshly brewed coffee contains caffeine, which excites the psyche. Thanks to this quality, a person’s attentiveness increases, brain activity improves and fatigue disappears. Other beneficial properties of the aromatic drink include the following:

  • appetite increases;
  • memory improves;
  • the walls of blood vessels are strengthened;
  • stress resistance increases;
  • the action of dangerous radicals is neutralized;
  • the production of gastric juice is stimulated (digestion improves), etc.

Frequent consumption of coffee in large quantities can lead to nervous exhaustion, as it has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Also drink:

  • increases heart rate;
  • flushes calcium, vitamin B1, B6 and other microelements from the body;
  • increases blood pressure;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • causes addiction.

If you drink coffee in the evening, you may have trouble sleeping. If consumed in excess, aggression and irritability may appear.

Effect on the condition of bones and joints

According to ongoing research, the leaching of calcium from the body when drinking coffee is insignificant. Therefore, the risk that love for the drink will cause fractures or the development of osteoporosis is minimal.

Bone mineral density may be affected if a person drinks more than 9 cups of coffee per day along with other substances that deplete calcium. To reduce the likelihood of health problems, patients with osteoporosis or other diseases that are accompanied by skeletal fragility are advised to completely avoid the drink or drink it in moderate doses.

Joint pain, fatigue, and other symptoms that arise as a result of intense physical activity are provoked by an increase in adenosine synthesis. This reaction of the body is considered a protective function. If you drink coffee, the caffeine will begin to block adenosine receptors. The person begins to feel better, as pain and other signs of fatigue are relieved. But it should be borne in mind that coffee only reduces symptoms, and the body remains exhausted.

Can coffee cause joint pain?

People who work in a sitting position, spend a lot of time at the computer, lead a sedentary lifestyle, often experience stress, eat hastily, and have bad habits are more likely to suffer from a deficiency of microelements, minerals and vitamins in the body, which significantly affects the condition of the joints. In this situation, caffeine can be both a concomitant factor and a trigger for the development of the disease. Particularly harmful effects were noted with daily abuse of the drink (more than 7 cups), which leads to consequences of varying severity.

Uncontrolled consumption of coffee promotes active fluid removal, which can lead to impaired bone mineral density and thinning. Moisture deficiency also negatively affects the condition of connective tissue, reduces the elasticity of the intervertebral discs, which causes the spine to lose its flexibility.

To prevent their health from deteriorating, doctors recommend that patients with osteoporosis or other pathologies accompanied by brittle bone tissue not drink this drink at all or drink it in moderation. Uncontrolled consumption of coffee may also cause other side effects:

  • stiffness and limitation of movement in the joints;
  • poor sleep or insomnia;
  • pain in the bones during morning awakening;
  • rapid heartbeat, therefore dangerous for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • irritability, reluctance to work;
  • high blood pressure.

In addition, caffeine increases the synthesis of uric acid, which crystallizes and accumulates in the joints of all parts of the body, causing the development of a serious pathology - gout. This is a chronic disease that is accompanied by constant pain in the joints.

Why does coffee cause joint pain?

If you regularly drink coffee, the leg joints of people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis or other similar diseases of the musculoskeletal system may begin to hurt more intensely. Unpleasant symptoms are provoked by the following factors:

  1. Irritation of the central nervous system. Under the influence of caffeine, nerve endings can become inflamed, which leads to pain.
  2. Loss of moisture. With arthrosis, the body begins to lose moisture. For this reason, if the patient has a predisposition or has already been diagnosed with joint disease, drinking coffee will contribute to the development of pathology or lead to an exacerbation of a chronic disease, since the drink has diuretic properties.
  3. Retention of uric acid in the body. It is believed that excessive caffeine consumption leads to the deposition of uric acid and can provoke an exacerbation of diseases such as gout.

Coffee is not included in the list of permitted products that can be consumed during dangerous pathological processes. Therefore, the aromatic drink is completely contraindicated for osteochondrosis and other diseases, during the treatment of which a strict diet is required.

What foods are harmful to joints?

Smoked meat and fish, canned food, fast food, chips, snacks. This also includes products that contain preservatives, food additives, flavor enhancers and a lot of salt. All these ingredients have in common that they delay the removal of fluid from the body. This in turn provokes swelling, due to which the load on the joints increases several times.

Fatty meat, sweet soda. They contain a lot of phosphates, which literally wash calcium out of bones and teeth, but do not remove it from the body. Because of this, blood vessels become brittle and the density of bone tissue and cartilage decreases. Also, calcium phosphate salts are deposited in the joint capsules, causing osteoarthritis.

High-calorie meat, sweets, baked goods and processed foods. Frequent consumption of such products in combination with a sedentary lifestyle causes obesity. Increased body weight puts pressure on joints, and ligaments, cartilage and tendons suffer greatly, increasing the risk of arthritis or gout. A large amount of sugar in sweet foods disrupts the synthesis of collagen, a protein necessary for the elasticity of cartilage, the elasticity of ligaments and the strength of bones.

Green onions, sorrel, dill, parsley, celery. Greens themselves do not harm a person, but their frequent use leads to an excess of oxalic acid, which disrupts digestion and acidifies the body. Because of this, it has difficulty removing toxic substances that destroy the cartilage and connective tissue of the joints.

What to do. It is not necessary to immediately give up all of the above products. First of all, you need to reduce their consumption and additionally include the following in your diet:

  1. Gelatin. It is best to prepare your own dishes using gelatin (jelly, marmalade, jelly cake, panna cotta).
  2. Animal cartilage. For example, chicken leg cartilage. They contain proteoglycans - substances that serve as a lubricant in joints.
  3. Aspic. Not purchased, but homemade. During the cooking process, the aspic retains the beneficial substances contained in the cartilage and ligaments of animals. They also help strengthen human joints.
  4. Liver. During life, the animal stores many microelements in the liver, so even 10 grams of pork or beef liver per day will satisfy the daily need for vitamins.
  5. Milk. It contains a lot of calcium, which is needed to maintain the musculoskeletal system. Fresh milk from the cow is ideal, but pasteurized milk from the store is also suitable.
  6. Vitamins C and D. Can be taken in tablets, but only after consulting a doctor to prescribe the required dosage and prevent hypervitaminosis.

Acceptable consumption standards for joint diseases

The daily dosage of a caffeinated drink for an adult (without health problems) should not exceed 3 cups. Recommended time of use is morning or first half of the day. For arthritic joints, the daily intake should not exceed 100–125 mg of caffeine. Sugar should not be added to freshly brewed coffee. You can reduce the intensity of the negative impact of the drink on the joints if you drink it with milk.

It is recommended to maintain a pause of at least 3 hours between servings of this invigorating drink. When the body is tired or stressed, you should not drink more than 1 cup per day. Otherwise, exposure to caffeine will lead to pain or other health problems, since in a depleted state a person becomes more susceptible to stimulants.

To reduce the negative impact of the drink on the body, it is recommended to give up instant coffee. A freeze-dried or granulated product contains not only natural ground grains, but also other additives. These can be dyes, flavors and other chemicals.

  • Diet for arthrosis and joint arthritis

The method of brewing ground beans does not matter (in relation to the effect on the body). But in cezve (Turk) it is possible to better preserve the aroma and taste.

The product, which does not contain caffeine, is recommended to be consumed in an amount of no more than 800 ml per day. Despite the absence of a purine alkaloid, such coffee contains other additives that can also have a harmful effect on the body.

Does cracking your fingers harm your joints?

Some people like to intentionally crack their knuckles, but putting too much pressure on your knuckles is harmful. The unnatural load they experience can lead to damage to cartilage tissue and the development of inflammatory and degenerative processes.

The Elena Malysheva Clinic of Traumatology and Orthopedics points out that if you already have signs of arthrosis, arthritis and other joint diseases, you should definitely consult a doctor. This article is suitable for those who want to prevent joint diseases, but not treat them. The pathological process cannot be stopped by eating jellied meat and cartilage. It can only be slowed down or completely cured with the help of qualified professionals.

More detailed information and registration by phone: 8.

What can replace coffee?

Connoisseurs of the grain product will find it difficult to refuse to eat it or find an analogue. But when knee pain appears and the doctor recommends giving up coffee, you can replace it with chicory. It also charges the body with vigor, saturates it with vitamins and ascorbic acid. It contains carotene, which is an antioxidant and stimulates the immune system.

Other analogues of an invigorating drink include:

  1. Green tea. Has a tonic effect and increases reaction speed. It contains amino acids, vitamins and microelements.
  2. Cocoa. Contains magnesium, which is beneficial for bone tissue. Thanks to serotonin, cocoa beans help prevent depression.
  3. Barley coffee. It must be brewed in a Turk. The drink is rich in magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iodine and vitamins. Improves the functioning of the digestive organs and prevents the development of inflammatory processes.
  4. Coffee made from acorns (can be purchased at a store or pharmacy). The drink is allowed for hypertensive patients, as it does not increase blood pressure. Does not contain caffeine, has bacterial properties, prevents swelling and cramping.
  5. Sweet potato. The dried fruits of the plant are crushed and brewed. The taste of the drink is similar to natural coffee. Sweet potatoes contain potassium and are rich in folic acid. It has an activating effect on the nervous system, therefore giving strength and vigor.
  6. Beetroot latte. Does not contain caffeine, but charges the body with energy. To prepare it, you need beet juice, to which milk froth and sugar (honey) are added.

How to drink coffee without harming your joints?

Caffeine itself does not have a negative effect on joint function. Problems only arise if they are injured or lacking nutrients. Coffee is absolutely safe for those who eat right, exercise and replenish the body with all the necessary substances.

And vice versa. If a person has a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and lack of sleep, drinking coffee further worsens the situation.

What effect does coffee have on joints?

Usually people drink coffee to quell fatigue and cheer up after physical exertion or a hard day at work. However, this reaction of the body is caused by a defensive reaction. Caffeine blocks these ill-health signals that come from adenosine receptors. Thus, after a cup of drink a person feels better. But the danger lies in the fact that only the symptoms disappear, but the body’s problems themselves do not go away.

Some toxic impurities contained in coffee affect the nervous system, increasing joint sensitivity, which causes pain. Under the influence of the drink, the joints become stiff and after a long sleep they can become painfully painful. Caffeine can increase existing inflammation, although it is not the direct cause of their occurrence. Therefore, simply giving up coffee will not improve the situation much.

What causes joint pain?

Joint pain increases in patients with rheumatoid arthritis or other diseases of this group. Deterioration appears due to such changes in the body:

  • Caffeine increases the risk of inflammation of nerve endings, which causes pain.
  • If a person has a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of “ arthrosis of the joints
    ,” he should immediately stop drinking his favorite drink. This disease is already characterized by loss of water in the body, and coffee, which has diuretic properties, only worsens the situation. Arthrosis can develop into a chronic form.
  • Drinking more caffeine than the permissible limit promotes the deposition of uric acid. The development and exacerbation of gout is possible.

Coffee is one of the main prohibited products in case of manifestation of pathologies. It is contraindicated in patients with osteochondrosis or other diseases whose treatment is based on diet.

How much coffee can you drink if you have joint pain?

To avoid noticeable consequences, an adult can drink up to three cups of the drink a day. It is best to use during the first half of the day. If you have arthritis, you should not drink more than 125 mg of caffeine. It is not advisable to add sugar, but it is useful to dilute it with milk - this will reduce the negative impact.

You should not drink your entire daily dose of coffee in a row. Wait 3 hours after each serving. If you need to relieve fatigue, stop at 1 cup per day. The human body is too sensitive to stimulants, so a large dose has a negative effect on the body.

Instant coffee is especially dangerous. In addition to natural ground grains, it contains additives such as dyes, flavors, and other flavor enhancers. Opt for ground or whole grain products. There are no dangerous brewing methods; what matters is the type and quantity.

Decaffeinated coffee is gaining popularity these days. You can drink it within 0.8 liters in one day. They also contain additives that have a bad effect on the condition of the body, and in particular the joints.

Are there coffee analogues?

Coffee lovers will find it difficult to give it up completely. However, there are products that are close in taste to coffee beans. If you are advised to give up your favorite drink due to joint disease, try drinking chicory instead. In addition to taste, it has tonic properties and vitamins. Carotene in its composition helps improve the functioning of the immune system.

What can replace coffee?

Saying goodbye to your favorite drink, at least temporarily, will not be easy. However, in some cases, things are so bad that the attending physician calls for it. Try drinking chicory instead of coffee - it’s an equally invigorating drink, it will invigorate you and support your immunity.

Similar products are presented in the list:

  • Real loose leaf green tea. Will help you “wake up”. This drink is rich in amino acids, vitamins and beneficial microelements.
  • Cocoa is rich in magnesium, which has a positive effect on the condition of joints and bone tissue. And serotonin will help cope with depression.
  • Barley coffee. Brewed in Turk, it will enrich the body with important microelements - magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iodine and vitamins. It has a positive effect on digestion and prevents inflammatory processes from progressing.
  • Acorn coffee, available for purchase in stores and pharmacies. It does not contain caffeine, but it is suitable for hypertensive patients, as it tends to increase blood pressure. Another important feature is the presence of antibacterial properties and the ability to increase blood pressure.
  • Sweet potato drink. The dried and crushed brewed product has the taste of natural coffee beans and contains microelements necessary for the body. Activates the central nervous system, invigorates and charges with energy for the whole day.
  • Beetroot latte does not contain caffeine, and yet it can energize the body. It’s very simple to prepare: add sugar or honey with milk foam to beet juice.


Caffeine is one of the products that can greatly harm sore joints and aggravate the existing problem.
Therefore, according to the recommendations, use it in moderation or replace it with tasty and healthier analogues. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr


Although the myth of the diuretic effect of coffee is widespread, its diuretic or dehydrating effects have not been proven in reasonable doses (up to 5-7 cups per day). The diuretic effects of coffee (and other caffeinated drinks) are offset by consuming the daily amount of water.

In 2021, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) stated that drinking coffee does not cause cancer. Drinkable hot beverages are classified by this agency as a probable human carcinogen (Group 2A).

In terms of mortality, research results are mixed and show only minimal differences. Since correlation does not imply causation, subsequent studies (as opposed to experiments) cannot in principle solve this problem.

  • Coffee for type 1 and type 2 diabetes: can you drink it?

A regular 250 ml cup contains:

  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin);
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid);
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine);
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin);
  • Folic acid;
  • Manganese;
  • Potassium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus.

The drink also contains antioxidants that reduce the likelihood of heart disease and certain types of cancer.


Phenolic compounds in Arabica:

  • 5-caphenylquinic acid;
  • Chlorogenic acid;
  • 4-caphenylquinic acid;
  • 3,4-dicarboxylic acid;
  • 4,5-dicaphenylquinic acid;
  • Catechol (1,2-dihydrobenzene);
  • Pyrogalol (1,2,3-trihydrobenzene);
  • 3-methylcatechol;
  • 4-ethylcatechol.

Robusta contains a large amount of caffeine, which is one of the stimulants (substances that excite the central nervous system). Caffeine is the most common stimulant in the world. It is found in a variety of foods, but coffee is the largest source.

A typical cup contains approximately 90-100 mg of caffeine. Caffeine causes decreased fatigue and increased brain activity. The stimulating effect on brain activity has been confirmed in a number of clinical trials. Other effects of caffeine include faster reaction times, improved mood, increased alertness, and improved cognitive functions (memory, learning).

The drink is not capable of negatively affecting joints (hip, shoulder, knee and others), causing pain and affecting the course of rheumatic diseases. You can use both instant and grain drinks for joint disorders. Daily caffeine abuse (more than 7 cups of strong drink) can have harmful effects. In high doses, caffeine can have a negative effect on joints and cause effects of varying severity.

Health effects

Many people ask: is it possible to drink coffee if you have rheumatoid arthritis? The effect of the drink has not been fully studied, but a clear connection between coffee intake and RA has not been established. Caffeine increases blood pressure, increases peripheral vascular resistance, and causes an increase in renin activity. The mechanisms of these effects remain unknown. Caffeine is an antagonist of known adenosine receptors.

The drink has an effect on the cardiovascular system: positive inotropic and chronotropic effects. Caffeine also has hypertensive effects and is not recommended for patients with severe or chronic cardiovascular disease. However, one study suggests an antihypertensive effect of green coffee beans in an animal model of hypertension. One study suggests that coffee may be active in the cardiovascular system of the body undergoing dynamic exercise by changing parameters such as vascular conduction.

  • Arthritis 3 degrees

Moderate coffee consumption (three to five cups per day) reduces the risk of CVD, overall mortality and cardiovascular risk. Higher levels of caffeine consumption reduce life expectancy.

Research results have found a correlation with coffee use and the incidence of type II diabetes. The drink inhibits the transcription factor NF-κB, whose persistent activation may contribute to loss of insulin sensitivity. These effects may be due (at least in part) to the presence of chlorogenic acid. It is known that this acid can reduce intestinal resorption of glucose and, consequently, its penetration into the blood. It has been observed to increase the production of the intestinal hormone, incretin GLP-1, due to the inhibitory effect of chlorogenic acid on glucose uptake. Incretin is released into the blood and stimulates the production of insulin.


Patients are interested in whether coffee can cause joint pain. A correlation has been established between drink consumption and a reduced risk of gout in men. This reduction can be as much as 40% when drinking four cups per day. This association was not found in patients who took tea. According to this study, coffee will also be beneficial against the disease.

Coffee with severe arthrosis does neither harm nor benefit. Some studies have suggested that the drink may increase the risk of osteoporosis. Further clinical studies have not confirmed this relationship.

Advice! Before using any psychotropic drugs, it is recommended to first consult with your doctor. It is harmful to use large doses of the drink.

Coffee is the favorite drink of most of the world's population. But in reality, no one thinks about the effect of caffeine on joints and bones, as well as other human organs. There are different opinions about the benefits and harm to the body. Coffee can worsen your health, or it can improve your well-being, so you should definitely take into account contraindications. The main thing is to remember that you should never go overboard with the number of cups of an invigorating drink.

The benefits and harms of coffee for the body

Caffeine reduces the risk of gout, as well as kidney disease, which can affect the joints. The benefits of the drink are undeniable:

  • provokes appetite;
  • strengthens the capillaries of blood vessels;
  • helps to cheer up;
  • makes you want to work;
  • relieves headaches and migraines;
  • develops memory;
  • influences resistance to stressful situations.

Despite the beneficial effects of coffee, it can harm even a healthy person of working age:

  1. Cause addiction, as a result of which it will be impossible to spend a day without a certain dose of the drink.
  2. Dangerous for those with heart disease.
  3. When consuming large amounts of caffeine, irritability and reluctance to work appear.
  4. Interferes with calcium absorption.
  5. Increase blood pressure.
  6. Reduce water levels in the body.

Drinking coffee is prohibited for girls during pregnancy and people with cardiovascular diseases. It is also not recommended to use before bedtime.

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How does coffee affect the condition of joints and bones?

A quarter of a standard chocolate bar contains a harmless dose of caffeine.
Coffee is not bad for your joints on one condition: you need to take it in reasonable quantities. In addition, an important fact is that the most useful would be to take a crushed, ground drink, since the soluble one loses its properties and contains more harmful substances. Caffeine is also found in natural chocolate, the consumption of which will not only improve your mood, but also improve your overall condition, giving energy to the body. It is advisable to eat no more than 50 grams of real chocolate per day. Drinking coffee in the morning or at lunchtime is considered to prevent arthritis.

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Scientists have found that when consuming enough caffeine per day, joint pain is reduced and the drink does not harm the body. Because coffee helps reduce the risk of joint disease. It affects the adenosine receptor system, which is responsible for pain. Thus, the drink neutralizes and reduces acute pain. Moderate consumption of coffee will help relieve inflammation in the joint areas.

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How not to cause harm?

Drinks should not be abused, as this is tantamount to overeating. For normal functioning of the human body, you need to drink no more than 3 cups per day. At the same time, monitor your diet, adhere to proper nutrition, and then the patient will not be in any danger. If your joints hurt, you are allowed to drink a cup of coffee, but the important thing is that it must contain caffeine, otherwise such a drink will aggravate the situation. And also do gymnastics and sports. This will double the effect of preventive measures. You need to drink brewed coffee and it is best without milk or other fillers. Such actions will help not hurt your joints and avoid their diseases.

Author: Alena Rogozinskaya

Joints are involved in any human movement and help us bend and extend parts of the body. Minerals, macro- and microelements, vitamins and other components that you get from food and drinks have a direct impact on the health and functionality of your joints. Recently, scientists have become interested in the relationship between arthritis and drinking large amounts of coffee, but so far the research data is contradictory. Let's try to understand the main aspects of the effect of coffee on joints and find out whether you should drink it.

Does coffee affect our health?

In addition to the content of alkaloids responsible for the tonic effect and the protein/fats/carbohydrates formula, the finished drink has a rich chemical composition. It is a source of minerals, mainly potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. A carrier of a number of vitamins, the main ones of which are PP (nicotinic acid), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin). Inorganic elements ensure the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, regulate cardiac activity, and increase energy. Vitamins participate in the processes of biological synthesis of useful substances and improve protein-carbohydrate metabolism.

Does coffee affect our health and our joints? Instead of an answer, there are two opposite examples:

  1. One cup contains 20% of the body's daily requirement for vitamin PP. Its deficiency is the cause of a serious disease - pellagra.
  2. 100 ml serving inhibits the absorption of calcium for two hours. The leaching of this substance from bones can provoke the development of osteoporosis.

Whether the effect of consuming “liquid gold” will be beneficial or negative depends directly on three factors. Individual characteristics of a person, current state of health, amount of alcohol consumed daily.

The usual picture of the effect of a coffee product on us is as follows: invigorates, improves appetite, elevates mood, increases performance.

Estimates of the amount of “psychostimulant with vasoconstrictor properties” it contains:

  • A caffeine dose of 300 mg/ day is safe for healthy people weighing 70 kg.
  • Regular daily intake of 1000 mg of pure caffeine is addictive.
  • 10 100 cups drunk per day .

Doctors are unanimous: for most people, a daily dose of 2-3 cups of caffeine-containing liquids is acceptable. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the exposure time of the energy drink - up to 5 hours. Diuretic effect and increase in blood pressure by 10-15 mmHg. In the absence of negative symptoms (excessive agitation, rapid heartbeat, insomnia), the dose may be increased to 5 servings per day. Signs of an overdose include irritability, hyperactivity, and anxiety. And also, sharp declines in mood, reluctance to work.

Can coffee affect joint health?

Caffeine itself does not cause joint disease. Arthritis, that is, inflammation, occurs for various reasons, more often due to injury or lack of special substances, vitamins and minerals, due to the absence of which the condition of the connective tissue worsens. That is, if a person gets all the necessary nutrients, does gymnastics and warms up or stretches the body, and also drinks coffee, he is unlikely to have arthritis.

Another thing is that most “coffeeholics” are people with sedentary jobs, often experiencing stress, spending a lot of time at the computer, moving little, and often smoking. That is, their body, in principle, does not have enough minerals and trace elements to maintain healthy joints. And in this case, caffeine can be both a concomitant factor and a catalyst that accelerates the development of the disease.

Coffee does not cause arthritis in a healthy person, but it can trigger or worsen symptoms.

Why does coffee cause joint pain?

Here are some ways that caffeine can cause joint pain:

Nerve irritation

The nerves that run from the kidneys to the spine can become irritated and inflamed by the toxins in caffeine, especially in the thoracic vertebrae or upper spine. The iliacus muscle group may also be affected. Because these muscles stabilize the hips and lower back, the joints can become susceptible to stiffness and pain.

Insomnia and other side effects

Treating fatigue with caffeine can sometimes cause unwanted side effects that can increase muscle and joint stiffness. For example, insomnia or trouble getting enough deep sleep each night can aggravate existing problems, causing pain that is especially felt immediately after waking up and getting up.

Increased inflammation

Caffeine present in coffee increases the production of stress hormones. As a result of this additional stress, insulin levels increase, which can also increase inflammation and worsen discomfort.

Abruptly giving up your favorite drink will not relieve these symptoms in a few days. The problem is not only caffeine, which, by the way, is even found in tea, chocolate, energy drinks or cola.

Research by scientists

The effect of coffee on joints is a controversial issue. Private studies were carried out over quite a long period of time, but the results turned out to be somewhat confusing, and scientists and doctors have not yet come to a common conclusion.

  • A study conducted by American scientists demonstrated that patients who drank up to four cups of coffee daily were more likely to see doctors with developing rheumatoid arthritis. Subjects who drank at least three cups of their favorite espresso had a lower risk of illness. These findings suggest that coffee may stop or slow the progression of arthritis.
  • A second study, from Finnish scientists, found that those who consumed four or more cups of their favorite drink daily were twice as likely to report joint pain as those who drank less.

Doctors call a dose of 300 mg of caffeine per day safe for most people. This volume is not harmful and usually does not provoke the development of inflammation.

Coffee and severe joint pain

Severe pain usually occurs when a person is actively working, physically or mentally. In this case, adenosine is more actively synthesized, a neurotransmitter that makes us feel tired, wants to rest, sleep, and also processes pain signals. Caffeine replaces adenosine in the neuromodulatory system, and, consequently, the pain becomes quieter or disappears altogether, depending on the person’s reaction to caffeine. These results have reassured many people, but scientists have not yet been able to confirm them with the help of global studies, which means we cannot definitely advise drinking an Americano for pain, but it’s still worth a try. Perhaps your favorite drink will make you feel better.

Coffee for gout

Gouty arthritis (gout) is the deposition of uric acid salts and urate particles in the joints. Due to metabolic disorders, the kidneys are not able to remove them from the body. It has long been believed that every cup of coffee you drink helps create harmful crystallized “building blocks.” Along with smoked meats, marinades and chocolate, the drink was considered a provocateur of inflammation and was categorically excluded from the diet of those suffering from this disease.

The conclusion that coffee for gout fights the main culprit of metabolic disorders, uric acid, was made based on the results of two long-term experiments:

  • For twelve years, starting in 2007 , scientists monitored the health and eating habits of 48 thousand European men. The risk of developing sore joints was 40% lower in those who consumed the drink up to five times a day.
  • Over the course of twenty-six years, 90 thousand nurses from different hospitals in America were examined. Compared to others, caffeine-drinking women (from four cups daily) suffered 57% less from gout.

Material on the topic: Harm of coffee to the stomach

The coffee drink improved metabolism and helped remove two interrelated gout provocateurs from the blood - uric acid and insulin. The hero of the occasion was not caffeine, but another component - chlorogenic acid. Being a powerful antioxidant, it suppresses the synthesis of uric acid salts. The assumption was confirmed by test results. Consuming the decaffeinated drink also reduced the risk of developing gout.

Opinion of specialists and nutritionists

Experts' opinion. If you have painful joints or gout, you can drink a coffee product. It helps heal the disease regardless of the caffeine content.

Nutritionist clarification. “You can drink, but be careful.” If you do this spontaneously, without controlling the strength and time of consumption, in a volume of more than 300 ml / day, then problems may arise.

The cause of the problems is C8H10N4O2. The alkaloid has a structure similar to allopurinol, which is used to prevent gout attacks. Starting to take the drug is often accompanied by an exacerbation due to the active excretion of uric acid. Same with coffee for gout. If you drink irregularly, in large quantities, you can suffer from sudden jumps in the level of uric acid in the blood. The intake of the alkaloid from food should be dosed and uniform.

This position is supported by representatives of Russian science. According to Doctor of the Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.G. Barskova, in case of disturbances in uric acid metabolism, coffee helps normalize metabolism. This is subject to moderate and controlled consumption.

Related material: Drinking coffee with salt

Effect of coffee on bones

A 2002 review of 32 observational studies found no overall negative effect of caffeine on bone health. Potentially negative effects on bone mineral density have been reported primarily in people with insufficient calcium intake or very high coffee consumption (more than 9 cups per day).

In fact, there is no evidence that caffeine has any harmful effects on bone or calcium health in subjects who consume the recommended daily amount of calcium. Caffeine consumption may be associated with a modest decrease in bone mineral density, but this does not significantly increase the risk of osteoporosis or the fractures commonly associated with osteoporosis.

Alkaloid susceptibility

The perception of food is influenced by organoleptics and taste habits. Love or dislike for consuming the “drink of the gods” is predetermined by a person’s natural susceptibility to alkaloids.

We have the CYP1A2 gene. It is involved in the oxidation of compounds of exogenous origin - xenobiotics (medicines, poisons, carcinogens, pesticides). There are three types: AA, AC, SS. Carriers of the AA genotype react poorly to coffee alkaloids and can drink 3-4 servings a day without any problems. These are fast caffeine metabolizers. For people of the AC and CC types (slow metabolizers), C8H10N4O2 makes a “vivid impression”. Even one cup of weak “decaf/filter” can increase your heart rate and make your blood pressure go through the roof.

The origins of the confrontation between coffee supporters and opponents lie in genetics.


  1. Drinking coffee does not cause joint diseases if a person eats properly and is physically active.
  2. Caffeine can worsen arthritic pain if you have health problems or the body is under stress.
  3. Research on the effect of coffee on joints is contradictory, and doctors have not yet come to a common decision.
  4. A cup of coffee can reduce pain.
  5. Most studies have not found any significant effects of caffeine on bone density.

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