Therapeutic exercise for coxarthrosis of the hip joint

Gymnastics for coxarthrosis of the hip joint

Joints are a structure of the human body that is very fragile, and if certain rules are not followed or specific predispositions are present, they can be subject to various injuries or diseases. Of course, in our youth, when the body is able to intensively heal itself, few of us think about this. However, not everyone retains this natural recovery as they get older, and then the pain, discomfort and limited mobility that joint diseases bring with them make themselves felt. Especially often today the older (and often young) population suffers from coxarthrosis of the hip joint. Fortunately, this disease can almost always be cured with conservative methods. These include the use of specific medications, injections and exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint. Let's learn together how to perform this gymnastics correctly in order to cure the disease.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint: why does the disease occur?

In order to understand how to heal sore joints with gymnastics, it is necessary to understand what a disease such as coarthrosis actually is.

So, let's imagine our hip joint. Outwardly, it very much resembles a hinge that fastens the leg and pelvis, like the dolls we played with in childhood. The surface of this formation is covered with cartilage tissue.

Inside our hip joint is a biological fluid that performs the same role as oil for a car engine. In other words, it lubricates the cartilage tissue, and it is not damaged during movement.

Coxarthrosis occurs when, under the influence of any external factors or internal pathologies of the body, this fluid changes its composition and, as a result, decreases in volume.

Typically, this process is observed with age, however, quite often a decrease in fluid can occur:

  • subsequently getting injured;
  • due to the development of infection;
  • under the influence of diseases of various etiologies.

As soon as the lubricating fluid leaves, the following negative effects develop:

  • the joint begins to constantly feel friction;
  • the cartilage becomes thinner;
  • deformation of our biological “hinge” occurs.

All these changes at the level of a person’s sensations result in severe discomfort, forcing him to redistribute the load, trying to relieve tension in the joint. However, such transfer of tension, of course, does not have any therapeutic effect. As a result, the muscular frame of the sore leg weakens, gradually leading to tissue atrophy and an increase in the intensity of the pain syndrome.

It is possible to recover from coxarthrosis in the following two ways:

  • using conservative therapy;
  • surgically.

Of course, in the very later stages, when a joint needs to be replaced with an artificial part, medications will not help in any way, but during the development of the disease, they can be used to:

  • slow down the progression of the disease;
  • relieve pain;
  • remove muscle spasm;
  • cure inflammation, etc.

However, even in the early stages it is necessary:

  • develop a joint;
  • maintain normal muscle function.

This can be done only by giving the body sufficient physical activity, specifically aimed at the affected area.

Specifically for this task, doctors invented therapeutic physical culture, which includes various complexes aimed at curing a particular disease.

Exercises for severe coxarthrosis

In severe stages of the disease, it is also necessary to perform the following exercises:

  • lying on your stomach, arms are extended along the body or placed under the head. A low cushion is placed under the ankle. In the most relaxed state, do several rolls on your stomach, slightly swaying your hips to the sides. If pain occurs, reduce range of motion. The exercise must be repeated for 10 minutes, at least three times a day, before meals. Weakened patients are recommended to start with 3-5 minutes, no more than twice a day. After strengthening the condition, bring the implementation to the recommended volume;
  • place a cushion under your knees. Lying on your stomach, turn your outstretched legs outward and inward, in turn. The range of movements should not be more than 10 cm;

  • Place your foot in a fabric loop suspended at a height of 25 cm above the bed. The loop should intercept the middle of the shin. Bend your leg at the knee joint with a small amplitude, swing your relaxed leg to the sides. The exercise can be done by weakened patients who are unable to sit, get out of bed, or perform gymnastics on the floor;
  • sitting on a chair, spread your knees shoulder-width apart, place your feet firmly on the floor. The knees in a relaxed position begin to smoothly bring and spread, with a small range of movements;
  • stand with your healthy leg on a slight elevation. Dangle the leg affected by coxarthrosis down, swinging it back and forth and to the sides. The exercise is performed with hand support, up to 10 minutes, two to three times a day. Normally there should be no pain.

Features of exercise therapy used to treat coxarthrosis of the hip joint

It is almost impossible to cure coxarthrosis, even by 100% carefully following the recommendations of the attending physician. This process is very complex and lengthy, and only your efforts can ensure its effective completion.

The more correctly and carefully you begin to perform therapeutic gymnastics exercises, the faster our biological “hinge” will stop fusing together, and mobility will gradually be restored.

Next, we will consider a list of rules that must be followed when performing this therapeutic physical exercise if you want to overcome your illness.

Rule 1. Do not make sudden movements

Regular sports require a certain amount of energy, however, in the case of physical therapy for coxarthrosis, things are a little different. You cannot perform a set of therapeutic exercises excessively:

  • actively;
  • sharp;
  • for a long time.

Remember, we only want to develop the affected joint and strengthen the muscles, and in order not to harm the body, this must be done as smoothly and at a slow pace as possible.

Rule 2. Massage is a mandatory part of the class

It is necessary to massage the muscle tissue of the thigh area of ​​our body:

  • yes physical education;
  • after physical education.

Before you start training, get a massage and it will warm up your muscles, preventing sprains and other injuries.

After training, massage again to relax the muscle tissue and get the greatest effect from the exercise.

Please note: massage is also performed during exercise if you feel pain from doing it, and in everyday life if you are experiencing pain.

Rule 3. Refusal to load the hip joint

Refusing the load in this case does not mean that you need to stop stepping or even leaning on the sore limb. No, we are just talking about stopping for a while from doing exercises that seriously overstress our biological “hinge.” This is about:

  • sharp and deep squats;
  • excessively amplitude movements;
  • standing on a sore leg;
  • incorrect twisting, etc.

The exercises that are prescribed to you as physical therapy do not allow axial load on the affected area, which is why we recommend that you still do without amateur activities.

Rule 4. Include swimming in your sports diet

Being in the water, a person takes the load off his joints and bones, because, in fact, he is not holding on to anything.

It doesn't matter where you swim:

  • in a swimming pool;
  • sea;
  • ocean;
  • river.

The main thing is that you also move quite calmly and do not get into cold water.

By the way, a warm bath can be an alternative to an artificial or natural pond. It will not only relieve stress from the joint, but will also relax toned muscle tissue and help relieve pain in a harmless way.

In the bath you can also do light movements that stretch your muscles and develop your joints, which will also have a beneficial effect on your condition.

Rule 5. Do not force exercises

The most important rule, perhaps, which requires 100% compliance, is to voluntarily refuse exercises that cause you pain. It doesn’t matter how many specialists recommended doing this or that movement. If it brings pain, then the joint is trying to tell you in the language of sensations that it cannot withstand such torture. It turns out that in this case all your efforts will only cause harm.

Rule 6. Follow the doctor’s recommendations exactly

Each human body is individual. As a consequence, coxarthrosis in each case will also require an individual approach to treatment. That is why not the entire list of physical exercises indicated for the treatment of our illness is suitable for a particular patient.

You can perform therapeutic exercises only in the form and order in which your attending physician prescribes it.

A set of exercises for patients with the initial stage of coxarthrosis

A minor degree (first or second) of joint damage by coxarthrosis is corrected by exercises that stimulate mobility and relieve symptoms.

The movements need to be performed an average of 3-5 times, gradually increasing repetitions to 10. The final position is fixed for several seconds. Mild pain during exercise is normal. Breathing is not held during execution.

Lying on your back:

  1. Both arms are lowered and pressed to the body, legs are straightened. With inhalation, the arms rise, with exhalation, they lower. Repeat smoothly six to eight times.
  2. Both arms are lowered and pressed to the body, legs are straightened. The arms smoothly bend and extend at the elbow.
  3. Bend the knee of the affected leg, extend the leg and hold for a few seconds. The bent leg can be held with the opposite hand.
  4. Grab your leg under the knee with both hands and pull it close to your stomach. The other leg lies firmly on the floor at this time.
  5. Bend your knees and place the soles of your feet firmly on the floor. Tighten your buttock muscles and raise your pelvis as high as possible.
  6. Straighten your legs, turn them inward, then return them to their original state - do eight repetitions.
  7. Place your hands on your waist, 10-15 seconds. use your feet to imitate riding a bicycle, smoothly and slowly.

Lying on your side:

  1. Lean on the elbow and palm of the healthy side, stretch and lift the affected leg, the sole of the foot should be at a right angle to the shin.
  2. Lie on your healthy side, rest your head on your arm, bent at the elbow. Raise the leg with the sore joint, abduct it, carefully return it to its original position and relax. A total of 8 repetitions.

Lying on your stomach:

  1. Raise your leg bent at a right angle. Hold it for a while.
  2. Place your hands in front of you. Tighten your pelvic muscles for a few seconds, then relax.
  3. Place your hands on your hips and begin to lift your head and shoulders and hold them for a few seconds. Lower, after a pause of two seconds, repeat five more times.
  4. Place both hands in front of you. Raising your head and shoulders, perform three swings with both hands, similar to breaststroke swimming - 6 repetitions.

Sitting on a chair:

  1. Your feet should be pressed firmly to the floor. Connect your knees and feet with your heels turned outward.
  2. Squeeze a pillow or ball held in your knees.


  1. Stand on your healthy leg, resting your hand on a wall or the back of a chair. Make several leisurely swings with the affected leg, the amplitude of which is determined by the presence of pain.
  2. Standing in the same position, smoothly draw a circle in the air with your feet - 8 repetitions.
  3. Stand on both legs, supporting yourself with your hands on a chair. Perform a half squat and straighten up. Repeat the exercise slowly 10 times.
  4. Rise and fall from toes to heel - 10 repetitions.

In case of severe pain, the given complex is replaced with physical exercises for aggravated stages (third, fourth) of coxarthrosis.

Contraindications to therapeutic exercises

Don’t let the apparent ease and usefulness of therapeutic physical training prescribed for coxarthrosis of the hip joint deceive you. This method is a treatment and it has:

  • as indications for use;
  • as well as contraindications.

The list of contraindications is small, but it has serious implications for the health of every person. Let's look at it in more detail next.

1. The first contraindication that we will name concerns the fair half of the population of our planet. Thus, these exercises are not recommended to be performed on critical days, as they can lead to:

  • to an increase in the abundance of discharge;
  • the occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • general deterioration of health, weakness;
  • dyspeptic disorders, etc.

However, if you first discuss this issue with your doctor, and you are prescribed exercises that can be performed on critical days, this restriction can be ignored.

2. It is also strictly prohibited to engage in the exercises listed above if you suffer from high blood pressure:

  • intracranial;
  • or arterial.

In this case, performing gymnastics can lead to various crises, and even result in death or loss of ability to work for a long time.

3. Another prohibition on performing this gymnastics is the refusal of physical activity when:

  • elevated body temperature (not less than 37.5 degrees Celsius);
  • flu;
  • acute respiratory viral infection;
  • sore throat;
  • other diseases of a similar type.

If any of the indicated conditions and diseases occur in your case, it is better to hold off on exercising for a while. Put them aside for about 3-4 days, and after the specified time your body will get stronger and will again be ready to perform physical exercises.

4. If you underwent surgery less than a month ago on organs located in the chest or abdominal cavity, you must also stop exercising. Consult with both physicians regarding the start date for the next physical therapy course:

  • with a doctor monitoring your recovery after surgery;
  • with a doctor who treats coxarthrosis of the hip joint.

Doctors can even consult with each other, and only then make a specific decision. It is strictly prohibited to independently determine the date of return to classes.

5. It is also necessary to cancel classes if you suffer from a hernia:

  • belly;
  • groin area.

Until the issue of removing or curing the hernia is resolved, it will be necessary to refrain from physical activity and treat coxarthrosis only with medications, if they are also allowed.

6. Provided that you suffer from diseases of the internal organs, it is also strictly prohibited to engage in therapeutic physical exercise to cure coxarthrosis of the hip joint.

For example, avoid this load when:

  • appendicitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • damage to the heart muscle;
  • blood diseases;
  • lesions of the vascular system.

Performing exercises in the presence of organ diseases can lead to a deterioration in their functioning and the inability of them to perform specific functions. You understand that this will not improve your health.

Let's sum it up

Gymnastics performed for coxarthrosis of the hip joint is a very effective method of curing this disease. If you perform the exercises correctly, you will heal, although not quickly, but for sure. There is no need to talk about a quick cure in this situation, especially considering the fact that you will not only have to do exercises, but also receive medications, go on a diet and lead a completely different lifestyle. However, don't be discouraged. Coxarthrosis is a disease that can and should be fought, and you have every chance of victory in your hands.

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