How to straighten your spine at home?

A large number of people at different ages begin to think about how to correct their posture and straighten their back in order to avoid worsening the situation. In an adult, this question comes up especially often, since with age the spine begins to deform due to a sedentary lifestyle, irregular nutrition and physical activity.

In adolescents, the formation of incorrect posture is associated with the active growth of the musculoskeletal system. In this case, the muscle corset does not keep pace with the growth of bones, which is why a weak connecting apparatus is formed. In childhood, it is much easier to straighten the spine, since the incompletely formed skeletal system can be easily corrected.

Main types and causes of spinal curvature

Normally, the spine has a certain S-shaped curve , otherwise a person simply could not move normally. At the same time, there are a number of factors due to which the bending value may deviate from the norm.

If the spine curves backwards, we are talking about kyphosis, if forwards - lordosis, to the side - scoliosis . They can also be combined. For example, if the pole is simultaneously bent backwards and sideways.

Pay attention to what types of spinal curvature there are

Lordosis and kyphosis can sometimes be considered a variant of the norm, but scoliosis is a pathology in any case.

Curvatures can be congenital or acquired. There are various reasons that can lead to pathology, and in accordance with the provoking factors, disorders are divided into structural and non-structural.

  • Structural . Curvature of individual vertebrae or the spine as a whole is suspected. They may be caused by genetic predisposition and anomalies, pathologies of the central nervous system, disorders of internal metabolic processes, tumors, and certain diseases (such as syphilis and tuberculosis), which affect the spine. In older patients, degenerative-dystrophic disorders are possible, which are formed due to hernias and other diseases.
  • Non-structural . Initially, there are no changes in the spine. The curvature is secondary and develops due to other disorders. Such problems can be the result of injuries, congenital anomalies, diseases of internal organs, due to which you need to stay in a particular position for a long time, scarring of soft tissues, muscle inflammation.

In children, a common cause of curvature is too rapid growth due to insufficient development of the spinal muscles, as well as incorrect posture.

General information

“Scoliosis” translated from Greek means “curvature” and is a lateral deviation of the spinal column from the vertical axis. Deformation occurs in three planes at once and can be congenital, acquired and post-traumatic. The disease is first diagnosed mainly in children and only progresses over time. The situation worsens most quickly during puberty, that is, scoliosis is a growing disease.

Fact! Every third schoolchild suffers from spinal curvature.

In young children, the spine consists mainly of cartilaginous structures. As they grow older, they ossify and the vertebrae become stronger. It is this process that makes the child’s “axis of life” vulnerable to various deformations. It takes place in 3 stages:

  • 0–8 years – vertebral bodies become ossified;
  • 8–14 years – the cartilages of the arches, spinous processes and facet joints turn into bones;
  • 15–17 years – complete ossification of the vertebrae, which finally fuse into a solid bone.

Signs of spinal curvature and diagnostic features

There are a number of characteristic features by which disorders can be diagnosed.

These include the following:

  • Increased back fatigue;
  • Asymmetry of the shoulders, pelvis, shoulder blades, elbows;
  • Disorders of internal organs;
  • Irregular structure of the chest;
  • Incorrect gait;

Back pain and discomfort when sitting for long periods of time are also possible Some patients experience headaches, increased fatigue, and blurred vision, which is a consequence of poor circulation.

To take the right measures, you need competent diagnosis. The patient can determine the curve of the spine himself, focusing on his feelings and external signs, but only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Try to stand straight in front of the mirror, straighten your shoulders and see if they are the same, or some are higher, and some are lower . At the same height, there is no curvature, but with pronounced asymmetry, we are most likely talking about scoliosis. Often, a person usually carries a bag on the lower shoulder.

Regardless of the location of the spinal curvature, the symptoms will always be the same

You should also stand sideways in front of the mirror and see if there is a “hump” behind you. If present, kyphosis is diagnosed. Lordosis is more difficult to determine; an x-ray is needed. Typically, patients with this diagnosis have a sunken chest, protruding abdomen and head. The musculoskeletal system does not function properly. If you notice the first violations, get examined immediately.

General tips for straightening the spine

In order not to aggravate the situation and have a beneficial effect on the spine, adhere to the following general recommendations:

  1. It is recommended to sleep on a semi-hard mattress and a low pillow. You can use special orthopedic ones. You should avoid lying on your stomach.
  2. While sitting, try to keep your back vertical. It is worth choosing a comfortable chair with armrests. While sitting, try to keep your legs at right angles so that they are stable on the floor and do not catch on the legs of the chair. When working at a computer, try to choose the right posture and avoid straining your muscles. You should always control the position of your back - at home, at work, on the street.
  3. Proper nutrition is very important. Its most important components are proteins, calcium, vitamins and minerals. The importance of vitamin A and vitamin D, which are necessary for the normal absorption of calcium. If you cannot get all the necessary substances from your diet, you should additionally take vitamin and mineral complexes.
  4. Try to walk more often - this helps improve blood supply to the spine.
  5. Women should not wear high heels often. This leads to instability and a shift in the center of gravity of the body.

Exercises to straighten the spine at home

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Next fact

Exercises help return the spine to its correct position. They can be performed at home, but they must be prescribed by a doctor. Let's look at what their benefits are and when they will be effective.

Exercises are necessary for patients with various types of abnormalities in the spine.

Exercise therapy is indicated for such pathologies:

  • Severe curvature;
  • Change in posture;
  • Scoliosis in the initial stages;
  • Weakened back muscles;
  • Staying in the wrong position for a long time.
  • Inactive lifestyle.

For various curvatures, exercises should be prescribed by a specialist. They may be a component of other types of therapy. They are prescribed for the first stage of scoliosis - in this case they can quickly return the spine to the correct position. Their constant implementation helps to quickly straighten the spine and prevent relapses. Physical therapy is indicated for children who often suffer from poor posture .

The benefit of gymnastics is that it helps strengthen the muscular frame of the back . When there is a curvature, there are no correct loads on some of the muscles. To enhance the work of atrophied parts and relieve tension from muscles that are heavily exposed to it.

The exercises are also aimed at relieving stress on the intervertebral discs. When the vertebrae are severely displaced, the pressure on them increases. The disc and nerve roots are compressed. Curvature is often accompanied by pain. Exercise helps minimize these unpleasant symptoms. Spinal traction relieves excessive pressure from the discs, restores metabolic processes and causes the pain to gradually recede.

The following exercises can be used at home::

  • Exercise from the wall . Take a standing position and alternately press on a vertical fixed support (wall or cabinet) with your hands. The exercise helps tone the muscles on the supporting side. Each move should take three seconds, rest - a second. Repeat up to ten times. Do at least five approaches.
  • Exercise on the floor . While lying on your side, extend your arm forward and bend your lower leg. Then bend your torso forward and take your upper straight leg back. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, you can attach the load to your straight leg. Repeat five times.
  • Exercise lying on your stomach . You need to lie on your stomach, face down, with your arms extended forward. Arch your back until you feel a slight contraction in your muscles. Lower yourself down, touching your chest to the floor.

Exercises to maintain correct posture

Exercises for straightening the spine according to the method of Vitaly Gitt , a famous chiropractor, have also proven themselves to be effective

Exercises using this technique can be as follows::

  1. Lie down on the mat, place a towel folded into a roller, a book or a pillow a few centimeters thick under your shoulder blades so that your back bends slightly forward. Take a load in your hands (up to 2 kg for men, 0.5 kg for women and children). Swing your arms up and down. Your arms should be slightly tense and straight. Maintain maximum range of movement. It is recommended to do 300 repetitions per day. An additional benefit of the exercise is that it helps strengthen your chest muscles.
  2. Lie on your stomach, place a book 3-5 cm thick in front of you, place your palms on it, folded one on top of the other, with your chin on top. Try to relax as much as possible and spread your elbows. Stay in this position for 5-10 minutes. This will make it possible to normalize the position of the head. It is recommended to stay in this position for half an hour a day.
  3. Stand up, clasp your hands behind your back. Tighten them by bringing your elbows closer together. Move your shoulders and head back, bend your chest (but not your stomach) forward. Fix in this position for 1-2 seconds, then relax, clasp your hands and pull your stomach in slightly. Repeat twice every hour.

Another method that has proven itself well is the method of Dr. Bubnovsky , which is known as kinesitherapy. It involves the use of special exercise equipment, but there are also options for home exercises. If you live in a metropolis and cannot find time for home exercises, it is recommended to consult with a kinesiotherapist.

Video: “Special exercises for spinal alignment”

Contraindications for massage

Intensive warm-up of the spine does not always bring benefits: in some cases, massage leads to exacerbations of diseases, microtraumas, vertebral displacements and other negative phenomena. Contraindications to massage are:

  • acute inflammatory processes in the body;
  • liver and kidney problems;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • heart failure;
  • neuralgic disorders;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • skin diseases;
  • high pressure.

High blood pressure is a contraindication to massage

Massage is not temporarily prescribed for people who have suffered a stroke, heart attack, or surgery. After recovery, a certain time must pass until the body is fully restored. Therapeutic massage is also contraindicated during pregnancy and the postpartum period. In any case, a doctor should prescribe a course of procedures, and only based on the results of the examination.

During pregnancy, therapeutic massage is not indicated

Rules for performing exercises

In order for the exercises to give maximum results, stick to the process of execution.

It is worth adhering to some rules for performing exercises so as not to aggravate the problem. The following general recommendations:

  • During the execution, it is important to control your posture.
  • Try to breathe correctly.
  • Perform approaches slowly, without sudden movements.
  • If you feel severe pain in the problem area during training, stop exercising.
  • It is recommended to start gymnastics by doing stretching, which should be given for at least 10-15 minutes.
  • Don't be lazy - do the exercises regularly, only then will they give the right results.

Video: “Exercises for correct posture”

Scoliosis 1st degree in children: treatment

The most severe scoliosis can begin with one degree. Therefore, it is very important to be under the supervision of a doctor to prevent the situation from worsening, and to regularly undergo recommended procedures. The modern approach to the problem is complexity. The main methods for correcting curvature are:

  • therapeutic exercises that are selected individually;
  • massage using gentle manual techniques;
  • physiotherapy – electromyostimulation, electrophoresis;
  • swimming in the pool, classes with an instructor.

If these methods are insufficiently effective, therapy is supplemented by wearing a corset. Doctors call Chenault's models the most effective. During manual massage sessions, the specialist works not only on the back. The front part of the body – the chest and abdomen – is also massaged.

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