Massage for coxarthrosis of the hip joint: rules of implementation, contraindications, self-massage

The hip joint, due to its location and functional load, is probably most often susceptible to various types of damage and diseases. Coxarthrosis of the hip joint is often diagnosed in people of different ages. Naturally, such a disease needs to be treated. And this can be done not only with the help of medications and gymnastics. Massage for coxarthrosis can work wonders.

Features of therapy depending on the degree of development of the disease

If the patient is diagnosed with gonarthrosis or coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the first or second degree, then massage can be performed only after the course of anti-inflammatory and vascular-strengthening drugs has been completed. A good addition to manual therapy in this case is a swimming pool.

The third and fourth degrees of development of hip joint pathology are characterized by the fact that in this case surgical intervention is required. After it, you can also do a massage, however, not immediately. You need to wait until the specialists remove the stitches and allow minimal stress.

What are the benefits of massage

Manual therapy is recommended for diseases of the hip joint, as it has many advantages:

  • it makes it possible to restore the functionality of synovial fluid in coxarthrosis;
  • metabolism and blood circulation improve;
  • delivery of nutrients to joint tissue is accelerated;
  • it is possible to quickly restore the integrity of hyaline cartilage;
  • the muscles and ligaments are strengthened, ensuring smooth functioning of the hip joint;

  • Coxarthrosis causes the joint muscles to tighten. Massage helps eliminate spasm;
  • Thanks to manual therapy, it is possible to improve the mobility and functioning of the joint.

Before starting a massage course, you should definitely consult with your doctor, as it is not always equally beneficial.


A traumatologist-orthopedist or rheumatologist can make the correct diagnosis. At the first appointment, the patient is examined, the degree of joint mobility, the severity of the pain syndrome are determined, and they are asked about the time and nature of the initial manifestations of the disease.

After this, a set of examinations is prescribed:

  • X-ray of the hip joint. The gold standard in the diagnosis of hip joint pathologies. The picture clearly shows the condition of the joint space and the presence of osteophytes.
  • Ultrasound of the joint. The procedure is prescribed to assess the volume and nature of synovial fluid.
  • General blood test. The data shows the patient's health status.
  • Biochemical blood test. Patients with suspected arthrosis of the hip joint are tested for markers of rheumatological diseases.
  • General urine analysis. Important indicators are the level of protein, bilirubin, glucose, as well as the density and transparency of the material.
  • CT or MRI. The pictures show in detail the condition of bone tissue, joints, and adjacent structures.
  • Osteoscintigraphy. The patient is administered an osteotropic pharmaceutical drug that acts as a contrast agent. The study determines the intensity of metabolic processes (osteoporosis) in the diseased area and evaluates the state of blood flow.

Contraindications for use

Massage for coxarthrosis cannot be performed if the patient:

  1. There is bleeding of any etymology.
  2. The temperature is greatly increased, up to a feverish state.
  3. There are blood clots in the vessels.
  4. The lymph nodes are inflamed and painful.
  5. Heart failure developed.
  6. Diagnosed with syphilis, cancer, gangrene of any type.

Women should not massage the hip joint if they have started menstruation. You should also not carry out the procedure if the patient is undergoing treatment that involves the use of narcotic painkillers.

You should not massage the hip joint during menstruation.

Symptoms of pathology

The most characteristic sign of hip arthrosis is pain. The severity of the symptom depends on the stage of development of the pathology. At the initial stage, a person feels only discomfort and stiffness in movements. As the joint deteriorates, chronic pain appears and increases over time. The quality of life decreases.

Depending on the severity of symptoms, there are 3 degrees of the disease:

  • First (initial) degree. The disease practically does not manifest itself. The symptoms of arthrosis of the hip joint of the first degree are rarely paid attention, especially by young patients. The discomfort is attributed to fatigue, and they try to treat periodic pain on their own with pharmaceutical ointments. The range of motion in the joint is maintained. The pain may also go away without treatment after a short rest. On an x-ray, an experienced doctor will detect a slight narrowing of the joint space. The initial stage of the disease responds well to conservative treatment.
  • Second degree. The pain intensifies and occurs after physical activity or during weather changes. At the end of the working day, the discomfort becomes pronounced and limits movement in the joint. When walking for a long time, the patient develops a characteristic “duck” gait with swaying from side to side. The second degree of arthrosis of the hip joint makes it difficult to perform simple actions: putting on socks, shoes, moving the leg to the side. After sitting for a long time, it is difficult for the patient to get up and take the first few steps. Then, already during movement, the discomfort disappears. In the absence of treatment, osteoarthritis develops: possible shortening of the leg on the side of the pathology, partial muscle atrophy. The x-ray clearly shows a narrowing of the joint space, the formation of osteophytes, and tissue death of the head of the femur and ilium. On MRI you can see cartilage degeneration. Fragments of the destroyed joint are visualized in the joint cavity. The patient requires conservative and minimally invasive treatment that will slow down degenerative processes.
  • Third degree. Deforming arthrosis practically immobilizes the limb, and the person becomes disabled. The pain is constant and does not depend on physical activity. The patient sleeps poorly, becomes irritable, and often experiences depression. In most cases, shortening of the leg is observed, but in every 10th patient the limb lengthens. Joint ankylosis develops and lameness develops. X-rays show a complete absence of cartilage, destruction of the femoral head, and the formation of large osteophytes. For patients with grade 3 arthrosis, surgical intervention is indicated.

Session rules

Massage for coxarthrosis of the hip joint must be done following certain rules. It is advisable that the session be conducted by an experienced specialist. You can also use self-massage, but to do this you need to know exactly how the techniques are performed. For example, you can ask a chiropractor to show you how to perform the movements or watch a video.

Regardless of the degree of development of coxarthrosis of the hip joint, massage must be done carefully. Movements should be smooth and easy. Under no circumstances should they cause pain or discomfort to the patient. Before you begin massaging the hip joint itself, the patient must be prepared and relaxed. He should lie on his stomach, back or side. The procedure should be done three times a day. The time of one session does not exceed 10 minutes. Massage for coxarthrosis of the hip joint begins and ends with light stroking.

It includes the following steps:

  1. Back massage. To do this, use the technique of stroking and linear rubbing (up and down from the shoulder blades to the sacrum).
  2. Treatment of the lower back.
  3. Lumbar massage. Here you need to rub along the spine.
  4. Stroking and pressing movements in the area of ​​the sacrum and buttocks.
  5. At this stage, the therapist makes quick pressing movements and stroking the thigh.
  6. Only after completing the previous procedures can you begin to rub the affected joint.

Coxarthrosis is a progressive disease that is accompanied by severe pain in the hip joint. All manual therapy techniques for coxarthrosis should be performed with minimal stress.

Is it worth going to manual therapy sessions?

Manual therapy makes sense and is justified in the early, non-advanced stages of arthrosis if:

  • you have an experienced, qualified specialist (in practice, only one out of five chiropractors actually helps a patient with such a diagnosis);
  • you are ready to complete the full course and will not stop halfway;
  • your stage of arthrosis still allows you to reduce pain using physiotherapeutic methods.

Many people rightly do not trust chiropractors: not all of them are professionals

These methods are used by chiropractors during sessions with patients with coxarthrosis:

Features of self-massage

In this case, almost all massage techniques are used: rubbing, stroking, patting, tapping, kneading the joint. But all movements must be extremely careful. Each of these techniques must be performed no more than 3 times. If the massage is performed in the back area, then movements should begin from the center and lead to the periphery. As for the hip, the movements here are directed towards the groin.

During the session, you must try to avoid the lymph nodes - they cannot be massaged. It is also worth holding off on manual therapy if there is inflammation or suppuration on the skin.

The duration of self-massage for coxarthrosis should not exceed 10 minutes. Procedures must be done 3 times daily. The course of therapy lasts 3 weeks. Then the body must rest - the patient must take a break for the same amount of time.

There are the following exercises for self-massage:

  1. When standing or sitting, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Now you can bend back and start stroking your back and lower back. The thumbs are facing the spine. Rubbing and tapping are performed in the same area. The movements are first linear and then circular. Tapping is performed in the lumbar and sacrum areas.
  2. Press on the painful points of the sacrum with two or three fingers. At first the pressure should not be strong. Its intensity increases as the joint is kneaded.
  3. Now you can start massaging your buttocks. Stroking, rubbing and kneading are also performed here. These techniques are done in a standing position. The emphasis is transferred to the healthy limb. The affected leg should be slightly bent at the knee. You need to stroke the buttocks from the hip to the sacrum. You need to rub in an up and down direction. Kneading is done over the entire area of ​​the buttocks. Lastly, tapping and pressing are applied to the main pain points in this area.
  4. Massaging the thigh and knee. It is best to do everything while sitting, with the affected leg straightened and placed on a pillow. In this case, too, everything begins with stroking, continues with rubbing, kneading and ends with tapping with the use of pain points.

We recommend reading: Exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint.

Shoulder massage technique

Massage for arthrosis of the shoulder joint is easiest to perform while sitting, in the case of self-massage and with a massage therapist. But self-massage may not always be appropriate; if movements in the shoulder joint are difficult, then out of ignorance you can only harm yourself. The procedure itself consists of several manipulations:

  1. The massage begins with stroking and gentle pressure, first in the deltoid muscle area, followed by rubbing the joint area.
  2. With your own palm, if self-massage is performed, or with the palm of a massage therapist, lightly massage the area above the head of the humerus.
  3. Next, the front part of the joint is massaged, using circular movements the area from the top of the joint to the armpit is smoothed.
  4. The back area of ​​the shoulder joint is massaged with the thumb, while the remaining fingers rest on the patient’s shoulder; this manipulation is difficult with self-massage.
  5. Lastly, the lower surface of the shoulder joint is processed using sliding movements from the armpit to the top.

The procedure for self-massage or actions by a massage therapist should not be too painful, but the pressure of the fingers should be felt.

Yoga and coxarthrosis

This technique is most often used to prevent coxarthrosis. Yoga is useful for osteochondrosis. It improves a person’s psychological state and overall well-being. You can conduct classes yourself by first watching a training video. However, it is better to seek help from an experienced instructor.

He will select the necessary set of exercises and adjust the physical load on the hip joint. It is necessary to take short breaks between exercises. In yoga, you also need to learn how to breathe correctly. Therefore, specialist instruction is mandatory. That's all the features of TBS massage. Be healthy!

Treatment of the disease

Drug therapy

Medicines help relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and swelling of the joint. The doctor may prescribe:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Drugs are used to relieve symptoms.
  • Glucocorticoids. Medicines are prescribed when there is no effect from taking NSAIDs. Glucocorticoids have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Chondroprotectors. The drugs restore cartilage tissue and promote the production of synovial fluid. A course of taking chondroprotectors significantly slows down the progression of the disease and partially restores joint function.
  • Hyaluronic acid (“liquid prosthesis”). Medicines are injected directly into the joint cavity. Hyaluronic acid functions as synovial fluid, reduces friction between bone surfaces, and facilitates limb movement.
  • Muscle relaxants. The action of the drugs is based on relieving muscle spasms. Pain is reduced and blood flow is normalized.


It is recommended to perform exercises for arthrosis of the hip joint regularly - gymnastics will help maintain leg mobility for as long as possible.

Exercise therapy courses with a specialist are most effective. The doctor selects a set of exercises individually. Under the supervision of a specialist, patients learn to perform movements correctly and distribute the load. In the future, it will be easier to do gymnastics for arthrosis of the hip joint at home.


There are many procedures that, as part of complex treatment, help to significantly improve the patient’s condition:

  • Electrophoresis. Using small currents, a high concentration of the drug is created directly in the pathological area.
  • Phonophoresis. The method is also aimed at the active penetration of the drug into the joint, but with the help of sound waves.
  • Shock wave therapy. Acoustic impulses are applied to the diseased joint. The effect of deep massage is achieved with the removal of salt deposits.


Surgery is indicated when the disease progresses. Osteoarthritis of the hip joint grade 3 in most cases can only be treated surgically; medications do not help restore mobility in the damaged joint.

In modern medicine, the method of endoprosthetics is actively used. During the operation, the surgeon completely or partially replaces the destroyed joint with an artificial implant. The mobility of the musculoskeletal joint is restored. After a course of rehabilitation, the patient’s quality of life improves, the ability to move independently returns, and pain goes away.

General recommendations

The key to successful treatment is careful adherence to general rules and recommendations. The patient should avoid strenuous physical activity. The affected joint should be kept at rest as much as possible. During sleep, it is better to turn to the healthy side so as not to inhibit blood flow at the site of arthrosis.

Exercises for the initial stages of coxarthrosis

If the damage to the hip joint is not yet very significant, then the following set of exercises for coxarthrosis .

  1. Lying on your back, bend your leg as much as possible at the knee joint, then extend it.
  2. Lying on your back, clasp your leg under the knee with both hands and pull it as close to your stomach as possible, press the other extended leg to the floor.
  3. Lying on your back, bend your leg and hold your leg in this position with your opposite hand.
  4. Lying on your back, bend your knees, keeping your soles flat on the floor. Tighten your buttocks and lift your pelvis as high as possible.
  5. Lying on your stomach, bend your knee at a right angle and lift it off the floor.
  6. Lying on your side, lean on your elbow and palm of your opposite hand. Raise your extended leg up, the sole should be at a right angle to the shin. If the exercise is easy, you can use an elastic band tied around the ankle or a 1-2 kg weight.
  7. Sitting on a chair with your feet firmly pressed to the floor, bring your knees and feet together and turn your heels outward as much as possible.
  8. Sitting on a chair with your feet firmly pressed to the floor, hold a ball or pillow between your knees and squeeze.
  9. Lie on your stomach for a while with your legs extended.

Start by performing each movement 3 to 5 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 10. Pay special attention to the exercise that causes you the most difficulty. Hold the final pose for a couple of seconds. Relax between exercises. The exercises may be accompanied by mild (but not severe) pain.

During exercises, do not hold your breath, breathe freely.

Attention! If you experience noticeable pain when performing exercises, this complex should not be used! In more severe cases of coxarthrosis, the following set of exercises is recommended.

Clinical manifestation of coxarthrosis of the hip joint

The hip joint can easily develop arthritis, which under certain conditions can lead to damage to the articular cartilage. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which causes pain in the hip joint. Rheumatoid and post-traumatic arthritis are also one of the main causes of coxalgia. Moreover, vascular necrosis of the hip joint occurs systematically. Most cases of osteoarthritis and vascular necrosis cause localized pain in the joints and buttock area.

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